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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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>> No.6721973

>Drinking soda

>> No.6722008

Why shouldnt I enjoy a nice soda ?
If it turns out the arificial sweeteners dont hurt me, they why would I abstain?

>> No.6722170


>> No.6722504

if you drink soda, i doubt you care about this. i drink a 24 pack of drpepper a week, and i dont give a shit if its sugar of artifical, as long as it tastes great

>> No.6722541

listen, i've told you this before.

aspartame is good drugs.

aspartame metabolizes into phenylalanine, which is a direct circulatory precursor to norepinephrine, which is what cocaine upregulates to prevent dopamine from being reabsorbed. in the case of aspartame, it effects adrenalin, seratonin, and dopamine roughly equally.

its possible, if difficult, to synthesize methamphetamine from diet coke.

my point is that diet coke actually has NEGATIVE caloric value, and that it is scientifically designed to make you feel good and energetic.

i fucking love diet coke. i can drink 12 cans a day.

(and you'd have to drink 200 cans a day every day to get neurotoxic effects from aspartame)

>> No.6722551


>Drinking soda

I'll never understand these fucking soda addicts. Fucking disgusting. I drink water, tea, coffee, wine, scotch, beer, and if I really want something sweeter I'll drink a fruit juice. You can add carbonated water to the juice and it's better than fucking soda. Fat asses.

>> No.6722552

healthy, tasty, ...

>> No.6722561

maybe i can just consume a small amount of sugar like a normal person

i think all these artificial replacements are just designed to keep making the soda companies money, they're probably the ones who started the whole "corn syrup is literally hitler" thing in the first place.

>> No.6722585 [DELETED] 


>> No.6722586


Get back to me when you have something worth reading.

>> No.6722606

Jesus fuck, someone's mad

>> No.6722625

>diet coke
>liking the taste

Well I guess you don't have anything to worry about because you seemingly already have cancer

>> No.6722629

I use aspartame packets in my coffee and tea, I drink diet root beer, I eat non fat, no sugar added, splenda sweetened ice cream, and Hershey's no sugar chocolate syrup. I avoid sugar as much as I can.

>> No.6722631

I'm going to continue drinking Pepsi Max until we stop making sodas with corn syrup, because they taste like shit. I don't give a good goddamn about health reasons; I don't drink fucking soda to be healthy.

>> No.6722634

diet coke is highly acidic. I think it is 2 ph. Diet root beer is 4 ph. Much less damaging to teeth.

>> No.6722640


>> No.6722648

Congratulations, you'll live an extra couple years of misery.

>> No.6722678

>drinks beer and calls people fat asses

>> No.6722910
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>> No.6723129

but when I drink diet soda it gives me a mild buzz.

>> No.6723224

I like to have diet soda with my meal. It makes me feel like I ate twice as much cause my belly is all bloated from the carbonation.
Works for me.

>> No.6723245

Yeah! Soda is so unhealthy! I drink alcohol!

>> No.6723281

HFCS is sugar

>> No.6723288

But Hetcho means there is no HCFS

>> No.6723299

>Drinking juice
Just as bad as soda

>> No.6723302


>> No.6723304
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And in all honesty, its better than soda but way worse than diet soda.

>> No.6723305

I don't get this whole acidic thing with sodas and juices

Do you idiots actually swish it around in your mouth or pour it on your teeth or something?

>> No.6723331

La cola es no hecho en los estados unidos

>> No.6723344

>diet coke actually has NEGATIVE caloric value
Woah! So all I have to do, if I wanted to lose weight, is drink more diet coke? Thank you based Coca-Cola Amatil (registered trade mark)!!
I guess that's why every gymnasium hands out free cans of diet coke. They're trying to trick you into thinking that the exercise is making you lose weighed so you keep come by back and giving them your shekels but the real secret is in the diet coke (registered trade mark).
Someone should expose these fraud gyms on CNN !!

>> No.6723351

But I asked what hetcho was, moran.

>> No.6723365

> high fructose corn syrup is sugar
> corn syrup is sugar
> corn is sugar
> sugar is corn

>> No.6723369

You're forgetting the part where sweet tasting shit makes you crave more sweet tasting shit, so its still not fucking healthy, you stupid shit

Not to mention artificial sweeteners DECIMATE gut flora

>> No.6723370

>I can't deal with the truth
>So I must shitpost

>> No.6723376

>makes you crave more sweet tasting shit,
been debunked

>Not to mention artificial sweeteners DECIMATE gut flora
Total bullshit.

>> No.6723491

>someone called me out on my bullshit
>so i'll call it a shitpost and hope that idiots agree
Explain the science behind your claim that corn is sugar.

How often do you add a teaspoon of corn to your black coffee, anon?

>Not to mention artificial sweeteners DECIMATE gut flora
Motherfucking truth!! Especially when combined with a sugar alcohol (any sweetener ending in 'ol').

>> No.6723498

Johnny Johnny
>yes Papa
Drinking soda
>No papa

>> No.6723503

Regardless of health, diet sodas taste like shit. If you're going to drink a soda, why choose the one that fucking sucks?

>> No.6723527

They only suck for one week.
if you choke them down for a while, soon they taste like normal soda.

>> No.6723532
File: 107 KB, 1094x360, High Fructose Capitalism Shekels.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think that fructose is to food what nicotine is to tobacco. Addictive, to make you buy more, and is killing you.

Pic unrelated to my point but still mildy relevant.
Source: www.foodsmatter.com/allergy_intolerance/fructose_intolerance/articles/fructose_good_bad_malabsorbed.html

>> No.6723535

Yeah but then everything else tastes wrong because your sense of sweetness is now off.

>> No.6723539

Why would you want to, though. It's not medicine.

>> No.6723543

Diet Coke tastes pretty good, even better than regular.

>> No.6723547
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What else are you going to drink? Water?

>> No.6723551
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Well, yeah. When I'm not drinking delicious espresso, that is.

>> No.6724361

Not true

>> No.6724392


High fructose corn syrup is bad because of how it metabolizes in the body. Regular corn syrup is ok.

Aspartame has been studied for over 20 years and has been declared safe over and over again. But, idiots keep reading "health" blogs with no actual science in them; and for some reason these days people think it's "fact" that these sweeteners are dangerous. Why?

>> No.6724412

>>trusting a news paper to deliver science
I understnad you are intentionally trying to appear retarded but that doesn't make shitposting like this okay.

>> No.6724429
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Only acceptable soda. No sugar added.

>> No.6724450

The NYT is the paper of record anon.

>> No.6724453
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>> No.6724485


>being this mad over good advice

>> No.6724519

Artificial sweeteners are fucking terrible for you. The ny times is not a medical journal and is not peer reviewed so to that article doesn't mean jack shit.
Also fun fact about aspartame commercial pilots are encouraged not to drink diet soda because it can cause visual abberations and can potentially cause states of mild delirium.

>> No.6724554

>Shits on a reputable source
>Makes farfetched chain email-tier claims with absolutely no source

Not how it works

>> No.6724596

aspartame has a superior flavor to sugar. sugar is for fat asses who just want rich dopamine lacing. aspartame A, isn't sticky in your mouth and throat, B, is actually refreshing, doesn't make you tired and thirsty, and C, has positive psychoactive effects that are, with a perfect 24mg caffeine per can, superior to coffee. coffee might have more caffeine, but you get the jitters, where diet coke gives you a smooth and mild stimulation and brightens your mood.

i actually have a spiritual connection with diet coke.

>> No.6724599

every single peer reviewed study finds aspartame safe, and no, it will not cause visual aberrations, although, it can stimulate smiling :)

>> No.6724604

Id like to buy the chans a coke
and keep them companeeeeee

>> No.6724626

When will this Atkins meme die. A bit of sugar won't kill you. You have to eat a lot of sugar to induce type 2 diabetes. Along with high quantities of fatty protein to exacerbate the process. Soda diet or not has zero nutritional value. Juice which is sugar water with fruit flavouring has close to zero value. Fresh juice has good nutritional value. Fresh juice with the pulp has great value.

The problem the west faces with food is we want to to eat and not get any nutrition. To fool our bodies while gorging ourselves. Just eat as much as you need and try to make the food you eat high in nutrients. Gonna sound a bit tinfoil here but we've all been conditioned to think that we should eat more than we need and then burn it off in the gym. This way instead of being meagre consumers we become super consumers. Men trying to lose weight are fed protein bars. Women are fed salads. We're told that the best way to lose weight is to eat. And don't you try excersicing without equipment either. Join cross fit! Do yoga but don't follow the yogis advice about food. You're a westerner you need your beef. So of course normal yoga isn't good enough do hot yoga!

>> No.6724649

I wonder who's behind this article

>> No.6724651

first of all, ketogenic diets are FANTASTIC, i won't get into it, but i've lost 45 pounds in a month gorging myself on hotdogs and chedder. that's retarded.

and we're just bored in the west, and culturally dissipated. we look for silly things to do like hot yoga because of an increasing cultural frivolity.

>> No.6724713
File: 83 KB, 654x873, 1433954629780.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i drink a 24 pack of drpepper a week

>> No.6724773

I feel annoyed watching that tard's videos. ETCG is somber but informative though.

>> No.6724782

His voice is annoying as fuck but he is spot on about mercedes though, they are huge moneypits

>> No.6724803

Yeah can't argue with that.

>> No.6724812

Confirmed Benz's are shit.

Source: Work at an auction house.

>> No.6724928

Who cares what the NYTimes says about anything? Mainstream media is another tentacle of corporations -- they don't give a fuck if they feed you poison, which is what artificial sweeteners are. They're not food products. Do not eat or ingest them, period.

>> No.6724929

> a news paper is a reputable source
Someone's never been to college

Also I'm very certain I read that in a journal article but that claim may or may not be substantiated. But it is true that commercial pilots are encouraged not to drink the stuff.

>> No.6724938

BMW all the way.

>> No.6724972

>German cars ,not even once

>> No.6725334

I've never drank soda or eaten a burger and I'm american. AMA

>> No.6725461

second gen hippie vegan shetbeg detected .
You are not even human.

>> No.6725465

Fatty detected

>> No.6725475

>poorfag or just plain stupid

>> No.6725738

>I'll never understand them therefore I hate them!

>> No.6725760

That's literally bread soda. It has more carbs than Coke.

>> No.6725770

You probably hate vaccines too.

Does aspartame cause autism as well?
Acesulfame Potassium?

>> No.6725847

but im not. veganism is retarded

>> No.6726046

How the fuck you never had a burger then ?

>> No.6726065

>I'm very certain

You're not even 100% certain that you read something that may or may not be substantial

You're full of horseshit

>> No.6726068

If you're gay

>> No.6726137

>artificial sweeteners DECIMATE gut flora

>> No.6726351
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All these morons do is read health blogs and take it as fact. There is no real scientific evidence that artificial sweeteners are bad. Many people don't know this but phenylalanine (aspartame) is in fruit and eggs.

>> No.6726432

because I like chicken and pork too much. hate beef

>> No.6726433

>all natural means it's natural
you actually just proved yourself wrong without knowing it

>> No.6726448

when you type words into a search engine you get results. try it.

example (a result):

>> No.6726455

That image doesn't support your case.
As already mentioned in this thead, fructose can't be digested without equal amounts of glucose. The image that you posted shows that a kiwi fruit has near-equal amounts of fructose and glucose, with sucrose balancing the equation.

If you want to kill your gut then go ahead (I beg you to) but don't project your bullshit opinions as fact.

>> No.6726488


>all natural means it's natural

That isn't what I was trying to say at all, retard. Aspartame is 100% safe. Give me some REAL evidence that aspartame is "poison".


Oh and by the way... that gut bacteria study was for SPLENDA. Not aspartame. Those are two different chemicals.


>> No.6727170

>drinks wine, liquor, beer, juice
>calls other people fat for drinking equally sugary beverages

with a diet like that there is absolutely no way you're in decent shape....nor do you lift