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6718555 No.6718555 [Reply] [Original]

Any of you faggots know anything about eating brains? I just tried some little empanada like things at this really legit Mexican place in my neighborhood that were filled with potatoes and brains and spices and they were delicious. I kind of want to try them in other applications now. Not that I really know where I'd get them...

>> No.6718558

They don't serve brains at taco bell so no

>> No.6718562

Is Taco Bell all you eat or something?

>> No.6718571

>Not that I really know where I'd get them...
Ask you local butcher, and I'm not talking about those located in a supermarket. Some of the legit ones can get their hands on brain, but most places don't sell them on display since nobody wants them.

If you want to know what to do with entrails of any sort, search for medieval-inspired recipes. Today we tend to spice them a lot more than back in the days, but those dark age folks knew their way when it came to getting the most out of their meat.

>> No.6718587

I'm no offal expert, but if I remember correctly brains need to be acidulated a little bit to firm them up. Then you can just quick sear them.

>> No.6718592


In many regions in the US, brains are illegal to sell. Your best bet is to find a Mexican meat market or butcher, as those places make good money selling black market offal.

>> No.6718621

stuff an omelette with sauteed brains+onions+peppers
bread and deep-fry them
mix them with the things you would mix into meatballs and fry them
boil them and make them into a nice garlicky dip

>> No.6719596

Seso frito es rico. Añadale queso fresco y salsa. Pidele al restaurantr sesos y te lo venderan

>> No.6719678
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>> No.6719704

Why are they illegal? Seems like a perfectly fine source of nutrition to me.

>> No.6719705


>> No.6719732

Carnism ruined meat.

In exchange for massive quantities of low quality trashmeat, we got freakish horrifying diseases.

Good job, carnists! Now you're only allowed to eat tenderloin and boneless skinless chicken breast, well done. Anything else is vegan of course.

>> No.6719751

Went and did a bit of Googling about the issue. I couldn't find anything saying that eating brains specifically would lead to getting the diseases if the animal didn't already have the disease itself, because it spreads throughout the whole body.

So I guess my Googling might not be good enough? Is there something I'm missing here? But of course I agree that carnism and all the diseased shit we get from bad practices is a fucking shame. I am inclined to blame America for this, as I do many other things. Fuck these niggers in my country.

>> No.6719772

Pretty common in Mexico, they're eaten the same as bone marrow as "taco de seso". You could eat them as a normal taco with tomato and onions
Prions are species-specific, the whole spongiform encephalopathy was just hysteria.

>> No.6720660


This shit is based.

But its kind of thin. Needs taters and mushrooms.

>> No.6720716


Nice buzzwords

>> No.6720722

>Today we tend to spice them a lot more than back in the days, but those dark age folks knew their way when it came to getting the most out of their meat.

Wars have been fought over spices. They didn't eat minimalistically because they wanted to but because that was all they could afford.

>> No.6720750

fucking 360 degrees and walk away. there are not many foods I am unwilling to put in my body. brain matter is not one of them. its full of cholesteral, its and the diseases obtained from them are really bad because they tend to be protean related, proteans that dont do what you want them to will fucking fuck your fucking shit.

>> No.6720759

Isn't eating too much brain bad for you? Kinda like eating too much offal.

>inb4: too much of anything is bad

>> No.6720766

too much of anything is bad, but brain is super high in cholesteral like, xbox heug high in cholesteral. basically you are eating pure cholesteral if you eat brain.

in other news, offal is not something you can eat too much of (in the exceptional sense, no the general one) in principle anyway. the real thing about offal is it matters what you are eating and what animal it came from. some offal cuts can be eaten time and time again. others may contain elements that make it bad for you to overeat it. a big one is vitamin A in livers. too much of that is poison. intrinsically what people consider unpalatable cuts are far from always terrible. I'm not surprised people are afraid of all offal though. I actually like a fair ammount of offal cuts but refuse to deal with most of them out of the habit of having little cooking confidence with them.

>> No.6720795

Prion or what is known generally as mad cow disease is the reason they're not allowed to sell meat. Like the stupid vegfag anon said the meat industry in their mission to sell us large quantities of meat cheaply, have resorted to feeeding cows to cows. Now cows are vegetarian animals that aren't supposed to eat meat, so they're suceptible to getting prions and mad cow disease, just like lamb are. This is were the fear of eating brains comes from, but curiously pigs, dogs and other carnivores aren't as suceptible to this prion problem. As a matter of fact human genetic code has evidence of having anti-prion protection, providing evidence that not only are we alright with eating any type of meat, but that we're biologically ok with eating things like carrion and cannibalism. If you think about how much rotten food we eat an love (anything fermented is basically rotten food with harmful bacterium removed and cooking is a sort of pre-rottening or digestion mechanism) then it should come with no surprise that not only is it safe to eat brains, but you could probably eat diseased cow brains with all the prions in there and it wouldn't harm you. Prions only jump from vegetarian species, and there have been cases of humans getting it, but I suspect that it's because of veganfaggots, or a genetic deficiency. I actually do hope a prion apocalypse gets rid of all these vegetarian/vegan faggots some days. Enjoy eating brains anon.

>> No.6720809

Forgot to mention poultry like chicken. They're also carnivorous/cannibals and have been fed chicken for a really long time without any problems. If you ever owned chickens you know that they love eating each other's dowy feathers (the soft ones) and you have to be careful that they don't accidentally crack their eggs because once they figure out that they can eat them, they'll eat their own eggs all the time. Accidentally killed chicks are also a favourite meal for chickens.

>> No.6720842

Never had brains, but I think they are high in fat and therefore probably high in flavor. I definitely would try it if I had the opportunity to.

>> No.6720934

>nigga thinks cholesterol is blanket bad.
It's not the fucking nineties any more. Also it is spelled protein you dipshit.
Herbivorous, man. Cows are herbivorous, not vegetarian. I'm interested in the transfer of CJv diseases from cows/sheep into humans, as it is undoubtedly rare, but has happened. I am also curious as to why prion diseases don't seem to appear in carnivorous animals. Something to look up, I think.
They are flavorful. I've eaten brains a bunch of times, the only reason I don't regularly is because it's sometimes difficult to get them fresh. I tend to cook them by either brining them in a vinegar-inclusive brine before saute, or by poaching them in court-boullion before breading and deep-frying. They tend to like a tangy sauce, but also go with fatty sauces like mayo. Fried brains and tartare is britty gerd.

>> No.6720949

>I get squeamish if I'm served meat that isn't boneless skinless chicken breast or well done tenderloin

The only way you're getting ride of BSE prions is by incineration.

Ironic that all these self-proclaimed "omnivores" have never eaten meat in their lives.

>> No.6720963

Go eat some fruit you colossal fucking moron.

>> No.6720971


I ran out so breakfast is just locally made quark today. What kind of factory farmed garbage are you inhaling this morning?

>> No.6720979

wild caught bacon, homemade yoghurt, an apple and some fucking store toast if you must know, tripfag.

>> No.6720990

>transmissible spongiform encephalopathy
no thanks

>> No.6721001

CJv is a fucking scary thing.

>> No.6721019

>Now cows are vegetarian animals that aren't supposed to eat meat, so they're suceptible to getting prions and mad cow disease

It's not actually because cows are herbivorous, it's just a result of really stupid farming methods that concentrated and multiplied the infection. Meat and bone meal was being fed to cows who would then be slaughtered and their meat and bone meal would be fed right back to the next lot of cows. This happened over and over again, meaning that as soon as one cow had BSE (prion diseases are rare, but can occur spontaneously in any animal), its remains promptly infected shitloads more cows that it was fed back to. And prion diseases are very, very resilient - they're not easily destroyed, they're very infectious, and they have a long incubation period, so the cows were slaughtered before showing signs of sickness.

Carnivores certainly can get prion diseases, but naturally occurring prion diseases are rare, so it just doesn't become epidemic in the same way as you see with artificial farming practices where one prion-infected carcass was accidentally used to infect hundreds more cows. Wild carnivores also tend to live short lives, meaning that they're perfectly capable of getting infected, carrying on as normal, reproducing, and dying from totally unrelated causes before showing any symptoms. And no, humans can not safely eat diseased cow brains. That's exactly why Creutzfeld-Jakob disease happened- the disease very readily jumped from cows to human, and it certainly wasn't vegans munching all those infected burgers.

So no, people are not immune to prion diseases, but prion diseases are not an inevitable side effect of eating brains. You're only at risk if the brain comes from a diseased animal, and theoretically any meat you eat could contain prions. It's just really rare outside of specific circumstances (like the BSE outbreak) where the infection was amplified far beyond the scale at which it naturally occurs.