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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 260 KB, 1280x719, salmon with shallot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6715512 No.6715512 [Reply] [Original]

What did /ck/ have for dinner?

I made this.
>thin layer of sour cream on salmon
>pepper and salt, spread on dill
>bake at 400 for ~15-18 minutes

>mince shallots
>saute them in butter then add wine
>reduce until a bit of liquid is left
>stir in dill, garlic, salt, and pepper
>drizzle over baked salmon and serve

>> No.6715515

Looks good OP

>> No.6715518
File: 148 KB, 1080x1624, b33r.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What did /ck/ have for dinner?
Half of one of these, warm.

>> No.6715833

Eat something bruh

>> No.6715911


looks good, m8.. why the sour cream? does it do the same thing as mayo does?

a bit of mayo on fish like tuna or swordfish before grilling is always a smart move.

>> No.6715919

I made a type of Chicken Wellington.

Its a grilled chicken breast that I wrap up in puff pastry with some boursin cheese and bake.

They are really good.

I made some sauteed squash from our garden to go with it.

And for a starch I made a Carbonara with fresh pasta I made and rolled myself.

>> No.6715924

fried fish with cabbage and fried okra and a roll

>> No.6715965

Gives the fish some extra tang and in the case of salmon, keeps the color of the flesh more vibrant, in my experience.

>> No.6715987

>sour cream-coated horseshoe covered in regurgitated shallots

Never change, /ck/

>> No.6716011

>never seen a salmon steak before

Don't you have a Chipotle thread to shill?

>> No.6716275
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I had salmon too but trying out a new pan for the first time I overcooked it a bit. Was still nice, though.

>> No.6716291

I didn't know salmon had drumsticks.

>> No.6716298

kek. GMO hybrid foods are the future!

>> No.6716300

thumbnail looks like a lobster covered in spiders

>> No.6716548


I need to learn how to cook

>> No.6716551

Or how to shop. Get Red Baron, it's like half the price of Digiornos for the same disappointment.

>> No.6716554

yeah? Next time I go waste my money on premade food I'll keep an eye out for that. Thanks anon

>> No.6716913
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Chicken, cooked like it should be, not dry.

>> No.6716916

paprika, salt, pepper btw, very small amount of lemon oil.

>> No.6716928

GO get laid op, stop trying to create things that feel nice when you insert your cock.

>> No.6716931
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>sour cream on fish

is this a thing

like are you just fucking with me, or is this actually something people do

>> No.6716941

Why not try something yourself instead of bashing it? It's not like OP made fucking sketti or something.

>> No.6716946
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I'm not bashing it, I'm serious

it sounds stupid but it might be good, I dunno

>> No.6716948

>implying there is anything wrong with sketti

throw some mushrooms/red peppers/onions/scallions/jallies/basil/garlic in that prego sauce and you got a tasty fuckin meal.

>> No.6716950

I can see it being good. Sour cream isn't really over powering and could give it a nice mild tangy taste.

Also that first picture you posted gives me the chills. Some people are fucking nuts. Although it's likely just a perspective thing and he's probably right near the ground.

>> No.6716953

Do you know what sketti is, m8? It's spaghetti noodles, margarine and ketchup. Thanks, Honey boo-boo.

>> No.6716960

>do yo know what sketti is

apparently not.

oh sorry, I assumed you meant spaghetti; who the fuck watches honey boo boo. I've heard of it and have never had the desire to watch it.

>> No.6716974
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I've watched a couple episodes, but it wasn't my thing. Sketti is a pretty well known and vile thing around here tho.

>> No.6717009

>sketti is in
literally the only thing called sketti in that thread is the actual spaghetti pasta.

>> No.6717013

That's literally what they call the "dish" on the show. It's not something 4chan made up. Don't know what to tell you.

>> No.6717016

Baked salmon with sour cream/creme fraiché is probably the best way to serve salmon.

>> No.6717020

Fuuuuuuuck no.

This is fucking gross.

>> No.6717207
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Plate of self loathing

>> No.6717955

No joke anon.

I haven't tried it on other fish but on salmon it works very well. I've served it to my parents with a dijon cream sauce before and they loved it when they typically dislike fish.

>> No.6719137
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Tuna steak with wasabi mustard

>> No.6719143
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>> No.6719150
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>> No.6719174

Is that fucking boiled or something

>> No.6719185

My mom actually told me about these hot dog panini sandwiches they served back in the day at the department store she worked at (they had a little cafe section). It was grilled hot dogs cut longways on grilled bread with a little bit of a spread (she said it was probably Thousand Island dressing or something) on the bread and melted cheese. Then the hotdogs go inside along with diced peppers and onion. The cheese slices bind the whole thing together.

Not exactly the pinnacle of nutrition, but for a hot dog sandwich it was fucking delicious.

>> No.6719193

How does it feel to have a transgender, dyke, bitch for a mother ?

>> No.6719223
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Quick dinner at a local steakhouse.

>> No.6719348

Nice sear!

Was the sauce homemade? What is in it?

>> No.6719376

>shredded chicken
>buffalo sauce
>cream cheese

>> No.6719386
File: 1.05 MB, 1999x1778, maed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Left: roasted cauliflower with a sweet/smoked sauce, caramelised onion-stuffed portabello with goat cheese and a simple salad.
Right: spicy af sandwiches with mushrooms, tofu, caramelised onions and same sauce as with the cauliflower. Tasted great.

>> No.6719405

Sauteed in olive oil.
No, just the closest thing I could find to wasabi sauce at the grocery store

>> No.6719442
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Just popped it into the oven. Got a little bake-and-eat loaf to go with it.

>> No.6719447
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Jesus Christ, I had to put my drink down.

>> No.6719453

>Sauteed in olive oil.

Almost as bad

>> No.6719474

Sorry, anon-kun. I don't gave access to a grill.

>> No.6719526

hnnngh i want

>> No.6719583


I'd share if I could. Nobody here but me tonight.

>> No.6719658

That cauliflower looks damn good. Sweet smoked sauce?

>> No.6719790

pathetic meal tbh learn to cook bro lad tbh

>> No.6719855

(You) need to elaborate because without an explanation or context (You)r critique means nothing.

>> No.6719964

just sear it in canola or something else high smoke point. Then it won't look so sad.

>> No.6719976

>Zerg player in late game.png

>> No.6720017

Just a sad looking plate in general
>mashed potatoes
>over cooked salmon
>no sauce
>plebeian salad only consisting of peppers and spinach
>undercooked vegetabes
It's a /fit/ meal but it's not really a /ck/ meal if you get what I mean?

>> No.6720389
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Chickpeas and rice with spinach and tomato . I've been trying to go vegetarian and I'm petty happy with how this turned out.

>> No.6720398


>still learning to cook basic shit

>> No.6720526

Yeah, thanx for your constructive criticism but you haven't really offered anything helpful and I did admit to overcooking the salmon. I did that, unintentionally btw, because I used a new pan for the first time, as stated, and I'm not yet familiar with its hot spots or heat dissipation. Plus I used way too much oil because I didn't want anything sticking to my new pan. So hopefully that explains (and excuses) why the salmon was overcooked.
My mash and veggies were fine and I feel like you're just trying to fuck with me at this point. I don't use sauces because I prefer to taste the food and I can't tell how well or bad I've cooked something if I drown it in sauce. I'm still learning.

But despite all of that I didn't post my dinner in a post your dinner thread to say 'hey look at how great I can cook', I posted it say 'hey I had salmon too, OP'.
But thanx again for your constructive criticism and I look forward to reading your next insightful post!

>> No.6720628

that looks fucking horrible

also, serving 7 fries in an apple?

>> No.6720648

dude... no

>> No.6720655

Is it similar to putting yougurt on chicken?

>> No.6720671

what sauce is that? is the fish poached?

>> No.6720684

Sweet/smokey, my bad. Liquid smoke and honey, along with garlic, chili etc.

>> No.6721000

Sounds pretty good. I might try making a sauce like that.

>> No.6721034

What's the point of eating healthy food if you drown it in cheese and oil?

>> No.6721037

I would eat that

>> No.6721041

Your a faggot op, I bet you cook sketti and frozen meals, because you obviously don't have anything to show. Don't want to contribute constructively then gtfo.

>> No.6721050

Shrimp with cabbage and sauce with rice

>slice cabbage rough
>put in frying pan with stock
>after a while and after most stock is absorbed, add cream, salt, pepper, white wine dry
>let cabbage absorb even more liquid
>throw in shrimp, serve

Was okay, should've gotten fresher shrimp tho

>> No.6721068

Sounds good mane

>> No.6721072


>> No.6721093

So you have dessert afterwards.

>> No.6721119

You do realise the post you replied to wasn't the OP ?

>> No.6721151
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Dindin tonight.
Be jelly.

>> No.6721169

So mustard with green dye?

>> No.6721232

You made me want to hurt myself.

>> No.6721563
File: 1.05 MB, 975x1300, IMG_4743.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

am having this right now.

>> No.6721571

>pain shrimp
Absolutely disgusting

>> No.6721619

I eat a generally healthy diet, so at times I just say 'fuck it' and shove all kinds of things down my throat.

>> No.6721662
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>> No.6721674

Fuck yeah!

>> No.6721698
File: 42 KB, 640x480, 1433911454966.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


What the fuck?
You get almost no chips, but they are carving apples hollow. Who the fuck even, i cant even.




What the fuck sort of opaque as shit fucking smoked fish is that? If that is smoked salmon, whoever did it really fucked it up, it's been smoked too hot.

Also, remove that smegma.


You cooked the pink out of that salmon.
The peppers ont hat plate should be grilled so that they caramalize.

Mash potato looks like wall grouting, more butter and milk required. Starchy potatoes are best.


There is no reason for this.


>Attempting grilled tuna on a fry pan

No nigga, no.


This would have been a good meal...in 1976

>> No.6722104
File: 1.56 MB, 960x667, hi i cant count.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pic related

>> No.6722114

OP here again. Making a roast in a dutch oven with a wine and consomme reduction. Will take pics if it comes out alright.
Making honey roasted carrots as a side.

>> No.6722315

Garlic n' soy marinated Turkey with veg & noodle stir.

>> No.6722574
File: 1.22 MB, 909x1280, Roast.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Came out like this, served it to my family with some honey roasted carrots and a red moscato.
It was hard getting a plating pic because everyone devoured it so quickly. Glad it was a hit:
>take chuck roast and coat it with olive oil, salt, and fresh cracked pepper
>sear roast on all sides in dutch oven over stove
>pour in dry red wine and some consomme, bring to a boil
>add 3 bay leaves and reduce
>meanwhile quarter red potatoes, slice onions, wash brown mushrooms, and parse rosemary and thyme
>heat oven to 350
>add vegetables and herbs to roast
>cook covered for 1 hour until vegetables have cooked down
>reopen and add garlic, parsley, (more herbs if desired), and minced shallots
>cook for another 40 minutes until done
>take out of oven
>while meat rests make a gravy with the oven drippings with added seasonings as desired
>carve meat
>serve with veggies and gravy

>> No.6722577

Tbh I was really hoping those were apple "fries" and hence the gimmick of them being in a hollowed out apple..

>> No.6722871

a bitter potato

>> No.6722883

is that a fig?

>> No.6722893
File: 144 KB, 920x370, serveimage.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a couple chalupas from taco bell, washed down with a baja blast mountain dew

>> No.6722924
File: 1.24 MB, 1354x2248, Jul 27, 2015 06-54-38 PM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

farfalle con sugo di salciccia

browned loose sweet italian sausage in a bit of olive oil
added a few chopped shallots and cooked until fragrant
deglazed with some vino verde and reduced till dry
added a bottle of passata, a teaspoon of sugar, a tsp of dried basil and a 1/2 tsp dried chili flakes. S P to taste

simmered for half an hour and tossed with farfalle and parm. added more parm after plating.

>> No.6723492

yes. more like a jelly like sugar substance at that point, though.

>> No.6723546


Nice one, count fuckula.

10 fries is not enough to accompany an entire steak. You are being shilled.

>> No.6723631
File: 443 KB, 1500x848, this triggers the fat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I would eat that
Thanx. I'd eat you ... to orgasm (no homo).

>You cooked the pink out of that salmon.
To be fair and honest (read: autistic) the camera didn't quite capture how pink it really was. Notice how the capsicum (non-metric translation: bell pepper) looks more orange than red. Plus the mash was heavily seasoned with cayenne pepper and looked more pink in reality, compared with the photo.
But yes, as I've said numerous times the salmon was overdone.

>The peppers ont hat plate should be grilled so that they caramalize.
Point taken and thanx for the tip. I'll try to caramalize them next time when I'm deglazing the pan and see how they taste. But honestly I love the taste of capsicum and often eat half of it raw while I'm cutting it up so when cooking for myself I'll probably keep steaming it to keep it's nutritional value but I'll certainly try to caramalize them for times when I might cook for guests or just a decadant treat.
Thanx again.
Sorry if I talk too much.

>> No.6723725
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sloppy dinner but tasty. paprika / salt / pepper on the chicken.

>> No.6723731

worst thing I have ever seen in my life, wtf.

>> No.6723801

thumbnail makes it look like dentures covered in all kinds of gross shit

>> No.6724301

Chicken looks pretty tasty,

You blind, old man?

>> No.6725226

>open can of tuna
>pour oil in hot pan
>add onion, tomato and broccoli
>add tuna and red curry paste
>add milk
I already ate it so no pics

>> No.6726190
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Red beans and grits.

>> No.6726451
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Salmon with a butter sauce made from lemons, capers, and shallots.

First time making salmon and there's definitely room for improvement.

>> No.6726457

salmon with shrimp and a mix of veggies and rice

>> No.6726465

this but it was vodka

>> No.6726466

Pork, potatos and onion sauce.

>> No.6726510
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>> No.6727079

Looks tasty anon

>> No.6727087
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That's a big piece of meat.

>> No.6727089
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Money shot. It was juicy too.

>> No.6727091
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Burgers, although I only took pictures of the onion rings I put on said burgers.
First time trying to make onion rings, was tasty - batter had paprika and chili flakes in it.

Also burgers were great, I mixed the meat with garlic and a panade, probably some of the juiciest burgers I've had. They were topped with a bbq mayonnaise, pickled red cabbage, tomato, bacon and cheese.

Still have plenty meat mixture left so I might just make it again today.

>> No.6727104

>medium, nearly medium well
You'll get it next time anon.

>> No.6727105

No side dishes?

>> No.6727107

Just out of curiosity, is there any reason why you couldn't use the meat for a spaghetti bolognese if you didn't want to beat burgers two nights in a row?

>> No.6727112
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Sorry. I tried.

I think my mistake was resting it for too long but it was still really good. Much better than the cheap shit that I normally buy from the supermarket.

9/10. Will buy again.

>> No.6727212

It would require me to go get some pasta if I don't have any.
Otherwise no, would probably make for a dank sauce since the panade would thicken it.

>> No.6727251

For you

>> No.6727923

I would eat that.

>> No.6730389
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He's a big guy.

>> No.6730400

I don't have pics but a whole baked chicken, baked potato, mac an cheese (the cheap 50 cent shit), and steamed broccoli

I'll probably cut off the rest of the meat and make soup out of whatever is left today

>> No.6730420

is that your foreskin?

>> No.6731844
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OP checking in. Made pic related.

It's a bacon-wrapped pork chop stuffed with apple/onion stuffing. Also made homemade mashed potatoes with garlic and chive with a bacon gravy sauce.

>> No.6732050

I wish more supermarkets sold fish steaks; do they cook more evenly than fillets?

>> No.6732219

They cook better in my opinion, and they tend to be more flavorful due to there being more fat and bone in the flesh of this cut. It's not good for people who are easily put off by fish though, for those types of people it's better to just serve a filet.

>> No.6732309
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food of the gods m8

>> No.6732316


objectively they don't but don't let the pretentious cunts hear that. they're shit cuts of fish which make no sense.

>> No.6732446
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>> No.6732466

i have like a thing of chicken breasts thawed in the fridge
dont know what to make with them, thinking of marinating for tomorrow and then grilling
any suggestions.

>> No.6732469

>pork chop marinated in fish sauce, brown sugar, rice vinegar, and shallots, then broiled
>garlic-lime rice
>stir fry of broccoli, carrots, onion, and cabbage
I don't have a picture, but it was gud.

>> No.6732481

murder your family.

>> No.6732518

but that would be mean and evil, no you

>> No.6733292
File: 27 KB, 348x348, fr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That looks fucking good anon, good plating too. Pic related, I got some Thai Fried Rice.

>> No.6733296

Wow anon it's like you literally know nothing about food outside of grilled cheese and pizza. Fuck off and learn how to enjoy something other than cheese bread.

>> No.6734500

>not eating sour cream on salmon....

>> No.6734603
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Omurice :3

>> No.6734631
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Made a deep dish, sauce made from my own tomatoes. My thin-crusts don't come the way I'd like, but deep is tasty.

>> No.6734754


Is that tomato soup in a bread bowl?

>> No.6734774

Eh, yeah kinda.

>> No.6734779
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Salmon sashimi for dinner. Delicious.

>> No.6734800

uh no

>> No.6734802

>eating a pile of low quality raw salmon

Absolutely disgusting

>> No.6734827

gross dude

>> No.6734844

Jesus fuck dude, did you buy that out of the trunk of someone's car? Better check your asshole for jailbreaking tapeworms.

>> No.6734849


>people eat raw salmon all the time when they go eat sushi
>suddenly it's unacceptable for a man to eat raw salmon and post a picture of it

Bunch of hypocrites.

>> No.6734853

It looks freezerburned and still frozen

>> No.6734866
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Compare to >>6734779

>> No.6734878
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It was never freezerburned. Pic before it was cut.

It tasted great, calm down everyone.

>> No.6734879

Nothing in house.

Chopped last 2 onions in house: yellow and white
Minced last 3 cloves of garlic
Sauté in pot with last stick of butter
Chop last 2 potatoes into cubes
Throw in pot and add water
No stock; take flavor packet from instant ramen and add
Salt and pepper to taste

Throw in bowl with one of those craft cheddar cheese slices, one slice of whatever bread is laying around.

Poor mans French onion soup. Got me through yesterday and today until I can go shopping tomorrow.

>> No.6734880


Forgot to add that there was also 2 cap fulls of vinegar to add some acidity

>> No.6734923

Potato / Tomatoe Veg curry with Chapatis.

>> No.6734929

Looks really good
Nice, one pot meals rule, and vegetarians are the best at it.

>> No.6736566

Looks bretty gud.
There's a thai place right around the corner. I think I'm gonna order some beef massaman curry today.

Not a bad looking fish. It was just cut kind of wonky for the picture. I like raw salmon.

>> No.6736614

Russian stroganoff with pasta

It was pretty damn great, lot better than expected

>> No.6738064
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Nothing fancy. Tried my hand at making a Chicken cutlet don.

Tastes pretty good, I guess. Rice could do with some work.

>> No.6738718
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Just cooked something quick because I'm tired as fuck after working out. Chicken wasn't dry tough but it wasn't super juicy either at 160F, would try 150-155 next time.

>> No.6739090
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Pretty exciting stuff here.

Rib fillet and some veggies.

>> No.6739267
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pretty drunk ceekay, it's like 6am, late night, just fired up the grill, will post results

I can usually pull this off without much effort well see

>> No.6740511
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Lamb crown. First time making it, i marinaded it in spices and yoghurt and it turned out pretty well taste wise. Next time I'll go for a glaze-y marinade, based in tamarind and mint or something. Purely for superficial reasons. I chicken whatever vegetables we had into the pan but next time I'll make a couscous I think

>> No.6740514

>That beautiful mashed potatoes.
Looks good

>> No.6740539
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Pretty simple grilled prawns marinated in minced garlic, crushed red pepper, parsely and olive oil with some zuchinni from the garden.

>> No.6740654
File: 1.83 MB, 3264x2448, 20150802_072519.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fell asleep, heres the follow up

>> No.6740659
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moneyshot, could have left it on the grill another minute or 2, had a salad too

>> No.6740752

Is there any way to reheat cooked steak without turning it into a rubbery, overdone brick?

I've got a bunch of leftover steak in the fridge but I'm wary of microwaving it into oblivion and drying up all the juices.

>> No.6740782
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Popcorn and water.

>> No.6740786

It just tends to continue cooking as you reheat it, so even if it's not dried out, it'll end up overcooked.
I usually just slice up leftover steak and put it in a sandwich or tacos or sometimes on top of some nachos.

>> No.6741049
File: 1.26 MB, 2048x1536, Steak and Potatoes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Steak needed a few more minutes. Other than that, solid 8/10 meal.

>> No.6741184

The oven maybe? I just don't know if it would be worth it.

>> No.6741191

Pulled pork, garlic grilled eggplant, and garlic sauteed green beans with a cold Sierra Nevada

>> No.6741204

im gonna make nachos does anyone want me to take a picture

>> No.6741208

Steak could also use a better sear. Also, needs more vegetables.

>> No.6741929
File: 3.62 MB, 4608x3456, IMG_0718.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lemon chicken on pasta I cooked in wine sauce with spinach and feta.
Had a cucumber too.

>> No.6741935

yes please
twice as many pics if they're barbeque nachoes

>> No.6741949

I posted a comment on IMGUR that said red meat contains no blood when someone posted a non well done steak (100% accurate, there is no blood they drain it before shipping) and it got downvoted to hell. Lmfao.

>> No.6741954

link now!

>> No.6741974

It was like a month ago or more, I deleted it because a bunch of idiots somehow made me feel bad. You can do the exact same thing next time someone posts a comment on a steak post that comments on how bloody or rare it is.

>> No.6741976

directed @ you

>> No.6742735

These are my kind of steaks.

That chicken looks mighty good.

>> No.6742754

I was just interested in seeing the context of your comment to see if you might have come across as some sort of snob or elitist ar just a plain smartarse.
Not that I'm suggesting that you're any of those things but perhaps your wording was a bit off or maybe the person you were responding to may have a circle of bots in their corner who downvote on demand. It happens.

>> No.6742771

That's not omurice, it's a giant lemon

>> No.6742812
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am i the only one that noticed that this is the same thread over and over again?
i should stop coming here...

>> No.6743059

You're obviously new if you're so surprised that you need to mention anything.

>> No.6743093
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>> No.6743127
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One of the best meals I have had.

>> No.6743132

The squid and prawns look edible.

What's up with the tendies and bitter melon?

>> No.6743161

The restaurant offered it all so we ordered it.

>> No.6743571


Learn how to lay out a knife and fork correctly you filthy foster child.

>> No.6743630

It's a cooking board, and people are showing things they've cooked. This is what should be on here.

>> No.6743836
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Baby Back Pork Ribs stewed with water, soy sauce, sugar and garlic, torn and shredded, stir fried edamame beans with salt on top of steamed rice.

>> No.6745830

Veggies look boring (I prefer grilled or baked myself). Would eat the fuck out of it regardless.

>> No.6746103
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Browsing through this seemed like a more relevant thread to post my breakfast