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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6706986 No.6706986 [Reply] [Original]

>ITT: Confessions

I have never eaten squash.
I don't know what it's like at all.

>> No.6706993

I don't eat most vegetables. Never had salad.

I'll be 23 in four months.

>> No.6706998

I enjoy eating white bread by itself.
Flattening it first.

>> No.6707000

>Flattening it first
my nigga

>> No.6707018

I buy economy packs or fruit snacks
>I'm 30 with no kids

>> No.6707025

I like to eat Cheetos and drink milk something about that is master race good!

>> No.6707030

ii stuck my dick in the third hole and liked it

>> No.6707033

I never ate Vegemite.

>> No.6707034

I got too much cheese out and now I don't know what to do

>> No.6707040

Beef and chicken are my two least favorite meats.

>> No.6707197
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I didn't understand shallots and instead of googling it, I accidently put double the amount of shallots I needed in my recipe

>> No.6707203

You aren't missing much.

>> No.6707209

I don't know what rhubarb is, what it looks like, or why people feel strawberry needs any help.

>> No.6707211

I never ate vegemite OR marmite, and every time I've had a chance (during travels) I've NOPE'd out because of the smell.

I enjoyed bacon before it was a meme, and I've kept enjoying bacon WHILE it was a meme, and I still eat bacon now that it ain't a meme no more.

I have a gas grill

>> No.6707212
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It's like evil celery.

>> No.6707315

>or why people feel strawberry needs any help.
I don't get why people mix strawberry and rhubarb, why not add lemon and vinegar while they're at it.

However the tartness of rhubarb MAY (if you like rhubarb, that is) compliment apple or other sweet fruits in sugary desserts.

Apple AND rhubarb crumble can be god tier for instance.

>> No.6707326

Are you sure, su/ck/a? 1 "shallot" = contents of 1 husk

>> No.6707332

It's not that strawberries are better with rhubarb, it's that rhubarbs lose some of their taste and become easier to eat with strawberries.

>> No.6707340


I've never eaten cheap ethnic meats like chicken feet, pig feet, tongues, chitterlings or tails, but since I like most organ offal I want to try them.
>tfw whitey white and get chastised for wanting to try "weird" and "gross" foods

>> No.6707342

The rhubarb in a strawberry pie always seemed like filler to me.

I actually like the stuff cooked in it's own juice with some sugar. I think the britbongs get it right when they pair it with custard.

>> No.6707354

Beef tongue is one of the best "off cuts" there is. I think most people would enjoy it if they weren't told what it is.

I've never tried feet or chitlins or tripe.

>> No.6707377
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>> No.6707382

Go to bed, Gary.

>> No.6707474

... why? Like I want to know how or why?

>> No.6707486

I don't know what's happening but I like it

>> No.6707489

I hear it's basically like a regular roast, right?

>> No.6707731

I love Mr show so much

I went 3 months eating blocks of extra firm tofu for dinner 5+ nights a week occasionally using salt or raw honey to flavor but right out of the container

>> No.6707783

I've never had coffee.

>> No.6707794

People enjoy strawberry and balsamic, and strawberry lemonade so it seems strawberry plus bitter thing equals acceptable

>> No.6707818

I hate pork. Especially bacon.

>> No.6707820

I've never eaten any kind of ketchup, mustard, or mayo. I'm 28.

>> No.6707822

Lamb and veal smell and taste like rotten meat to me

>> No.6707825

cheese disgusts me

>> No.6707832

I love the taste of Strawberry and Rasberries but I've never actually eaten one. I'm worried that they'll be too bitter or tart, so I've never actually eaten them.

>> No.6707833

I'm a literal cu/ck/

My dream is to cook for someone while they fuck my wife

>> No.6707844

I find mayonnaise offputting, mostly due to people lathering on way too much and detracting from other tastes in sandwiches/burgers.
A nice strawberry is sweet as fuck. Raspberries tend to be naturally a bit tangy, but in an enjoyable way.
I think its one of the reason's the flavour goes so well with ultra sweet thing (raspberry and white chocolate).
I personally like snacking on Raspberries even if they are a little tart, but you'd definitely enjoy a good strawberry

>> No.6707852

God dammit gary

>> No.6707857

I sometimes enjoy ketchup on a plate of macaroni.
Sometimes I even put a little mustard on there.

>> No.6707861

I put ketchup on my mac and cheese. Only if it's the kraft stuff. Sometimes I get the craving for that nostalgia

>> No.6707866

I always get confused, Americans call pumpkin squash but what do they call the little yellow squash?

>> No.6707871

Which little yellow squash?

>> No.6707878

yellow squash/summer squash

but summer squash can refer to any of the softer squash, like zucchini or pattypan

as opposed to the harder winter squash like pumpkin or butternut

>> No.6707881

Squash is somewhat similar to sweet potatoes and yams, a bit more solid though and more grassy-veggie like taste if that makes sense

>> No.6708017

I will eat virtually anything - except beets. I become nauseous when I smell them cooking. No idea why.

>> No.6708030

winter squash is like mashed potatoes, but sweet.

>> No.6708040

Yellow squash is good. I like to sautee squash and zucchini and stew them in marinara.

>> No.6708054

never had a doner kebab (and I live in an area where they are fairly popular)

>> No.6708061

Kill yourself

>> No.6708086

I'm not even a good cook but am actively trying to learn. Chicken and vegetables baffles me to cook them right. Steak au Poivre is easy. I'm still trying to comprehend how to reduce a sauce. I fuck up 98% of the dishes I have tried to make since I first began to cook for myself.

>> No.6708097

I like to eat it raw. Its like lemonade celery. More than a few stalks can kill you though

>> No.6708119
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i dislike carrots for their taste and textrue, but can tolerate them

I want to lead a holocaust against papya though! shit taste like eating the essence of some steel workers sweaty foot, after a 12 hour shift, wearing the same boots for 20 years

>>mfw is guy on the left i try papaya multiple times, different strains, and it always taste like straight up dooky

>> No.6708190

Grandmas Soup from The Legend Of Zelda The Wind Waker:

Large butternut squash, roasted in oven
2-3 small and or medium orange sweet potatoes, roasted or boiled
One orange pepper, charred on the edges in a bacon
Bacon OR sasuage balls (mini), optional
Onion, charred on edges, optional
Sea salt, black pepper, paprika, cumin, cinnamon, brown sugar or honey

Season the bns to tsste with the seasonings, same with potatoes

Once both are done and soft throw them in a pot with water and some milk or cream (enough to make as thick or thin as desired). Blend until smooth.

Cook the bacon or sasuage if youre using them and use the fat drippings to char the pepper and onion if youre using them. Make sure to cut them into small chunks, same with the bacon and the sasuage should be small balls if using.

Add them to the soup and stir. Serve after everything is nice and warm/hot. Serve with crusty bread.

I hope you enjoy OP. Im sure you can figure that all out. If you dont use a lot of water and you add some.black beans, you can make a nice stew as well.

>> No.6708197

Thank you, that sounds awesome.

>> No.6708241

I can cook just fine and can afford expensive food but I'd prefer to eat things like fast food and delivery pizza than them.

>> No.6708635

It's like the taste of a mild onion with the texture of cucumber.

I can't stand coffee.
Ever since I was a kid I've enjoyed eating plain hot dog buns with ketchup (no hot dog included).

>> No.6708644

pretty much.
tongue is just a muscle after all

>> No.6708648

I fucking hate onions. I like the flavor, but I fucking hate them being physically present in my food. I use a ton of Onion Powder

>> No.6708652

Yeah papaya is shit tier. Probably the worst fruit.

>> No.6708655

muh nigga

>> No.6708676

Why can't people keep their willies out of holes?

>> No.6708732

Beef is my least favorite meat (which does not mean that I do not like it), and I come from Argentina. Favorite is a two-way tie between rabbit (all the organs are GOAT) and shellfish.

I would eat dog if it were served to me in the style of some Asian fare, even though I have a dog I care for and love. I would also eat horse, dolphin, in general just about everything as long as it's not a human being or an endangered species.

Zucchini is always tasteless cellulose and slime, no matter how many times I've had it served to me in countless different dishes.

The best pasta sauce is plain heavy cream, as long as you have a good cheese for grating too.

I put chimi churri and grated hard-boiled eggs on my pizza. It's a "we were out of shit to put on it and we didn't want plain cheese", it turned out fucking 10/10.

I cannot put condiments on my hotdogs, sandwiches, etc. I'll eat mayo if it's part of potato salad or vitel toné, but apart from that, I never use ketchup, mustard or mayo.

I'd rather have something salty over anything sweet, i.e I'd pick french fries over chocolate.

>> No.6708952


People on here said 1 shallot = 1 "clove", mine all had 2 shallots per husk. It definitely tasted like too much

>> No.6708985

Celery is evil already.

>> No.6708988

what about celery man?

>> No.6709062

I have never eaten a pear and I'm 28 years old

>> No.6709080

Taylor's gold.
Find them.

>> No.6709125

it's fucken mank

>> No.6709220

I eat veggies at most like 10 times a year ever since ive moved out.

A lot of the dinners I cook at home is steak and rice that I cook in a pan.

Sometimes I get a 2 pound bag of gummy worms from the store and eat it in less than a week

I'm ~178 pounds, and 24.

Im going to die when im 40 from a heart attack and i honestly dont care, eating delicious food gives me a small reason to live and wake up each day.

>> No.6709283

Did you even shit? Even once?

>> No.6709303

I dislike virtually all seafood other than un-fishy fish like tuna and salmon etc but i eat it all the time because i feel like im meant to

>> No.6709314

Squash tastes like nothing. It's literally flavorless.

>> No.6709335

Being 6'3" does not excuse me from being 280 lbs. Time to diet.

>> No.6709554

You can do it.
I believe in you.

>> No.6709582

you've got to try butternut squash. roast it with garlic, rosemary, etc, then scrape it out of the skin and serve it with roast chicken and gravy. so damn good

>> No.6709596

same. the only fish I will eat is canned tuna, and even then only with loads of mayo, diced onion, mustard, etc

>> No.6709602

I've never been to olive garden

>> No.6709616


You're not missing anything.

>> No.6709670

will do.

>> No.6709687

Seeing fat people in restaurants disgust me. The way they dig in and disregard their manners and just stuff their face makes me angry.

>> No.6709695

I thought Soylent tasted pretty good and if it weren't so fucking expensive I'd drink it all the time.

>> No.6709918

I don't know how to eat noodles.

I try whirling them with a fork, but when I pull up there's a bunch just hanging down. I either slurp the excess or bite it off, leaving a bunch of partial noodle fragments.

Slurping is super rude (so I hear), is biting and then letting the pieces fall worse?

>> No.6709952

You've never had zucchini?

>> No.6709954

Fucking cannibal.

>> No.6709960

shrimp is the least fishy-tasting seafood there is. idk how anyone doesn't love it....if they're not allergic

>> No.6709967

Unless you're like under 5', I don't know why you feel like you're on the verge of death. I'm a LOT worse than you and I put my natural lifeline way past 40 (as in my current stats are a lot worse, my diet is much better since I'm trying to lose weight).

>> No.6709985

You can be a little overweight and really unhealthy. And very overweight and only marginally unhealthy. People on here like to think that if you're in a decent weight range you're healthy which is why you have people clamouring that fat is good for you as long as you're not overweight. There are too many factors to overall health to discuss here.

>> No.6710001

it kinda tastes like sweet potato OP

>> No.6710002

practise your twirl and learn to slurp quietly

>> No.6710463


>> No.6710499

You're missing out on what ancient Greeks called 'the fruit of the gods', you realize this, right?

Fuck me. Literally Charlie from It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia over here. Do you eat the stickers?

>> No.6710529

I prefer pears before they are ripe, when they are still green. It takes away from the flavor a little but the trade off is worth it. You get basically a pear-flavored apple.

>> No.6710545
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You're supposed to twirl the noodles into a spoon anon. Makes all of the noodles wrapped up tight and clean, solves your dillema.

Pic related, like that.

>> No.6710561

Same, although most of what I don't it is easily explained

>> No.6710572

I eat 2 large pizzas in a single meal from grease hut 3 times every week

>> No.6710577

Are you on the verge of taking your third poop anon? Make sure you keep us posted on whether you need surgery or not.

>> No.6710595

There is no pride in this.

>> No.6710620

I use 35 cent Walmart Taco seasoning blend packets as my chili base.

>> No.6710640

What kind of pizza?

>> No.6710656

CP or pepperoni only

>> No.6710668
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I love the Rachael Ray cooking line from Kohl's.

>> No.6710695

I like eating cheese with mayo, I am such a fatass. ;_;

>> No.6710716

that's just gross brah

>> No.6710722

when i was working at a cafe i ate a litre of yoghurt on a really slow day

>> No.6710782

I've been meaning to try Sweet Baby Ray's, sriracha sauce, and pink Himalayan salt for at least 7 years, but still haven't.

>> No.6710816

Don't waste your time with sweet baby rays.

You could dunk your food in plain molasses and it'd taste the same.

>> No.6710897

So. You are Inuit?
Because the only explanation if you tell the truce.

>> No.6711130

>yanks calling pasta 'noodles'

Fucking hell.

>> No.6711251

Man's got a point. Guess I'm buying some beef tongue later.

>> No.6711360

I still ate fruit, nuts, and yogurt for breakfast. My poo was fine I guess.

>> No.6711462

Most people haven't. Only people I've heard of eating them are pilgrims.

>> No.6711561

Fuck steve harvey for real.

>> No.6711567

If you actually think a food can be a meme AND you act differently because of that, I genuinely think you should get tested for autism.

I'm honestly only trying to be helpful with that suggestion.

>> No.6711576

You should be proud of these things.

>> No.6711577

I offered some guy free refills but only gave him one drink and still charged him full price. Haha! What a sucker!

I'm gonna be rich if I keep this up!

>> No.6711582

Italian here
No you're not
We laugh at tourists doing that at restaurants

>> No.6711664

I am kinda proud of never going to olive garden, normies get all bent out of shape when they find out I've never been. I'll never go.

>> No.6711666

Fuck you. I love that shit. It's the only bottled BBQ sauce I will buy. But I don't care for the honey BBQ kind it is too sweet.

>> No.6711673

What? How sheltered are you that you haven't heard of, or tried squash like zucchini, butternut, spaghetti, or yellow? They aren't just the hard inedible things people use as decorations on Thanksgiving.

>> No.6711676

I've been to Olive Garden a couple times and have never once not sent my food back and had them make something fresh or get their shit right. Only reason to go is because their bread sticks are decent.

>> No.6711688

>had them make something fresh

You mean freshly microwaved to order?

>> No.6711695

How do you eat noodles Italobro?

>> No.6711758

I'm a 23 year old American and have never had bacon.

>> No.6711761

What state are you from?

>> No.6711764


>> No.6711769


>Slurping is super rude (so I hear)


>> No.6711772

How did you avoid bacon for breakfast?
Did you ever eat at a diner? I can't fathom how you did that.

>> No.6711807

>It's the only bottled BBQ sauce I will buy
You should probably acquire some better tastes, then.

>> No.6712436

I ate veal today

>> No.6712760

Buffalo wings make me gag.

>> No.6712767

I boil eggs and just eat the yolks (like to season them with siracha too )

>> No.6712816

I used to eat sliced bread with mayo

>> No.6712830

when i was a kid i'd come home from school and make microwave quesodillas with pizza sauce in it

when i ran out of tortillas i would put cheese and pizza sauce in a bowl and microwave that

when i ran out of pizza sauce


>> No.6712846

I've never eaten buffalo wings. Why do bufalo have such tiny wings

>> No.6712848

I have heart desease on both sides of my family. Shits going to kill me man. I just hope its painless

>> No.6712852

I make shitty coffee and dump sugar and milk in it every morning. I'll do one fresh cup then toss it in a thermos. It holds me over until dinner.

>> No.6713349

I like ketchup on my hot dogs.

I live in chicago

>> No.6713376

I've ate horse nads
It was really good actually

>> No.6713377

Not even zucchini?

>> No.6713378


>> No.6713385

Atherosclerosis is definitely not painless.

>> No.6713386

I'm into sweet baby ray's perhaps only cause i'm coming out of Open Pit's watery shitness.
What sauce would you recommend?

>> No.6713388
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About once a week, I eat here.

>> No.6713399

He's just going to suggest some super small batch hipster garbage that has way too much smoke and costs $20 for a pint.

Sweet Baby Ray's onion flavor is amazing.

>> No.6713427

I usually eat at fazolis once a week. It's near where I work and it's not as bad as ppl make it out to be

>> No.6713618

Bitch I'm allergic to milk, peanuts, eggplant, and tomato.

How do you think I feel.

>> No.6713621


>> No.6713624


>> No.6713627

I have never eaten pussy.

I'm a virgin.

>> No.6713628
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Is that Saul?

>> No.6713659

Trader Joe's Kansas City style BBQ sauce is pretty damn good. If your only access to food is a Walmart or a really shitty grocery store then Bullseye isn't bad for a Kraft produced sauce.

>> No.6713663

A lot worse than I do having only allergies to peanuts and tree nuts (which fucking sucks).

>> No.6713680

I don't know what custard is and at this point I am afraid to ask.

>> No.6713695

When an egg and a dairy love each other very much they come together and make a custard.

>> No.6713732

Soft serve and premium ice cream hold no candle to based custard.

>> No.6713737
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I'm allergic to brazil nuts and i hate it
It must suck miss out on eating all those nuts
I feel for you

>> No.6713741

I hate all pasta, I really don't like most cheese and things with cheese, I hate mushrooms, I'm not fond of turkey, I don't like crab and a lot of other seafood, I don't like eggs, hot dogs are not fit for human consumption in my eyes.

>> No.6713743

Underage b& pls go

>> No.6713762


>> No.6713773

shut tha fuk up pussy, we know you don't have a wife and won't get one

>> No.6713783

I drink one glass ofwater maybe twice a week. I usually make a full pot of Folgers coffee every morning and pour myself a large cup, add milk and sugar, then leave the pot on the burner for four or five hours and drink it until noon, where I switch to sweet iced tea or diet Dr. Pepper in the afternoon/evenings. I only drink water if I'm sick from dehydration or if I have nothing else to drink.

>> No.6713804

>I love the taste of Strawberry and Rasberries
> but I've never actually eaten one

I don't understand

>> No.6713831

Go to your nearest indian lunch buffet

Try everything

I 100% guarantee that something will a) be a form of squash and b) your new favourite thing

>> No.6713845

I'm guessing artificial flavors?