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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6710914 No.6710914 [Reply] [Original]

Settle a debate. Say you're at a sit down and order a drink with free refills. You drink your first drink, and then, before your food even arrives, are told by the waitress they ran out of what you're drinking. You don't want to drink anything else, so you get a water instead. Should you have to pay full price for the original drink?

>> No.6710926

You should still pay for it. Whether people drink one cup or five is irrelevant to the consumer cost. You're paying for a single drink which happens to include refills, in my interpretation.

Further, a drink with free refills is a soda. If you want a soda more than water, but only one particular soda, then you probably didn't even want that first soda that much, so the $2 that you paid for it probably isn't a big strain on you financially.

That said, if you asked for it, they'd probably refund the cost of the drink.

>> No.6710962

Absolutely not. The manager should come out, dig through his exacting records from the past five years and calculate the average amount of refills a patron who ordered your beverage receives. He should then calculate how much soda you were deprived of, and deduct that proportion of the cost of your soda from your bill.

>> No.6710978

When you pay for refills you are paying to rent the glass, if you only want to drink water instead of every other flavour then thats your problem

>> No.6710983

You paid for a product and the company failed to deliver the product. No charge.
Possible compensation for the inconvenience.

>> No.6711012

If you paid for a year's worth of high speed cable internet access but the company could only provide one month of that service and then offer you 64k dial-up connection would you still pay them the full price for the high speed cable?

I think not.

>> No.6711028


Terrible analogy. It's more like if you pay for a month of internet and get 11 months free, but then lose access after the first month.

>> No.6711047

It's still a bad analogy because 12 months in finite but unlimited refills is infinite but I think I made my point. Your semantics mean very little on the grand scheme of things.

Also, if you paid for a month with the expectation of recieving twelve months service then any normal pwerson woulf divide the cost by twelve. But semantics are pointless.

Fact is that they should have apologised and offered no charge with an expectation of recieving no tip for the inconvenience.

>> No.6711089

They advertised that specific drink as being in the infinite-refill deal, you went for the deal after seeing this, they failed to keep their end of the bargain.

They most likely already had you down as ordering that, and simply charged for what you had already ordered.
But i am sure if you actually went and asked them about it, and explained your situation, they would be understanding and happily refund you, or compensate you in some small form.

If you sat there and said nothing and paid for it, then vented all the way home, to now post it on 4chan for an obvious answer, without asking them about the charge at all, then it's pretty much your own fault.

If you don't ask you don't get.

>> No.6711125

what the fuck does it matter? Soda is a few dollars at most get on with your life and don't be a filthy piece of shit

>> No.6711131

You paid for a drink that included free refills. You didn't pay for free refills.

>> No.6711297

You shouldn't have to pay for it. You were inconvenienced. Even with the most basic of customer service skills, the waiter or manager should know to not charge for the drink.

>> No.6711352

He paid for a drink that included free refills and received a drink that didn't. That's not acceptable anywhere in the civilized world.

>> No.6711375

>throwing a fit over a couple dollars

>> No.6711401

It's the principle.

They offered a service that they couldn't provide so they can't charge for a service that they didn't provide.

If you bought a 4chan Pass and didn't recieve it would just bend over and take more dicks in the arse?

>> No.6711421

You got your drink. Why are you hammering multiple glasses of soda anyways?

>> No.6711438

The fact that you think I'm OP just shows how many dicks you inhale on a regular basis.

Only dumb servers and restaurant owners would defend the restaurant here.

>> No.6711446

I don't think you're OP. I do, however, think you're a self-righteous poorfag

>> No.6711449

>I don't think you're OP
Explain: >>6711421
>You got your drink. Why are you hammering multiple glasses of soda anyways?
What makes you thnk that I even touch carbonated bevereges?

>> No.6711455

We all inserted ourselves into the situation and responded with our reactions. The only thing anyone's getting free refills on is soda and iced tea

>> No.6711457
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>> No.6711466

It's obviously your responsibility to pay for the drink. But, the restaurant probably has more to lose from pissing you off than the $2 on the drink, so they should offer it for free. That $2 would probably come out of the tip anyway, nevermind your return business.

>> No.6711478

Anyone interested in a lifetime supply of roasted coffee beans? Just send me $100 with your address and I'll send you coffee beans for the rest of your life. I promise I won't stop after the first shipment!

>> No.6711483

Another terrible analogy

>> No.6711487


This. If someone is retarded enough to complain about this kind of thing the most smart thing to do is to give them their $2 and hope they never come back.

>> No.6711491

>It's obviously your responsibility to pay for the drink.
Why? He paid for an unlimited supply. They didn't give him what he paid for a full refund is mandatory. They should even offer free desserts to compensate for the inconvenience.

>> No.6711495


You're a terrible troll.

>> No.6711498

It's a perfect analogy. You're just too stupid or stubborn to accept that OP got robbed.

I'll bet the waiter kept the money and marked it on the store receipt as 'refund given'. Dirty little beggar.

>> No.6711500

>He paid for an unlimited supply.
>unlimited supply
>They should even offer free desserts

Professional poorfag logic

>> No.6711503


Middle aged white person logic right here.

>> No.6711507

You'd be dumb to assume you'd get a lifetime supply of coffee for $100.
You'd be dumb not to know that restaurants sometimes run out of things.
You'd be dumb to get upset over a $1.50.

>> No.6711509

The refills are free, not the drink. So, yes.

>> No.6711512

I'm a man stands up for what's right.

The restaurant made an offer. OP took that offer and paid for it. then the restaurant withdrew that offer. I cant believe that anybody in their right mond would defend the restaurant here. You're either a persistent troll, a desperate waiter, a mindless sheep, or someone who's too beta to make waves and stand up for himself.

>restaurants sometimes run out of things.
Then they shouldn't charge for something that they don't have. This is ridiculous.

>> No.6711523

They did have it and you got one

>> No.6711527

>They did have it
They clearly didn't or we wouldn't be having this conversation.

>and you got one
Goodbye idiot.

>> No.6711537

>still drinking soda
>having only one favorite soda
>making a shitty thread on fortune

viper urself my man

>> No.6711542

Yes, you. Have you not inserted yourself as the victim of refill robbery in this hypothetical situation?

>> No.6711547

Does a lawyer project himself as the criminal that he defends?

>> No.6711554

You're the criminal. You didn't pay for your drink

>> No.6711562

God fountain drinks are like $1.50 holy shit OP

Also why are you not drinking beer

>> No.6711565


>> No.6711580

just about to say this.


>> No.6711588

you're the stupid one in your circle of friends, right?

>> No.6711591

That's rich coming from a guy who will pay for something that he ddn't receive. Want some coffee beans?

>> No.6711599

You did get what you paid for

>> No.6711600


>endless supply of product
>limited supply of product
pick the wrong one

>> No.6711601


>> No.6711602

>Endless supply of beetus
>Limited supply of beetus
I trust that you'll make the right decision

>> No.6711603


the establishment didn't refuse to refill his drink, he decided to stop getting refills when they ran out of his favorite fatkid-juice

>> No.6711604
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>> No.6711606

let me know what other boards you peruse, I'm taking a psych class and would love to document your logic on other matters similar to this one.

>> No.6711611


>need to rent a car
>call rent-a-car place and order a mercedes
>pay for mercedes
>they deliver a honda
>"sorry sir it's all we have left"
>"oh, ok then. i'm just a beta fag so keep my money because i don't want to cause any trouble. in fact i'll just take the bus."

>> No.6711613

Except in this case, the Honda and the Mercedes are the same car, same price, just a different color

>> No.6711619
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>> No.6711621


Jesus, you really suck at analogies.

>> No.6711622

let's see yours

>> No.6711624

>he actually believes in God
Opinion discarded.

>> No.6711629

are we now talking about getting a different product than what was originally asked/paid? Cause thats not what this thread was about.

>> No.6711633

>deflecting fail

>the establishment didn't refuse to refill his drink, he decided to stop getting refills when they ran out of his favorite

They offered an unsuitable substitute. But they still withdrew their original offer.

You've got nothing left. I've won.

>> No.6711636


You don't need an analogy m8, the simple truth is:

Drink + Free Refills, due to a honest mistake you can't get any more refills of let's say Coke, so they can do two things:

- Offer you Sprite, or Fanta, or Mountain Dew Baja Blast (Business savy)

- Tell you to fuck off (complete jerks)

You consumed the first Coke and that's it. IF they have a cheaper option of "non-refill" soda (pretty popular here in my city, cheap fuckers) you should be charged that, since you didn't get the refill of the flavor you liked.

>> No.6711638
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No one wins on 4chan

>> No.6711649
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So basically you're agreeing with me. Thanx.


>> No.6711660

this guy. doesn't give a fuck about making sense, hes just sticking to his guns and fuck anyone who tells him otherwise.

>> No.6711711

>go to ihop for all you can eat pancakes
>sorry sir, we've run out of pancakes but we do have toast for you!
>wtf no give me my money back
>hurr no you got one serving it counts

Same principle.

>> No.6711836

Thats a better analogy, good job

But you're still fallacious in your point, your example is talking about the main item of the meal, not your drink (and since its soda, not paired wine, I doubt its crucial for the integrity of the meal).
And the substitution, toast, isn't on the same level as the pancakes. Toast is a side item not a meal like pancakes.
If you said, 'sorry we're out of blueberry pancakes, we do have strawberry or chocolate chip pancakes!' then that would be more relevant simile.

Keep working on it, your argument is slowly taking shape to being sound.