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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6706279 No.6706279 [Reply] [Original]

>be me a few days ago
>making food for new roomies just because
>bratwurst is cheap as fuck, why not.
>spend like 45 mjnutes carmelizing onions to make a relish, nothing too extravagant but it takes a little bit of time
>shit's ready, people come to get it
>chick roommate says "oh, I don't like onions"
>she proceeds to eat a plain bratwurst with no condiments, just meat and a bun, because she doesn't like anything else

ITT: we bitch and moan about picky eaters.

>> No.6706303

>she proceeds to eat a plain bratwurst with no condiments, just meat and a bun, because she doesn't like anything else
not even mustard or ketchup?

>> No.6706307

I'll never understand people who dont like onions when like you said, they're in fuckin everything
Not really picky, but i have a friend who puts ketchup on everything
My 34 yr old brother hasn't eaten a single vegetable in years
I can't stand seafood which but i really wish i liked it

>> No.6706310

*which is my own problem, but

>> No.6706312

Why do you give a fuck OP? She's never going to eat your shitty brat.

>> No.6706313


>guess what we're having for dinner Anon
>everything you hate

Besides onions aren't in "everything", you might put them in all your food because you're a boring uninspired cook but out in the real world you can go for days without seeing them

>> No.6706320

if you don't like onions and garlic, you shouldn't even be here

>> No.6706333


People who don't like onions and garlic should quite literally commit suicide.

>> No.6706375

My brother, ever since he was in first grade at least.
He mostly eats pizza, used to be pepperoni, until his teeth started to rot. Now he gets cheese pizza or cheese sticks.
He gets a lot of calcium, cheese sandwiches, occasionally with bologna, Mozzarella sticks, chocolate milk, but never white milk.
Chicken nuggets and French fries until they lose a bit of heat, then he says they're ruined.
Waffles with only maple syrup on them, he thinks I'm weird for spreading butter on mine.
Bacon that's not hard enough to hurt his teeth.
No vegetables to speak of, the only time he'll eat apple is if it's apple sauce.

I don't understand how he's never come down with scurvy or something, or any apparent vitamin deficiency.

>> No.6706417

I'm so glad someone's made a thread about this, because I cannot stand picky eaters. Unfortunately, they're fucking rampant in my family.

I have a little cousin who is such a picky eater, her parents have to make special requests when they order at restaurants because 9 times out of 10, she won't eat anything on the menu.

I have another cousin who pretty much won't eat anything that isn't made by her parents.

And when I go on family vacations, we almost exclusively eat at Vietnamese restaurants (everyone in my family is Vietnamese), no matter how shitty the food is or how hard they are to find. I honestly get so sick of eating pho and shit everywhere I go with my family. Don't get me wrong, I love Vietnamese food, but it drives me insane when people are so unwilling to try new things that they avoid them at all costs. That and the fact that everything I've eaten at Vietnamese restaurants is something I've eaten a thousand times already, or is something that my mom/grandma/some other family member makes a thousand times better.

>> No.6706474
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>mrw picky eaters
My whole life I though I was a picky eater, I physically cannot eat fruit in any capacity.
I though myself a freak and an outcast, destined to die from scurvy alone and sad.
Then I moved out of home and began to have people visit me, I'd feed them but be cockblocked at every turn.
>no tomato, onion, lettuce or pickles. Only half a bun please. What do you mean you don't have ketchup?
Japanese curry?
>I don't like spicy things you fucking weeb
Shakskuka or anything remotely ethnic sounding?
>That sounds weird, can't you cook normal food?
Croque Madame?
>anon pls stop hitting on me
A leather boot boiled for six hours?
>Sorry I'm gluten intolerant

Now I just think to myself whenever I'm going to have guests; "What's the whitest thing I can cook?"

The answer is always the same. Silverside with mashed taders and a facsimlie of Sizzler's cheese toast. I hate white people, we are the worst race.

>> No.6706477

I wish you had believed me

>> No.6706518

Also have a friend picking around "the green stuff" in something I made (some kind of pasta, I think). It was parsley.

>> No.6706533
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>just got home from gym with buddy, at his place
>look through fridge for leftovers
>pasta with pesto, score
>nuke that shit up
>sit down to eat
>buddy goes to fridge
>"wha...what are you getting?"
>pulls out ketchup
>dear god no
>squirts that shit all over his pesto

love the guy but holy shit how much can one man love ketchup

>> No.6706659

>My 34 yr old brother hasn't eaten a single vegetable in years
I bet he smells bad.

>> No.6706670
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>Also have a friend picking around "the green stuff" in something I made
Holy fuck this post triggered me. Yes I mad.

>> No.6706678

>Not liking fucking delicious onions

You should've murdered her

>> No.6706689

>defending the person OP is complaining about

Stop being contrarian

>> No.6706697
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>> No.6706699
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>I have a little cousin who is such a picky eater, her parents have to make special requests when they order at restaurants because 9 times out of 10, she won't eat anything on the menu.
Parents who enable this shit need to be euthanized.

>> No.6706715
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>Croque Madame?
>>anon pls stop hitting on me

>> No.6706863
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>> No.6707311
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>Go out to lunch with step brother and his wife (obese amicunt)
>says she doesn't like fish
>asks waitress if the fish tastes fishy
>orders the fish dish anyways
>complains that it tastes too fishy

Fuck I felt bad for my step brother, has such a hog water obese wife who obviously keeps track of his GBP, next time leave her in Colorado when you come up to van you dummy

>> No.6707317

I can't stand raw onions. But these days I can't eat a burger without some grilled onions on it.

>> No.6707322

You are fucked up, OP. The only autist I see in this situation is yourself. Roomie calmly stated her preference, could easily enjoy dinner with her preference, and did so. Come the fuck on, this can't be a serious thread.

Sometimes I worry about the herd think in the younger generation. Are we going to shame people for having a perfectly normal opinion? Learn the difference between someone being a picky asshole making people's lives miserable, and taking a misstep with a new roommate who still enjoyed your meal despite you internally being butthurt and screaming STOP LIKING WHAT I DON'T LIKE.

>> No.6707331

She told me after I had made everything. Do you even read? I guess it's my fault for assuming someone would be cool with a universal ingredient

>> No.6707345

I hate the texture of onions too, I don't like mixing textures as well.

I was once believed to be autistic but had that repealed at a psych, I'm just fucking weird honestly.

>> No.6707351

>I don't understand how he's never come down with scurvy or something, or any apparent vitamin deficiency.
>his teeth started to rot

>> No.6707355

>a universal ingredient
you have a mighty high opinion of food you like

sounds like you're just mad that
>i put SOOO MUCH EFFORT into these caramelized onions and this bitch didn't even fellate my bratwurst!

>> No.6707358

>next time you cook something with onions set some aside for roomate without onions like a normal person and build friendship

>> No.6707363

>be a picky eater
>never go over to friends places because I don't want to seem rude

I just sit around at home, get drunk and eat frozen pizza

>> No.6707385
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>Croque Madame?
>>anon pls stop hitting on me

>> No.6707452

I don't really get the OPs deal. Girl didn't like onions so she ate the food without onions. This bothers him somehow?

>I guess it's my fault for assuming someone would be cool with a universal ingredient

It's this kind of passive aggressive bullshit that makes you sound like the autistic bitch in this situation.

People can not like some foods. You don't need to be offended by it.

>> No.6707538

I'm a picky eater but I've never not eaten a meal prepared by someone outside my family.
I just shovel that shit into my mouth, go to my happy place and then tell them how delicious it is.

>> No.6707540

saged for faggotry

>> No.6707552


is that you scooby

>> No.6707553

A friend of mine and a friend of his legitimately do not eat fruit

It doesn't really upset me as much as it just baffles me

>> No.6707588

>sister is one of my better friends
>non-pleb in most areas of her life, so we get along great
>still a total fucking pleb when it comes to food

I can't take her anywhere, I swear to fucking god. She even tries, god bless her, but everywhere we go, she ends up grazing on whatever bland app she picks while I pig out on both our entrees after she has a few nibbles and decides she doesn't like hers.