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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 324 KB, 2000x1296, midwest usa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6698933 No.6698933[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Peggy Hunt is your stereotypical 48 year old woman from Pennsylvania
>She's gotten fat over the years, but still tries to tries to hide it with Walmart clothes
>She's 185 standing at 5'4
> "I have no self esteem" she mumbled to herself, looking at her fat rolls in the mirror
>Her balding husband Charles enters the room, fixing his tie in the same mirror
>"Something the matter, Peg?"
>"Oh we have that get-together later today, the one with you-know-who."
>"The Fotards?" he replied
>"Yep, the new family who moved here from California."
>Charles snickered at the way she said it
>"I just don't feel like I'm cultured enough to talk to them." She said.
>Charles had left sooner than expected, leaving her to talk to herself once more
>Some time had passed since before, it is now time to go to the outing
>She noticed Charles had some bottle sticking out of his shirt
>"Its this Adobo stuff my friends at work were talking about, says it makes meat taste good."
>"I'm taking heed to what you said before about the culture thing, Peggy."
>She smiled, as it gave her an idea
>I'll bring that bottle of expensive vinegar we got for our anniversary last year! The balsamic!"
>"Ooooooh!" Said Charles, smiling
>"That Jack guy on the YouTube always rants and raves about it! He's a professional chef you know."
>She smiled and put it in her purse
>"I'm coming for you, Rachel Fotard!"
>They had just arrived at the Smith's backyard for the cookout
>She whipped her head around to see Rachel Fotard standing feet behind her, smiling
>"Hi Peggy!."
>She laughed louder
>"H-hi Rachel, where's Cruston?"
>"He's coming, he's just grabbing my purse from the car."
>"Hi" said Cruston, almost tripping
>"Hibly dibly doo how ya all doing?"
>Nancy Smith's come to greet them
>"Now come in the back yard and see what Gaston is cooking don't ya knoooow"
>Her thick Wisconsin accent came through

>> No.6698941

>posts pic of midwest
>shitty blog entry about Pensylvanians

>> No.6698954


This is the biggest shitpost I've ever seen. Literally what the fuck was the point of this?

>> No.6699145


>> No.6699146

tl;dr nigger

>> No.6699151

She's gotten fat over the years, but still tries to tries to hide it with Walmart clothes
>She's 185 standing at 5'4
> "I have no self esteem" she mumbled to herself, looking at her fat rolls in the mirror

I'm. Fucking. Dying.

>> No.6699157

Shameless samefag.
please kill self

>> No.6699160

>year of our lord 6,350,471 BCE + 6,352,486
>implying anyone under the age of 50 in Wisconsin has any sort of accent
>implying it's not everyone else in the country that has an accent

>> No.6699161

I don't grt the humor
Please explain

>> No.6699168

>everyone in my shitty flyover state doesn't have an accent


>> No.6699174

>insecure no water Californian detected

>> No.6699176

>everyone else in the country has accents
>except for the state that's most famous for its accent second only to its shitty flyover cheese

>> No.6699180

>Strawman syndrome

>> No.6699186

>clearly hasn't been there this century
>still talking

>> No.6699191

what if I told you people in Minnesota don't sound like they do in the movie Fargo, especially not in the Twin Cities like the movie showed

they have a standard upper plains accent. you have to get right up to the Canadian border to get anything even close to the stereotypical Minnesotan accent

>> No.6699192

You realize Wisconsin is generally considered to have some of the best cheese in the world, right?

>> No.6699193

No one goes there because there's nothing important there, and the people are angry fatties.

>> No.6699200

my sides

>> No.6699202
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surprised you can read tbh

>> No.6699209
File: 82 KB, 1347x266, Wisconcucks BTFO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6699210

>best cheese in the world
You fucking flyover prick, get a passport.

>> No.6699213

my state is smarter than yours though.
what is your point?

>> No.6699214

You don't need a passport to get to vermont

>> No.6699222

>>Charles had left sooner than expected, leaving her to talk to herself once more

You fucker, I spilled my tea all over my desk after reading this.

>> No.6699225

op, why haven't you killed yourself yet?

>> No.6699227



>> No.6699231

>it's praising Wisconsin cheese

Who would have thought

>> No.6699237

Its just an easy way to see all of the awards they've won.

>> No.6699247

its not even the best cheese in the country

sampling of places with dominant cheese
>france, fucking france

I'm not even trying here.

>> No.6699249

Wisconsin is, famous world-round, for good cheese. France probably beats them, but you can't deny some very special stuff comes out of that amazing state.

>> No.6699250


>> No.6699252
File: 104 KB, 1513x983, been.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does this trigger you? all the counties I've been to in my life :^)

to be fair, most of those contests took place in Wisconsin. hell, the world championship cheese contest took place in Wisconsin, and the 3 top winners last year were from Switzerland and Austria

cheese from Wisconsin is a mixed bag. they have some great cheeses(no where else in the US makes leipajuusto, so thanks for that) but they also make a ton of garbage. the garbage is what gets exported the furthest though, so people outside of the upper plains get the shitty colby while not seeing the legitimately good cheese.

one thing I will agree with our relevant and cultured overlords from the coasts on is that Wisconsin confuses quantity with quality. Wisconsin produces a fuck ton of cheese, no one is denying that. a good portion of it is pretty good as well. but it's not the best cheese in the world simply because of how much you produce.

>> No.6699253

So? It doesn't mean they're good.
Just better than the bullshit submitted in the same category.

>> No.6699255

You care about this waaay too much.
Calm down.

>> No.6699257

Seriously? Are you kidding?

>> No.6699262

All France fucking has is try hard blue cheese that smells like a dead dude's smegma and brie. Fuck off.

>> No.6699266

to name a few
you're a pleb, stop embarrassing yourself

>> No.6699268


I'm not wrong, faggot.

>> No.6699269

Shit I replied to myself this was meant for >>6699266

>> No.6699271

You're an idiot with shit taste.
It's to be expected.

>> No.6699275

What is

>pepper jack
>spicy jalapeno

Wisconsin has much more variety. All of that frog shit is like the rest of the smelly crap like snails and bugs those odd balls eat.

>> No.6699279

poverty-tier taste in cheese confirmed
back to your joey thread pleb

>> No.6699280

california and new york both have better cheesemakers currently than WI does

>> No.6699286

No one can be his dumb.
0/10 shitty troll.

>> No.6699288
File: 93 KB, 736x736, 320af81370a106a3cad742df5d1241e0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nope. I may have forgotten a couple of counties I went through once, but that's legitimately all the counties I can remember being in in my entire life.

>> No.6699289

>>spicy jalapeno

My fucking sides. That sounds like the latest Dorito flavor you shitstain.

>> No.6699292

>>pepper jack
counting them separably, cool
even the word is in French
now you are just trolling
>>spicy jalapeno
get lost with your shit-taste

>> No.6699297

You need to seriously travel more.
Please. It will be fun.

>> No.6699299

>even the word is in French

You're fucking dumb, dude.

>> No.6699301

That literally looks like someone removed the cooked cheese from an American pizza and put it in an airtight package.

>> No.6699302
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>> No.6699303

>something something jalapeno something something microwave

Fucking Hell.

>> No.6699310


prove it.

>> No.6699313
File: 1.56 MB, 260x195, wat.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6699314

A contest between piss and vomit has no winner.

>> No.6699323

again, prove any of the cheeses tested were bad. im waiting.

>> No.6699326

congrats on the dumbest post in a thread full of shit

>> No.6699331

The fact that Wisconsin cheese won is proof enough.

>> No.6699335

Wisconsin's cheese cultures are some of the best around, that is why the cheese is better. Creamy, velvety, pairs with spicy well, has that tang (for those who like to brag), ect.

>> No.6699337

That's a funny way to say bland.

>> No.6699341
File: 101 KB, 484x645, 100PercentCheeseGrilledCheese1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


you could microwave it, but it's best sauteed in a bit of butter. it's really similar to fresh cheese curds, but it doesn't melt.

that was the best picture of Carr Valley bread cheese I could find. rest assured I never buy the jalapeno kind, only regular or garlic

yeah I guess. it's just that I never find the typical touristy things enjoyable. I dislike cities, so I end up spending most of my time in state/national parks

>> No.6699343
File: 27 KB, 595x324, urban dictonary is right.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6699344

What the fuck does "Wisconsin" even mean? What language is it?

>> No.6699347

You should at least see the ocean some time.

Not at any of the popular shit holes like Atlantic City, or whatever. But somewhere less populated and with no gimmicks.

>> No.6699353


Again, look at the link to all the awards they win.

>> No.6699361


>> No.6699365

I don't need to look at awards to know their cheese is shit or not.

Tasting is enough.

>> No.6699368
File: 70 KB, 564x340, champs_league_2252437a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you win an award for biggest cunt on /ck/
congrats its official now

>> No.6699371


>> No.6699374

>has that tang (for those who like to brag)

Can someone explain this to me? People occasionally say it on this board and I still don't get it.

>> No.6699389

>Can someone explain this to me?

It's just another stupid attempt at forcing a meme.

>> No.6699396


>One leading theory holds that the name originated from the Miami word Meskonsing, meaning "it lies red," a reference to the setting of the Wisconsin River as it flows through the reddish sandstone of the Wisconsin Dells.

we used a lot of native words when naming things in the plains

>The word Minnesota comes from the Dakota name for the Minnesota River: Mnisota. The root mni (also spelled mini or minne) means "water" and "tō" ("ta") means "blue".

>Kanaranzi was platted in 1885; its name comes from the Dakota word for "where the Kansas were killed"

>Okoboji lake was known after its Dakota-language name, Okoboozhy, meaning reeds and rushes.


couldn't find something like this for non Dakota/Sioux based names though.

>> No.6699417

Cheese is fucking disgusting and everyone ITT should be ashamed of themselves for devoting any a\mount of thought to it.

>> No.6699426
File: 18 KB, 293x282, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6699664

Go eat some more rice Ping.

>> No.6699669
File: 230 KB, 596x394, 1434777139123.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6699686

Get with the times, Flyover-man.


We've got TOO MUCH water now.

>> No.6699698

And how long is that water gonna last before you people realize the entire bottom half of your state is unsustainable? :^)

>> No.6699703

El Nino soon.

90% chance we'll be swimming in it within 3 months.

>> No.6699782
File: 10 KB, 300x164, ayy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look ma, I can shitpost, too!

>> No.6699858
File: 19 KB, 530x203, mini breed cow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

4/10, got me to reply.

>> No.6699868

El Nino began last year and is continuing this year.

>> No.6699951

>no netherlands
fuck off pleb

>> No.6700029

/ck/ needs more writefags. Where's part deux?

>> No.6700048

Thats definitely not how the phrase "don't ya know" is used

>> No.6700053

Kill yourself, op.

>> No.6700141

From Michigan and laughed.

Also found it funny that my neighbor growing up was really into making different vinegars and to this day knew more about them than anyone I have met.

>> No.6700191

I see summer is in full swing..

>> No.6700329

Does this have a point?

>> No.6700337

sounds more like a minnesota accent

>> No.6700341

Oh its this post agein

>> No.6700352

oh wow your shithole not only has more retards
it also has more poor minorities!
soooo gooooood

>> No.6700356

No one thinks you're funny.
You can't even find Pennsylvania on a map.

>> No.6700361

can't see shit captain

>> No.6700449

> Wisconsin produces a fuck ton of cheese
and of that fuckton 90% is all the stuff you see shrink wrapped next to your processed meats. The 10% you have to seek it. So if you are ever in Wisconsin, don't go into a grocery or even a specialty cheese store cause "specialty" means "coming from a local factory" and "not from the cheese maker out back."
Source: Peers who are delivery drivers from local factories.

>> No.6700465

Not OP, also live in PA. Stay mad<3

>> No.6700471

Yeah, kill yourself.

>> No.6700488

is this a fanfic lol?

>> No.6700504

What's the matter, anon-sweetie? Can't handle a little emoji??

>> No.6700559
File: 587 KB, 1366x1194, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Go to Chicago
>Order tomato soup

Pic related, even came in a bread bowl

>> No.6700579

That's not an emoji, you gigantic fucking cunt.

>> No.6700601

>delicious Chicago tomato casserole
>way better than New York cheese coasters

>> No.6700605

That's a pizza

>> No.6700685

>Wisconsin is famous world wide.
Bruh. The only thing foreigners know about the US is the white house, New York, California/surfers, and coboys/the wildwest/Texas. Nobody knows about Wisconsin.

>> No.6700689

good job little buddy, gold star for trying

>> No.6700785

Central Valley reporting in. A few sprinkles here and there lately but what rain are you talking about?

>> No.6701163


>> No.6701205

Real Wisconsin dick cheese

>> No.6701220


>> No.6701441

stale copypasta is stale

>> No.6701449

My bad yo, Netherlands is top tier. Was just trying quickly BTFO the Wisconsinfag

>> No.6701453
