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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6695804 No.6695804 [Reply] [Original]

What can you tell me about Korean food?

>> No.6695851

It's food from Korea.

>> No.6695972

A lot of fermented flavours are used and it's delicious. Chewiness is also a preferred texture.

>> No.6696237

korean pancake is very good.
and so is sun du bu shim.

>> No.6697479

koreans like bbq.
koreans like fermented foods.
koreans like spicy foods.
koreans eat a lot of rice.

>> No.6697513

Never had it because flyover.

>> No.6697520

>baby's first buzzword

>> No.6697525

Being a dog, there's a 100% chance that you will be eaten before learning how to use Korean chopsticks.

>> No.6697527

during the famine a lot of kids disappeared and were made into stew

in the prison camps, kids literally fight over the digested kernels of corn they find in the pig shit. If you're found with the corn meant to feed the animals, you're shot.

that's all i know about korean food

>> No.6697528
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kimchi tbh

>> No.6697531

I had it before
I had what tasted like teriyaki chicken over a bed of shredded potatoes.

Weird but good shit

>> No.6697532
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>> No.6697536

As a Korean I can tell you that we steal a lot of shit from other cultures, but that's what puts South Korea above North Korea.

>> No.6697547
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>mfw remembering the time i complained about a medium well steak that should have been medium rare

>> No.6697558

>As a Korean
Hey, I'm curious. Can you tell me why your girls go through that double-eye surgery shit, to get eyes like seen here >>6697532?
I mean, yeah, I like it, but I'm caucasian and I like caucasian traits in my women. Isn't it, like, dishonoraburu though to try to "fix" one of the defining traits of asiatic people?

Also, yeah, you all borrow stuff but that same meal I had a crunchy crab roll that was better than any sushi I've ever had at a Japanese rstaraunt, so whatever you guys do you're clearly doing it right.
...though it's not hard to be above North Korea.

>> No.6697585

>Can you tell me why your girls go through that double-eye surgery shit, to get eyes like seen here
money,fame and notoriety

>> No.6698453

A lot of Japanese restaurants in the low to medium tier price are run by Koreans actually so odds are your crunch crab roll in a Japanese restaurant was Korean-made if you are outside Japan.

>> No.6698474

Imagine being one of the demented fucks in the US propaganda ministry who get paid to come up with this shit.

>> No.6698475


retarded britbong detected. we don't ministries here - they're departments.

>> No.6698494

It's good try some

>> No.6698519
File: 2.24 MB, 3264x2448, 20150720_184432.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im currently in south korea. The food is good if you like:

Fermented food
Spicy food
Sweet food

Tonight for example I ate abalone porridge (rice) (pic related). The main dish was the porridge which was sort of sloppy in texture with thinly sliced pieces of abalone in it. The side dishes were: spiced squid (left), pulled pork in some soy sauce (middle), kimchi (right), the white radishes in the liquid are called 'chicken danmuji' 치킨 단무지, these are mostly served at fried chicken restaurants and are sweet in the liquid.

The little side bowl next to the big one full of porridge is where you put the porridge in that you want to eat from, this is basically to cool it down quicker.

If you I can post more pictures

>> No.6698526

eggs, chili, barley, seaweed and soy
also fermented food. expect a lot.

>> No.6698539

They like spicy food, rice and veggies. Soups are also big in korea, and they have a dish similar to japanese maki called kimbab, it's delicious. Try goin' to a korean bbq, eat some kimchi and get into it, as it is healthy and rich.
I am also surprised at how much skinny korean girls can eat.