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6696555 No.6696555 [Reply] [Original]

In this thread, we discuss and sing the priase of the amazing store known as Aldis

I'll start: Aldi's is the best store in the world because of their amazing prices.

>> No.6696570

i like how it looks like I'm buying name brands but I'm really buying shitty europeen brands and my friends would make fun of me if i had any.

>> No.6696574

is this some kind of europoor bullshit

>> No.6696575

Don't talk about Mr. Aldi like that. All of their products are of the highest quality and very very often manufactured in the same plant and just put into a different box.

>> No.6696581

Started in Europe, been popping up all over the U.S. the past decade. Literally prices are 50% of kroger/publix/walmart.

>> No.6696582

imagine going to a dollar store where all the products look like name brands but when you get closer you see they are shitty mexican copies. now imagine a grocery store that does that.

>> No.6696585

I love me some Aldi, but not all Aldi items were born equal. I'm munching on a wheel of brie I picked up from them today having never had theirs before, and it's pretty awful.

Still a big fan though. Their produce has improved considerably since I was a kid and my parents did the shopping there.

>> No.6696588

I lived in Germany when I was younger, so it's nice that they stock German and German-style products for nostalgia.

>> No.6696596

All the packaging has such pretty colouring. At regular supermarkets, if I wanted to buy low quality products at commensurately low prices, I'd have to buy stuff in boring plain packaging. That's no fun at all. Thanks, Aldi.

>> No.6696597

Oktoberfest is a great time of year here in the States if you have an Aldi nearby. They break out a TON of nice German imports.

>> No.6696620

Shopping at Coles is so confusing. Their range of brands makes it hard to tell if I'm getting cheap shit or good quality product. The two are often placed side by side. It can be quite a shock when I get to the cash register!

Thankfully, Aldi makes sure I can't get anything but cheap shit. Shopping is so much easier at Aldi.

>> No.6696674

If you're not looking for cheap groceries, why are you at Aldi? You some kind of retard?

>> No.6696693
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they have good chocolate.

>> No.6696718

I usually like their stuff

aldi light beer's a six pack for six bucks

>> No.6696726

Aldi is a GOAT tier supermarket, 100% better than Lidl.

>> No.6696741

The triple creme wedge brie is good.
Many of the knock-offs are nearly as as good, just as good or even better than the products they're aping. For example, Aldi has a knock-off Nutella that I find better-tasting than the real stuff. And their plain/AP and wholemeal flours, their dry beans, their spicy ketchup (tastes EXACTLY like Whataburger) and their frozen fruits are each just as good as national brands but a fraction the cost. Their milk, cream, half-and-half, butter and eggs and eggs are each just as good and still only a fraction the prices elsewhere. Their cooking oils, dry pastas and seltzer water, too.
Their instant coffee, which I use in baking, cooking and to make Greek iced coffee, is nearly as good as Nescafé but about a third the price. The paprika is nearly as good as Pride of Szeged but a quarter the price.

Now, the stuff that's better than anywhere else:
The mustard... wholly fuck. When they have the good stuff, it knocks my fucking socks off, man, WAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay better than any other brands available in the US other than 'spensive-ass imports and at only $1.49/jar? I'm a happy camper.
Choceur chocolate. Better than big-name imports at a fraction the cost.
These cheese cracker things. Kinda look like fancy Cheez-Its. Fucking glorious.
And while we're on the subject: the motherfucking cheese. Holy shit. The problem is that the cheeses are intermittent, but when they carry the good stuff, it's always fucktardedly cheap. Sometimes, because I go to an Aldi in a ghetto area where people don't know good stuff from shit and therefore leave the cheese alone, it sits a while and the manager slashes it down drastically, so I stock the fuck up.
The imported sausages. The sauerkraut (just as good as my plain homemade). The imported cakes. Fuck me, it's all wonderful and wonderfully cheap to boot.

The stuff I dislike: imitation crab (tastes like an imitation of imitation crab; real bad), bacon and sugar (beet, not cane).

>> No.6696746

Oh, but fuck the potatoes and onions in the mouth. Every sack of potato or onion I get from there goes off before I'm able to use it all. Hate that shit.
Rest of the produce is all generally pretty good, though. So's the pork, chicken and lamb (when they have it). The beef sucks, though.

>> No.6696748

my favourite discounter store here in yurop too

>> No.6696755

Publix is better

>> No.6696758

yeah their stuff doesn't have a great shelf life from my experience
so much this about the euro type stuff
holy shit only bad euro thing I've had was their massive bulk "polish sausage" pack by the cheap shit hot dogs. They sucked.
Their "good" type hot dogs and sausages are great though.

Great kraut.

>> No.6696762

My mother raised me on those polish sausages. I liked them as a kid, but they definitely taste like poverty to me now.

>> No.6696774

I ended up mushing them up and seasoning them for burrito filling. ended up decent

>> No.6696797

>Aldi polish sausage is bad
Never tried it, but you know what's odd?

I grew up on Carniolan sausage, which is the Slovenian equivalent of Polish sausage. Even the words are similar (kielbasa in polish and klobása in Slovenian).
Upon moving to the US, I had difficulty finding Carniolan sausage anywhere and the Polish ones, while good, had an entirely different flavour. One day, I met a couple in New York from Ljubljana who told me about a particular brand of US-made sausage that's actually pretty good to Slovene tastes. Turns out, the founder of the Hillshire Farm brand was from Carinthia in southern Austria, right along the border with Carniola and made sausages according to that tradition.
While not 100% spot on, likely due to the use of a mixture of forcemeats rather than just pork, it's close enough that I'm not complaining.
I highly recommend it.

>> No.6696819

I've received some deeply moronic responses to my posts in the past, but this must be the worst.

>> No.6696822

I grew up on Aldi

I remember when I was younger it was awful because it was all off-brands, but now that I'm an adult and I care about money more than brands, I think Aldis is the best place in the world.

Good cheap quality food

>> No.6696834

>TFW work at aldi
I stole about 40 eggs last night.
They were destined for the dumpster any way.

Aldi is pretty good. I'd say I do most of my shopping there. The meat is good. You got your shit factory farm stuff that's the same everywhere but cheaper at aldi and you've got the grass fed shit that's really good and also cheaper.

Cheese and chocolate is uniformly based. Produce is acceptable now, was shit-tier when I was a kid. Cleaning products et al are all good. Canned goods are all good. Really, I don't think much of what we sell is absolute shit. The special buys are at least half crap. But they're also markedly cheaper and you can just return it if it's shit so whatever.

Decent, not great employer.

>> No.6696841
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>> No.6696849


>> No.6696930

#1 in advertising too


>> No.6696943

I love Aldi, but the fruit/veg always smells fucking awful. The stuff at Lidl's doesn't though despite it being the exact same store with a different name. Do they have Lidl in America? I've seen Aldis but not Lidls.

>> No.6696959

As someone who developed an allergy to wheat as a young adult, I have to say that Aldi's GFree brand is probably the best gluten free stuff I've had. It's also cheap as fuck--their GFree cornbread is the closest I've had to regular cornbread.

>> No.6696976

They do have a really good selection of cheese and nobody can beat the price

>> No.6697022

I can't find those flaming hot cheetos in bigger bags than snack size but aldis has a knock off that isn't too bad

>> No.6697911

The founder of Lidi couldn't use his own name, because his name's Schwarz. Like in Schwarzmarkt.

>> No.6697915
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>they have good chocolate

>> No.6697958

tfw german and have lots of aldi, lidl, netto, penny markt, kaufland, combi, edeka, jahns near where i live. Saves me lots of money, can pick the best price/product quality and eat like a king.
I love being german!

>> No.6697965

They don't have Aldi in my neck of the woods in Seattle. We do, however, have "Grocery Outlet" and I save a fuck ton of money there.

As for >>6696570 , if you buy plastic containers to keep your foods in (like pastas and cereals and shit) your friends can't say fuck about your food....that they're eating for free....

>> No.6697972

Live in Seattle also, Trader Joe's is basically Aldi's.

>> No.6697981

I got 3 gallons of milk that I got during one of their sales... The expiration date was for about 4 weeks and with a toddler we go through a lot so I thought 3 would last us until the date on the jugs. The first gallon was open for 4 days before it was sour... Second gallon was bad as soon as I opened it, so I poured it out and immediately checked the last gallon, which was also sour.

I love Aldi but I'm not buying milk from there anymore. But you can find a lot of decent stuff there. They always have great buys on produce. I regularly buy their stuffed ravioli, hard cheese, frozen waffles and french fries in addition to any produce that's on sale for the week. They also have this fantastic applesauce... With peaches, cherries or raspberries.

I took a friend there who had never been, hoping she would fall in love with Aldi's too but she did nothing but bitch. Bitching about having to buy bags, bitching about putting a quarter in for the cart, bitching about there being no name brands. I wanted to punch her in the tit for going on about it so damn loudly.

>> No.6697998

the name brands are just more expensive mexican shit

>> No.6698327

I like most things there but not the American sliced cheese or the Coffee.
The Olive oil is great and cheap

>> No.6698332

more like 75-85% but still very good

>> No.6698338

Might just be here in Denmark. But Aldi tends to have inferior products to the rivals such as Lidl or Fakta.
Probably a good reason why their market share is absolut shit, despite having the most stores.

>> No.6698353

Isn't Aldi for poor people? I only ever see Indians and Chinese go there.

>> No.6698360

This is the only good thing Aldi sells.

>> No.6698371


So much this
Lidl, aldi, penny, rewe, netto and teka (frozen stuff in big portions for low prices) in 10 minutes walking distance is such a godsend

>> No.6698391

Have to second this. Potatos and onions are pretty trash tier.

>> No.6698409

I prefer it over Lidl. I pretty much lived off their precooked meals for most of the past year.

>> No.6698425

>Aldi in Denmark
>only mudslimes and pakis work there
>literally not a single dane working in any of the ones I've visited
>everything is a mess
>german shit frozen and otherwise preserved products
>"fresh" produce is shit tier and always kinda old looking.

Shitty store.

>> No.6698460


>> No.6698479

well more than a decade. I turned 30 this year and used to get dragged into aldi's in missouri as a little kid. Because of the layout I've forever termed it "the circle of hell" but now as an adult, you can't really beat their prices.

When my EBT comes in on the 19th I make a trip to wal-mart, aldi's and then my local supermarket. Walmart just is cheaper on a lot of stuff, but I get a good SUV load of food from aldis.

Local supermarket much more expensive overall, but usually always the best deals on butcher meats. A good roast sale and I stock up the deep freezer pretty well.

made my aldi's list yesterday, probably hitting it up today or tomorrow.

>> No.6698517

Australia here, similar kinda experience for me as well.

More locally produced food, but again low quality stuff and a whole lot of processed stuff (chips, bullshit etc). Of course far less immigrants too because we're full ;)

>> No.6698994

not really, no, at least not for the food I usually buy.

The milk at Aldi is a lot cheaper, I'll give them that, but as far as my other preferred foods, particularly cereal, I've noticed that the price tag is cheaper, but is less healthy and at times contains less food per package than the equivalent Kroger store brand that costs 10-20 cents more.

They also seem to have a very limited produce section, at least the one near me does.

>> No.6699003

That's nice for you guys.

Why can't your business translate such awesomeness when they set up shop in America?

>> No.6699008

because it's america