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6695357 No.6695357 [Reply] [Original]

How come it's such a taboo?
We eat other animals every day, so why not humans?

There should be lots of discarded meat from operations and stuff.

>> No.6695363

>Kill someone and eat them
>"They said they wanted me to eat them lol"

Not only that but why do you even want to eat people when you can literally buy chicken/pork/beef/whatever in the stores?

I'd try human just to know what a person tastes like but otherwise fucking why there are much better options.

>> No.6695365

the cow doesn't want you too eat it either

>> No.6695366

eating human brains is a real no no from a medical standpoint. It can cause uncontrollable laughter and menu neural diseases which you really don't want. Placenta is eating in a lot of places around the world so you can try that it suppose to have health benefits but it hasn't been proven. You can suck cock or like a pussy if you want to find out about the taste. For the structure you will need some actual meat so you will have to find some volunteer. It's not a complete taboo sometimes you are forces to eat people, think of that plane crash in the Andes. But it's not very common, I believe most cannibals recide in Germany but I forgot the reason for this.

>> No.6695368

Don't cut yourself on that edge.

>> No.6695372

Too much effort with little to gain. There would be no ethical way to mass produce human meat. People would have to give consent, similar to how organ donation works, but less accepted because why the fuck would anyone want to be eaten.
Also, have you seen humans? Most of them are either overweight or underweight depending on where you go. Good luck finding a decent cut of human meat, let alone enough to make a business out of it.
Oh you just want one human to try. Okay, here is your fucking manhunting permit, go nuts. Oh wait, murder is illegal.

>> No.6695374

In disaster survival scenarios, it's still illegal in most places.

>> No.6695391


You exist because millions of animals killed and ate eachother.

>> No.6695395

Do the cows parade with signs that say ''kill me, eat me'' over where you live?

>> No.6695398

Because humans are by far the animal most likely to host diseases that can spread to humans.

>> No.6695400

>How come it's such a taboo?
>We eat other animals every day, so why not humans?

>> No.6695404

I knew someone who went crazy from eating a piece of human brain

>> No.6695405

This exactly.
Mad cow disease is another example of cannibalism spawning disease because it's the result of feeding cows parts from dead cows.

>> No.6695418

Go take a shower, you Molech-worshipping kike.

>> No.6695427

Given the ethical implications of taking another person's life, as well as laws against murder that have existed for millennia, the only modern justification that exists for cannibalism is psychosexual gratification.

Unless there were some sort of reprocessing program after people have died from various causes (on which circumstance is basically the equivalent of eating a diseased cow), how would you propose they even make it available to the public?

>> No.6695440

>How come it's such a taboo?
>We eat other animals every day, so why not humans?
You don't know were that human has been.

Additionally: You can easily catch Diseases from sick meat.

>> No.6695472

This. Eating your own kind (or those too close to you, like bush meat) leads to nasty prion diseases. That's really the only reason not to eat long pork, but it's a pretty good one.

>> No.6695503

Why would we eat our own species?

>> No.6695559

Flesh removed during surgery and such is likely diseased. Not good.

>> No.6695568
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Whoever said that we don't?

>> No.6695573

Because the most widespread religions forbade it as a sin and that has become a secular moral.

>> No.6695597

HIV first crossed the species divide when West Africans butchered and ate chimpanzees for bush meat. This is just from eating a very similar animal to us. Imagine eating something that is the same. All the parasites, viruses, bacteria etc will have no problem infecting the eater.

>> No.6695876

A friend went to the hidden wiki to get some infos about that and it seems that the best flesh is from a 14 years old girl, I guess it makes sense. I'd like to try it indeed.

>> No.6696437

they weren't eating them anon, they were fucking them.

>> No.6696448

Middle school girls are hot. I would love to capture a girl to fuck and then eat.

>> No.6696461
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>I'd like to try it indeed.
>Middle school girls are hot. I would love to capture a girl to fuck and then eat.

>> No.6696479

You're pretty stupid

>> No.6696482

Stop being such a pussy. You're just upset that somebody had the balls to admit what you've always thought.

>> No.6697007
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I've literally never thought about eat another human, same with dogs or cats.

>> No.6697028

you mean you never thought about eating dat pussy

>> No.6697054


Eating pussy is boring as shit. I seriously don't know anyone who actually enjoy's having their face in that gross flap.

>> No.6697062

Why would you want your meat to taste like a fist fuck of salt.

>> No.6697099

Nigga you gay

>> No.6697124
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As such in the life of the chans.

>> No.6698817

The only kind of person I would consider eating is a cute girl but I wouldn't want one to die just for that.

>> No.6698836

You probably just have a boring, unresponsive partner. Either that or you're an autistic shit that isn't capable of empathy. I fucking love giving head.

>> No.6699121


Cannibalism doesn't spawn prion diseases though. It can be a method of transmitting them, but so can eating any infected tissue, regardless of whether it's your own species or not. Humans weren't committing cannibalism when they ate infected beef and developed CJD.

The associations with cannibalism are only because those two instances caused closed loops where infected tissue was repeatedly being fed back into a population, amplifying one infection into an epidemic. I'm not saying I'm in favour of cannibalism, but you're no more likely to get a prion disease from eating a random human than you are from eating a random cow or sheep. They have to be infected in the first instance, prions don't just appear in your brain because they've detected that you've committed an act against nature.

>> No.6699141

>fucking chimpanzees

Speaking of ape-human sex, did you hear about the Germans who fucked an orangutan prostitute?

>> No.6699267


seems legit
t. sperglord

>> No.6700783

>I believe most cannibals recide in Germany but I forgot the reason for this.

>> No.6700807

No but that's really funny consider an orangutan can rip you apart like an empty tissue box.

>> No.6701246

That's probably what happened anon and why he was asking if we heard about it.

>> No.6701358

You can eat your own produce. I.e., your babies

>> No.6701820

theres no problem killing people off so eating them is just the next step.

>> No.6701821

Because eating human meat causes brain damage.

>> No.6701823


That's only nervous system tissue, and it's not a risk limited to humans, it applies to any animal.

>> No.6702958

The problem with it is that it forces a closed loop outbreak. If some cows are infected with CJD and we eat them, people become effected but the exposure is limited because eating cow meat can't spread the infection back to cows. It goes from the cows to us, and the level of exposure can't get larger unless more cows become infected somehow.

Contracting CJD through cannibalism is a much larger problem because the more individuals who become infected only further taints the supply, increasing the risk of exposure.

The argument that you can contract it from any animal is fucking bullshit.

>> No.6702964
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>I'd try human just to know what a person tastes like but otherwise fucking why there are much better options.
in south america you can eat primates

>> No.6703075
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Cannibals are pretty forthcoming about the taste particulars of different people. Whether serial killers, plane crash survivors, or new Guinea tribesmen, there is a definite consensus:
>tastes more like pork than anything, although onl obese people have that same level of fattiness we associate with good ham or bacon
>the smell of humans burning is close enough to pork to be mistaken for it, and to induce hunger in those who smell it
>Women make better eating than men. their flesh is generally softer, less hairy and easier to prepare. they also have big fat asses, or as we say in food lingo, hams. Tits lead to a bit of a fatty brisket cut
>Young meat is better. Babies taste the best
>Especially for stews, where the infant flesh just melts into the broth
>Filtration organs and brain to be avoided. heart, genitals, and face meat are delicacies.

>> No.6703126

When I die I'd be quite happy to have my loved ones cook me up and eat me while mourning my death.