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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 58 KB, 1024x658, kfc[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6694134 No.6694134 [Reply] [Original]

Goddamn these commercials. He looks so fucking racist, like a slave owning prospector or somethin.

It's really uncomfortable

>> No.6694137

which is exactly how i like it.

>> No.6694145
File: 4 KB, 190x233, 1392865816411.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, dudes a straight up chicken fucker
I wasn't expecting that voice either.
and that fucking laugh.

>> No.6694149


>> No.6694152

(you faggot)

>> No.6694154


I'm surprised he doesn't say "I do declare" at any point

>> No.6694167

>Anybody white with a southern accent is racist

Shitskins pls go be racist somewhere else

>> No.6694202

>he doesn't stereotype
sjw pls leave

>> No.6694204
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>> No.6694205


>> No.6694209


Are you legally retarded?

Does your wrangler know you're on 4chan?

>> No.6694227

"They're mad because it's white" lol

>> No.6694277

But if you know food, then you know how to handle delicate subjects like race relations. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=22uRf-Vky3M#t=53s

>> No.6694294

>a slave owning prospector

That is exactly what the Colonel was though.

>> No.6694297


>> No.6694302

You know whats funny? My black friends actually like this commercial, they think it indicates more "southernness", not racism.
To them "southernness" means a dedication to superior flavor, fuck trying to make food healthy.

>> No.6694304


You don't have to be black to think "Hey, that's kinda off"

>> No.6694306

the secret is that what yankees think is "black" or "racist" is usually just "southern"

>> No.6694312

Harland Sanders died in 1980.

>> No.6694313

Yeah and you don't have to be a woman to know that all men are rapists.

See how fucking stupid you sound?

>> No.6694317

I always imagined the Colonel to be friend to Darky given his vocation.

>> No.6694322


What the fuck does that even mean? My point was does the fact your friends are black hold any importance?

It's like those "I can't be racist! I have black friends!" things.


>all men are rapists

8/10 I bit that fucking bait hard, well done.

>> No.6694326

>black people aren't important
WOW. Just wow.

This is how murikkkans actually think.

>> No.6694330
File: 19 KB, 395x405, 1277977335725.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So you don't think that actual black people have relevance when discussing racism, specifically that aimed towards black people?
You are truly retarded.

>> No.6694339

I wish he would. That's my favorite. I don't even eat KFC, though. Go Chicken Go or homemade, please.

>> No.6694342
File: 29 KB, 512x368, 04a - Nasty Patty.avi_snapshot_10.02_[2014.12.02_20.28.00].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Fuck! Now I get it. I am retarded. This never happened.

>> No.6694351

Why are people associating a classic sense of style and a southern inflection with racism?

When you watch jap cartoons do you bring up the rape of Nanking?

When you speak with Germans do you direct the conversation towards their periphery involvement in the holocaust?

When you speak with Italians would you ever consider them to be the descendants of the mighty Romans? No, of course not because all sentient life on earth hates the Italians and we only tolerate them because fat people love pasta.

>> No.6694360

>When you watch jap cartoons do you bring up the rape of Nanking?
>tfw you've had the misfortune of hanging out with miserable shits who actually do this

>> No.6694363

If it's uncomfortable to you then change the channel, I don't suckup to niggers. If you want a nice bio on him look into Horatio Alger awards.

My uncle was awarded one right next to him. They were from a generation that didn't whine like you faggits but did stuff and got over their problem instead of WHAAA WHAAA GIMMIE GUBMENT HELP!


>> No.6694365


You alright? Helmet got loose again?

>> No.6694369

you friend sounds like a smart guy, more people need to be aware of how horrid and oppressive japanese culture is. you ever notice how the people who extol japanese culture are the same people you suspect of being pedophiles/rapists?

or fat girls. fat girls love japan.

>> No.6694373


Which is funny, cause Japan hates obesity.

>> No.6694381

Asia in general, and the western coast of the US, hate obesity.
Also Nordic and Scandinavian countries.

>> No.6694388

this commercial bother me too. but it bothers me because it makes me think of darrell hammond on SNL and now he's an old colonel which means i'm getting older too. the landslide brought me down.

>> No.6694412

No. I don't wear a helmet or a fedora as you seem to since you seem to hate everyone that's made something for their family.

It must be sad to be you.

>> No.6694414

>you friend sounds like a smart guy, more people need to be aware of how horrid and oppressive japanese culture is
"That friend" please go. Really, get the fuck out with that shit.
Everyone knows japanese culture is xenophobic and has a horrible history duirng the war.
It's borderline autistic to bring that up while watching fucking anime out of all things

>> No.6694416

im just sad this is what Darrel Hammond has to do for work now

>> No.6694422

That's just a stupid label "xenophobic," maybe they want a culture in Japan of Japanese. I have no problem with that, why do you?

>> No.6694426

Seems pretty relevant to me. Japans offensive and rapacious culture is strongly represented in their cartoons. Also their horrible history is still continuing. They didn't even recognize children as having human rights until feb 2014, thats why child porn was legal in japan for so long.

>> No.6694430

I agree, I also think that the US should only contain white, christian, anglo-saxons, because they are the true people of America.
Nevermind the natives.

>> No.6694435

Great idea, lets just quarantine all japs in japan and leave them alone for the next several thousand years.

Seriously, this is a good idea. We should do the same with blacks and mexicans.

>> No.6694450

So what, why is that your problem?
Do you actually know any Japanese people?

They're not natives, popular science asserts that they came over from a land bridge from what's now known as Siberia, that's not native to the Americas.

I never said that. You did. But do remember that the japs did have a fifth column running during WW II and did shit during the Pearl Harbor attacks. The Japs also weren't also weren't the only ones interred, Germans and Italians were as well.

Look that up and tell me that you're sorry l8r.

>> No.6694461

I've actually been to japan 3, maybe 4, times. Kinda have to on my way to China.

Also, on the second point I think he was referencing the fact that the "japanese" are actually immigrants to japan. the Ainu were there first. jap culture and history is a joke and a lie. they are chinese and korean exiles who overtook and peaceful people and were left alone for hundreds of years because no one wanted to deal with exiles.

>> No.6694464

I don't care if these commercial makes the Colonel looks evil
I love them and it makes me wanna go out and buy some KFC

now only if all the KFC near me weren't located in the ghettos

>> No.6694471

Yeah, and the japs aren't native to japan, the oldest known people to live on the islands were the ainu. Also the polynesians came to the US before anyone crossed the land bridge. Most of the pacific, including japan and the west coast of the US, was colonized by polynesians long before anyone else.

My point being you're retarded and have no idea what you're talking about.

>> No.6694479

>offensive and rapacious culture
lol that fuckhead I had to hang out with said fag shit like that too

>> No.6694487

sounds like america

>> No.6694488
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>tv commercials are food

>> No.6694492

My neighbor from down the street was a Japanese-American nurse at Pearl Harbor during the attacks, she was interred. She claims it was a summer camp she couldn't leave.
Doesn't sound all that bad. Boo hoo you were locked up for a while. The US has a prison culture, they lock up everyone. Seriously, there are documentaries about this. The fact that the Japanese actually attacked first makes locking up potential spies seem perfectly natural.

>> No.6694498


Awww shit son, it's retard bro. You took long enough man, how's it hangin'?

>> No.6694502

Thats exactly the point.

Sounds like you're the retard of the two of you. Why is it that idiots with barely passable education feel the need to call educated individuals "fags"? Its so stereotypical that I am thinking you did this purely ironically.

>> No.6694503
File: 1.03 MB, 500x376, 1435666391332.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

take a look at this thread and tell me how much on-topic discussion you see.

>> No.6694505

How does this apply to being a fuckhead while hanging out?
When I want to hang out and watch anime or do other shit I don't someone talking about how horrible another culture is. These debates are not appropriate while hanging out, it makes you sound like a pretentious douchebag

>> No.6694507

That's possible but not proven.

>> No.6694510

nah it's just a real downer when you're supposed to be hanging out with people and having fun
maybe one day you'll hang out with people having fun and see why
this guy gets it

>> No.6694512

>pretentious douchebag
People tend to use such name calling when they feel inadequate. Is your education or lack thereof failing you? Don't see why you feel the need to attack the educated because you didn't feel the need to seek the same education.

>> No.6694513

If you look into history there were a lot of collateral attacks that happened on the Hawaiian islands by the Japanese and German fifth columns. It was war, life and death, we did what we had to do and now we're here to post about it instead of speaking German and Japanese.

>> No.6694515

>/ck/ - History and Culture

>> No.6694516

>not proven
>about as "proven' as the entire history of earth

Grow up.

>> No.6694518

So do it, the war is over. We're not enemies with Japan or Germany anymore. That doesn't mean that we can't forget history. I like some Anime too, check out Tank Police, the original, I especially like the intro song.

>> No.6694522

Your "friend" doesn't value you enough to speak to you like an equal, its pretty obvious to see why. You obviously lack education, so he feels the need to educate you. He's just looking out for you because he knows that without his guidance you'd remain ignorant forever. He's actually trying to help you and you scorn him, how shallow of you. You are undeserving of his friendship, you should just go buy a cat.

>> No.6694523

yeah yeah

>> No.6694525


That's one, one upvote! Ah ah ah!

>> No.6694529

You're just baiting at this point, nice try, 7/10

>> No.6694532

Weebs everywhere.

>> No.6694534

what's with you faggots on this board obsessing over reddit all the time? I see it more here than any other board, even /v/

>> No.6694539

Your post is the first that mentions it.
Explain your bullshit bait fag.

>> No.6694542

I don't feel the need to explain myself to morons.

>> No.6694543

Right, you can't handle even a moment of self-reflection so you simple pass it off as trolling. Understandable, fragile egos are quick to dismiss things that might call into question their intellect and worth. Seriously though, either he's not a friend you want, or he doesn't think you're good enough to be a friend. Dismiss me all you want but you know what I am saying to be true. I personally think that people who attempt to inform me are out to help me, but you seem to think his displace of knowledge to be offensive. Which really says more about you than him. You are intimidated by his intellect, and whats worse is that you can't even admit it to yourself. You'd rather just act like being ignorant is somehow superior to being open to information. If all you want to do is "hang out" then you should find more simple minded friends, or as I suggested earlier just buy a cat.

>> No.6694545

Then why did you post in the first place?

>> No.6694548

Becuase you're a stupid japan hating cunt with no knowledge of them and cant see how superior they are to stupid amerikan shitheads.

>> No.6694549

These commercials aren't uncomfortable because of some perceived racist bullshit.

They're uncomfortable because the Colonel was a real man and now they have someone pretending to be a caricature of him after he's dead.

>> No.6694559
File: 29 KB, 215x176, dontevenneedtonamethisanditwillstilltroll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

20 years after you die I'm going to pretend to be you on TV and advertise scented tampons while quoting you and wearing a mask of your face.

It will be perfectly legal artistry, and your children's children will weep at the dishonor I have visited upon you.

>> No.6694562

I never said I hated Japan, I have friends from there from when I was a little kid. Even some people in their diplomatic core, all I said was that if they don't want their nation overrun by niggers and islamics then that's ok by me. I have no problem with that.

Where from my posts did you get that I hate Japan? As I wrote, the war is over.

You really either make no sense or you're responding to the wrong anon.

>> No.6694566


I'm going to comic con later this year, I'm going to cosplay as you.

The costume will have a massive dick in my ass and another in my mouth and I'll be holding two others.

>> No.6694567

You appear to be very confused and should learn to follow a thread, this is a small one.

Reading comprehension is your friend.

>> No.6694572

fucking racist amerikan shitclown
fuck you you know no japanese poeples
japan is open culture with peace and understanding
we love all races, even blacks and islams
amerika hate blacks and islams, not japan
japan nation of peace

>> No.6694578
File: 53 KB, 300x562, 1370120634930.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>going to comic con
...I...well shit. I would love to make a joke but this speaks for itself.

>> No.6694583

I think what he meant is doing what hoho and o&a used to do, go in with a camera and microphone and some burly dudes and ask them funny questions.

>> No.6694594

If you go into comic con with some big dudes behind you, the chumps there will think twice about attacking you which like hillary supporters will usually do when asked questions that they don't expect or like.

>> No.6694597

I know a couple of "professional" cosplayers, I have never heard a good thing about any cons. Its like 4chan and reddit get off their computers for a few days and all cram into one building. Not even the promise of free alcohol could persuade me into going. Kinda regretted it though, seemed like it would be a unique experience. Like going to prison or being raped.

>> No.6694598

There's really nothing like a democrat that's lost an argument, they start flailing fists very fast. They can't stand losing.

>> No.6694605

Personally, I don't like either major political party.
But democrats are uniquely retarded. At least the republicans I've spoken to were open minded, which is the exact opposite of what i had been lead to believe. Also there are a lot less christians than i would have though.

>> No.6694608
File: 63 KB, 449x375, Broco-1647264_4f87_1024x2000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gotta pick something like pic related and ask them questions.
Seriously look up howard stern comic con and opie and anthony comic con.

I'd go in as a broco head.

>> No.6694628

One of my friends has shown me a few vids of her "performances" at comicon. Basically it was a bunch of leering perverts and people freaking out over mundane shit. Also saw a lot of relatively normal people, the only thing they were missing was muscle tone and sense of style. When there are thousands of people all wearing blue jeans and incredibly similar videogame/anime tshirts I start to feel claustrophobic for some reason. Like mob mentality will take over at any second.

>> No.6694633

That's why I'm independent, that is not belonging to any party and I've always been that way. I'll vote for who I think is right for myself and not for who I think is right for some political party.

I think more people should vote for whatever's in their self interests instead of who others want them to vote for.

>> No.6694636

Chippah TV - Chip Chipperson at New York Comic Con 2011 Pt. 1

Chippah TV - Chip Chipperson at New York Comic Con 2011 Pt. 2

Chippah TV - Chip Chipperson at New York Comic Con 2011 Pt. 3


>> No.6694864

The sjws and Jews have conditioned you well

>> No.6694887

If you'd ever been to the South OP you'd realize that racist whites and blacks both make the best god damn chicken you'll ever eat. It blows your hipster fried chicken out of the water

>> No.6694913

So? Kids have been doing Abraham Lincoln in school plays for generations. Colonel Sanders was the last great American hero, so it's only right that we do the same for him.

>> No.6694971

You know, I'd describe it exactly as going to prison. But just a day trip, just a lark, you're coming back.

>> No.6695090

>TFW /fit/ and of Norwegian heritage living in the Pacific Northwest

Feels fucking good.

>> No.6695135

Maybe SC can fly the KFC flag over the capital building.

>> No.6695206

I hate the colonel not because he's racist but because he has been responsible for 850 million chicken deaths each year since he found his shitty company

>> No.6695219

>LOOKS so fucking racist
And they said you couldn't be racist against white people.

>> No.6695226

it's the irony in the commercials that annoy me. no idea why. i hate kfc

>> No.6695234

It's really fucking hilarious that there are people resorting to stating a white man in a suit and tie is inherently racist.

Of course once ignorance and self-entitlement has destroyed every culture it has touched... I guess they just have to depend on bleeding hearts with no legitimate cause.