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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 23 KB, 301x436, joints.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6688782 No.6688782 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Food joints you hope to see go out of business in your lifetime. Pic very related.

>> No.6688786

OP is literally a faggot

>> No.6688815


>> No.6688817


>> No.6688919
File: 46 KB, 349x262, 2d986-081.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck is your problem with In N Out?

>> No.6688952

They are opening a chik Fil-a a few blocks over. I haven't eaten there since they got press for being anti gay. Yes I know the food is delicious.

>> No.6688956

is it because your mom never loved you?

>> No.6688970

Not op, but in-n-out is a shit tier vomit feast.

>> No.6689005

I love chick fil a

>> No.6689011


You do know they still employ gays right? They are just owned by Christians who have every right to practice their faith on the matter of gay marriage, and they are as accommodating to gays as they can be otherwise. Not part of their company or anything, just a non-retard passing through who still believes in freedom of speech/faith in this country. As long as what they believe isn't against secular law, they have every right to do what they want. And now that gay marriage is legal in the US, they will capitulate to that too I'm sure.

>> No.6689034

any company that says they are pro-gay

>> No.6689049

So much this.

>> No.6689054

>just a non-retard passing through who still believes in freedom of speech/faith in this country.
That's all fine for you, but OP doesn't believe in that shit. And that's his right as a fucking fascist.

>> No.6689067


Oh he has every right to hate Christians or gays or both (most likely considering where we are). I was just pointing out that people who refuse to eat at Chik-fil-A hate freedom if they do it over the homosexuality issue. If you just don't like it, whatever. And you are free to hate freedom; one of the benefits of freedom is you can feel however you want about it. It's nice.

>> No.6689071
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How much do you think In-n-out paid Gordon Ramsay for his comments?

>> No.6689416

Chick CEO doesn't like homosex so it's fine with me, never had it though. But I've had enough and heard enough about In n Out to dislike it.

>> No.6689427
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>> No.6689445
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>Muh freeze peach muh faith muh freedum dunt tread me >:(((

Blah blah they can believe whatever they want, but I have every right to boycott the place and hope I live to see the bigoted trash who runs it lose his business.

>> No.6689453

>Calling other people trash

Sounds pretty bigoted to me.

>> No.6689466

No I know their employees are totally normal. Its entirely reasonable to boycott them. If you are a public face by being the owner of a large chain of PUBLIC restaurants just don't talk about your personal identity politics; its not relevant to owning a restaurant.

>> No.6689500

I love going to Chik Fil-A on Thursdays. I can buy a combo for myself while both my kids eat for free. Being in favor of traditional families will always get my business.

Butthurt faggot. (Whoops, never mind...that's what you want!)

>> No.6689760

It's not very good. Chicken is the meat of the indecisive and I can get better fries from more than one local place.

>> No.6689902

You're right; they have every right to believe what they want, while you have every right to boycott their food, if you want. However, to criticize them for exercising freedom of speech is fucking stupid, and makes you a bigoted bootlicker.

>> No.6689916

>yur a bigot for disagreeing wuth some shitfce ceo!!!!!
OP can call them whatever he wants, for whatever reason he wants.
That's free speech, fuck face.

>> No.6689926
File: 26 KB, 400x400, n37nkkimyns6wr51ud16_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


> criticize them for exercising freedom of speech is fucking stupid

>> No.6689935
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>> No.6689939

It is

>> No.6689943
File: 107 KB, 800x800, strawman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's also not what they're being criticized for.

>> No.6689976

Who cares if they are Antigay..
they will never go out of business
get over it

>> No.6689977

Why Chik-Fil-A? I love Chik-Fil-A. Their food is mediocre but the fact they're hardcore conservative and religious and yet for some reason all the whiny SJW liberals cannot resist it.

>> No.6689983

They're worse than mcdonalds when it comes to taste

>> No.6689988

OP apparently dislikes yummy food. I pity you!

>> No.6689989

Their food is really not that great canes is better

>> No.6689995

Mfw my Gay friends enjoy eating at chick fil a and asking them why? Response was it's good chicken..

>> No.6689999

>canes is better
Canes' chicken is shite, it's really nothing special at all
(Their sauce is godsend, though, and should be worshipped accordingly)
But sauce does not make a chicken restaurant

And actually don't kill yourself sorry but you have an opinion and I respect that but I disagree

>> No.6690011

>I haven't eaten there since they got press for being anti gay.
You don't pay them for their political views, you pay them to eat their food.
Are you retarded?

>> No.6690016

>And actually don't kill yourself sorry but you have an opinion and I respect that but I disagree
is this some kind of weird trolling
also, checked

>> No.6690017

I don't blame him for wanting them to go. I can care less about their homosexual standpoint. But don't you eat somewhere for the food.
And I that not chick-fil-a tastes fucking nasty

>> No.6690031

besides the inevitable acid-reflux you're going to get from consuming the fried food from Chick-fil-a, it's actually really fucking good

The only people who say it's bad food are people who judge them based on superficial shit, like the managements skin color and socio-political views. It's possibly some of the highest quality fast food out there.

>> No.6690039


There's also McDonalds and KFC in my city but they haven't caught on and you only see dumb tourists eating there.

But Subway managed to get hold of some popular sandwich shops and turn them to shit.

>> No.6690058

>fags will suck cock but they won't eat it
Is there a group more autistic than gays?

>> No.6690061

>ignoring everything that is good about chick-fil-a because they hold a different political opinion than you

Think about how badly fast food restaraunts such as mcdonalds, burger king, wendys, subway, etc. treat their employees. I'm sure you still eat food from those places because they are "gay friendly"

Do you really think CEOs of large companies are going to voice their true opinions on hot political issues? They are in the business to make money and will either hop on whatever bandwagon is going to be most popular while offending the fewest amount of people. Chick-fil-a actually had the balls to stick to their values and you have to give them credit for that.

>> No.6690070

both are owned by christian families, both have affordable, tasty fast food, and pay their employees well (at least in n out does)

I'm not christian but I respect what they do

>> No.6690094

Lol. Chick fil a is greasy, soggy, and overly expensive tho

>> No.6690114

>pay their employees well (at least in n out does)
Chick-fil-a pays great. In this part of the country, it's a highly competitive job for teens and part time workers. I know a guy who's a manager of one, and I think they start off at around $9-10/hr, while everywhere else is minimum wage across the board. They also give away tons of money every year in college scholarships for employees who worked as teens and went on to college.

>> No.6690167

>be me
>upper middle class
>from atlanta (home of chick fil a)
>politically conservative
>theologically conservative evangelical christian
>think that the cathy family (owners of chick fil a) are fantastic people
>legitimately hate the taste of chick fil a

Their milkshakes are great, but I honestly can't standard their chicken. Everything there tastes like pickles. Every. Single. Thing.

I hope the company continues to do well, but it won't be with my business.

>> No.6690174

and that is your right as a consumer anon.more power to you.

>> No.6690193

Dem nines
>And actually don't kill yourself sorry but you have an opinion and I respect that but I disagree

>> No.6690243

He started with

>> No.6690314

Agreed. In-N-Out isn't bad, but they're just regular burgers. It'll piss off all the Californians that jerk that place off too much.

>> No.6690319

I can't deny that I'm from the east coast and everytime I visit Las Vegas, In-N-Out is just the shit I love it soo much

>> No.6690337
File: 64 KB, 1280x970, Mcdonalds-90s-logo.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're losing millions. It might never fully close down but they'll definitely start downsizing.

>> No.6690422

How so?

>> No.6690443

>But don't you eat somewhere for the food.

>> No.6690570

Mormons anon

>> No.6690607

OP has shit taste

>> No.6690620

You are a literal faggot.

>> No.6690645 [DELETED] 
File: 167 KB, 403x291, 1426466018922.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They only promote Christian employs
they ask your religion when you apply
if your not religous you don't get the job (at the one in my town at least)

16 in high school
I know the co manager and am good friends with her brother (about to go to the movies with him)
I have my serve safe
And had 2 food service jobs
3 years culinary at school
Was enrolled at a culinary school half the school day
the co manager put in a good word for me
no one working there has the experience I did
no because they asked if I'm such good friends with the co managers good Christian family why they never see me at church with them because every one that works there go's to the same church
say oh I don't go to church often
pretty much rushes me out after that
don't ever get a call back

About a week later on the way back from the culinary program to school me and some friends did dabs in the parking lot
fuck cuck FIL a

>> No.6690664

Do have to say I love there polices and food
but I don't like the prices and hate the people that work there

>> No.6690683

>using free speech to criticize free speech is an abuse of free speech

>> No.6690687

Chick-fil-A could a gay porn company, their food would still be shitty

>muh waffle fries
Easily replicable at any shitty place

>muh spicy chicken sandwich
Wow, what an original concept, the McChicken is even better

>> No.6690694

>wanting someone to run out of business
might be because i'm writing this from work but that's just bitter as fuck

>> No.6690709

I don't care about shitty burger but don't touch my chicken, nigger.

>> No.6690711

>Wow, what an original concept
But anon, they were the concept.

>> No.6690714

>bigoted trash who runs it

Who is that by the way? Please tell us because you seem to be so informed and up to date on topics?

Just goes to show how intelligent you really are based on your post.

>> No.6690715


>> No.6690723

>>I know a guy who is a manager of one, and they start off at minimum wage in most non shitty parts of america,

yeah Look at all the fucks I dont give, I haven;t made under 9 an hour since I was 15 working at as a dish washer before min got bumped up to 9.

>> No.6690741

Free speech isn't even intended for shitting out useless opinions, anyway. It's literally there to prevent or mitigate governmental tyranny.

>> No.6690748

If they ever open a Chik-fil-a within driving distance, I will eat there regularly.
Just to piss off the homosexuals.

>> No.6690764

wat? Do you have a source on that other than your ass?

>> No.6690772

Whataburger and Chipotle, both have tasteless, retarded fanboys.

>> No.6690776
File: 269 KB, 479x358, 1411698413524.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not him, but the Constitution.

>> No.6690784

That being said, people love it when companies come out as supporting gay rights. People are less concerned about companies getting involved in politics and more concerned about companies disagreeing with them.

>> No.6690791

>Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
Point to where it says that.

>> No.6690796

>Congress shall make no

That means the government can't, are you illiterate or just ignorant of civics.

>> No.6690801

Right, and the argument was over the PURPOSE of freedom of speech. That says what Congress can't do, not why they can't do it.

try again

>> No.6690809

The restriction is on the government, the constitution is nothing more than a contract between the government and the people. It does not protect you from criticisms, or from private property owners telling you to shut the fuck up.

>> No.6690823
File: 90 KB, 1114x500, 32 - JjUsaMH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Right. But no one ever said anything like that. I was replying to this:
>Free speech isn't even intended for shitting out useless opinions, anyway. It's literally there to prevent or mitigate governmental tyranny.
which is a statement of the INTENTIONS of free speech. The Constitution doesn't say why speech is protected, just that it is.

>> No.6690844


To prevent or mitigate government tyranny against unpopular speech, which can be characterized as "shitting out useless opinions."

>> No.6690848

But he's still right, it has nothing to do with petty interpersonal conflicts, sure it is part of the right, but the intention is to keep the government specifically from impeding on the rights of the people as a collective. You are simply being pedantic, or I am.

>> No.6690856

By "pedantic" do you mean "making shit up" then yeah, you are.

>> No.6690861

Go read a book kid.

>> No.6690894

All I'm asking for is a source. If you're going to claim to know the intentions of the founding fathers then give a source.

>> No.6690947

Please let this catch on, it is so funny to me

>> No.6690976

>be the type of person who would post that he "did dabs in the parking lot" on a laotian cartoon forum
>thinks that he's good enough for chick-fil-a

You weren't hired because you're a 3edgy5u fedora tipping teenage fucktard. Chick-fil-a only hires positive, friendly, energetic people.

>> No.6690977

Let's all be realistic here.

Chick-fil-A really just isn't very good food. It's not terrible, but it's not great.

In-n-out is great. Burger with both raw and grilled onions, add pickles and chipped chiles.

>> No.6690981

>with both raw and grilled onions
Never eaten at an In-n-out Burger, but that sounds fucking horrible.

>> No.6690983

Probably because you're 5

>> No.6690985

Great point. Thoughtful and compelling.

>> No.6690986

did their sales drop significantly after the gay thing got out?

>> No.6690994

In n' Out Burger. McDonald's. Can't stand West Coast fucktards claiming in n out has the best fast food burger in the country when Five Guys is a thing.

>> No.6690996

Not really. The additional rednecks it brought in offset it.

>> No.6691001

Five Guys always ends up on my arm, not in my mouth. They need to invest in sturdier patties.

>> No.6691006

If I wanted to spend $10 on a burger, I'd just go to a restaurant.

>> No.6691027

Literally came in to say exactly this.

>> No.6691042

You are literally so salty over a nearly imaginary fast food rivalry that you're wishing unemployment on thousands. Everyone in this thread needs to move the fuck on and just cook something.

>> No.6691110

>literally the two best run fast food places in the country
>hurrr they suck I hope they do bad
Taco Bell shill pls

>> No.6691240
File: 106 KB, 576x1024, IMG_20150530_153959.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Omg, what a slam dunko
Ps not a robot

>> No.6691271

>Chick Fil A
Get the fuck out

>> No.6691276

Give me attention somebody.

>> No.6691694


Is that you, ghost of Robert Bork?

>> No.6691700
File: 10 KB, 234x250, 1433301989811.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this is my life

>> No.6691703

Five guys is like 1 step above fast food

People itt need to remind themselves that in n out has its good reputation relative to other fast food. And it is good fast food

Not a spectacular burger but its hard to beat in the fast food realm

>> No.6692494

Why the fuck would you want excellent business to fail?

>> No.6692495

Why are you such an easily led sheep?

>> No.6693826

And just as the CEO has freedom of speech and can say what he likes, his potential customers have a right to association and will exercise it as they see fit. They may even use their own freedom of speech to criticize those businesses and organize with other potential customers who have chosen not to associate with said company. You have the freedom to make your choices, and others in turn have the freedom to react to those choices.

>> No.6693834

>Food joints you hope to see go out of business
>being so autistic you need them to stop existing because you can't just not go
nah, not me
thanks though

hope it works out for you

>> No.6693860


I simply don't care. There are tons of places I never eat at. It's really a non issue.

>> No.6694282

this is great! gay couples bring their kids and feel like they are gyping chickiew fillet a little big. everything evens out.And in ten years if we are not all in some fringe thing, we can talk about the silliness of anit-gay laws

>> No.6694285

in the meantime, I'll try to take some spelling classes.

>> No.6694324
File: 46 KB, 620x413, 544f0811cc278.image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanna see this dumb fuck, over priced burger chain go out of business. Because it attracts nothing but Boston hipster homosexuality.

>> No.6694379


You are a faggot, OP.

>> No.6694811
File: 32 KB, 500x500, 1254880256136.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am gay and I could give two fucks about the owner not believing in gay marriage. Who cares? He's as entitled to his beliefs as much as I am to mine. There is no logical reason to go on a witch hunt for companies owned by people who happen to not like homosexuality.

Yes, I eat at Chick-fil-a.
Yes, I shop at Hobby Lobby.
Yes, I use Firefox.

The real crazies are people like OP who think that just because someone disagrees with him, that they should meet misfortune in life. You are literally what is wrong with America right now.

>> No.6694877

the food is great and the workers seem happy and not like the bitchy nigs you get at popeyes

>> No.6694882

firefox fired the ceo that donated 2 bucks to prop 8 after reddit exploded at them like a year ago

>> No.6694904

>go to in an out for cheap decent burgers
>great milkshakes and good fries (in my opinion)
>when I go to the east coast and answer in an out when people ask my favorite burger place they have an autistic fit

Jesus christ lel it makes me want to eat there more if it makes you faggots so mad.