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6687673 No.6687673 [Reply] [Original]

How do I make sure I don't sexually harass my customers? Apparently just leaving your number is sexual harassment.

Anyone have any customer stories? /ck/ related, so no retail stories

>> No.6687680

Stop being autistic and learn to flirt properly.

>> No.6687681

you can thank feminism for that

>> No.6687683

who would want anything to do with a woman who eats Little Caesar's?

>> No.6687689

You shouldn't hit on customers, they're just there for a service, not for some autist to start making moves on them.

>> No.6687699

be asexual

>> No.6687702

Well you can say that about anything. A woman on the sidewalk is trying to get to her destination, a woman at school is trying to learn, a woman at work is trying to work. It's perfectly normal to ask someone out outside of a bar or a party. People shouldn't take such offense by it, though, and by how cowardly this guy is it's amazing that he still managed to offend someone. Imagine if he opened his mouth and said something instead of being shy.

>> No.6687705

The only winning move is not to play

>> No.6687708

kinda want to drive to little caesars and eat an entire hot n ready in my car in a parking lot rn

>> No.6687716

I am walking distance from them. It's such a good feeling. I could drive there and return with a hot pizza during a commercial break (if I watched TV).

>> No.6687717

>eating at Little Caesar's
>buying Little Caesar's "food"
>interacting with Little Caesar's voluntarily at all

I seriously hope you guys don't do this.

>> No.6687734

This Pizza Hut delivery driver is old. He's always offering me paper coupons. He talks me through them, like I'm an idiot, and points out things I could use next time. I tell him I use online deals, get e-mails, and don't need them.

This time I tipped him nothing and told him, "Seriously dude I keep telling you I'm not interested". I feel like an asshole.

I'm a customer and this is a story so it's relevant.

>> No.6687739

I think it's only sexual harassment if it's unwanted. Some guy thinking he's king shit and making such a bold move as leaving his a number after preparing food for a woman who probably didn't even give him a signal but he still very obviously wants to bone would skeeze me the fuck right out too.

>> No.6687747

>Slowly talks you through coupons even though you refuse every time

Don't feel bad. Sometimes people need a kick in the shins, and being nice to your customers doesn't mean you're treating them nicely. When I worked delivery, I knew my repeat customers and I knew some people just wanted their pizza so they can come back inside and hang with their friends or people that matter. No one should spend more than 2 minutes at the door, unless there's a problem.

>> No.6687753

What a fucking asshole. First, you eat enough pizza to recognize the drivers and for them to recognize you. Then you shut him down because you can't handle some old guys slightly weird behavior for five minutes? Just can't wait to slam that greasey shit down, can you big boy? Do everyone a favor and stop interacting with other people

>> No.6687758

>don't be creepy
>just be urself :)

>> No.6687760

Only in amerilard. No sexylua implications. Whyso crazy america?

>> No.6687762

>five minutes

More like 10 minutes. The very first time he was reading through every single coupon. It's not hard to remember the face of the pizza driver even if you don't order that often. I tell him everytime I'm not interested, so I shouldn't somehow try to get that point across a little harder this time?

>> No.6687774


If you don't want to have coupons explained to you, then tell him. You took such offense by this that you insulted him and practically called him a fatass, holy shit.

>> No.6687777


>No sexylua
>Whyso crazy america

What are you drinking? No judgement, just curious.

>> No.6687781

Why get someone fired over this? So stupid . some people at so pathetic and privileged. Sorry that a min wage job disgusts you , not everyone's daddy could pay their child through college. What a cunt, I want to show that tweet to HER boss and get her fired.

>> No.6687782


step 1: Be good looking

>> No.6687789

this. never say, do or think anything, ever again, until the day you die, and nobody will get hurt. what a world

>> No.6687794


Pretty much this. It's actually a rare sight these days for a woman to actually politely turn down an ugly man, rather than be extremely creeped out by him.


This is why I'm against censoring screencaps like this. It's not illegal to have her name visible. People have every right to contact her and call her out on this, because else she would live her life thinking she didn't just take a job from an innocent man over a phone number on a pizza box.

>> No.6687877

Mojito and some vodka shots with flaming cheetos

>> No.6687928

What a horrible cunt of a woman.

>> No.6687939

>censoring her name
>not censoring his phone number

>> No.6687953
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>Ann Arbor

>> No.6687995

Islam can't turn these women into sheikh fuckhole slaves fast enough.

>> No.6688039

At least it's better than the other way around. Being awkwardly hit on while at work must be awful.

>> No.6688045

white stuff on the crust, is salt, I'm assuming.
what's the white stuff on the pepperonis?

>> No.6688052

>Look at me, everyone pay attention to me, someone ASKED ME OUT.

lol women.

>> No.6688056

I can almost smell your pizza sweats.

>> No.6688058
File: 133 KB, 587x442, jerry lee lewis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cheese you fucking ape

>> No.6688063

I bet you're the type to wonder why women grimace when you stare at them, slack jawed and breathing heavily.

>> No.6688089

I bet youre the type to stick a gun in your mouth and pull the trigger because your type never get laid.

>> No.6688093


734 is Ypsi too; probably more likely. I think 377 is a cell number.

>> No.6688095

My one regret in life is that I will be dead when it is legal to pound a white woman into a coma for being in public without a covering.

>> No.6688129

that would seem reasonable, but why is it not at least slightly yellowed like the other cheese?

>> No.6688132

What a frosty cunt. I hope she gets raped

>> No.6688153

sad thing is she looks like a 5/10. shes ordering little ceasers for her "man" judging by the photo of the person at the bottom its her "man" leaking that photo on 4chan.

I hope her "man" had alot of red fucking flags start flying off after seeing that post.

>> No.6688154

because it's parmesean or something similar not super yellow cheese

>> No.6688169


pussy faggot im drinking soco mixed with everclear+fucking strait habenero pprs

my shits are gon lite matches

>> No.6688196


it's perfectly normal to ask someone out outside of a bar or party if, like, you have a conversation with them and hit it off and you both obviously enjoy each others' presence.

just straight throwing your number at randos is inappropriate and sleazy highschool dude behavior

>> No.6688199

omg you poor disenfranchised white womyn. someone dared to take a chance to ask you to call them if you were interested. what a struggle you must go through everyday.

Just nuke us China. I'm sick of dealing with uppity women all the time.

>> No.6688208

>sleazy highschool dude behavior

maybe he was in high school?

>> No.6688214

Hi Joey

>> No.6688215

I once gently scribed my number on a cute customer's banana bunch, knowing that it would be on display later after oxidation.

funny thing about that is...I never got a call.

>> No.6688221

>Working at a cafe in the morning and open-kitchen restaurant in the afternoons-early evenings
>customer at the cafe flirts with me in a very awkward, shy way
>she eventually tracks me down to the restaurant (although she would have met me at the cafe the next day), to have an upscale (overpriced) BLT and soup, just to leave a note for me on her napkin:

[name], [number], beers?

Like... I make your coffee (and your biscotti, but you don't know that) every single day. We chat every single day.

We had beers, then we had sex and in an odd turn of events, she loved it, but I was just weirded out by her general sexual demeanor... tried it a second time the next night just to see, but nah, just a series of sadgasms in sight.

>> No.6688222

Joke's on her that was the only way he had to to tell her the Illuminati were watching and getting ready to make her the next sacrifice to Eris, now she gonna die because bitch was too snappy to pick up the phone and here some vital information

>> No.6688224

There are nicer ways of saying that you understand what he is saying. You should feel like an asshole because that is an asshole way of behaving.

And regarding the OP, that driver was behaving inappropriately and stupidly. I'm not exactly sure how someone managed to reach adult age and know that sort of shit isn't normal or acceptable.

>> No.6688228

>pizza is uncut
>just like me

>> No.6688241
File: 59 KB, 600x545, sup-chad-nmu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NMU students confirmed

>> No.6688278

You are cringe.

>> No.6688320

Gold star post, bruh. Genuine chuckle.

>> No.6688373

Sounds he had already tried the nicer ways. Some people just need to be firmly pushed away or they'll never take a hint.

I know, because I'm often like that. I appreciate people having the guts to just say "go away."

>> No.6688707

I hope you get raped~

Later tonight. In my room. By my bull Tyrone.

>> No.6688716


>> No.6688724

the way it should be brah

>> No.6688741 [DELETED] 

It's pretty uncomfortable, because at my job, if we ask them to leave, they can report us to management for being "rude." And then we lose our jobs because "hurr durr muh customer satisfaction."

If there's no physical evidence of "harassment" then it's their word against ours.

>> No.6688757
File: 192 KB, 1136x640, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wrong wrong wrong! Joshua only said that line because he didnt know how to perform a Burmese Theaterwide to counter a Polish Decoy strike

>> No.6688758 [DELETED] 

>just straight

>> No.6688763

When one of the kids at the Eagle Boys would get a crush on a customer, we'd egg him on to give them her number on a napkin or something. Sometimes they'd do it, half the time it backfired tho lmao

P.s. I'd tell them I "fired" him too. Dumb bitch.

>> No.6688764

how the fuck is that harassment? you open the box, laugh a little, forget about it, and then eat the pizza and then force your glasses wearing faggot boyfriend to sweep the floor while you eat a pint of cherry Garcia with your socks off

fucking whore

>> No.6688772

I'd like to do this if I could find out where this slut worked.

>> No.6688778


men and women both do this and always have, nobody likes ugly people

>> No.6688828
File: 162 KB, 276x290, well.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me
>delivery guy
>woman orders 2 large stuffed crust meat lovers' pizzas
>and a fucking bottle of Diet Coke because "I'm watching my weight"
>20 minutes later take the pizzas to the house
>it's a fucking hamplanet
>fucking overflowing from an office chair
>starts screaming about how I was 39 minutes from end of call to the door from behind the poor man who answered the door
>our estimated delivery time then was 45min. to an hour
>give the pizzas
>hear yowling from the house
>apparently wrong
>narrow eyes but try not to say anything, just get back into the car
>end up having to take her the pepperonis
>she starts wailing about how nobody ever gets anything right
>the fucking guy leans halfway out the door and apologizes for his wife's behavior.
>"It's okay man, it's not like you can control her."
>"Still though I am sorry."
>"Again, it's fine. Just have a good night, sir."
>get in the car
>halfway through driving home
>mfw I realized he said "wife" instead of "mother"

That poor man.

>> No.6688837

move out of liberal states.

>> No.6689008

It wasn't just a number though

What made it worse is that he didn't even cut it (do his job)

>> No.6689016

Whoa, she was raped damn near to death. Poor girl.

I will forever be triggered by pizzas now.

>> No.6689019
File: 80 KB, 800x1195, 1424071516338.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I think it's only sexual harassment if it's unwanted

Its only sexual harassment if the girl doesnt find the guy attractive. If she does find him attractive its romantic. Im not even trying to be /r9k/ here, its just how it is

>> No.6689319
File: 103 KB, 647x782, ugly-vs-hot-guy-double-standards-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just look hot, then you can do whatever you want.

>> No.6689372

One of my employees did this once and I fired him immediately after seeing the evidence provided by the customer and reviewing security tapes. Dunno about America but in my country if the woman pursued this into a court case my restaurant would have been shut down within a week.

>> No.6689405

What kind of country do you live in? That sounds horrible that it's even considered worthy of a judge's time.

>> No.6689415


>call number
>ask him to come over
>make him cut pizza

>> No.6689418

Who is this semen demon?

>> No.6689426


>that pic

might be true for a first impression, but I guarantee chicks will eventually get pissed if any guy literally plays videogames all the time, will nag about living with parents, etc

>> No.6689431


>her general sexual demeanor..

pls elaborate

>> No.6689432

That would be how a woman with a sense of humor would have handled it. Call the moment you get the pizza number.
>"I want you over here now."
"Wh-what? I mean that's a little."
>"I want it now."
"I mean a-alright..."
>"And bring a pizza cutter."
>"Because you didn't slice my pizza, fruitcup, now get over here and finish your job."

>> No.6689487

Leaving a phone number on a pizza box is definitely not sexual harassment. It might be cowardly and tasteless, but there's literally nothing sexual about it.

>> No.6689494

>minimum wage makin








i'm so fucking triggered right now.

>> No.6689504

>Mommy Issues: The Post
>Mommy Issues 2: Insecurity Strikes Back

>> No.6689586

>handsome workmate tells you he scores by writing his number in pizza boxes for women
>try it out
>bitch calls your work to complain about "sexual harassment"
>have to beg boss to keep job
>bitch actually takes pic of your attempt at romance and posts it online
>someone you know recognises your number in that facebook post
>shares it with all your friends and family
>you're the butt of constant jokes forever
>eventually someone finds it and posts it on /b/
>have to change phone number and go into hiding because of all the doxxing and threats of rape and death
>life ruined
>still a virgin

>> No.6689717

Someone who works at Little Caesar's?

>> No.6689767

Managers/bosses that are even halfway experienced and competent routinely sweep shit like this under the rug and lie to the complaining customer about it when prompted. They might give you a verbal wrist slap if your activities are genuinely troubling (like saying crazy inappropriate things to customers in view of other customers).

This is because they recognize that customers, as a group, are finicky and expect you to bend over backwards to the point of not making any money from them. The old adage that "the customer is always right" should only be spoken through clenched teeth with a plastered on fake smile.

I used to work at a place where myself and a half dozen other people were the grizzled old hands in charge of hundreds of teenage girls. One of those other guys who was my age had worked there for 17 or so years, and for the last 14 (basically as soon as he gained any sort of power) had done really creepy/inappropriate things to his coworkers. Keep in mind this guy was literally grabassing high school girls while in his late 20's to late 30's.

Management received a steady stream of complaints (probably 2 - 3 serious allegations a year) and it took them that long to do anything about it. Why? Dude was really good at his job. Not having to worry about losing profits due to incompetent middling grunts is a HUGE, HUGE advantage when running a business that is not so common to come by.

>> No.6689781

>Why? Dude was really good at his job.
Are you sure it wasn't the patriarchy?

>> No.6689798

>Its only sexual harassment if the girl doesnt find the guy attractive
Right. Its harassment if it's unwanted advances.

If I'm not attracted to you and obviously not interested in you but you're only thinking about getting your sick wet and you keep trying anyway it's harassing.

It isn't all about looks though. Attitude or cockiness can also make a person unattractive in the same way that confidence and tact can make a person attractive.

>> No.6689800

I know you're being sarcastic, but the place was owned by a family.

A guy who founded the place in his late 80's whose entire duties had come to be wandering around and bullshitting with customers.

His middle-aged son who oversaw the maintenance of mechanical equipment and the property, and nothing else.

And his two middle aged daughters who ran EVERYTHING. One handled the clerical side of the business, and the other was the general manager.

The guy who was the creep-o was effectively the male with most authority in the entire place.

>> No.6689805
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>mfw it actually was the patriarchy

>> No.6689828

eh, not really. I mean, the people who took the complaints and had any authority to do anything about them were the ones who ignored it solely out of convenience.

Right after they finally fired the guy, they were being hypersensitive for show. Someone had finally threatened to sue them over his antics, and still worked for them so they kind of cowered in fear.

I got into a situation where I angrily told some teenaged girl with a well known history of being a bitch to stop being rude to her coworkers (one of whom was another teenaged girl who she'd just berated to the point crying for no reason, this is highly disruptive and unnecessary behavior when you're trying to keep a lid on the types of drama teenage girls get up to).

In the fervor of all this other shit with creepo having just got down, I was told by management that I did nothing wrong but they had to write me up anyway to appease bitch girl.

That's about the time I took a good hard look at my life and left for greener pastures. In that type of a situation, you look at the people surrounding you and you realize their horseshit rubs off on you. You start to think more like a high school kid, and you start to recognize how it's holding you back as a person.

K, blog over.

>> No.6689838

*were women and ignored it solely out of convenience.

>> No.6689856

>doesn't put any effort into bettering himself physically
>must be a double standard
Hahaha, incels and neckbeards actually believe this shit.

>> No.6689865

So clearly made by a fat disgusting virgin neck beard.

>thinking girls would stick a pen in their pussy for pleasure.
Lol, fucking cringe inducing.

>> No.6689881

A country currently in control by neo-feminists. Women are in key government positions and seats of power. Now I know this is a feminist dream but there is actually more serious crimes against women and actual less arrests. Take my restaurant for example. I am obligated to only have attractive men working the floor even if they suck as waiters or bartenders because female clients must always have something nice to look at. The only exception is if I have any women working in view of the customers they must be plain janes. All ugly men are to work in the back out of view of the customers so they can be cooks or clean staff. Female employees are to receive a week off from work WITH PAY when they're on their periods. Female business owners also get a tax break by default and any government aid upon request up to a limit of 25 thousand dollars with no collateral needed.

>> No.6689897

It really is.

>> No.6689904

>Boo hoo, I can't be a creepy pervert.

>> No.6689906

The really sad thing is that this is lies and bait, and I'm sure at least some anons will believe it unquestioningly.

>> No.6689907

theres a lawsuit and therefore money in there somewhere

>> No.6689918

Can you even prove it's lies though? I mean calling a post bait and lies is a far too common coping mechanism on 4chan on a whole because people just refuse to believe how fucked up this world can be.

>> No.6689925

Not unless he posts the country he's talking about, but he won't, because then google proves it bait in 5 seconds.

I mean, seriously... do you really think that with the massive amount of feminist backlash present on every board of 4chan we wouldn't have heard of this magical place by now. ad nauseam?

>> No.6689927

Not even that anon but I'm pretty sure there are no women getting one week paid leave each month just for their periods.

>> No.6689940

Why does she care whether the piza guy has a vehicle or not. If he was decent looking and had a Honda would she have taken the advance any better?

>> No.6689949

I only get mad when I get hit on in the bathroom, that is just messed up.

>> No.6689952

People think this actually happens?

>> No.6689960

I am that anon, and I knew about this:

Notice that none of the examples are even close to a week per month of paid leave. Also notice the area of the world they're all in. Asians have a long and proud history of coddling their women like infants to the point where feminist movements in those areas focus on fighting against it.

I was thinking mainly of his other outlandish claims

>> No.6689974

those japs really have their shit together

>> No.6689985

You'd think that, but it's led to a situation where their women won't fuck them and the men wouldn't want them to anyway.

I wouldn't categorize it as "having it's shit together." If I shared your edgy opinions, I would save that category for a place where the women were kept docile and pliant, yet not so docile and pliant that nobody has any interest in fucking.

>> No.6691370

You are a complete pussy

>> No.6691390

Fuck you man, nobody is obligated to put up with anyone's shit. You are going to have a miserable life if you keep behaving like a bloody doormat.

>> No.6691396

Hand over money, take pizza, close door.
It is literally that easy.
It's a fucking delivery guy, you owe him nothing.

>> No.6691474

thanks feminism

>> No.6691550
File: 45 KB, 500x294, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>such a bold move as leaving his a number

Leaving a phone number is bold? What if I ordered something at a diner and the waitress leaves her phone number on the bill? Should I feel disrespected and used?

Obviously this bitch has a huge problem. If she had problems with the *act* of a guy giving her his phone number, she wouldn't have mentioned the pony tail, the lack of a vehicle, and the minimum wage, because then she's complaining about looks, cars, and money. This bitch is complaining that the guy is ugly and worthless as fuck under the façade that her shitty $5 sodium wafer was uncut, which isn't even a fucking problem in the first place. Now she's mad that her admirer didn't get fired. She's obviously having trouble with self-worth issues, because she's not satisfied that another individual that advanced towards her isn't put in a worse position.

I worked retail for a while, and my coworker always flirted with the customers. She was dumb as fuck, but no guy ever complained that he was being "disrespected."

It's unprofessional to hit on customers, yes, but is it disrespectful? Fuck no. If it's unwarranted, and you're a stronk womanz w/ fempowers like you say you is, then you'd brush it off. Wanting a guy to get fired because he wanted to talk to you isn't destroying the patriarchy.

>> No.6693197

Just say that must be a hidden message from the Chinese workers who manufactured that pizza box.

>> No.6693250

>Leaving a phone number is bold? What if I ordered something at a diner and the waitress leaves her phone number on the bill? Should I feel disrespected and used?
That depends. If a 60 year old lady, regardless of how nice she was, left you her number would you feel weird about it? I'm going to guess yes. Don't be a faggot, admit that you're just as bad as the rest of us.

>> No.6693297

Then the only way he'll learn is rejection.

>> No.6693365

>How do I make sure I don't sexually harass my customers?
Don't write your unwanted phone number and advances on a total fucking stranger's pizza box. I don't see why that's hard to grasp.

>> No.6693384

Dude I would plow a 60 year old lady. As long as she's not fat. Fat people are gross

>> No.6693416

>Complain about a woman hitting on you.
>Not a faggot somehow.

The other day I was helping an older women get her medication from our pharmacy and she grabbed my wrist and complimented me on my age and charisma. I work at a location that's near some wealthier, retired old people, and old bitches ALWAYS like to make advances towards me.

She was like, 46, maybe 48, and not a milf by anyone's standards, but I didn't go as far as to tell the pharmacy manager about her behaviour and have her banned from our pharmacy because I "didn't ask for it," you fucking nigger.

>> No.6693430

Leaving your number on the inside of a pizza box is unprofessional, and may even warrant being fired.

Does that justify this woman's hateful public rant and spiteful attitude? Absolutely not.

>> No.6693506

Agree with this post 100%

>> No.6693656


I know they're supposed to be funny and are probably fictional but posts like this always just make me really sad

>> No.6694266

Why do people make such quick assumptions? It's spaghetti as fuck, not sleazy/creepy/harassment. If I were that kid's boss I'd smack him in the head for being an idiot and not cutting the pizza, but I'd never fire him for that. Unless he did that with every female customer to the point where the guy clearly has issues.

>> No.6695971


Most countries where firing would be warranted are actually ones like India, where the moral outrage over a person having the guts to hit on and leave a number would be bad for the business.

>> No.6696010

>work at pizza place
>10 minutes till we close
>some nigger orders 5 pizzas for pickup
>make pizzas
>write various curse words with toppings under the cheese

>> No.6696028

>getting mad when you have to do your job

Fuck off you entitled little shit.

>> No.6696082

But making pizza is so hard :^(

>> No.6696225
File: 57 KB, 390x488, 1430278976147.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Remember kids, Sexism is -wrong- but ableism and classism are fine!

And you wonder why terrorists hate your trashy, tabloid culture.

>> No.6696234


Terrorists hate us because we bomb the piss out of them.

They hate Europe because of their trashy tabloid culture.

>> No.6696250

Terrorists love Europe though, because Europe is being taken over by them. Just look at the UK and Sweden, Germany etc

>> No.6696253


Terrorists love to live there, they don't love the country or its countrymen

(yes I'm aware Europe isn't a country)

>> No.6696256
File: 83 KB, 687x608, numbertaker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Besides the bitch is all like eating at LITTLE CEASER'S and then going 'lol poor people are gross'.

Nobody eats at Little Ceaser's that can afford better food than Little Ceaser's. Nobody.

>> No.6696267

I do....Cheap pizza is good.

>> No.6697354

That's the irony in this: she's not privileged because she orders $6 dollar pizzas from one of the bottom of the barrel pizza chains.

>> No.6697698

Dont drag everyone to your level, some people appreciate being shown desire. Perhaps you should show some more respect to your elders

>> No.6697717

you are human garbage

>how dare this old guy try to be good at his job

get bent, loser

>> No.6697760


thanks mr. femsketal

>> No.6697776

Leaving your number is fucking stupid

>> No.6697870

She's just making a big deal out of fucking nothing.
Like all women, ever.

>> No.6697876

Not always true. None of them seem to make a big deal out of your penis.

>> No.6697923

if I found a phone number mysteriously scrawled on a banana after days from purchasing it I wold probably not call it. Still, better than finding a spider nest inside the peel or something

>> No.6698058
File: 124 KB, 300x900, 1394756547945.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>finding a spider nest inside the peel or something
Today on "Things I Should Not Joke About Ever"

>> No.6698175

>hur dur penile attack
and this is how we know you are female

>> No.6698608
File: 25 KB, 333x314, SPM_a867b7c3-e049-4c35-8d41-0a4df97656b3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Min.wage makin, greesy ponytail, pizza makin kids that are vehicle-less

>> No.6698619
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>> No.6698652
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>> No.6698686

>i-it's all those dumb bitches' fault that no one wants to touch me!

>> No.6698700

>dis bitch complained about little ceasers guys hitting on her instead of cutting her pizza, u shud fire her!
lol all this impotent buttmad

>> No.6698704

She's overreacting, but that employee is an idiot. Even when I could tell a customer was flirting with me I wouldn't give out my number. That's high school/nigger shit. Extremely unprofessional.

>> No.6698723

>not sending her bf back there to fuck with the guy

>> No.6698773

Though in op's story the guy fucked up his job not managing something as simple as cutting a pizza because he was too busy dreaming about his future waifu and moving out of his mom's basement.

>> No.6698787

Yeah If I were her I just would have let my bf have the number and take care of the little pizzaface.

>> No.6698932

underrated post

>> No.6698995

How can anyone be so socially retarded to write his # in a pizza box for some random grill? Why not go all the way and add "I can come over after work, I know where you live after all. ;)))"?

>> No.6700730

only girls complain about getting hit on

>> No.6700811

stop flirting at work.
or better yet, don't even start. If she's interested let her do the giggling and talking.
If an ugly weird girl started handing out her number on pizza boxes would you not be just as disgusted as she is? Maybe you wouldn't put it under sexual harassment but you'd be irritated nonetheless at the unwanted attention.
If it kept happening you would probably speak to management too.

>> No.6700890


kek so many millennials don't drive

>> No.6700895

>uncut pizza

More juicy and intact. Better than those barbaric cut, dry ones, right?

>> No.6700902

>being a girl and going by yourself to pick up Little Caesars

He had every right to assume she was a single foreveralone and took the chance thinking she was attractive.

>> No.6700913


I would fire somebody for that in one second. What kind of retarded shithead would do something as unprofessional as this?

how are any of you defending this? oh wait, most likely because none of you have ever had a job.. i wouldn't say it's sexual harassment, but it's definitely unwanted and sleazy as fuck.

i sincerely hope this guy gets fired.. i may actually call him to tell him what a fag he is.

>> No.6700920

I know that feeling.

The best feeling is when, for some reason, you're the one who took the order and you remember it in extreme detail and you double checked it and it STILL was 100% right unless some invisible pizza fairy switched it out in route.

You just know the fatties are trying to get them extra 'zas. Also, it is literally impossible to tell if the pizza has extra cheese.

>> No.6700948

I should have just done a Courage Wolf and bent her over and raped her after breaking into her house.

>> No.6701003

you censor the username of the girl but you dont censor the fucking number?

what the fuck?

>> No.6701076

The fact of the matter is, this is neither sexual nor harassment and yet feminism will tell you that it is. Why is your first assumption that somebody is hunting for pussy when if anything they are renouncing it?

>> No.6701383

>muh feminist boogieman
Protip: the batshit cunts you read online are not representative all feminists, just like ISIS isn't representative of all Muslims or Dylan Roof isn't representative of all white people.

>> No.6701813

shut up

>> No.6702401

nah not him but feminism has fucked up gender relations in america. now women are all dressing like massive whores yet hyper paranoid and offended about being "sexualised". it's a fucking joke.

french and spanish and people from countries that have always been less prudish laugh at stuff like this.

>> No.6702406

imgur-tier comment tbh

>> No.6702409

c'mon. she's acting like a spoilt entitled cunt and you're brainwashed if you don't see it.

>> No.6702412 [DELETED] 

>What kind of retarded shithead would do something as unprofessional as this?


country of sexless cuckolds

>> No.6702462

>Dylan Roof isn't representative of all white nationalists

would have been more accurate. you can't compare a race with an ideology like feminism or islam.

>> No.6702465


how is that not harassment?

if somebody makes unwanted advances at you, that's harassment. holy shit. get some social skills, nerd.

>> No.6702475

they have no sense of personal space

>> No.6702487


they're probably the same kind of people who think it's ok to harass women on the streets, making lewd comments or whatever.

>f-feminism is the reason people think this isn't ok!

no, being a decent human being would tell you that that is not ok. that person was just coming in to get a pizza, not to be hit on. that girl walking down the street is just trying to get where she's going and yet you feel the need to force your bullshit on her.

living in an area with a high population of gays has really made me empathize with this. walking down the street and knowing a gay bar is coming up just makes me feel uneasy because i know what's about to happen. i'm not even a small guy, so the threat of rape isn't in my mind (which probably adds a spicy twist of disgust and discomfort on an already uncomfortable situation), but still. it's bullshit.

i almost beat the shit out of this faggot the other week because he grabbed my ass but i didn't want to go to jail for a hate crime.

>> No.6702491

every day I find more reasons to never leave my room

>> No.6702496
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>> No.6702512

But why does everyone have to be SO FUCKING BUTTHURT at ANY "advancement" someone makes? If you're a female at a club and a guy simply walks up to you to strike a conversation, BAM, HARASSMENT!

It's fucking ridiculous and insane to me. Someone gave you a number, they didn't smack your ass, they didn't even so much as degrade you, IT'S A FUCKING NUMBER. Laugh about it and move on with your life instead of blowing a fuse and ruining some poor pizza workers life because he was just hoping a woman he fancies would call him.

These days simply looking at a woman in the wrong manner is grounds for harassment. "He gave me an eye that made me uncomfortable!" Unless the woman also fancies that guy back, in which case she would pick up on the advancement. How is anyone suppose to talk to anyone ever if they're scared of a harassment lawsuit based on trivial fucking shit like passing off your phone number?

God damn society is full of a bunch of fucking babies. Even if a girl took the gesture lightly and laughed at the dude to his face, the guy would probably start bitching about verbal abuse. Does anyone have any mental strength anymore or do we all have to throw a hissy fit at the slightest bit of an uncomfortable gesture from someone you don't approve of?

>> No.6702518 [DELETED] 


>unwanted advances
how does he know they are unwanted, it's something you can only know retrospectively. no wonder white americans are getting cucked by black guys who aren't scared to hit on and approach women.

the fact is she only feels disrespected because she percieves that guy as beneath her. she's not gonna get raped because someone left her a number you feminazi americuck retard. she was offended by the idea that an unattractive guy would think she would be low enough to fuck him. it's pure arrogance and entitlement.

>ameriwhore logic

Fuck this is pissing me off so much

how can one culture fail so hard at everything

>> No.6702521

sometime I make the arduous trip to the kitchen

>> No.6702523

>how does he know they are unwanted
because she obviously didn't ask for it or send up a flag she did
she wasn't in a bar
she didn't know him
she was just getting a fucking pizza

>> No.6702524

>Unless the woman also fancies that guy back, in which case she would pick up on the advancement. H
That's the point, fatty. If they don't want you, it IS harassment. What aren't you understanding about that? You think you have a right to run around hitting on women and get a positive response? You don't.

>> No.6702526

americans think finding a woman attractive is an insult to her. don't try and understand it.

>> No.6702529

>find attractive
>violate their personal space
not ok

>> No.6702538

So a fatty is suppose to be able to predict whether or not the woman he's about to advance on would want him or not? Are fatties suppose to just assume no one would want them and not to ever try for anyone because they might think it's harassment?

I wasn't even talking about fatties. ANYONE. It could be two good looking guys but the girl doesn't have a thing for guys with black hair, so his advancement gets a lawsuit and the other one gets a relationship. Fuck that.

>> No.6702548

it's harassment whatever, you're just allowed to forgive them.

>> No.6702551


never had a mojito, but I could go for some shots, not gonna lie. Have you tried Stoli hot? I'm no vodka guy, but it's the only flavoured vodka that I like.

>> No.6702553

so? he's probably not socially competent and couldn't read signs, perhaps he thought she liked him. there's no designated places people can meet each other, it doesn't matter where.
so she was just getting a pizza? and he just left her his number? so fucking what. both things are trivial. you're obviously ugly or a woman because ive picked up girls at coffee shops, in lines, at shops even at the fucking dentist.

it is not an insult to find someone attractive. she has not been harmed in anyway. the fact you think it's bad only shows how prudish you are even though you probably rail on tumblr about how women should be able to fuck jamal and a real man would stick by her.


>> No.6702556

>leaving her number is violating her personal space

validate this because you sound pretty fucking desperate.

>> No.6702576


>> No.6702589

you don't mess with what people order, that's their possession, that's part of their space. You wouldn't put something in somebody's pocket you don't mess with people's shit.

>> No.6702596

>he's probably not socially competent and couldn't read signs
>ignorance excuses your actions

>there's no designated places people can meet each other
>what are bars, what are singles nights, what is every other place you could do this

>so fucking what. both things are trivial. you're obviously ugly or a woman because ive picked up girls at coffee shops, in lines, at shops even at the fucking dentist.
did you fuck with their stuff to do it though? starting a conversation is fine because they're free to shut it down at any time.

and I'm both, so I'd be pretty happy if this happened to me, doesn't excuse it though

>> No.6702619

>a pizza box counts as a possession

christ you people are lost.

what is wrong with you.

>excuse it though
excuse what. you haven't explained what he has done wrong.

>> No.6702624

>you haven't explained what he has done wrong
pretty sure I did
ok so you wont mind when you order something they tamper with it?

>> No.6702627

>ignorance to someone's personal thoughts and preferences is a legit excuse, you can't read minds

>people go to bars for many reasons, the only acceptable outing dedicated to personal relations would be "singles night" or something like dating websites

>writing a number on a pizza box is "fucking with your stuff"

how is shutting down a conversation any difference than shutting down someone giving your their number, or better yet outright ignoring someone giving their number? why do certain interactions have to be reduced down to throwing a hissy fit over personal space and why don't these people so concerned with their space live in a bubble instead away from any possible human interaction?

>>6702518 has the best point. you can only know an advancement is unwanted IN RETROSPECT because you can't READ MINDS. you can read signs to some extent, but only after experience in doing so, which means you have to start ignorant to social cues until you learn them, so is every social amateur is effectively harassing unless they're actually appealing to the party they're "harassing", which they can't know unless they can read minds.

>> No.6702630

furthermore, even the "social cues" argument doesn't hold up because that would have to imply everyone gives off the same social cues. I've come across too many women with tooooo fucking many individual "cues" that differ from one another

>> No.6702636

a pizza box? a fucking pizza box?

please tell me i'm being trolled

>> No.6702645

>ignorance to someone's personal thoughts and preferences is a legit excuse, you can't read minds
ugh if you don't know then don't fucking do it

>people go to bars for many reasons, the only acceptable outing dedicated to personal relations would be "singles night" or something like dating websites
I'm going to go out on a limb and say writing your phone number on a pizza box, unwarranted, is not a fabulous way of getting into a relationship

>writing a number on a pizza box is not "fucking with your stuff"
it literally is

>how is shutting down a conversation any difference than shutting down someone giving your their number
because you can end the conversation, you don't get the part where you ask for their number politely if you don't want to, in this case it's just in your face straight away, it's rude.

>why do certain interactions have to be reduced down to throwing a hissy fit over personal space and why don't these people so concerned with their space live in a bubble instead away from any possible human interaction?
why are you making a big deal about people not wanting to get this kind of low level harassment? What is it to you?

>you can only know an advancement is unwanted IN RETROSPECT because you can't READ MINDS
if you don't know then don't do it, obviously.

suffice to say if you're in a conversion with a woman that's not work related, they haven't just walked past you, and they're not talking to you because they're ordering a pizza or something like that in which they HAVE to talk to you, then that's an ok time to ask for their number, idk if you really don't understand the differences here or you're just socially inept.

>> No.6702650

You get an old deliver man and you're upset that he's doing his job? Autism alert

>> No.6702655

>accusing others of being socially inept.
>thinks there's a "right time" and a "wrong time" to ask for someones number.


get over your sexual hangups.

funny thing is this crap comes from EXACTLY the same underlying logic as "slut shaming", ie, that women devalue themselves if they have sex. how can you not see this?

>> No.6702669

>all these posts

You are going to learn sooner or later, might as well be now. That guy got fired because a woman decided he wasn't worth the job. Get in line, boys: WE have the power now. WE call the shots.

If I see some uggo working behind the counter where I shop, you can bet your bottom dollar I'll try to figure out some way to get him on the streets where he belongs- he chose to be unattractive. I didn't make him. But I shouldn't be forced to look at it, so I do something about it.

If a hottie with a nice car left his number I'd take it and ride him until the sun comes up- that's MY choice. Just like it's my choice to teach the unattractive male pigs their place.

If you don't like it, then hit the gym. ;)

>> No.6702677
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>this post
>this entire thread
>baiting this hard

dear god, /ck/ is shit.

>> No.6702688

If you don't know it then don't do it doesn't make sense. For one you only don't know, again, IN RETROSPECT. The only way you CAN know for sure is by mind reading. The only other way is social cues, which vary wildly and are not for certain at all, or have your perceptions of other people's social cues been 100% accurate at all times? Because personally, I will THINK someone is giving me a certain "vibe" then be totally wrong about it sometimes.

The big deal is the fact that everyone else makes a big deal out of trivial bullshit. People shouldn't have to be afraid of getting vehement backlash doing something small and insignificant because they admire someone.

According to YOUR PERSONAL STANDARDS, you can't be approached in a social manner in the settings you listed, but these are unique to YOU and YOUR personality. You're making the assumption that no woman ever would call that number on a pizza box, you're speaking for an ENTIRE gender based on YOUR preferences.

Funnily enough, I have picked up on a woman in a similar manner. It was a decent friend, she asked me to pick up starbucks, I wrote on her cup if she wanted to go out sometime, it fucking worked. No tears over "fucking with her shit" or "harassing her" or anything. And before you say "well we were already friends" who's to say the guy leaving the number on the box didn't want to become friends first? Leaving someone your number doesn't always mean "hey lets fuck." It could certainly mean "do you want to go on a date" but that's exactly what dates are for, to get to know someone and see if it could lead to a relationship, a friendship, or you could hate each other. There's no way to know this kids intention and this bitch is blowing up over an innocent number on a fucking cardboard box that will go in the trash anyway. inb4 "it's the principle of it!"

>> No.6702692

"aggressive pressure or intimidation.
synonyms: persecution, intimidation, pressure, force, coercion"

This isn't harassment, I can't believe you guys. Is it harassment when a plumber gives you his business card ?
Do you complain about "harassment" every time you find an ad in your letterbox ?

This is the most passive fucking message there is, and the amount of pressure it puts on the person is 0; do you seriously think the girl felt forced to call him because he gave her his number ?

>> No.6702707

Yeah, to be fair the girl honestly says so in the image; it's harassment because the guy is poor, has a bad job and is physically unattractive.

>> No.6702712

she only reacted that way because her boyfriend saw it

>> No.6702728

>thinking harrassment exist is having a sexual hang up

>> No.6702744

>If you don't know it then don't do it doesn't make sense. For one you only don't know, again, IN RETROSPECT. The only way you CAN know for sure is by mind reading.
Fucking wrong, I just outlined some of the times when it's obviously ok and when it's obviously not ok

>The only other way is social cues, which vary wildly and are not for certain at all, or have your perceptions of other people's social cues been 100% accurate at all times?
You're confusing when people are interested in you and when it's not harassment.

>Because personally, I will THINK someone is giving me a certain "vibe" then be totally wrong about it sometimes.
Has no bearing on what is and isn't harassment.

>According to YOUR PERSONAL STANDARDS, you can't be approached in a social manner in the settings you listed, but these are unique to YOU and YOUR personality.
No it's obviously not because this is what women complain about a lot and it's always the same cases.

>You're making the assumption that no woman ever would call that number on a pizza box, you're speaking for an ENTIRE gender based on YOUR preferences.
That's not what I said, I said it's harassment, not that people wouldn't forgive it if they liked the look of the guy.

>Funnily enough, I have picked up on a woman in a similar manner. It was a decent friend, she asked me to pick up starbucks, I wrote on her cup if she wanted to go out sometime, it fucking worked.
You knew her, that's a huge damn difference, how can you not see that?

>who's to say the guy leaving the number on the box didn't want to become friends first?
how is that related, it doesn't matter if they want to fuck you or be your friend you don't harass somebody to do it.

it's intimidation and pressure, the next time she goes to that place it'll be awkward, he's spoiling that chain for her if she doesn't call.

>> No.6702750

harrassment isn't writing some numbers on a pizza box that she can easily ignore. he gives her complete agency and power because it's her choice if she wants to call him. it's the opposite of harassment.

so yes, thinking something so harmless is harassment is a hangup. stupid whore.

>> No.6702757

>stupid whore
nice, very intellectual

>> No.6702766

Wow, so much frustration in this thread. I wouldn't call it harassment, but it's still very unprofessional. This guy should at least be written up.

>> No.6702787

I'm still right. notice how all your responses have been one sentence.

>it's intimidation and pressure,


what a pathetic baby. why can't she just tell him she's not interested? why can't americans act like rational and decent human beings?

>> No.6702799

>it's intimidation and pressure,

>no woman should ever have to encounter any slightly uncomfortable situation ever because their so weak and delicate

>> No.6702806

and despite the fact they're clearly wrong. they'll still leave the thread thinking their right because american women think everything they do and say is always right by default.

>> No.6702818

>I'm still right.
everything you've said has indicated the opposite.

>why can't she just tell him she's not interested?
why can't he keep his marker to himself?

I'm sure you'd be fine with a big nig writing their number in your pizza, wouldn't make it awkward next time you're their at all.

>> No.6702833

You don't understand. The fact that it could possibly be akward (which is stupid in itself; if I don't call back a waitress who gave me her number, I'm not going to feel akward going back to the same restaurant; you don't owe them a call) doesn't mean it's harassment.

Harassment actually has a meaning and it's not "I didn't like that/that made me feel akward".

>> No.6702837

you're not going to feel awkward because that waitress isn't bigger than you

>> No.6702843

>everything you've said has indicated the opposite.

based on what? your feels? because you haven't actually argued anything against me.

>why can't he keep his marker to himself?
he didn't do anything wrong though. she has no actual reason to be offended. at all. she just hates the idea that someone would perceive her as willing to have sex with an ugly dude. it's arrogance. the fact she thinks she has a right to take his job is disgusting.

he's just a dude who thought a girl might have liked him and decided to take a chance. you're acting like he tried to rape her.

and if i felt awkward i just wouldn't go there or i'd stick it out. it's not a human right not to feel awkward.

>> No.6702845

I like how the one person defending this is avoiding all the america comments.

>> No.6702856

Even if she was, she's a fucking waitress, it's her job to work there; if I go there and meet her, it's not like she's fucking stalking me, why the fuck would it be akward. This is getting too stupid, I'm out.

>> No.6702859

idk if the other person is american but I'm not

>> No.6702869

I've really got a problem coming to grips with how fucking stupid this comment his - if you find someone threatening just because he's bigger than you, than yeah, a lot of interactions are going to be akward.

Is it his fucking fault he's big and you can't deal with him being bigger than you ? What kind of shit is this, it suddenly becames harassment because he's literally "a big guy for you" ?

Does that mean that racist pricks are harassed by black people because they feel threatened as soon as they see one ?

>> No.6702877

boils down to what this is really about: feminism has brainwashed women to think that they are in constant danger of rape. and so, hate men and male sexuality.

>> No.6702894

if somebody comes onto you when it's obviously not appropriate that's intimidating especially when they're bigger than you.

I'm sure you'll love it when a 7' faggot slaps you on the ass though.

>> No.6702900

it shows how much the "feels > reals" meme is correct too.. the actions aren't reprehensible because they're objectively bad but because the girl couldn't deal with it, didn't like it and FELT threatened; the same action done by someone who wouldn't be as big would be okay.

>> No.6702904

>hate men and male sexuality.
>male sexuality is writing their number on things women own

>> No.6702905

Leaving a phone number with someone once is in no way shape or form harassment. If he sent it to you a dozen times , maybe that would be.
Desperate? Cringey? Awkward? Spaghetti pockets? For sure. But anyone saying such a trivial thing is harassment is either a troll or one of those hypersensitive online feminist cunts. Either way, ignore such hysterical rantings.

>> No.6702906

>the actions aren't reprehensible because they're objectively bad but because the girl couldn't deal with it
literally nobody has said this, you're just reading what you want to
feels > reals indeed, just for you not for us.

>> No.6702909

>I'm sure you'll love it when a 7' faggot slaps you on the ass though.

You see, that would actually be sexual harassment, you bumbling retard. I'm surprised you'd use such an example and still don't understand how you can't differentiate it from someone handing over a telephone number, an action which would only make the most autistic of sperglords feel threatened.

>> No.6702914

Reductio ad absurdum
It's inappropriate whether it's physical or vocal or written down.

>> No.6702926

Okay, I admit, I was baited hard and you got me going. Sorry for taking it seriously and insulting you, I'm maybe naive but I just feel like some people actually do believe that kind of shit. Peace.

>> No.6702929

>confused by the latin
run along now spasticated child

>> No.6702933

I've had a guy hit on me in the bathroom and I wanted to punch him in the nose.

>> No.6702938

> this shitty thread is still on the front page
Inb4 thanks for the bump

>> No.6702941

the fact you mentioned "he's bigger than her" as justification for being scared of numbers on a piece of garbage shows just how much youve been brainwashed to fear men. idiot.

he's right though. there is absolutely no indication she should feel offended or threatened. all he did was leave a number she can call or not call.

except one is actually harrassment, the other isn't. it's a completely false analogy.

my god this generation is completely fucked.

>> No.6702954

>I'm maybe naive but I just feel like some people actually do believe that kind of shit
they do. most white american women think like this.

>> No.6702959

Where are you getting the idea she was intimidated from? She just thought the guy was a loser.

>> No.6702972

I didn't say she was, I was saying that hitting on somebody when you're buying food from them is intimidation because you can't avoid it, you're forced to face it.

>> No.6702981

>the fact you mentioned "he's bigger than her" as justification for being scared of numbers on a piece of garbage shows just how much youve been brainwashed to fear men. idiot.
it's a totally reasonable thing to be weary of men when they're doing things like this.

already been over your other points like three times already

>> No.6702991


I must ask you for all your pulled beef sandwich recipe, because your roastie is raging.

>> No.6703009
File: 302 KB, 906x647, lol artard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

waiting until marriage
check your prejudices

>> No.6703044

God damn women are pathetic.

>> No.6703055


>implying the only possibilities are fucking billions of dicks and abstinence until marriage

Roastie is the best meme because it's not a meme

>> No.6703529

>all these fuckin whiteknight beta faggots defending some random slut who ordered a pizza, on my Chinese food forum

>> No.6704833

>writes number on cardboard pizza box
shit's inedible tbh

>> No.6705130

this... beat me too it...

>> No.6705215

>ITT: unemployed autistic anons who are bad with women

i would fire somebody in a heartbeat for pulling some shit like that.

>"oh, it's all just good fun.. nobody got hurt!"

yeah, except the reputation of the employer. come on in to our fine establishment where you will be awkwardly hit on! it's great!

are you guys for real? why would you advocate fucking with somebody's shit? so if you buy a car and the salesman thinks you're hot and carves his name into the car with his keys, that's ok as well, right?

it's the same thing except with something more valuable. how is it acceptable in one instance but not the other? they're both things that will be used temporarily, after all.

>> No.6705233


>Wirting your phone number in a pizza box is the same as keying your name into someone's car


>> No.6705297


explain how it's not the same to graffiti your number onto somebody's possession?

obviously it's an exaggerated scenario, but it's the same concept. how stupid are you?

>> No.6705301

Leaving your number under a pizza box is one of the tackiest moves at flirting I've seen
Like. I wouldn't go as far as call it sexual harassment
But for god sakes, don't do it

>> No.6705311


and also: you fags saying she should just laugh it off, why do you get to tell somebody how they should feel? lol, holy fuck.

beside that point, what would be funny about some asshole who doesn't even have the balls to ask you to your face making a passive aggressive pass on you? it's weird, it's unprofessional, and it's worth firing somebody over.

i can't imagine how socially unaware somebody would have to be to do this. if you're going to give somebody your number, go up and give it to them. tell them you think they're attractive and they should call/text you sometime if they'd like. don't write it on a GREASY FUCKING PIZZA BOX, jesus christ.

>> No.6705334

>Being awkwardly hit on while at work must be awful.
Sounds awesome. Why would you say that?

>> No.6705353


Yeah it's an exaggerated scenario, by an insane amount. I guess drawing on a school desk is the same exact thing as painting a giant dick on the side of the white house.

>B-but it's the same concept

You're a retard.

I haven't said anything like that, I just think you're getting triggered as fuck and it's blinding your logic.

>> No.6705375

>not brushing this off and letting another person keep his job
That kid was dumb to do that but he doesn't deserve to lose his job over it. This is coming from a grill.

>> No.6705378


yeah, that's exactly the same thing. vandalizing public property except to different degrees. same exact concept, thanks for proving my point brah.

that second post wasn't directed toward you. i am very triggered.. it's worrisome to know that people like in this thread are actual people out there in the real world. people without any semblance of anything that could be considered "a fucking clue".

>> No.6705389

>some people at so pathetic and privileged
This. The pizza guy was being creepy and stupid, but it's not like he can call her. This is so fucking easy to brush off, and there was no need to get someone fired and insult them. He's already working as a pizza delivery guy, there's no need to kick him some more.

>> No.6705396


he deserves to be kicked; it's his fault lol. he could have just not been an unprofessional loser and it would have been fine.

case in point as to why he's working a shitty job; he's too stupid or oblivious to do anything more productive. he clearly can't even be trusted to do his retard easy job correctly.

i'd fire him in one second.

>> No.6705412

>leaves number
>uncut pizza
what did he mean by this?

>> No.6705423

I stand by my observation that women are all psychopaths that lack any form of human empathy.

Take that other awful cunt from yesterday that ruined a mans life because he said "nice flapjacks" on a picture of a chef wearing see through clothes in a pool.

It's like watching emotionally stunted gangbangers shooting someone for "disrespecin us fo steppin on my turf yo".

>> No.6705426

stopped reading.
go back to tumbler.

>> No.6705429

fuck off back to tumblr, you vile excuse for a person.

>> No.6705468


This has got to be bait.

I'm the one you replied to, and I'm a grill. I would not want to do anything with this dumb pizza kid but I wouldn't want to fuck over his life. He didn't fuck my life with that number. Again, this is so fucking easy to brush off, jesus christ. There are other things I need to worry about than a dumb pizza kid who left a number on my box.

God, privileged people have all the time in the world to worry on stupid shit.

>> No.6707206

hello friends what is sage