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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 218 KB, 1000x668, PETA-Foie-Gras-4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6668796 No.6668796 [Reply] [Original]

How does /ck/ feel about foie gras? Meme food, delicacy, or just cruel?

>> No.6668801

overrated french meme food but it tastes good too

>> No.6668813

Fuckers love getting force-fed. I know it sounds strange, but filthy animal-fuckers don't understand how they work.

They often run to the feeding tubes. They instinctively gorge, they're just hesitant to do it around people or other animals because it makes them vulnerable. There are birds in nature that get so fucking fat that they can fight off predators. And there are farms that hand-feed the animals because they have such a small farm that the birds learn to trust the handlers.

By no means is it cruel.

>> No.6668814

Tasty, but not tasty enough that I would care if it were banned

>> No.6668823

Still on my list to eat it. Those fuckers better not take it away

>> No.6668835

watched a small documentary about foie gras production, and it's quite cruelty-free from what i could tell. i'll have to find the video.

>> No.6668846

It's not really cruel, especially considered to other factory farming things that happen that nobody cares about.
Taste wise, it's okay. Very oily and fatty, kind of overpowering in a bad way. Probably has its place in fancy cuisine but I wouldn't get it again.

>> No.6668848

This. They have ways now that are super easy on the duck, and the ducks instinctively want to gorge themselves especially near winter. There was actually a dude who made foie gras with free roaming geese just by making them think winter was coming.

>> No.6668854

gavage is one of the less cruel things in meat production. foie gras is great and i ate a fuckton when i was in perigeux this year but i could definitely live without it.

>meme food

fuck off

>> No.6668859


> They have ways now that are super easy on the duck, and the ducks instinctively want to gorge themselves especially near winter

one dude does this. it's extremely expensive in comparison with traditional methods. i've tried his foie by the way, my friend got some for his parents. it was lovely.

>> No.6668873
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Fucking filthy french and their shitty force fed food and snails.
The French are the fucking worst. I would surrender too if I had to live in Paris and be surrounded by smelly snail eating hipsters being rude to everyone.
Why do people like the French so much?

>> No.6668878

Honestly, how do people still think like this in 2015? I mean I know it is an American thing but still.

>> No.6668903

Nobody likes the goddamn french

>> No.6668913


>it is an American thing
>it is a British thing


>> No.6668915

lol at those immigrants not getting the joke

fucking sink the boats

>> No.6668921
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A friend of mine had a little vacation there a couple years back, and his main complaint wasn't the people (who were pretty much indifferent to Americans, I guess they're just used to tourists?) but the smell.
He said it was wierd to see so many nicley dressed people walking around in literal sewage and trash.

I guess many of the larger cities haven't updated thier infrastructure for hundreds of years, so a lot of thier shit is constantly breaking down and trash and debris just piles up, sewage backs up into the streets and people just ignore it like its a normal thing.

>> No.6668933

I had a buddy who was in this jazz group who went to China (..because apparently they really like jazz for some reason?) and he said the most jarring thing was seeing these huge, beautiful, intracatley detailed buildings that've been standing there for literally a thousand years
...and then right behind you is a little kid taking a shit in the street

>> No.6669203


Those are french people

>> No.6669225

I'm terrible at learning languages, even those similar to my own, so I tend to stick to English when traveling. Only in France do they make so little effort to meet you halfway. I'm sure there were people willfully misunderstanding me. One guy actually blew smoke in my face as he stared at me without responding.

As he was a citizen, rather than a guy working in hospitality, I don't expect him to understand a word of English, but unless he somehow thought I said "please blow a slow trail of smoke in my face," he has to be the rudest person I ever met.

>> No.6669233


>Only in France do they make so little effort to meet you halfway.

not my experience at all

>> No.6669236

The French/British hate (it goes both ways) is more of a brotherly love, haha-not-really joke.

Amerilards are actually serious when they try to rename "French Fries" "Freedom Fries" because they're actually that stupid.

>> No.6669241

Replace "France" with "Paris" and it's about right.

Outside of that shit hole most French people are perfectly nice and normal.

>> No.6669251


>Replace "France" with "Paris" and it's about right.

yeah this is more accurate. paris seems to have a real culture of selfishness and alienation.

>> No.6669316

Like any big city
The whole "that's only Paris" is a very convenient stereotype.

By meeting halfway, I hope you don't mean speaking English right away.
Nobody asks you to be fluent in French, you'll be fine in most cases if you just learn by heart one or two short sentences for greeting and asking if you can speak English.
That's the basis of all politeness and so many tourists who like to rant about the French rudeness are not even trying.

I would never expect a positive reaction if I hailed a stranger in Boston or New York in French, German or Spanish, I don't see why it would be different in a non-anglophone country.

>> No.6669329


> I don't see why it would be different in a non-anglophone country.

oh but it is.

>The whole "that's only Paris" is a very convenient stereotype.

i don't see how it's convenient.

>> No.6669360

if i could sacrifice my shit life for something tastey like foie gras i think i would

at least for a decent price to blow it on a night. my life aint shit

>> No.6669363

>i don't see how it's convenient.
Most non-Parisians will maintain it because it exonerates them from the usual negative stereotypes.

>> No.6669371

You haven't lived until you had a perfectly cooked piece of foie gras on toast.

>> No.6669377

What does it taste like?

>> No.6669383


well they separate themselves from parisians because they see a problem with parisians. it's true in my experience.

>> No.6669393

But they're right.
French people especially in the south are among the friendliest people I've ever met.

>> No.6669395


Yep. Shocks me that people are okay with kosher/allahu kaboom methods of animal slaughter but whine about foie gras.

>> No.6670515
File: 711 KB, 1800x1606, Sasha_Grey_Angry_Gangbang_Dicked_In_All_Holes_8_Blk_Cocks(1).flv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's lush

>> No.6670541

im curious how it got that filename

>> No.6670577

look closely

>> No.6670614

>Why do people like the French so much?

Why does your mum constantly ring me 30 times a day demanding i drop everything and attend to her sexual needs?

>> No.6670628

Never had it. Seen several videos on the feeding technique though. Watched geese flock to the guy putting the tube down their throat, to the point where he was pushing them away to only feed one at a time.

If it hurt them to eat that way they sure don't seem to mind.

>> No.6670632

Like the most creamy fatty liver paté you can imagine. It's just full and rich, a taste thats divine. It almost has a structure like butter but there is a real meaty and liver taste to it as well without the bitterness that pate normally has. It also has a tiny bit of sweetness from itself

>> No.6670706

I had great experiences in all of France, including Paris.

Though I'm young (21) and so was everyone I was with, so we didn't go anywhere particularly stuffy like we probably would have had my someone's parent been there.

But even in Paris the French were very nice to me, and two different people even said, "We try to be 'new world' Parisians to try and dispell the myth that we're all rude."

>> No.6670714
File: 38 KB, 420x227, ddt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If people paid half as much attention to factory farming as they do to catchy shit like foie gras and veal (a little before your time for most of you on here), the food system would be a lot healthier and less barbaric.

It's easy to make a photogenic scene for foie gras "force feeding" because it's simple enough for idiots to understand.

BSE, antibiotic resistance, and swine/bird flu are harder to explain to the average idiot, so any grassroots advocacy efforts are met with intense hostility and mistrust. It's all just lumped in as PETA vegan propaganda and carnists think they're somehow doing themselves and humanity a favor by defending the most dangerous and disgusting industry practices that actually only serve a few narrow interests.

>> No.6670733

it's fucking delicious in moderation.

>> No.6671320

It's cruel, but not much more so than the way most other livestock is treated.

>> No.6673311

i did still confused

>> No.6673323

Is that Ingrid herself?
That bitch is cray.

>> No.6673593

Only the quebecois do, but the feeling isn't reciprocated.
Also, only the quebecois are bigger cunts than the French. Canada is bilingual, but Quebec is the only place in Canada you can't speak English in. Fucking quebecunts, I wish they actually would be stupid enough to break off as their own cuntry.

>> No.6673594

That incident was because the French didn't want to back the US during Gulf War 2: Electric Boogaloo.

>> No.6673611

>by making them think winter was coming.
Did he make them watch game of thrones?

>> No.6673615

foie gras is delicious, as are most animal livers

>> No.6673636

I think it's cruel to shove a steel pipe down the throat of an animal and force feed it until it's stomach is literally about to burst every day of it's short life.

>> No.6673639

So by your logic we should be able to do the same thing to Americans and it wouldn't be cruel. These humans get so fucking fat that they can't fight predators. So does that make it okay to shove steel pipes down their throats and force feed them every day(some of them to the point of death)?

>> No.6673805

someone knows nothing beyond what PETA memes tell them

>> No.6673887

delicacy, but not too many recipies call for it

>> No.6673900

Let's get real here and acknowledge that animals are inferior of us and undeserving of our own rights.

These ducks only exist to be made into foie gras, much cattle only exists to become meat or for the milk, and so on.

>> No.6673934

>Implying you can speak french in the rest of Canada
come on now, bub.

>> No.6673978

too bad foie gras isn't asian or anything
cause it it were, it would get banned so fast

>> No.6674013

that doesn't mean you should be a dick to them
just because they don't have human feelings, doesn't mean you should be a psychopath and disregard the ones you are supposed to have

>> No.6674028


completely arbitrary statements.

>> No.6674046

I've seen undercover footage from Mercy for Animals investigators. It's pretty extreme. One of the workers explained about how sometimes they kill as many as 20 ducks per day by accident while feeding them.

>> No.6674071

It's too bad animal equality somehow has enough sway for some people to consider it even remotely sensible. Most of the images surrounding foie gras production that tug at the heart strings have nothing to do with the production of foie gras in particular, rather it is indicative of poultry farming in general. The funnel feeding isn't a difficult or painful procedure for the ducks, and if we're talking about the bigger picture, that of farming practices as a whole, the argument against things like foie gras breaks down easily. People, while endured by the idea of critters smiling all the way to the slaughterhouse, are more prone to deciding that that isn't economically feasible.

>> No.6674092


you're conflating two different arguments that should really be kept separate. animal equality is one thing and the relative cruelty of foie gras production compared to other poultry farming operations is another.

>People, while endured by the idea of critters smiling all the way to the slaughterhouse

if you have a problem with this i don't see why you're that keen to defend gavage - the discomfort it causes can be minimised to a point but the silly anecdotes going round of ducks running gleefully to the feeding tubes are very misleading, and the argument that it falls in line with their natural instinct to gorge as an alternative to migration rather falls apart when you remember that they have to be forced in the first place, apart from in one very exceptional case.

>> No.6674094

auto-correct a shit

>> No.6674102

Do you not realise that people are not the same as birds?
We have a gag reflex so trying to imagine people getting force-fed is uncomparable

>> No.6674104

Duck /= Human

I know in this abort away your own spawn era we believe human life has no value. But in time, our society will be replaced by one that does believe human life has value, demographics are destiny.

>> No.6674120

Watch this video
Listen to what an actual duck handler at a foie gras production facility says.

>> No.6674136

You are conflating the points I made with my own personal feelings on the matter.
I don't see animal rights, animal equality, or whatever term you wish to put it under as having much sway at all. I was acknowledging that some people do, and I find that rather silly. I didn't make any arguments about gavage being related to natural instincts or any of anything else you purport in that cluster of a post. It simply isn't a cruel practice in and of itself, and I disagree with those attempting to frame it as such. I am glad foie gras exists, I enjoy eating it, though I do so rarely because it is cost prohibitive. The cost is where the rest of the argument comes in. People do not care about live stock or poultry treatment when it means their food will become so much more expensive, and the only reason people managed to get foie gras banned in those rare circumstances is because many have never once eaten it, let alone know much about the production in general.

>> No.6674146

That is quite simply a matter of poor practice, if indeed they lose ducks regularly. Again, poor practice in farming is one thing, but blaming an entire procedure for the poor implementation of it in some cases is asinine.

>> No.6674147

>I don't see animal rights, animal equality, or whatever term you wish to put it under as having much sway at all. I was acknowledging that some people do, and I find that rather silly.

Would you be willing to elaborate on this? Why is it silly to demand some kind of fair treatment for non-human animals? Don't you think it seems a bit arbitrary to draw a moral line between racism and speciesism without having some kind of logically consistent basis to explain why? Surely it can't be intelligence, because there are humans who are mentally handicapped and I doubt you would consider it ethical to treat them similar to farmed animals. So what is it?

>> No.6674149

It may be poor practice but it's also standard practice.

>> No.6674161


>I don't see animal rights, animal equality, or whatever term you wish to put it under as having much sway at all. I was acknowledging that some people do, and I find that rather silly.

i know dude. but it's a separate issue based on moral arguments and preferences. when you talk about how much discomfort gavage actually causes, that's a much more factual statement. you wouldn't really need to say that ducks don't deserve the same rights as us if gavage didn't infringe upon those rights. they're parallel arguments that don't converge.

>It simply isn't a cruel practice in and of itself,

'in and of itself' is one thing but 'in reality' is another. cruelty is definitely involved in the vast majority of foie producing operations, as it is in many other forms of mechanised farming.

>> No.6674184

>some kind of fair treatment
That is where it gets sticky and I disagree with what most proponents of animal rights and the like terms tend to encompass in overall philosophy. Animals produced for consumption, exist for that very purpose. If people want all of their animals to live naturally, outside of cages, whatever the case may be, fine. If they want to force those practices on an entire industry, banning all that they arbitrarily designate as cruelty or abuse, then no, I don't agree with that because of cases like this thread. Some people will decide that the entirety of one practice is cruel, which I may entirely disagree with. Labeling and categorizing farming methods and results is another matter, as is regulating against the poor or improper implementation of certain practices. Those I have less issue with, because they are treated on a more situational basis and can be more accurate.

>> No.6674192

>Animals produced for consumption, exist for that very purpose.
Yes, but why is it okay to raise those animals for food in the first place? They are capable of suffering. Why is it morally justified to discriminate against them because of some genetic differences? Again, it comes down to why are we drawing an moral line in an arbitrary spot between racism and speciesism? What is the basis for this decision which allows for it to be logically consistent with your other values?

>> No.6674214

>standard practice
It isn't standard practice to kill off 5% (estimating that they are feeding around 400) of your produce a day.

>> No.6674227

Thank you. This is where animal rights proponents show their true philosophical outlook, not framed around a few instances of improper implementation. I won't bother making any further points, because anyone who isn't borderline insane will see it for their self.

>> No.6674243

>I won't bother making any further points, because anyone who isn't borderline insane will see it for their self.
Sounds to me like the reason you wont bother making any further points is because you don't want to think about the question I posed. It shouldn't be that hard of a question to answer if you genuinely don't think there is anything unethical about raising animals for food. If you have a valid point to make, I would love to be able to take it into consideration.

>> No.6674267


do you really expect to get anywhere with this

are you 16

>> No.6674277

I would like to grow as an individual, but apparently you aren't capable of answering a simple question. How do you ever expect to get vegans to leave you alone if you can't even explain why you believe it's justified to put non-human animals through a continuous cycle of rape and killing.

Do you actually have well thought out reasons for any of your beliefs or is this the only belief you inherited from society without giving it any thought?

>> No.6674281


let me rephrase my question as a statement

you will not get anywhere with this

you are 16

>> No.6674292

>continuous cycle of rape and killing
Because it is tasty, and I want it.

>> No.6674297

How about you mind your own business, faggot. Worry about yourself and your own problems, and let me live the life in the way that I want to. You're no better than Christians or Muslims who don't want people to get gay married.

>> No.6674298

let me live life*

>> No.6674306

Let me explain something to you.

If you don't have a well thought out explanation for each of your beliefs, then they are not beliefs at all. They are values that you inherited from others. I have thought out most of my beliefs pretty thoroughly by now. I've reached a point where if I continue to perform these types of thought experiments by myself, I will continue to reach the same conclusions. In order for me to gain additional "passages of thought", I must introduce third party perspective. From my point of view, people who participate in animal agriculture are rapists and violent killers. Of course I would want to force my opinions on someone if I feel this way. All I'm asking from you is to explain your side of the story to help me gain perspective. You may even convert me back to eating meat. Then there would be one less vegan shitting up this board.

Simply explain one thing:
What generalized rule do you follow that permits for logical consistency between the following 2 values:
a. It's not okay to rape and kill individuals because of their ethnicity
b. It is okay to rape and kill individuals because of their species

>thinks preaching against unnecessary suffering is equivalent to biggotry
This is literally the stupidest argument I've ever seen.

>> No.6674312

What's biggotry? Is that like bigotry?

Also, they're animals. When they're smart enough to vote, they can have rights.

>> No.6674322

Animals are propriety. It is good to keep your propriety in working conditions, but they're still propriety and you can do whatever you want with what is yours.

>> No.6674324

Do you get upset when any animal eats or kills another species, or just homo sapiens?

>> No.6674325

So you're saying that humans who lack the mental capacity of the rest of us shouldn't have any rights at all? Do you discriminate against the mentally handicapped? Can we start raping and killing them too? Intelligence as an ethical argument is and always has been fundamentally flawed. It's not okay to force mentally handicapped people to suffer unnecessary and you know it. Is there something else? Something logically consistent?

>> No.6674327


>What generalized rule

the general difference between an ethnicity and a species.

>b. It is okay to rape and kill individuals because of their species

this is not what i believe.

>> No.6674329

Vegies really are just children.

>> No.6674330

oops, meant to reply to

the word is property

>> No.6674333

>the general difference between an ethnicity and a species.
Which is what, exactly? They are both evolutionary differences.

>> No.6674334

>Feeding the troll

>> No.6674336

You want to know what the difference is? They're fucking human beings.

>> No.6674341

You're introducing circular reasoning into your "logic" by choosing to use that as your basis, but sure... Okay pal.

>> No.6674352

>This is not what i believe.
If you don't believe that then why are you advocating animals being raised for food? You do understand that these animals are impregnated without their consent? And killed?

>> No.6674358
File: 1.75 MB, 900x2836, octopus_com.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6674359

So I imagine if we made contact with alien civilizations you would think it's okay to butcher them too?

>> No.6674364

It isn't circular logic, but an inherent condition of being "human".

And humanity is the owner.

>> No.6674365

Do you get upset when any animal kills another species, or just when homo sapiens do it?

>> No.6674374


the discrimination is based on their species and they are not raped.

>> No.6674376

Foie gras literally tastes like grease, no matter how you cook it.

Its a garbage food pushed hard by dirty frenchman because they can sell a part of a bird people normally dont even want for ridiculous amounts of money, and foodies who like to eat ti because it makes them feel highclass.

People who say that Foie Gras tastes good and is a good thing to cook with have been brainwashed into believing so. You are literally better off using anything other than foie gras in food, and it will taste better.

>> No.6674379

isn't* based on their species

>> No.6674392

Do you get upset when any animal kills another species, or just when homo sapiens do it?

>> No.6674395

This is a complicated question to answer because there are multiple aspects to consider here.
I believe all unnecessary suffering is bad. While many animals do not have a choice to abstain from meat for survival reasons, humans do.
I do have a bias towards herbivorous creatures however since they inflict less suffering on others. If given the opportunity to save a cow or a lion, I would save the cow. However, it's important to remember also that every animal most likely causes some amount of suffering to other individuals merely by existing and taking up space and resources and going about daily activities. For humans this is especially true. I strive to minimize my negative impact as much as possible and hopefully even make up for it by reducing the negative impact of others. It's not even just about animal rights for me. It's also about the mental and physical health of our society as well as our environment. Unnecessary deforestation and greenhouse gasses are not cool either.

So to answer your question, it bothers me to an extent either way. However, the actions of humans are much more concerning than the actions of non-human animals at this present time.

>> No.6674399

You do realize that none of this will matter in 60 years when you're dead, right?

>> No.6674414

I plan on living about 100 more years. Statistically I am at very low risk for many diet related illnesses. Heart disease in particular is the number 1 killer in the US. In any case, much of this will not matter once I (or someone else) succeeds at finding a suitable non-animal based alternative for fetal bovine serum in the production of in vitro meat. Once that happens the big corporations will view live animals as unprofitable by comparison and the amount of animal slaughter will drop dramatically and cost much more.

>> No.6674417

Fuck your shit, humanity's needs and desires matter more than animals or even whole ecosystems.

You're a perfect example of a doormat, that lets everything step over you because of "muh negative impact". So please fuck off, bitch.

>> No.6674425

>100 more years
kek, so you'll live to 116?

>> No.6674431

You seem really desperate to get people to believe that you are incapable of forming a valid response while arguing with a 16 year old. Does that make you 13?

>> No.6674435

How old are you?

>> No.6674443

I'm not going to give an exact number for privacy reasons but I'm in my twenties. Why? How old are you?

>> No.6674451

>for privacy reasons
you're retarded

I'm 21.

>> No.6674458

ITT people in their early 20s having it all figured out, and getting mad at each other when their answers don't match up

Good god what an insufferable age group

>> No.6674472

I don't claim to have it all figured out at all. I think people should be free to eat meat, or be vegetarian, or fuck dudes, or worship the sun, or get high, or do whatever the fuck they want without preachy assholes getting in their about it. As long as you aren't hurting other human beings(outside of self-defense or defense of others) or being unnecessarily cruel to animals(torture, etc), what right does anyone have to tell someone else how to live their life?

>> No.6674474

I'm not even getting mad. I'm simply asking for a logically consistent rule that supports the values held by people who forcefully impregnate and kill animals for food.

>> No.6674479

Because I know I certainly don't. Let he is without sin cast the first stone.

>> No.6674480


Let me guess, you're 27?

>> No.6674484

There are none. We do it because we're animals and ethical systems are arbitrary guidelines used to make people feel better about their inevitable deaths, like most things humans come up with.

There are no ethics in the wild.

>> No.6674486

No, but to avoid wasted electrons let's just pretend whatever hated age group you guess next is correct.

You're still insufferable.

>> No.6674491

Anon, you've probably already lived a quarter of your life. You're not gonna live for 100 more years no matter what you do. The oldest people live to be about 102-112 usually.

>> No.6674512

birds are dumb, fuck 'em

>> No.6674513

>There are no ethics in the wild.
I don't think that's always true. Also, we aren't in the wild. We have a history of documented moral evolution to reflect on. Most people understand now that it's not okay to abuse other humans because of genetic differences. But why do we need to draw the line at human? Why not earthlings? Is that even enough? What about alien civilizations if we ever encounter them?

Modern human civilizations don't consume animal products for survival reasons anymore. It's just unnecessary harm to our ecosystem, our physical health, and the animals.

Generally speaking, this is true. However, we have better nutritional information today than back then. More studies. More data. More breakthroughs. For example, only recently was it discovered that vegans were often having failing health in old age due to DHA deficiency. Now all of us young healthy vegans can take advantage of that information to adjust our diets. Also, advances in medical sciences.

>> No.6674517

Nothing is necessary because everything is meaningless. We are tiny and insignificant in the grand scheme of the universe. In all likelihood, we are one of many intelligent species spread out across the universe, and I'm guessing most of them end up offing themselves with progress and technology, like we surely will. Literally none of it matters, yet we, as a species, are constantly searching for meaning and truth in a universe in which those do not exist. It's absurd, and all you can do is laugh.

>> No.6674527

I suppose I should have been more specific. By necessary, I meant necessary for survival. It was wrong of me to assume other's would realize that implicit meaning.

>> No.6674531

But who cares? I mean, honestly, who fucking gives a shit? Only you.

>> No.6674540

Would you have said the same thing about slavery in the US 200 years ago?

>> No.6674552

Probably. I say let people worry about their own problems, because they sure as shit aren't going to worry about mine.

>> No.6674585

And what about white people who advocated against slavery during that time? Are they just a bunch of silly know it alls that should mind their own business and respect the decisions of other's to be slave owners?

>> No.6674589

They are people who will be completely forgotten once humanity destroys itself.

>> No.6674594

Most Canadians know some French, and you could get around Canada speaking only French.
But Quebec is *only* French. You see very little English in that hellhole, and if you try speaking English, you'll get, at best, blank stares. Not that people can't understand you, but they don't want to even acknowledge you if you don't speak in French.

I was driving across Quebec to get to Manitoba, and stopped at a McDonald's to get some food. I ordered in English. I ordered three times, each time receiving a blank stare. I ordered in French, and he replied to me in English, "Was that so fucking hard?". I left and bought a box of cereal at a convenience store instead.
That wasn't a one-time thing, either, that was the sentiment I got whenever I used English. Nobody else was quite that rude, but only one person replied to me in English the whole time.

The point is, quebec is full of cunts, who piss and moan whenever they don't get their way, which is making sure they can speak their ridiculous language anywhere in Canada, but god forbid they have to return the favor.

>> No.6674603

I don't see how that is relevant.

>> No.6674608

Of course you don't. We look at life on completely opposite philosophical terms.

>> No.6674611

>they kill as many as 20 ducks per day by accident while feeding them.
Bullshit. If they were losing that many a day, it wouldn't be profitable. Link to the video, or you're full of shit.

>> No.6674634

But you didn't answer the question though. The statement you gave is not an answer to the question I asked. Are you trying to say that they shouldn't have advocated for the rights of slaves because they won't be remembered after human civilization is gone? You're going to have to explain yourself a little more here.

I did post a link to the video >>6674120

Do you really think any of these companies give a shit about 20 birds dying in a day when they are mass producing? It's just part of business to them. Acceptable loss. Obviously they would like to reduce that number, however the obvious solution is to feed the ducks less food, which results in a final product that isn't as good.

>> No.6674681

Not the guy you were replying to, but your argument was just "Bullshit. He's not looking past his small little source!" and now you're telling the guy that he's lying if he doesn't show you the video. When/if he does end up linking you, you'll have another convenient excuse as to why it's all lolveganboogeymanpetapropaganda and when you're done arguing, nothing will have come of it. Why do you think people owe you proof that you'll just refute anyway?

>> No.6674744

Was it during garbage collector strike by any chance? Because it pretty much sounds like it.

>> No.6676807

you idiot that is not sasha grey

>> No.6676817

Delicious, shame half the time places just have pate de foie gras instead of the liver itself.

>> No.6676828

Just fatten up your own duck, so much more cheaper to toss it yuour scraps and you can eat the meat latrer

>> No.6676838

So what do I need to prepare it
Do I feed in orally or anally

>> No.6676841


>> No.6676877



No, faggot. It's because you use stupid, half-baked language like this. No one will ever pay attention to vegans because vegans, much like Catholics, deal only in shame and nothing fucking else.

If you spent less time insulting and deriding the people whom disagree with you, you might have a better chance at convincing them of the humane nature of your dietary choices.

>> No.6676889 [DELETED] 

Foie gras d'oie is marvelous.

Also, those who want to ban it are blind cucks : what about halal food, battery farming, China's mandatory testing of cosmetics on animals...

>> No.6676898

I refuse to believe people in Quebec are saltier than you.

>> No.6676907
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A part of the USA genuinely hate and despise France for some reason, it certainly goes further than the freedom crusade in 2003.

>> No.6676909

What's with that dip in '03?

>> No.6676923

See >>6673594

>> No.6676928

I had it in Paris and honestly felt it was horribly overrated.

>> No.6676943

There is a biological reason to see animals as little more than property: altruism is only evolutionary feasible behaviour when the benefit to the beneficiary multiplied by it's genetic relationship to the benefactor exceeds the cost to the benefactor.

This is why people generally care more about their family than random strangers and why intra-racial empathy is higher than inter-racial. It's also why eusocial insects exist; their reproduction metod (haplodiploidy) means a worker is more related to her sisters (queen's offspring) than to her own potential offspring.

All morality is in the root the outcome of genetic processes and natural selection. These adaptations are very complex in humans, because of cultural evolution (memes instead of genes). Humans have started to display altruistic behaviour towards other species. Nurture has overcome nature in this. The reason PETA and the like haven't gone extinct is because humanity doesn't really undergo a lot of selection pressure within cultures and memes can be transferred horizontally within generations.

>> No.6676947

The same thing could happen to somebody who has never drunk wine :
"I had it in Paris and honestly felt it was horribly overrated."
You can't judge a food product on one experience. Quality vary.

>> No.6676949

I had BBQ ribs in Washington DC and honestly felt it was horribly overrated.

>> No.6676950

You new here?
>I had the new avocados and I was totally underwhelemed
>sushi? hipster scam, way overpriced
>you heard of this new specialty cheese? gross, it doesn't even melt

>> No.6676951
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>> No.6676960
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I had lutefisk in Oslo and it wasn't even good.

>> No.6676973

High end deviled ham

>> No.6676976

>Do you really think any of these companies give a shit about 20 birds dying in a day

*I* don't give a shit about 20 birds dying in a day.

They're birds, dude.

Where I work birds hit the power lines and die all the time. Should I hold a fucking funeral for them?

These birds were born and bred to become food, if the industry didn't kill them with force-feeding they'd kill them some other way.

>> No.6676978

To make it clear, I'm not the anon you were asking that question to anyway.

>> No.6676998

The people who care about foie gras are the same people who cry about dogs getting beaten while eating a giant hamburger.

Im vegan because personally i dislike killing animals, I dont actually give a fuck about them. And nobody should, animals are a resource for people to grow stronger by using. Pets, food - both are to make you feel better and live better.

All that said rationally there is no counter argument against a vegetarian. Eating animals is not necessary and does in fact drain resources.

But I still dont care.

>> No.6677009

>Eating animals is not necessary and does in fact drain resources.

Well, just to play devil's advocate, so does eating plants dude.

>> No.6677022

It obviously takes less resources and thats my point. Sustaining people via what the animals are eating is cheaper than using those resources to get less but heartier ones in return.

>> No.6677171

>or just cruel?

>> No.6677482

You think meat protein takes even a similar level of resources as plant protein?

Carnist ignorance is simply astounding.

>> No.6677502

American here

Why are quebecfags so cuntish about these things?

>> No.6677563

Paris was better when the notre dame was the tallest building

>> No.6677577
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>expecting anything good to be produced in modern day DC

>> No.6677633

Damn, why is Burton such a cunt?

>> No.6677813

That wasn't my point I haven't even been to DC.
My point was that a one off occurrence in the capital city of a diversified country isn't the best to draw a blanket conclusion about said country's food.

>> No.6677872

do you get mad when a mexican tells yo no nintendo

>> No.6677889

It's a loud minority thing.
It's not like the 70s-90s anymore.

If you stay in the cities it's extremely unlikely that you'll meet someone who's being a dick about you speaking English, unless you make a point of talking down French or something.

>> No.6677908

>some people struggle to speak a language that isn't official where they live
How shocking.

>> No.6677910

It tastes like puke.

>> No.6678218

Holy shit, it's your post that made me understand the Sasha Grey joke.

>> No.6679163

Overrated, just like truffles.
I've had foie gras and it tastes what canned dog food smells like. Remember that you're eating liver. Blegh.

>> No.6679178

I've had it and I wasn't blown away. For the same price I could have gotten 3 pounds of chicken livers from the butcher or a pound of ready to eat chopped liver from the deli and enjoyed either one just as much.

>> No.6679357

English *and* French are Canada's official languages. Most Canadians, everyone who grew up there, speak some degree of French.
I'll admit, my French sucks, since I haven't had to use it with any regularity in about 15 years, but I can get my point across in French. The point is, all of Canada has to learn some French, and everything in English has to have a French translation(thus the silly bilingual signs, even in fucking Newfoundland), whereas in Quebec, you don't have to have an English translation for shit. Yes, legally they're required to, but it's rarely enforced in anything but road signs.

tl;dr, quebecois are a bunch of special snowflake cunts who think they're better than everyone else.

>> No.6679360

So they are to Canada what Canada is to north america?

>> No.6679372

English hasn't been an official language in Quebec for nearly 40 years.

Sorry about your lack of education.

>> No.6679413

You clearly never been to fucking Québec, for speaking such nonsense out of your ass like that

The reason québecois are assholes to you is probably a reaction to how much of an uptight squarehead cunt you are, go suck on the Queen's hanging cuntflaps you loyalist pig

>> No.6679569

You are speaking out of your fucking ass. I am canadian, born and raised in Alberta. I was not ever required to learn french going through the school system here.

quebecois are a bunch of special snowflake cunts though. 3/4 of you fucks want to leave Canada, and I say good riddance. We don't want your bilingual shit instructions on every application form we sign. We don't want to sit through the 5 minutes of translation when we call the government for something. And you whiny cunts complain all the time about english. Please secede.

>> No.6679583

>Please secede.
They've been trying but every time there's a referendum the politicians and the Canadian people suddenly start loving them and want them to stay.

>> No.6679589

false equivalence

im really sick of hippies trying to tell me a chicken's life is even close to the same as a human's

>> No.6679663


>> No.6679689

Humans are the same. Even with all our self awareness we find it hard to fight our instincts when it comes to food.

>> No.6680250

>...and then right behind you is a little kid taking a shit in the street
A chinese friend told me about how she once walked past a kid pooping in the street and she pressed on the top of his head so he sat in his own poop. Then she ran away when he started crying.

>> No.6680652


No, then they would have drowned themselves.

>> No.6680701


i fucking love china

>> No.6681273

>Not eating veal liver

I bet you're from san fransisco

>> No.6681370


I was torn until I did some research and saw how they actually make foie gras. Sticking the feeding tube down their throat isn't that uncomfortable for them it seems. Duck throats are designed to allow them to swallow big whole fish so a thin tube is not that big of a deal.

I'd still like to know more about it but it doesn't seem that much worse than how we treat most other livestock.

It's pretty tasty though. There's a restaurant in LA called Animal and they serve foie gras on biscuits with honey and gravy. Oh lord. So good.

>> No.6682878

Went to Shanghai in 2011. Within five minutes of getting out of the cab I saw a hobo looking dude pissing on a tree. Then when I was walking through the airport to leave, a toddler squatted and started peeing on the floor two feet away from me and his mom just stood there and waited for him to finish before they continued walking. Wasn't even upset, they made the trip memorable.

>> No.6682914
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honestly? a non issue to me. Much as I love fried chicken livers, instant gout.And not making lite of a serious subject. I cannot eat it, but I like liver mush, pork liver, venison, etc. I don't know honestly Duck or goose. I have shotguns and , never mind. dont lkill with out need/.I dont eat foie grass, because i cannot eat it. don'tlike it. and pardon moi, got otre fish to fry than gesse..Get real..

>> No.6682940
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Tbh shoving pipes down an animals throat is pretty gross.
And while the footage in the PETA videos is bias (not staged, but I'm sure they present only the worst of the worst) it is very confronting.
If the claims made by ethical producers are accurate, then fine - great. Those producers aren't my concern. But there are clearly farms that are mistreating livestock.
I have some foie gras pate in my fridge right now. I bought it out of curiosity. It's nice. Not worth the price, but nice.

I do think people should have the freedom to purchase what they want (within reason - and I believe foie gras, even cruelly produced foie gras, to be within reason), however I do feel that the treatment of the animals within those videos was wrong (even if I am anthromorphising the idea of feeding tubes and the claims made by some that they enjoy it and approach the tubes willingly is true) and seems excessively violent and abusive.

The thing is, though - it's really not worse than factory farming of poultry any way. At the very least the consumer is generally aware of what goes into foie gras, as it's a specialty product and the production methods are so highly publicised.

I wouldn't necessarily support a ban providing the claims that this can be done ethically by utilising the gorging instinct and that's how it was produced universally. But I would at the very least like to see some sort of standard or code of practice for the foie gras industry. Of course it's an international practice so whatever.

>> No.6682947

Can someone call an ambulance, I think this guy had a stroke tbh.

>> No.6682979

>ducks eat fish

>> No.6683004

What, did you think they only ate the bread retards throw at them in the parks?

>> No.6683008

Fuck off newbie

>> No.6683175

but we already do.

>> No.6683185

Hey, don't lump Catholics in with the vegan shitters. Mormonism and some American Protestantism is shame based. Catholicism actually has history and a fairly straight forward belief system

>> No.6683515

So stuffing a duck is not okay, but cutting it's throat and let it bleed it is a okay!
Americans everyone.. or sandniggers..or kikes..

>> No.6683522

You're right, Catholocism is not shame based. It's guilt based - very different.

>> No.6684054

No, more like the quebecunts realize they can't exist without mama Canada, so they fuck off.
We should forcibly eject them, and when they come groveling back, make them speak English.

>> No.6684090
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>Americans everyone.. or sandniggers..or kikes..

>> No.6686455
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Underage b&

>> No.6687141

Dude fucking really? Our ecosystem doesn't matter as much as humanity's needs, or even worse, our wants? That's the most arrogant bullshit I've heard on this board.

People like you are the reason our planet is slowly becoming more fucked up. WE LIVE IN OUR ECOSYSTEM. If we place our 'wants' before it then we risk doing damage because of trivial miniscule convenience. I'm not even a vegan. Do the world a favor - don't breed, and dive headfirst into a wood chipper so we can use your pathetic body as compost to grow fresh crops and grass for feed animals. That's about the best thing you'll accomplish.

>> No.6687241


I enjoy it when it's prepared well, but I'm not crazy for it either. If it went away, I'd feel about meh. I pretty much never order it. If it's part of a tasting menu, then fine.

>> No.6687256


Clearly, anon struck a nerve of an individual who grew up with a promiscuous mother.

>> No.6687517
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>Trying to cover up your immature, unoriginal, 1st grade humor with 1st grade psychology.
Go back to school.

>> No.6687523
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>> No.6687528
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>go pack to school

pick one.

>> No.6687536
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Oh wait you weren't talking about me. Sorry, I'm tired. You might be right about the other guy. And before you start, my mommy is not promiscuous, afaik. :^)

>> No.6687540

just fyi she is {8^()~

>> No.6687631

Thx for letting me know, I'll be sure to cut her out of my will.