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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 2.32 MB, 3264x2448, 20150709_194656.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6681826 No.6681826 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: We make sweeping judgments of one another based on the last thing we ate. Pic related, it's salmon seasoned with cayenne and salt, and brushed with olive oil, served over mixed greens, nuts, and raisins.

>> No.6681836


you're moisty

>> No.6681844
File: 102 KB, 800x600, tumblr_m1k4c7y65n1rsbvbho1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In da oven

>> No.6681852
File: 24 KB, 248x355, Lee_Kum_Kee-Char_Siu_BBQ_Sauce.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're a fag.

My turn, cooked up some sausages on a skillet, put pic related on top then put that on top of some Shin Ramyun ramen noodles, I also added a few chopped Thai chilies to that.

It was really good, I only ate about 1/2 of it so I have the rest for later.

>> No.6681853

Last proper meal: beef stroganoff with rye bread and French fries.
Last thing I ate: scrambled eggs with fried corn meal.

You're either an arrogant and snob fuck or someone with a quite good food taste. Or maybe both.

>> No.6681865

OP here. I don't think I'm a snob, I just know a lot about food and I want to try my best whenever I can. I'm just a lonely guy who loves to cook, with lots of time alone and no friends to share my cooking with.

>> No.6681870

Then I guess I was right about the second guess [you having a good food taste]. Salmon with nuts is awesome.

>> No.6681877
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You have a good taste in Ramen, but that's probably because you're a fag who doesn't know how to cook anything outside the realm of comfort foods.

Pic related, it's my dinner of chicken, green beans, and seasoned sweet potato and cauliflower puree.

>> No.6681884

Vodka cheese sauce with low fat cheddar, parmesan, and swiss, spooned over cellentani pasta with roasted red pepper strips and steamed broccoli and green cauliflower florets. Added a little garlic powder because it's comfy.

>> No.6681888

Pepperoncini burger (sauteed pepperoncini and provolone with LTO and dijon mustard) and deep fried pickles.

I thought living in a hotel would be easier, all I want to do is cook a damn meal

>> No.6681902

You're either a caveman or a dutchman

>> No.6681913
File: 192 KB, 1280x960, IMG_1428.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

last thing i ate was some ikea gravadlax.

last thing i cooked was some brandade with ratatouille

>> No.6681965

I must sound pleb but what does the vodka to to contribute here? Isn't vodka just 2 parts ethanol and 3 parts water, all of which will readily evaporate? I can understand cooking with aged spirits, but vodka?

>> No.6681972


all the ethanol won't evaporate, it never does, and it's a solvent for aromatics that gives you more floral notes than you'd get with just fat or water.

>> No.6681984

Neither, I'm Spanish. I had some bread on the side but it's a staple food so it's hardly worth mentioning.

>> No.6681988


how can you be on a cooking board and be this retarded? some flavor components are soluble in water, others in oil and yet other in alcohol. now go fuck off moisty.

>> No.6682114

You know a lot of recipes, but you only cook a few items when you're eating. You only branches out when you're cooking for friends.

>> No.6682167
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Last thing I ate pic related

Last thing I cooked was a lentil and beet dish I was experimenting with

>> No.6682190

You aren't obsessed with putting meat into every single dish, so I'm going to assume that either you're either not a murrican, or you're a vegetarian/vegan.

>> No.6682538

Last thing was breakfast this morning, a scoop of ON double chocolate whey in cold milk and a double espresso. Multi grains bread with peanut butter for next, mid morning snack.

Last thing I "cooked" was low and slow baked ribs with a sticky marinade of tamarind sauce, crushed garlic, chillies, cumin, cider vinegar, raw sugar, salt and Pepper. With sweet potato fries.

>> No.6682556

Last thing was a peanut butter sandwich with wheat bread two days ago.

>> No.6682564

those ribs sound delicious

>> No.6682572

You're the kind of guy who would find any stupid excuse to show other people pictures of your food.

>> No.6682573

dyel bruh?
You sound pretty well vetted in being healthy

>> No.6682582
File: 83 KB, 736x551, 57a721edefb409fe6fa530eae30854fd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a calzone from a small pizzaria. pepperoni, sausage, red and green peppers, mushrooms, ricotta and mozzarella. marinara on the side.

>> No.6682583
File: 1.86 MB, 3264x2448, 20150714_222838.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pork tenderloin with asian spicy slaw and sweet and sour radishes. I brined the tenderloin with some asian shit and rubbed it with rosemary garlic sesame oil and marjoram, through some carroway seeds on. Tasty but i overcooked it ~10mins

>> No.6682590
File: 1.60 MB, 3264x2448, 20150714_222847.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And heres what i made my FWB whose vegetarian just yams and kale with paprika cayenne and cilantro

>> No.6682613

Thanks, they were. Cooked them for a bit over 3 hours on a rack above a dish filled with water. Brushed marinade every now and then. Then blasted them for a few minutes on high just to get dat glaze.

Sure bruh, 7th week of SL 5x5 so still a lot of room for improvement obviously.

DL: 103kg - 227 lbs
Squat: 93kg - 205 lbs
Bench and row: 65kg - 143 lbs
OHP : 40 kg - 88 lbs

I try to get a healthy balance of macros with an emphasis on proteins obviously. Clean bulking feels like gorging sometimes, one good way I've found is to add one avocado in a meal.

>> No.6682628
File: 1.16 MB, 2335x1290, IMG_20150714_225312.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pork and rice

>> No.6682630

trying way too hard

>> No.6682683

Overcomplicated, pretentious plating, and you missed it.
If you want to bother with this kind of design, you need to be way more careful when you chop your veggies, they should be sliced at the same thickness and then cut out at the exact same shape and diameter. It's still impractical as fuck to eat.
Covering your plate in a bunch of random fresh herbs, however asian you think it looks, isn't aesthetic (works only on a tiny bowl of soup really)
Couldn't you at least center the slop so it doesn't feel like half the dish is missing? You would need a sliced duck magret with it's reduction on the empty part of the plate to have something resembling an actual meal.
Also enough already with the herbs everywhere!

>tl;dr: if you want to pretend you make fancy fusion gourmet cuisine, go big or go gome.

>> No.6682714


I agree.

I admire your effort for presentation but it still looks kind of half-assed. Try working/plating more simply next time. Good things don't have to be complex.

>> No.6682726

Chickpea, kale and halloumi salad

>> No.6682727
File: 2.88 MB, 4160x2340, 0714151836.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made homemade Mac and cheese with cheddar and smoked Gouda, fried dill pickles, and mesquite grilled chicken

>> No.6682731

You're poor and have no taste. At least get a Tony's

>> No.6682733

Corn tortilla chips. I had so many with so much hot sauce last night that I spent half of today crapping pure acid.

It's as they say: Verde in, verde out.

>> No.6682737

Haven't gotten groceries in a while, so I've been getting rid of weird stuff in my freezer and pantry for a while.

Took 1/4 lb of frozen boiled clams, warmed them up in some boiling water for a minute or two, then strained them out. Put them in a bowl and added a couple of packets of Kikkoman Tofu Miso Soup, along with 1 1/3 cups of hot water. Clam Miso Soup in three minutes. It was good.

>> No.6682741
File: 1.73 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shrimp and cheddar grits w sausage/jalapeno sawce..

I eat a bowl almost every day

>> No.6683126

Nope, omnivorous american

>> No.6683132

Southerner. Louisiana?

>> No.6683133


that's a lot of oil o n it

>> No.6683135
File: 33 KB, 299x310, ss (2015-07-12 at 08.08.33).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Burritos made with chipolte peppers, shitty beef (heavily seasoned), refried beans and sour cream.


>> No.6683492
File: 50 KB, 480x320, pbo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're hitting the gym and dirty bulking

You live in a flyover state and you think that making mac and cheese from anything other than Kraft powder makes you special

You've given up on life

Pic related, I had peanut butter oatmeal.

>> No.6683523


...have you somehow managed to track my posting or something? that is remarkably similar to something i said in a thread like a year ago. i normally eat bachelor food but i push the boat out a bit for company. uncanny.

>> No.6683540

I'm pretty good at this game. They post threads like this on /fit/ all the time and I've practiced a lot. You can tell a lot about someone from what they eat. Relevant Franku.

>> No.6683544


>I'm pretty good at this game.


>> No.6683593
File: 16 KB, 400x400, 54f67f9443f9a_-_smir_bloodymary_hires-xl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A bloody mary for breakfast

made with Starr Blu Vodka and Tapatio hot sauce

>> No.6683608

Either you are hungover from last night or you have a long day of solitary activity planned ahead for today, including vidjagames, web browsing, and web-streaming TV and movies.

>> No.6683623

Close, about to head for a run so I don't feel like a shitter when I plow through my ps3 back log

>> No.6683683
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Sliders at my local overrated Memphis burger joint

>> No.6683691
File: 200 KB, 1280x960, hotdoge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am eating this right now. It is great.

>> No.6683807

Did you make that yourself? Because if you make fast food items when cooking for yourself you're basically a confirmed pleb with no taste who can't see a world outside of hotdogs, burgers, and pizza. Stay squishy Amerifat.

>> No.6683929


it would be safe to assume that i love the shit out of some olive oil.. when it's for customers, the bowl isn't overflowing and there's less oil.


seattle actually

>> No.6683944

You really like to branch out and eat new types of burgers, but you don't branch out as far with other types of foods, especially exotic and unfamiliar ones. You mostly like your job, but you feel like something is missing in your life, but you can't quite tell what it is.

>> No.6683951


i'm sensing that you're a faggot who posts on an iranian turban tips and tricks forum

>> No.6683959

I woke up about 9 this morning and over the course of two hours ate ~6 snickerdoodles I baked the night before. When I met up with my friends and they all got food, I abstained.

Fuck off
Chill but poor
Bad taste in music
You're not very loving with your parents but would defend them with your life
/pol/ is your second favorite board
Husbando material
Friendly but unintelligent

>> No.6683971
File: 1.34 MB, 3264x2448, 1436930690969.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


you're a bit impulsive but you're sociable and fun.. possibly a recovering fatass, or maybe a current fatass who doesn't like to be seen eating in public.

>husbando material

when i'm at home, i cook more simply.. here's dinner from the other night. i do eat grits on the regular, tho. that's some good shit.

>cheesy grits
>fried egg on top

yes please

>> No.6684066
File: 104 KB, 960x960, pizzzzz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

come @ me bro.

>> No.6684083

you are in college and thats the best meal you have had in 2 years

>> No.6684100
File: 82 KB, 630x470, burritos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gas station burritos.

>> No.6684108

You know you could take the time to cook, but you've fallen so far out of the habit that you don't know where to even begin

You miss your mom and Dad. Your best friend gets a laid a whole lot more than you and you can't seem to figure out why it's not as easy for you to do the same.

You eat very repetitive breakfasts or no breakfast at all, and repetitive/basic lunches, but dinner you take very seriously.

>> No.6684111

I'm the fagola from >>6681877 and jokes on you, I love my parents and they know it, even though I don't see them all the time.

>> No.6684116

Can someone explain what the fuck I'm looking at? There's so much god damned cheese on that fucking thing that I can't even figure out what's underneath it. Is it some kind of deep-dish pizza? A lasagna or something? Some kind of casserole? Nigga you might as well just microwave a block of cheap mozzarella and eat it.

>> No.6684132
File: 685 KB, 1707x775, m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was scrolling by fairly quickly and my brain registered it as Creation of Adam for some god unknown reason.

Are you secretly jesus?

>> No.6684157


looks like a personal pan pizza.. with corn, though?

>> No.6684170
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>> No.6684192
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pls be gentle, /ck/.

>> No.6684341
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>> No.6684357

That's some uncanny shit b0ss. Also, I just ate this. The fish is tilapia and the mush is hummus.

>> No.6684360

I'm guessin this is at a restaurant? It looks like your friend ordered much more interesting food than you did.

>> No.6684432

A pretentious faggot who wants to show off his dinner

>> No.6684471

> Go on a cooking forum
> Be surprised when active users can cook something other than top ramen
What's it like being this pleb?

>> No.6684547
File: 180 KB, 960x926, 884_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Wild mushroom ravioli, sweet Italian sausage, zucchini, onion with a spinach and basil pesto (toasted pine nuts, basil, garlic, red pepper flakes, red wine vinegar, sauteed spinach, parmesan, olive oil, salt, sage and the last of this artichoke spread I had sitting around).

>> No.6684555

You're a bowl thief

>> No.6684573

um.... you can buy them in chinatown for like $5

>> No.6684582


i mean, it sounds great and all but you kind of tarted up that pesto pretty hard.

>> No.6684600

Which makes your theft of my bowls even more outrageous.

>> No.6684605

that's the nice thing about pesto, you can do an enormous combination of ingredients. all you really need is green, nut, cheese.

garlic scapes, collards, cilantro all work. peanut, almond, walnut
manchego, ricotta, gruyere

>> No.6684609

Yeah, I'm not sure that would even be considered pesto anymore with all the random shit he put in it.

>> No.6684615

You care enough about your food to spend some time on it, but you aren't dedicated to being a pretentious dickwad 24/7.

>> No.6684619
File: 6 KB, 200x150, Unknown.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lechon sandwich with mojo niqqa

>> No.6684658

You're just out of dyel mode

>> No.6684659

Is that another Spainfag I detect?

>> No.6684660


>that's the nice thing about pesto, you can do an enormous combination of ingredients.

if you're alright with making a number of italians mad, i guess.

>> No.6684663
File: 40 KB, 428x761, unnamed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ehhh, what do you think? I have to much body dysmorphia to judge myself.

>> No.6685035
File: 119 KB, 640x640, leson3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried shrimp scampi for the first time today. Fire away.

>> No.6685053

the people around you only eat the same few dishes so you just go with the flow

u fat

>> No.6685062

Ehhh, sort of. I grew up with a family of skinnyfats who could absolutely not cook, so I've been teaching myself gradually over time. I like to try new things, so I'm decidedly not going with the flow even though my family consists of monotonous carbivores that live off of Costco food.

>> No.6685071

A spicy salmon roll from Kroger.

>> No.6685080

Implying Italians don't get angry and gesticulate wildly over anything food related to begin with

>> No.6685092

thank you op. you said mucki.

>> No.6685093

You have nice nipples and your hair looks healthy.

I had Beef stew with a lot of red wine in it.

>> No.6685224

Enjoys ragged condoms on his food.

>> No.6685240
File: 10 KB, 225x225, Walkers_Quavers_Cheese_6_Pack[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I ate 4 packets of quavers

>> No.6685283

What the fuck is a Quaver? Is that some sort of Britbong snack food?

>> No.6685541


>> No.6685573


you pathologically deny yourself real pleasure in life, and your joys are pale shadows of your true desires.

>> No.6685592
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>> No.6685599
File: 126 KB, 576x1024, q.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you sucked off 4 dogs

>> No.6685618

i just ate about a third of an italian loaf from pchop to finish off the last of some tomato sauce i'd made

you don't really enjoy much

you don't really know what it is you're doing

>> No.6685904

>You've given up on life
Couldn't be farther than the truth right now.

Certainly, though, I'd given up on food.

>> No.6686270

>doing 5x5 and falling for the /fit/ meme
This board is really bad

>> No.6686396
File: 27 KB, 620x743, 1342706703554[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>you pathologically deny yourself real pleasure in life, and your joys are pale shadows of your true desires
>you don't really enjoy much
>you sucked off 4 dogs

>> No.6686410
File: 169 KB, 718x525, cookme.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My breakfast.

>> No.6686412
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>> No.6686427
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Gyudon with onsen egg made by my Asian wife.

>> No.6686431

You have a wonderful wife and she actually puts thought into her food

You are too depressed to even fry an egg

>> No.6686444
File: 1.03 MB, 1936x2592, IMG_0027.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fried potato burger with thousand island sauce and synders sour dough pretzels.

>> No.6686448


You like looking at men in skimpy, tight under garments on 4chin.

>> No.6686450


You have a tiny P-ness that only an azn would understand.

>> No.6686453

you are a man child that thinks assembling something like this is clever.

>> No.6686456

m8, dats en entire pig brah,


y tho.

>> No.6686473

>living such a lonely boring life you can't resist the urge to shitpost and try to belittle anons in hope to look better in comparison.

If the board is bad, you are turning it to shit. Also you're not going to make it.

You are pretty bad at defining priorities and often find yourself doing something else than what you had planned.
You cut on the meat but still enjoy fresh fish.

>> No.6687088

Beef Stew

>> No.6687132


how does sucking dogs off get him QUavers

>> No.6688452
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>> No.6688785
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>> No.6688928


>> No.6688935

You have a weird obsession with a couple of herbs and spices that you mange sure to throw into as many dishes as possible. None of these herbs and spices were used by your mother in the cooking she gave you growing up.

You have a hard time starting mundane tasks. In school you struggled to complete essays on time because the opening paragraph was extremely difficult for you.

>> No.6688936

Rice porridge with too much salt.

Everyone in this thread, I have one sweeping judgement. I wish I ate whatever you had last.

>> No.6688937

Sorry bae, I'm from California. I really want to visit 'Straya sometime though.

>> No.6688942

Oatmeal porrige with water.

>> No.6688953

I'm still fuckin jelly. Oats are good for you at least.

Wanna hang out and be poor together?

>> No.6688960
File: 1.39 MB, 972x726, chickenassparastuff.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made this a couple months ago for /ck/ I still make it like 2 / 3 times a week. It's pretty good. Everyone shat on me tho when I posted it.

>> No.6689028

>plain rice porridge
>add 3/4 tbsp light soy sauce
>add 1/3 tbsp sesame oil
>never want to eat anything else again

It works miracles, trust me. Also works with steamed rice instead of porridge.

Please have some bok choi (boiled briefly with a dash of salt and tbsp of vegetable oil) as a side though, they're cheap too and we wouldn't want your health to deteriorate.

>> No.6689036

Just fuck off now please.

>> No.6689115

amatriciana rigatoni

>> No.6690697

Pork-and-squid broth egg noodle soup with sliced pork, sliced pork kidney, sliced pork liver, sliced fish loaf (like meatloaf, only smoother consistency and fish rather than meat), prawns/shrimp, squid, garlic-infused lard rendered from fatty pork mince, garlic chives, "fried ghosts" (Asian breadsticks), beansprouts, coriander/cilantro leaves and lettuce. It was a very late lunch I had around 2.30 this afternoon.


>> No.6690719

Everyone always shits on people for posting stuff that they make. You shouldn't take it personally, but it destroys a lot of potential OC before it even exists.

Why bother spending time documenting the cooking process when a bunch of jealous neckbeards are just going to shit all over it in order to feel better about their own miserable lives?

>> No.6690732

It looks a little silly to me, but I certainly wouldn't have put it down had I seen it before.

Very little I cook looks pretty to begin with so I don't even try to gussy it up. For example, I made Sinhalese-style potato-and-cauliflower dry curry, the cousin to the much better known and soupier North Indian aloo gobi.

It looks horrid, to be honest, but it tastes fantastic. Yours looks good but a bit overdressed. Like wearing fineries to go to Burger King.

>> No.6690733
File: 43 KB, 902x503, frukost3[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not my pic but essentially the same.
Decided to have a small evening snack.

>> No.6690737
File: 68 KB, 400x300, ข้าวผัดอเมริกัน.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made fried rice.

>> No.6690804

What is that paste on top?

>> No.6690812
File: 58 KB, 1280x960, 1434323296785.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot to take a pic.
>2 bratwurst with ketchup, mustard and tiny bit of Sriracha
(i already know I'm gonna get shit for those condiments)
>2 brown (full grain?) hamburger buns with cheese, egg, tomato and raw spinach leaves
>leftover tomato and spinach on the side
Inb4 pleb. I know, step it up.

>> No.6690815
File: 140 KB, 1280x960, p1010150.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not that anon, but I'm pretty damn sure its this Swedish product.

>> No.6690820

Is that fucking ketchup...?

>> No.6690825

is that fish egg caviar or some kind of made up caviar?

>> No.6690842

I can't see this without thinking about that guy eating his own cum with that.

>> No.6690851

Probably fishpaste, but I can't imagine that'd taste very good. He must be scandinavian.
You made ketchup with rice. I'm new to /ck/, is this a meme or something ? If not, you're newer to cooking than me or just poor.
Since when is a bit of lemon and parsley overdressing. If you want to get super petty, sure, he could have used one less parsley leaf... but you can't be that petty.
Where are you from and where can I find a recipe for this monstrosity ?

>> No.6690953

Just the layering of it, is all, not the use of parsley, Anon! Seems just a tad overdressed to me, but in no way bad. As said, very little of what I cook is photogenic so far be it from me to judge how someone else's food looks.

>how do i make that soup
Lemme see if I can find a recipe for you in English and, if not, if I can translate one to English for you. Can you get dried squid or cuttlefish where you live? If not, you can use dried anchovies, though the flavour will differ a bit or dried prawns, which will alter the flavour drastically.
There are a few spices and aromatics involved, too, that might be difficult to find where you live, such as cinnamon leaves and sweet neem leaves.
I usually just buy it out and have only made it myself a few times because all the various components take too long to cook separately.

Everything together takes about six hours and requires a bit of attention. I cheated once and just made squid broth and dissolved pork stock cubes in it. Was okay. Even doing that way only reduced the cook time marginally because the other things all take up time to make, too, and the broth can cook undisturbed while the other things are being made.

I can give a guideline with little-to-no measurements or I can find an exact recipe for you, if you'd like.

>> No.6691082
File: 225 KB, 400x600, 1434519500275.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see your point.

Now about that recipe, I live in The Hague and there's plenty of asian stores around so the little sea monsters shouldn't be hard to acquire. Pig parts I can probably find in any non-muslim butcher shop.
But the second part has some confusing ingredients.
>garlic-infused lard rendered from fatty pork mince
Is that something I can buy ? What about the asian breadsticks ? Fishloaf definitely sounds like something I'm gonna have to make but it sounds fun.
If you find time I'd really appreciate a detailed recipe.
I don't have any rare pepes to repay you tho.

>> No.6691096

It's roughly 50% fish eggs and then some other stuff.

>Table Of Contents
Selected sugar salted cod & sej roe * (fat marked) (52%), canola oil, sugar, potato flakes, tomato paste, salt, preservatives (potassium sorbate), antioxidant (ascorbic acid). * At least 95% of cod & sej roe is MSC-certified.

>> No.6691108


Its how you make fried rice??
Have you never heard of?