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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 187 KB, 500x363, young-woman-cooking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6669595 No.6669595 [Reply] [Original]

What is the most DIFFICULT DISH EVER /ck/? The dish that takes more knowledge, skill, and timing than any other dish.

>> No.6669604

A poached egg.

>> No.6669605

Based on some of the retards on this board, pretty much anything they try to make.

>> No.6669608

Truffle souffle.

It's funny how even with all that makeup and photoshopping, she still looks a bit worn out.

>> No.6669633

I don't know, she looks okay.

>> No.6669651

Proper scrambled eggs

>> No.6669923

She is pretty qt, pls no bully

>> No.6669926

omelette du fromage

>omelette du fromage

>> No.6669945


>> No.6669958

>omelette du fromage

>> No.6669965

Bouillabaisse is no joke

>> No.6669974


>> No.6669976


>> No.6669981


>> No.6669984

Star Wars

>> No.6669997
File: 110 KB, 1142x852, pain in the ass.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lemon meringue pie.

first you need to know how to make a proper pie crust.

then you need to know how to make a lemon curd.

then you need to know how to make a meringue.

then you need to know baking procedure.

then you have to toast the meringue peaks with either a broiler or blow torch.

jesus christ i'm just gonna buy a pre-made one.

>> No.6669998
File: 209 KB, 1600x1188, mutton%20biryani.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Biryani. I can do a decent one with a shortcut recipe but doing a proper one well requires years of experience.

Indian food is perceived to be complex but imo once you get the basics down and get used to having multiple steps while cooking it's pretty simple. But biryani, vegetable, egg, chicken, mutton or goat is really hard to get right since all the elements with different cooking times need to cook in the same pot and all the flavours have to infuse in all the ingredients but at the same time all the elements must remain disparate both in appearance and flavour.

>> No.6670003

I made this for the first time successfully a couple days ago, you need to use vinegar and a probe thermometer.

The hardest thing is pastries and baked goods
You can't "fix" it by adding sauces and seasonings like you can with actual cooking
Also measurements are way more important when it comes to baking
That's why I don't bother with it

>> No.6670016
File: 46 KB, 800x531, PerfectSouffle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From personal experience, I can tell you smaller things are harder to handle, especially pastries.
Hand rolled, folded, and steamed soup dumplings take a lot of experience to get the perfect spiral.
Any kind of highly decorated cake can be extremely technical to make.
As for overall
>Perfectly risen, non tilted, non cracked, non deflated Souffle.
There's so many things that can go wrong.

>> No.6670017

Then again baking is hard to fuck up. I know a few average cooks who bake very well. Not a slight on bakers or pastry chefs both require extreme dedication to do well. But as a home cook I think it's easier to remake a great baked good than a great dish.

>> No.6670024

I think you learn to do either/or

>> No.6670025
File: 401 KB, 511x450, SoComplex.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh fuck, I missed the obvious.
Anything molecular gastronomy is extremely complicated, technical, requires skills, and a huge amount of food knowledge.
>Fuck pic related

>> No.6670033

We really should be talking only about traditional dishes here. You can make a dish really, really complicated if that was your aim. Complexity and dexterity should be a means not and end onto themselves.

And as such I think my own suggestion >>6669998, >>6669965 and >>6670016 are good contenders.

>> No.6670053
File: 117 KB, 500x333, PoisonishFish.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck, I fucked up for the last time
Fugu is a puffer fish that only licensed chefs can prefer.
It's the highly poisonous fish that can kill hundreds of people if not prepared properly.
Remember that one episode of the simpsons?
Some chefs leave tiny pieces of poisonous meat to give the dish a little "tingle". We're talking milligrams of flesh here, MILLIGRAMS.
>You can literally only mess this dish up once.
Then you or multiple other people die.

>> No.6670073

Yeah but your average baker can do that. We're talking DIFFICULT AS FUCK

>> No.6670180

I was a sushi chef for a few years and I asked the owner of my restaurant if he'd ever had Fugu.

He told me that people eat it not because it is crazy delicious or anything but because of that little "tingle" you mentioned, and also the fact that the toxin gets you a little bit giddy, so people risk their lives eating blowfish because it gets you high

>> No.6670182

I agree that Lemon Meringue pie is not the be-all-end-all of difficult preparation, but believe me, the AVERAGE baker can't make a PERFECT anything. It takes extreme skill to achieve perfection.

>> No.6670195

It's not like it's nothing man but 4 or 5 years of regular baking and you should be able to make a perfect something. whether it's pie or whatever.

>> No.6670398

Poached eggs are easy as shit. Mix water and a good pour of vinegar in a pot, bring it to a very low simmer, and cook your eggs slowly.

>> No.6670421

Probably tastes like shit.

>> No.6670425

be the first to rate

>> No.6670429

anything that involves more than 4 food processors.

>> No.6670451

Autism: The Dessert

Pretty interesting watch though

>> No.6670459

beef wellington

>> No.6670465

since we're on the topic of traditional fare, coq au vin (using an actual cock, not factory chicken) is not something to attempt lightly

>> No.6670469

18 hours of work for somethin you can eat in 30 seconds....


>> No.6670542

you're looking at this the wrong way around
yes, this is not a preparation for the home cook
but for a restaurant it's fucking manna from heaven
the candy and the stems can be stored indefinitely at room temp, the ice-cream powder mix can be kept refrigerated for weeks and the boiled strawberry takes like 10 minutes to make
so it is very easy to do inventory control and the dish can be assembled in 15 minutes (of which like two minutes of actual work) by any idiot

>> No.6670548

pressed duck, if you don't have a duck press, just a spatula and bare hands

>> No.6670630


>you need to use vinegar and a probe thermometer.

lol no

>> No.6670642

Boneless Chicken breast. Shit is impossibru to cook without making it go dry

>> No.6671893

Plebs actually believe this.

>> No.6672031

passable and sellable and edible dont equal perfect, though

>> No.6672063

Only if you're retarded.

>> No.6672137

Cake decorating because I don't do it all that often and I have the fine motor skills of a crippled toddler. The whole baking part is easy as shit though. I don't understand why people think it's hard.

>> No.6672179


these plebs don't even know about sous vide poached eggs..

>70 minutes @ 143 degrees

perfect literally every time. then just drop them in water w vinegar to heat, and they last forever. fuck you purist/traditionalists, it's like saying somebody who mixes and edits music on a computer is a cheater because he isn't physically splicing tape together and using a tape machine.

>> No.6672181


>> No.6672204

Try vegan gluten free lemon meringue pie

>> No.6672206

>2/10 would not bang

>> No.6672216
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>> No.6672217
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>> No.6672218


>> No.6672372

A perfectly smoked brisket.

>> No.6673330


These, just like Spherification, don't require as much skill as having the proper equipment/ingredients for it.

>> No.6673336

(L)-quinine in 2 steps.

>> No.6673349

Difficult for who? A bloody amateur or a high trained professional Cook / Baker?

For some people cooking pasta is a Everest....

>> No.6673356

>fish that only licensed chefs can prefer

Needs licence to prefer. Kekd

>> No.6673584

Based on my own experience, consommé.
Even making regular stock is difficult.

Based on what I have heard:
Macarons can be difficult, croissants can be finnicky when done from scratch, I have also heard that puff pastry is a real pain to make yourself.
None of these count as the most difficult though.

>> No.6673608


jesus thats a lot of work

>> No.6673640

Who the fuck has 70 minutes to cook a fucking egg? Poach in boiling water takes 3-4 minutes.

>> No.6673647
File: 47 KB, 500x333, mtbll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apparently, nobody in the entire world can make proper fucking Swedish Meatballs.

> Be Swedishfag
> Go to two places in the US, one in NYC and one in Seattle.
> Recommended by two different friends.
> Both said "They have authentic Swedish meatballs, you have to try them, you'll feel just like you were back in Sweden."
> Go to the places
> Shit looks like pic related
> 360 degree out of there.

Inb4 "You just haven't tried the meatballs here."
Inb4 "They're not hard to make."
Inb4 "Sweden is full of muslims allahuakbar"

You have shitty meatballs, they're obviously hard to make since you can't do them right and Sweden is not full of muslims, you're just a retard.

>> No.6673648

Imagine how much hair her soup has in it.

>> No.6673711

but why would I ever waste my time trying that, anon

>> No.6673729


us americans know how to make authentic swedish meatballs, but we choose not.

you'll never get us to eat somali semen.

>> No.6673738

>wants swedish meatballs
>eating at shitty hipster eateries
>not just going to fucking ikea
l o l

>> No.6673766

I just had the shit trolled out of me by watching this.

>> No.6673772
File: 82 KB, 1118x526, sweden.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6673783

Well how do you make proper Swedish meatballs?

>> No.6673794

>Not full of Muslims
pick one.

>> No.6673797

>if 2 random restaurants in the US can't do some properly, then it is the most difficult thing ever
Kek. Also scandinavian cuisine is basic, fat and tasteless.

Seriously, i'd say that french bakery is among the most difficult foods (especially cakes).

>> No.6673811

> what is a crock pit or slow cooker
> what is marinating

>> No.6673815


>> No.6673933
File: 3.63 MB, 3776x2520, pain-au-levain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure if this counts as a dish per se, but bread. Making decent bread is easy since fresh bread is always good, but making a great loaf of bread from nothing but flour, water, yeast and salt, the kind you would expect from a good French bakery, is extremely difficult.

Bread making is essentially the art of compromise, in that you have to manage many different variables that exist on a "too little - just right - too much" axis. If any of these variables are off, the result is obvious in the finished product. For example, too short of a fermentation will result in a dense crumb since the yeast hasn't had time to produce enough gas bubbles in the dough. Too long of a fermentation will look nice and big when it goes into the oven, but will collapse and result in an equally dense loaf.

Insufficient kneading gives you a dough that will collapse easily, too much and the bread will be excessively chewy. Too short of a baking time will leave the crust flavorless, too long and it becomes too dark and bitter. Not hot enough of an oven and you get a very thick crust, too hot and the crust will be too thin to stay crispy for more than a couple of hours. Use too much rye or whole grains in the dough and it will weaken the gluten and make the bread denser and flatter, use only white flour and the bread will taste boring.

I've been baking a loaf of bread twice a week for the past eight months and I'm only now starting to reach the point where I think my recipe is 99% perfect.

>> No.6674029

Lasagne. Specifically, cooking the pasta without it falling apart or sticking to each other or somehow destroying itself before you manage to use it.

>> No.6674041


not hard, just finicky.


breads are a real art. most people are basically just good at making one type max.

>> No.6674066

so cold it probably tastes of nothing.

>> No.6674121

Jacques did it better


>> No.6674125

Vikings are a big reason muslims expanded as much as they did. Fuck them, Scandinavia is getting what it deserves.

>> No.6674210

One of those Cantonese soups. Or some other Chinese dish involving cooking a nutritious and weird animal or a rare part of an animals body.

>> No.6674478


>> No.6674556

lol wut
>combine egg yolks, cream and sugar
>heat to 85 C and keep it there until it sets
>pour sugar on top and caramelize with a torch
>also diabetes because you're literally eating pure cream and sugar you fat fuck

>> No.6674590 [DELETED] 

jack got btfo
and then he proceded to cry on her vlog about how producers are mean to him

>> No.6674633

Smoking is an art form.

>> No.6674686

Does not belong in this thread but oh god I can't wait to see Jack get his shit pushed in by a pair of rednecks

>> No.6674696

Hard to spell on a non-French keyboard maybe. But easy as fuck.

For baking being hard, I wonder if using mass and metric system helps over using volumes and weird fractions.

>> No.6674705

because this thread is all about difficult dishes. I'm just saying that it would almost certainly be more difficult if it was vegan and gluten free.

>> No.6674811

i dont like the detached filet, also they both seem to cut the wings

i was watching adrian richardson do it for galantine and I'm pretty sure he kept the wings on there

>> No.6674884

is 360 degrees a meme now?

>> No.6674889

Are you honestly this new?

>> No.6674903

pls no bulli
i know the wa la and quinky sauce memes, so I'm not that new

>> No.6675002

Except for the fact that IKEA has chosen to buy products from a factory in Germany. It's shit tier.
Not on a fucking sandwich.
> Obviously never had smoked grayling.

>> No.6675014

anything pre cuisine nouvelle

food used to be hard

>> No.6675148

It's been a meme for years .


>> No.6675202

I love how they take the time to shape it into a strawberry then crush it up right after and put strawberries over it.

>> No.6675582

Croissants. Dear lord I never get them quite right and they take forever but even the rejects taste good. Worth the effort and time.

>> No.6675871

Jiro isn't satisfied with his sushi after working with it with Asian levels of autism for like 70 years.
Beat that.

>> No.6675884

>Biryani. I can do a decent one with a shortcut recipe but doing a proper one well requires years of experience.
Nope. Not at all.

>> No.6675901

it's omelette au fromage you fuck

>> No.6676671

I literally made this a few hours ago. Juicy and delicious

>> No.6676700
File: 2.00 MB, 1280x706, srs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a poached egg is difficult

Crack an egg into off-boil water that has lemon or acid in it, let it sit 4-5 minutes (makes life easier if you stir the water so it circulates around the pan).

Pull out afterward and drop it on toast, or fling at the wall because it's 4 in the morning and you've lost control of your life.

Either way it's poached and if you can make insta-ramen you can poach an egg.

>> No.6676711

>knowledge, skill, and timing
brewing good wine and beer takes a lot of those things

>> No.6677094


>Crack an egg into off-boil water that has lemon or acid in it

nah dogg not lemon that shit will chew up your albumen like a cashmere sweater in a box of moths

>> No.6677192

I can confirm it not having much taste. No real high, though.

>> No.6677231


this isn't THE hardest dish, but its MY hardest dish:

steamed rice

I am a good cook, but no matter how hard I try I cannot make good rice on a stove. it either comes out too mushy, or all the water evaporates out. Luckily I have a rice cooker.

>> No.6677264

I would say probably baking/pastry stuff could be argued to be harder since you can't adjust as you go along and generally can't fix it if you fuck up. What exactly is the hardest depends more on the person though, IMO. I'd say making really good croissants is a contender- all the potential problems of a yeast dough, plus all the potential problems of a laminated dough. Making OK croissants isn't hard but really great ones are tough to do.

>> No.6677268

>this is what people really believe

Buy good chicken, brine/marinate, cook whole, preferably with skin for dat crisp texture. Good sear then finish in oven, pull when a few degrees below desired temp to factor in carryover, and let rest.

>> No.6677276

Making sushi properly and professionally looks very challenging.

>> No.6677302

>wrap raw fish in rice and seaweed

Wow so fucking hard.

>> No.6677305

That video has a lot of steps and fancy equipment, but it's not all that difficult. The tops are just dehydrated and covered with sugar. The filling is icecream (the powder effect made possible with liquid nitrogen), the topping is a strawberry sauce.

I would say that candy making/sugar pulling is a bit challenging but as long as you can keep it at a working temperature and have the right gloves it can be done in a home kitchen.

To come up with the ideas for molecular gastromony based meals you definitely need a creative mind and a knowledge of what you can do, but the actual creation is not necessarily the most complex. For example those juice balls / popping boba / fruit roe are really easy to make.

>> No.6677361


>> No.6677368

what about puff pastry from scratch? it's a pain in the ass, at least.

>> No.6677402

I just use cling film.

Easy, perfect poached eggs every single time. And I can even cook them on the same pot I am cooking whatever else.

>> No.6677428

What would you like for breakfast? A poached egg? That's my specialty! I'll make you the most perfect poached egg, just give me an hour and a half and you'll brew in egg nirvana!

>> No.6677436


cling film poached eggs are far from perfect.

>> No.6677460

Are they? I cannot tell much of a difference. The form of the final product is the biggest difference, to be honest.

I love eggs add a poached egg to most meals and used to hate all the hassle of preparing them..then I started using cling film and never looked back.

>> No.6677466

I only tried to prepare puff pastry once.

I half-assed it and it didn't puff at all. Learned my lesson there, don't half-ass baking; follow the measurements and methods or it won't come out as you want it to.

>> No.6677468

Just bring the water to a boil, swirl it, add the egg(s) while the water is moving, and reduce the temperature.

Alternatively, check out slow-poached eggs if you're into noodlebowls, or just want a lot of them at once.

>> No.6677513


>The form of the final product is the biggest difference, to be honest.

i do just mean appearance wise.

>> No.6677528

Oh, then yeah, the appearance is different. I leave some room in the cling film "bag" and I like the way they look but it's never the same, no.

If I'm doing eggs benedict for other people or something like that I tend to do them without the cling film.

>> No.6677539
File: 80 KB, 960x945, IMG_0557.JPG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Without vinegar? I use it for taste and it's delicious.
>mfw my entire kitchen smells like vinegar afterwards.

>> No.6677611

weather too humid/dry. kitchen too warm/cold. egg whites too old/young. Whites are whipped too much/not enough. Folding in is not vigorous enough/too vigorous. They stick to the parchment paper. they turn hollow and crumble. They are too dry/undercooked.
Why do I always accidentally all the macarons?

>> No.6678021

I don't really have issues with it, but I'll keep that in mind. Just standard white vinegar?

>> No.6678024

but... why not just cook the eggs in the shell if you use cling film??? same result

>> No.6678224

>he thinks sushi means raw fish

>> No.6678236

There's a reason baking is an art in and of itself.

>> No.6678271
File: 51 KB, 438x300, tmp_18163-Yalancı-Su-Böreği-1834450266.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Recently I was on vacation in turkey and I had this at the airport cafe, It kind of looked like cheese pasta. So I bought it and it was delicious!!
Its a cheese lasagnia (su boregi), I will be attempting to make it tomorrow, appearently its not easy.

>> No.6678338

>go to sushi restaurant
>90 percent of the menu is fish and shrimp, with some other things like eel or squid or whatever
Okay guy, if you want to be an autist, you're right.

>> No.6678345

Lemon curd is pretty easy as long as you've made it once before.

First is always the most difficult.

>> No.6678355

Literally NOTHING you Swedes cook tastes good. At all. Nothing.

>> No.6678380

Thats not real su böreği as the name of the pic suggests "yalancı su böreği" = liar(easy-mode) su böreği, made in an oven.

Original one is made over stove on special pans so outsides are crispier.

>> No.6678492


its getting the butter folded into the pastry mix evenly. I make pain au choc sometimes, and about half turn out with crispy flakey pastry but cause im shitty, the rest will be rather leathery pastry because those are the ones where the butter wasnt right, i always notice this but you need to make them loads to get the technique right and i cant be bothered.

>> No.6678622

pasta carbonara

>> No.6678639

>Why do I always accidentally all the macarons?

Not using almonds?

>> No.6678691

A perfectly cooked, perfectly peeled, hard-boiled egg.

>> No.6678712

Might I ask, how do you like your hard-boiled egg?

>> No.6678717


>> No.6678747

>Might I ask, how do you like your hard-boiled egg?
A creamy but uniformly cooked yolk without a hint of green along the outer edge

>> No.6678768

/ck/ what makes a dish gourmet? Or is that just pretentious faggots being pretentious faggots?

>> No.6678784

>what makes a dish gourmet?
Plating and sophisticated use of ingredients

>> No.6678834


premium ingredients often prepared individually or with individual care and attention. passing stuff through sieves to make it smooth, chopping stuff uniformly, cooking it precisely, etc. a lot of different things. ultimately, charging more for it.

>> No.6678977

Macaroni are only difficult if you have e no patience and croissants and puff pastry are difficult because of the lamination process. Layering butter and dough fucking suck if even a little butter pops out you're just screwed.

I think the most difficult would be authentic Naples pizza just because it has literally height requirements on the fucking dough and a list of specific ingredients for it to be labeled authentic Naples pizza

>> No.6678979

True. My best bread is Italian chocolate bread lol

>> No.6678987

The issue is typically this also people refuse to level ingredients so they throw in even more erratic measurements rather then using precise grams.

>> No.6679040

You can make them ahead of time and store in the fridge

>> No.6679120

Fugu. You could kill a motherfucker if you don't know what you're doing.

>> No.6679813

Oatmeal that DOESN'T taste like cardboard.

>> No.6681428
File: 77 KB, 800x600, poulet bresse en vessie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Poulet Bresse en Vessie

>> No.6681454

You're telling me a decent home cook can knock out a Biryani in the first go.

>> No.6681478

What animal is the vessie from?

>> No.6681524

Boeuf Bourguignon

>> No.6681532

It's a less complicated risotto.
Considering I knocked out a decent risotto on my first try, yes.

>> No.6681539


If we're going down that road, cacio e pepe is very difficult to get just right

>> No.6681566

You still don't get it

>> No.6681672

big mac sauce

>> No.6681687

As atrocious as that sounds, recreating brand ingredients to taste the same as a product are the most difficult dishes to make

>> No.6681692


>It's a less complicated risotto.


opinion discarded

>> No.6681748

Pork. I'm not sure whether that makes the chicken bordeline haram.

>> No.6681757

Ive never used vinegar and they come out perfect every single time. Just strain the liquid whites and drop the egg in the pot. Keep rotating it for likr 5 mins or whatever

>> No.6681758

r u nü?

>> No.6681774

my wife

hot as fuck but tough to deal with

>> No.6681781
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Explain then, you vague piece of shit

>> No.6681811

seconding this

>> No.6681822


I think what he's trying to say is that sushi doesn't need fish.

Yes the popular ones have salmon or tuna, but the best ones are not made with fish.

But rice and seaweed are mandatory

>> No.6681855

>fling at the wall because it's 4 in the morning and you've lost control of your life.

This resonates with me for some reason. Hilarious to be sure, just strange

>> No.6681876

I already addressed that, and it still doesn't change my point that it's easy as fuck

>> No.6681887
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Pomme Souffle. Back when I worked at a Michelin starred kitchen, we had the head chef and 3 people constantly experimenting how to get them to consistently work. Experimented by gluing 2 pieces together, different oil temps, different ways to cut the potatoes, different types of potatoes, we just couldn't get it to consistently work enough to put it on the menu.

>> No.6681930


yeah these are really temperamental. we made them work consistently when i worked at a restaurant a few years back though.

>> No.6681950

I heard later that the chef figured out that mandolins fuck it up and you need to use an insanely sharp knife to keep the cell structure right. Not sure if he ever put it on the menu, though.

>> No.6682072

not at all. you just need a rolling mat and the rice to be sticky and that's basically it

>> No.6682076


we never got it thin enough with mandolines anyway. not sure about the cell structure thing.

>> No.6682094
File: 81 KB, 640x426, IMG_0468.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vegan Macarons.

>> No.6682126

vegan baking is weird as hell.

>> No.6682129


>> No.6682150

>perfect vagina.jpg

>> No.6682157

That's not a....

Nevermind, yeah, you caught me. I should have foreseen that there might be a vagina expert here.

>> No.6682160

That's not a.....

Nevermind, you caught me. I should have foreseen running into a vagina expert here.

>> No.6682179

>vegan baking
what's next, running a marathon without legs?

>> No.6682815

>Sushi (すし, 寿司, 鮨?) is a Japanese food consisting of cooked vinegared rice (鮨飯 sushi-meshi?) combined with other ingredients (ネタ neta?), seafood, vegetables and sometimes tropical fruits. Ingredients and forms of sushi presentation vary widely, but the ingredient which all sushi have in common is rice
Literally the first sentences on Wiki

>> No.6682823

Sushi refers to the rice, not the other ingredients.

>> No.6682839

Not that hard.
I stayed with an Italian family, they made it while I was there, it was great.
When they came to visit, I made it for them (I'd practiced making it a few times) and they said it was great. And not in a pitiful kind of way.
And if I can make it, shit ain't that hard.

>> No.6682841
File: 264 KB, 800x531, 7237535962_0ae3b02942_c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I had to think of something that could realistically be made in the home, with everyday ingredients, and didn't require some sort of specialty cookware or lighting shit on fire:

Eggs Benedict (with homemade Hollandaise sauce)

Poaching eggs, and having to make something as deceptively temperamental as Hollandaise, will drive any man mad. Even most breakfast stops outside of some high quality locations will fuck up your eggs a good portion of the time, and probably cheat by using prepackaged Hollandaise.

>> No.6682847

it's not borderline anything, it's haram, period, and you need to also ditch the tray

>> No.6682859

There was one of these were a guy debones a fish, takes the spine out, cuts the spine in half with a Dremel, SAUTE'S the spine, then puts it back in the fish. It was fucking weird.

>> No.6682867

I'd probably pick Mille-feuille. Homemade puff pastry, homemade creme patisserie and homemade fondant icing and all three of those things are pretty easy to fuck up.

Baked alaska is also a staggering pain in the ass to make from scratch; you have to make a cake, make ice cream, cover the cake in ice cream and then make a meringue, cover the ice cream-coated cake in the meringue and finally bake the meringue without melting the ice cream.

>> No.6682871

Ttuely? a simple roast chicken, or buscuit. or potato or... anything. we are all tought This is best, and usually preddy good. I like clhlli on mashed potatoes. Rice. "I can't stand rice" I like rice, but back a while. and not that far. far ago, you disliked it 'cause if you had it at supper, you knew what was for breakfast. bowl of rice, milk and a little sugar. Be glad you have that. And no. not saying times were "better". In fact, young people today are , well. smarter.
Hope they don't waste it Alas, backwards looking always seems "rose colored" I can't keep up with them. don't have to.; not my job. If trying to catch youth. that's a no win game. pass the baton. sit back and say7 "told you so". and reflect hoe damn lucky you are. Many are not. Sorrry.

>> No.6682874


what? It's not really a pain in the ass nor is it all that finicky, it doesn't even take very long to make

>> No.6682884


>> No.6683512

any kind of souffle

>> No.6683517

Kraft Mac and Cheese.

>> No.6683629
File: 6 KB, 222x227, continued_laughter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow its almost like I already fucking said that

>> No.6683657

making an apple

from scratch

>> No.6683713


>not doing it the matty matheson way


>> No.6684034

Seconding too
To be honest bread is one of the reason i will never leave france

Garlic bread with good traditional country bread... could die for that

>> No.6684040

Super epreuve de top chef.

>> No.6684050

Funny i also made "pommes soufflées" in the first Michelin stared restaurant i worked, back in 1988... Never did them again...

>> No.6684061

Butterfly, then season, on a pan pre-heated to medium for 1 minute. Flip, cover, and set heat to low for 10 minutes. Turn the heat off and let it steam for another 10 minutes (don't open the lid).

>> No.6684065

so what's so complicated about this?

>> No.6684094


i crank out 50 or so orders of this every saturday and sunday for brunch.

the key is to use an emergence circulator to sous vide the eggs in side their shells. 143.5 degrees for 70 minutes, drop the whole egg into a pot of boiling water for a minute or so, and bam. perfect poached eggs every time.

hollandaise is also easy as fuck.

>150 grams of egg yolk
>1lb of butter
>~2tbsp lemon juice
>salt and cayenne to taste

i like to just throw the diced up butter a few pieces at a time into the heated up egg and lemon juice mixture. this works way better than melting the butter first, as it is kind of a slow release method rather than pouring the butter in too quickly and having the sauce break.

if the sauce breaks, just add a few tbsp of water in and whisk more.

the recipe scales really well, too, as i make a 4x batch of that each of those days and it holds for hours without breaking.

>> No.6684103


> emergence circulator

>> No.6684107


get with the times, grandpa. good luck poaching 100+ eggs every day without fucking them up. one or two at a time is fine, but over a hundred? no way

perfect bennies every time, all the time.

>> No.6684112

"According to tradition, the origins of the dish date back to the time of the Phoceans, an Ancient Greek people who founded Marseille in 600 BC. Then, the population ate a simple fish stew known in Greek as "kakavia". A dish similar to bouillabaisse also appears in Roman mythology: it is the soup that Venus fed to Vulcan.[11]

The dish known today as bouillabaisse was created by Marseille fishermen who wanted to make a meal when they returned to port. Rather than using the more expensive fish, they cooked the common rockfish and shellfish that they pulled up with their nets and lines, usually fish that were too bony to serve in restaurants, cooking them in a cauldron of water on a wood fire and seasoning them with garlic and fennel. Tomatoes were added to the recipe in the 17th century, after their introduction from the Americas."

Pulled from wiki. What dictates a tradition, anyways?

>> No.6684119


>emergence circulator

>> No.6684143


hahahah, fuck.



>> No.6684151



>> No.6684165

Pay attention to your chicken. Don't overcook it.

>> No.6684175


s-stop making fun of me, anon.

your snarky meme arrow posts are very hurtful in their vaguely sarcastic tone

>> No.6684178


also: butterfly them shits if they're super thick

butterfly and brine.. if you're not brining chicken, you're fucking up.

>> No.6684190

Yeah, but his initial point was that sushi isn't raw fish, or even purely fish.

If you look at most sushi menus these days, they're about 60% cooked fish or non-fish options.

Hence his criticism of "wrap raw fish in rice and seaweed. (A statement that fails to account for nigiri sushi as well, which is where you'll actually find most of the raw fish options.)

>> No.6684191
File: 621 KB, 620x413, Ortolan2A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ortolan. Because they're illegal to buy, you either need an under-the-counter supplier, or catch them yourself. You can't shoot them because they'd practically explode.

The ortolan must be caught and kept in a darkened container with unlimited access to seeds. Thinking it's perpetually night, the bird will gorge itself to twice its original size. In olden days they would gouge out the birds' eyes to enhance the illusion of night.

Once the ortolan has eaten to its stomach's maximum capacity, you must drown the bird in wine. This both kills and marinates it.

Then it's a simple matter of preparing it as you would any other small game bird.

>> No.6684208

The technique is the absolute opposite of rissoto. If your biryani could be mistaken for a risotto you've basically fucked up on every single step. I mada a pumpkin reisling risotto on my first attempt too. Biryani I can't even attempt.

I could see a comparison with Spanish style pilaf but even those two are pretty different.

>> No.6684211


thought they were drowned in cognac?

>> No.6684214

You're right. I'm not an alcohol connossieur.

>> No.6684215

Holy shit that sounds delicious

>> No.6684225

Fondant is ridiculouslying easy to make its just marshmallows and powder sugar. Messy but easy

>> No.6684234


fondant can be surprisingly finicky although there's no way in hell it ranks anywhere near one of the most difficult things to make

>> No.6684238
File: 63 KB, 600x377, JP-ORTOLAN1-articleLarge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The bird is roasted for 8 minutes and then plucked. The consumer then places the bird feet first into their mouth while holding onto the bird's head. The ortolan is then eaten whole, or without the head and the consumer spits out the larger bones. The traditional way French gourmands eat ortolans is to cover their heads and face with a large napkin or towel while consuming the bird. The purpose of the towel is debated. Some claim it is to absorb the maximum aroma with the flavour as they consume the entire bird at once, others have stated "Tradition dictates that this is to shield – from God’s eyes – the shame of such a decadent and disgraceful act" and others have suggested the towel hides the consumers spitting out bones.

>> No.6684242

>The American chef Anthony Bourdain says the experience is close to ecstasy: “With every bite, as the thin bones and layers of fat, meat, skin and organs compact in on themselves, there are sublime dribbles of varied and wondrous ancient flavours: figs, Armagnac, dark flesh slightly infused with the salty taste of my own blood as my mouth is pricked by the sharp bones.”

>> No.6684248


bollocks, it'll be a vaguely unpleasant but interesting experience.

>> No.6684267

I just read that article. Grossed me out. Distracted me so much that I was late coming back to work from break.

>> No.6684680


go back to reddit

>> No.6685290

Dried abalone

>> No.6685344

*tips fedora*

>> No.6685631

that woman has utterly disgusting fingernails

>> No.6685812

Umm... what?

>> No.6685819

New copy-pasta

>> No.6685825

Request denied.

>> No.6685835

Fucking kek

>> No.6685854

Wasn't a request

>> No.6685856
File: 147 KB, 500x280, 1385006124464.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not activating your almonds before you make macarons

>> No.6685865

With ingredients and equipment, that wouldn't be that difficult.

>> No.6685888


> chuck chook in bag
> roast

I'm with you anon.

>> No.6685893


I think you mean vegana :^)

>> No.6686435

Making gluten free breadstuffs is fucking impossible. I was making a gluten free pizza crust, and that shit sticks to your hands like a motherfucker, it has no stretch and just falls apart, no adhesion. That's when I discovered the reason gluten free pizzas are always thin crust when you get them from anywhere. Working it as a normal crust is impossible and comes out dense anyway. Can't really trap bubbles without that gluten.

Sweeter stuff is easier, probably due to structure provided by sugar. I make GF cupcakes and pancakes no prob.

>> No.6686901


>> No.6687205

yeah that was a bad day in french class for me

>> No.6687972


>> No.6688141

measure out the water, but only put a small amount of it in to start. add more as you go. it's annoying as fuck but it works.