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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6674524 No.6674524 [Reply] [Original]

Why are the French the rulers of the culinary world?
Almost every cooking realted term revolves around the French language?
>sous vide

>> No.6674530

centuries of decadence followed by a bloody revolution that destroyed Europe.

>> No.6674537

Actually the japanese are more prevalent in the cooking i see.


>> No.6674558

I'm talking about in the western world you weeb

>> No.6674561


> h'orderves

Fucking Americans I swear

>> No.6674569

they built the entire restaurant industry from the ground up pretty much. and they have wonderful produce.

>> No.6674588
File: 17 KB, 283x423, frenchman[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>haw haw wee wee, filthy american cannot pronounce our superior language. ze americans are filthy peasants who eat filthy peasant food.

>> No.6674591

Its true tho

>> No.6674606

Why are the French so pretentious?

>> No.6674607

It's a culteral relic from years ago. It's now more tradition than anything.

>> No.6674621


>le vague uninformed comment faec

>> No.6674649

You sure about that?

>> No.6674654

They're natural scumbags.
They are what they are.

>> No.6674689

i don´t think that we are more pretentious that Amerifags

> hurr durr amrica is the greatest nation...
> Mu U.S. military power...
> american Food/culture is loved all over the world ...

>> No.6674711
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Sorry dirty Frenchie I can't hear you over the sound of my Freedom.

>> No.6674719

Years ago France ruled the culinary world. Any chef who wanted to learn five cuisine would study in France and bring that knowledge back to wherever they went. In western countries the restaurant industry and most things culinary were founded on French teachings.

Nowadays, there is good good from all over the globe but the French traditions carry on. This is why you may see French terms in restaurants that have no connection to France or its food.

>> No.6674737

> hurr durr amrica is the greatest nation...
> Mu U.S. military power...
That's called "pride"

>american Food/culture is loved all over the world ...
I'm pretty sure everyone looks at American food as a mockery and not taken seriously except by flyover americans.
French cuisine on the other hand is well respected and looked at as a delicacy.

>> No.6674739


>> No.6674746

but....we are just proud of our Cuisine too!...

>> No.6674752 [DELETED] 
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lul we americans are just corporate cucks

>> No.6674768

>I'm pretty sure everyone looks at American food as a mockery and not taken seriously

Anybody who thinks American food is a joke an uncultured and uneducated. Fast food places that span the globe represent America's economic power and influence, but that is not real American cuisine. You may as well say that pizza hut is a fair representation of Neapolitan food.

Actual American food ranged from BBQ in the south to Cajun/Creole food from New Orleans, to the melting pot of New York city, to the asian influenced cuisines of the West Coast.

There is great American food if you actually open your eyes, if you think McDonald's when you think about American food then you are a victim of advertising and a true pleb

>> No.6674784

look how many threads we have each day here about: Taco bell vs Chipotle / Big Mac vs Whopper / Pizza Hut vs ... etc

where are the small whole in the wall restaurants ?

>> No.6674790


>> No.6674792

That's why it's best to learn everything that's possible before taking it professionally and then still keep learning. The problem with the French is that they stopped learning, they thought and think that they know everything and really don't.

>> No.6674806

... This is why they were so easily defeated by the Germans. The French thought that they knew everything, how quickly they learned the truth.

>> No.6674820


Remind me again, who was it that designed, built and gifted you that big statue in New York?

>> No.6674833

Gifted, the French never gifted anything to anyone, there was a price to pay and the USA paid it.You might want to shut the fuck up?

>> No.6674837

>w-we built a statue 200 years ago. Therefore we are better

Don't you have some muslim riots to take care of? Or is it against sharia law to go out past curfew?

>> No.6674839

Wow, what an ignoramus.

>> No.6674848
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Don't you have some dindu riot to take care of? Or is it against Obongo law to say anything about it?

>> No.6674857

>we americans
Nice try, but you're not fooling anyone Pierre.

>> No.6674864

Delicious europoor tears.

>> No.6674865

No, I'm a realist. What has France ever gifted to another nation or to any person that was meant in true friendship where they didn't want something in return?

Who's the ignorant fuck now? YOU!

>> No.6674872

France literally got nothing in return for helping America in the revolution. They even lost in the end because the US was more interested in dealing with Britain.

>> No.6674875 [DELETED] 
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Nope, born and bred 'murican from wichita. I live within five minutes of corporate cuck headquarters, pic related

>> No.6674885

We were part of the allied powers that saved you when you fucked up, through your weakness causing two world wars.

We've paid you for some fucking statue in blood you fucking French cunts.

>> No.6674890

Personally I think the decendents of those people that died freeing france multiple times would rather have their children back then some stupid statue. Just remember on that, the stupid plaques were made by niggers years after.

>> No.6674899
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>> No.6674906

Please tell me about the patriot act

>> No.6674915

Even we know that it was stupid and passed through based on emotion and not careful thought which is why there are supposed to be two houses of Congress. That was completely defeated and we all know that. What's your point cockbreath?

>> No.6674919

Because >we mastered that shit (for centuries)

and guys like Escoffier and Carême actually wrote books about cooking

But seing how anything french is immediately mocked on 4chan, there is no point going deeper into explanations

>> No.6674921

Also... it keeps up the budget, always follow the money, always. That's not just here in the USA but in your little fragile nation as well.

>> No.6674928

Everyone has written books on cooking, even definitive ones, but you're shit is gone just like you're shit French so called culture being hypocrites not allowing the USA to take out Khadaffi back in the 80's but all of a sudden wanting it done a few years ago. You're fucking hypocrites and everyone laughs at you French poppinjays.

>> No.6674937

French hypocrasy only goes so far and you've pulled enough on the USA, we're sick of you fucks. You Brits and shit feed off of each other so fuck you.

>> No.6674945

Job creation central.

We're lucky to have them.

>> No.6674954
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Bullshit. Go back to /pol/, faggot.

>> No.6674985

Who's going to post about those?

I live in Seattle. On a weekly basis I can visit a great Thai restaurant where I can get great curry and beer for $9, a Chinese joint that's been around 60 years which served hand shaved green barley noodles that are crazy good, Sushi joint that's been running for 20-ish odd years, a small foodie-ish Burger joint that gives me fancy ass burgers, a local BBQ joint that's been running for 40 years, a god-tier Vietnamese restaurant that's been around for 30 years and runs out of some dishes if you don't get there early enough, or even swing by a fucking Ivars or countless other waterfront places for fried seafood. Or hey, get piss drunk and buy a hotdog at 11 at night from a guy on a street corner who ends up putting fucking cream cheese on it because you were too drunk to tell him no. Or hey lets go cook some cedar plank Salmon and have a good time back at my place, drinking some regional wines and brews.

No one wants to hear about that shit, not really.

What is or isn't American food is just a big fucking delicious blur these days.

>> No.6675008

>Why are the French the rulers of the culinary world?
>Almost every cooking realted term revolves around the French language?
Artificial Concentration of Master Cooks in Versailles.

>> No.6675065
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But the French suck at cooking. They give you shit like pic related and consider it a meal.

>> No.6675087
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obeast detected

>> No.6675111

Will you tell me how to make the best Ramen from packets?

>> No.6675112

What baffles me is that countries such as s Spain, England, France, and Italy have had great empires and have existed for hundreds of not thousands of years before America came into existence. Despite this, it was Americans who perfected steak. The New York strip steak is simply a cut of meat from a cow, it's not something complex that requires roux or sauces. Did yuro's just miss it? How can you overlook a section of cow?

Then you have the Brits who take perfectly good filet mignon and bake it into a pastry. Are they retarded or something?

>> No.6675116

He's got that high look from smelling his ear smegma.

>> No.6675119

Different times, different places. They're good at some things, like sucking up to islamics.

>> No.6675132


The USA came to be and developed under good economic growth circumstances where surplus meat was available and could be eaten in large quantities in one dish.

Yuros had to mix it up with other shit because it was not readily available in such quantities.

>> No.6675185

Surplus? Fuck you, we harvested it through long fights and a lot of blood. It wasn't "surplus" you dumbass socialogy major.

>> No.6675191

You're an idiot.

>> No.6675210

You just elect them president instead

>> No.6675212

They were the first to document a culture of snobbery around food, just as Neapolitans and others of the Italian peninsula did the same with music and why Italian and Neapolitan terms are prevalent in that sphere.

>a cappella
etc etc etc
All Italian terms used in English when discussing music.

However, when you get to other Latinate languages, the French terms just get translated into those languages.

>> No.6675230

because they have proved themselves incompetent to rule anything else.

>> No.6675248


>> No.6675273


>Years ago France ruled the culinary world.

their organisational and practical techniques are still probably the most widely represented of all great cuisines in restaurant culture. french cuisine has changed a great deal over the last century and driven that change across the world. the whole french concept of taking components and flavours and refining them into a composed dish of precisely distinct elements and layers of flavour is ubiquitous. you could cook malaysian, mexican, australian, indian, persian, fucking antarctic cuisine and if you wanted to take it to a fine dining level you would have to acknowledge the french teachings unless you wanted specifically to exclude it for some arbitrary reason. restaurants basically wouldn't exist, at least as they are, without them.

of course there is really no limit to the amount you can learn about food from any given country. the french don't actually *own* the kitchen. but they sure as shit still have a large stake in it.

>> No.6675330

>The USA came to be and developed under good economic growth circumstances

>1776: Revolutionary War
>1787: Government not working so Constitution ratified
>1812: Britain seizing U.S. merchant ships, war fought for three years
>1776-late 1800s: ongoing conflicts with native americans
>1846: War with Mexico
>~1800-1861: country divided over issue of slavery
>February 1861: Confederate State of America (the South) created
>April 1861: Civil war begins
>1865: Civil War ends, ~750,000 American's dead, South is in ruins
Post 1865: Lincoln Assassinated, Federal troops occupy southern states until 1877.

The first 100 years of America's existence were marked by incredible troubles.

>> No.6675364

How you pronounce it doesn't matter, but at least write it correctly...

>> No.6675376

moderately decent burn/10

>> No.6675427

>write it as whores-doovre
>pronounce it or-derve
Leave it to the French to come up with this nonsense

>> No.6675444

The french language is an odd one.
What other language would put ouix at the end of a word and not pronounce any of it.

>> No.6675448

i love how native english speakers never realize that english is also one of the languages in which the relationship between written and spoken language is extremely arbitrary.

start by looking up the great vowel shift. educate yourself.

>> No.6675839

i never noticed the jew face on eastern france's borders

>> No.6676544

>burgers hijacking a france related thread with dank nemes

I wonder why people even bother to make such threads.

>> No.6676545


>> No.6676568

Basically the modern format of restaurants originated in France, so they got to originate all of the kitchen terminology.

>> No.6676579
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Those are just ingredients of Japanese origin that are obviously going to be Japanese words. It's not the same as naming all of your cooking and kitchen terminology after their French words.
The only time I ever hear Japanese cooking terminology (ex: Rangiri, style cutting) it's almost always corresponding to a Japanese recipe. The only exception I can think of is the ubiquitous use of the term "Umami". Other than that French terminology is waaaay over represented in cooking compared to Japanese.

>> No.6676590

What are you talking about? French cooking is the art of digging tubers out of the dirt, smothering them with butter, and spending the entire process taking yourself way too seriously and doing things in the least efficient way possible (with no return on your effort of any value) to prove what a fucking great chef you are. Fuck French cooking and fuck french restaurants. Normandy is the only part of your country that has ever generated any worthwhile foods. Soup de Poisson is better than anything any fucking jackoff cooking in an enclosed space underground in Paris has ever imagined.

>> No.6676592

Also it's an American cultural practice to brand original culinary innovations based on countries that had nothing to do with their invention, and I don't just mean things like Americanized Chinese Food or Tex-Mex, I mean things like Chicken Kiev originating in New York and not Ukraine.

>> No.6676595

Why the fuck is it that the current trend it to present small items from tasting menus etc on gigantic fucking plates? When I see a little tasting item of a big fucking plate like that I remember what it felt like to be a poor kid living in a shitty pueblo in Segovia. It makes me want to cry because of how poor I feel, even though I'm about to drop like 60 euros.

>> No.6676600

Soupe de poisson is more a Mediterranean thing my obese friend.

>> No.6676604

It's not a new phenomenon at all, so I think "current trend" is an inaccurate way of describing it. It's more an entrenched style.

It draws the eye away from the surrounding table and has you focus on the food itself. These are more dining experiences than meals, so the plate is treated as a canvas.

>> No.6676608

I would never put such a minuscule painting on such an enormous canvas. Small servings come on small plates, otherwise the negative space is really jarring and gives a sense of emptiness and poverty.

>> No.6676616
File: 86 KB, 1920x1200, aloneatlast.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Desolation is beautiful.

>> No.6676624

hors d'oeuvres you fucking smelly pleb

>> No.6676631

That painting is unsettling and so are the plates from tasting menus and other inexplicably disproportional plates serves at haute restaurants.

>> No.6676642
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Saved, thanks. Here is something similar in return.

>> No.6676735
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Why patronize that genre of places if you find them unsettling? "haute" I don't go to restaurant to part of some "scene," I go because I like the food, people who know me know better than to ask me to some "haute" homo joint. I'll walk right the fuck out of some pretentious place run by homosexuals running a "scene."

>> No.6676738
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>> No.6676743
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This post oozes freedom.

>> No.6676751


>> No.6676753

Because despite my life-long distaste for that style of plating, I still like the food. Plus my girl friend is a line cook at a fancy pants restaurant in San Francisco and she can hook me up with their obscenely expensive tasting menu for half price, which is still expensive but not agonizingly so.

Just because I dislike one aspect of that style of dining that doesn't mean that I have to completely throw the whole restaurant to shit.

>> No.6676759

> Using irrelevant homophobia to justify your pleb tastes and/or poverty

Never gonna make it brah.