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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6675239 No.6675239 [Reply] [Original]

I live in Atlanta and Coke has an interesting strategy when someone opens a bar or restaurant and they use Pepsi products. They send people to sit down and order Coke and as soon as they are told that only Pepsi is served, the individual(s) make a fuss, standup and walk out. Supposedly it is repeated over and over. When I first heard about this it sounded like pure bullshit. Then a friend of a friend opened up a restaurant in town and Coke was taking forever installing the syrup pump and the lines. He finally got desperate and had Pepsi come in and supply him. Within a week he was visited by dozens of irate Coke loving patrons. Completely frustrating and shady business practice.

>> No.6675244

Who are those kisstress mistresses?

>> No.6675245


>> No.6675250

So why are you telling us, and not some kind of news agency?

>> No.6675251

i think i grabbed this from facebook

>> No.6675252

Any business that supplies only Pepsi products doesn't deserve business.
I'd be mad too if I learned you only serve shit.

>> No.6675255

Man I wish I were paid to shill Coke

I wouldn't want to live in shitlanta to do it, though

>> No.6675257

>implying they are paying people to do that
It's the south. People love Coke down there, especially in Atlanta.

>> No.6675260

If that's true and you're not providing any evidence that it is, why are you sitting around in stupid bars that participate in that if you don't like it? It's your money, it's up to you how to spend it.

Go somewhere else. I've never heard of that crap and my brother's lived in Atlanta for about 40 years.

>> No.6675263

>i pretend that coke and pepsi taste different

>> No.6675264

>I like to shitpost on /ck/

>> No.6675271


>Only serving Pepsi

He deserves to go out of business tbh

>> No.6675276

Pepsi please go. No seriously, coke is just sugar watered down pepsi.

>> No.6675277

no, just stop. coke and pepsi are not different

>> No.6675288

>implying pepsi isn't sweeter
Do you have no functioning taste buds? Are you a smoker?

>> No.6675292
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>> No.6675299

Shut up with the agenda. I KNOW that my taste buds are more sensitive than yours and I've been smoking week since I was a little kid.

inb4: how much? A lot and I make 160k-200k / year depending on how much time I take off and I'm an underachiever.

>> No.6675304

thats pretty pathetic m9

I'm made 500k starting the second I left college with a degree in mathematics.

>> No.6675310

Doing what? I can tell if you're full of shit or not pretty quickly.

>> No.6675314

From Denmark eh?

>> No.6675316

Sure you did. That's a 4chan file name. I bet you don't have any non related female friends on Facebook.

>> No.6675317


>> No.6675321
File: 334 KB, 1024x508, Zim_Dollars-1024px-Zimbabwe_$100_trillion_2009_Obverse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You made a whole $100 TRILLION your first year, in ZIM dollars you fucking faggit!

>> No.6675323

back off pervert, why do you care so much?

>> No.6675331

>I make more than you so my taste buds work better than yours

>> No.6675333

Sounds crazy. I know at least a dozen chef/owners and some non chef owners of restaraunts and have never heard of this lol. I do get the occasional person who comes in and asks for pepsi and when we say we only have coke they seem mildly dissapoint and get coke

>> No.6675337

literally copy and pasted from a leddit post

>> No.6675344


>> No.6675353

That has nothing to do with it and you know it you daft idiot who thinks that because I smoke my tastebuds don't work.
You're really a daft fuck aren't you?

>> No.6675356



>> No.6675357

Are you a faggit that "believes" in global warming and space aliens?

>> No.6675367
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Why not just put what you're offering on the menu in the first place? Don't give someone something that they didn't order? If you do that with something simple like soda it's highly likely that it follows into other things that you do in your restaurant as well.

>> No.6675469

Do you really think that our tiny insignificant planet carries the only life forms in the entire universe, let alone galaxy?

>> No.6675480

Which ones aren't married?

>> No.6675482

I don't know and neither do you. We have one point to base things on and that's our own planet. Just because you want to believe in something doesn't make it true, it doesn't make it false either but if you remember anything from very early grade school math you need at least two points, hopefully more to make a line or anything really, you can't make much from only one point. That's all we have, one point and you can't draw assumptions further than that one point.

>> No.6675485

> bases decision about legitimacy of hypothetical life in the universe on grade school math

good stuff

>> No.6675505

I love daft punk :)

>> No.6675507

What do you base it on, ten levels of assumptions designed to keep up the budgets of space agencies? I'm not asserting not to look, I'm just saying be conservative and don't think something is there because of belief, find stuff because of facts. That's the scientific method, something might have passed you by in grade school.

>> No.6675519

so you are redditor?

>> No.6675539
File: 47 KB, 400x319, anal_probe_finger-wonder_alien.JPG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're gonna get the anal probe!

>> No.6675646

No people are just crazy about coke in the south. Especially Atlanta since I'm pretty sure coke started there.

>> No.6675672
File: 72 KB, 772x1028, pjksti.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>syrup pump and the lines.

I'm imagining a hambeast hooked up to an IV line of Coke.

"...but m-muh diabetis will flare up if I don't git this soda in me, doc"

>> No.6675823

Coke is better imo, if I'm at a Pepsi brand restaurant I'll usually get another type of soda. Pepsi doesn't have the zing coke has, same with 7up vs sprite, too much DM sugar.

7up is more acceptable than Pepsi though.

>> No.6675836

oh but anon, this guy >>6675299 who makes six figures says coke and pepsi are the same so I don't see a problem with it.

>> No.6675840

>a friend of a friend

>> No.6675848
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Considering Pepsi is shit and so is all soda in general, I hope you all get the 'beetus

>> No.6675880

Says it started on /sci/, but /sci/ says it started on /biz/. Who knows.

>> No.6675893

> be at a restaurant
> order a Pepsi
>"we don't have Pepsi products. Mello yello ok?"

This is a real story. How did she even?

>> No.6676621

I find Pepsi better to drink straight and their flavored products to be better (Pepsi Twist, Cherry Pepsi, etc). Given the choice I almsot always go with Pepsi.
Coke being less sweet makes it much better for alcoholic drinks though.

In either case they are not different enough to warrant anything more than an "oh really, I'll take $COMPETITORS_PRODUCT" if they don't have your preference

>> No.6676653

those 2 on the left r smokin

>> No.6677036

>why are you sitting around in stupid bars that participate in that if you don't like it

He isn't complaining about the bars is he? He's complaining about the Coca Cola Company and what they do, can you read?

>> No.6677045


You just made that entire situation up for no reason what so ever

>> No.6677050

#1 or #4

>> No.6678592
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>> No.6679051

i'd say number 3, but I'd fuck all of them if given the chance, of course