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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6673038 No.6673038 [Reply] [Original]

It's sad that Taco bell is higher quality mexican food than 90% of the "mexican" food sold in europe.

>> No.6673052

I don't even dare to imagine what Mexican food in europe is like. There's literally no reason for Mexicans to even go their when USA is a hop skip and a jump away.

>> No.6673097

There is nearly none.

Generally anything with of cumin and chilli but without turmeric is "mexican".

>> No.6673116
File: 147 KB, 717x960, 395235_10151375038271102_883329780_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you haven't lived until you've tried authentic aussie mexican food.

this beautiful mexican pizza was topped with a strange bell pepper sauce, yellow cheese, jarred jalapenos, guac that tasted like it didn't have any avocado, and then loose tosses of corn and unseasoned ground beef

>> No.6673147
File: 3 KB, 137x143, 1299171338072.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mexican food in europe

>> No.6673157


Aussies don't say "bell peppers". They're capsicums.

>> No.6673167

That looks and probably tastes amazing.

>> No.6673176


tbh tasted pretty bad

I was still ecstatic about the opportunity to try a mexican pizza in australia. a true continental experience.

>> No.6673177

Not only does it sound dull, the ingredients are placed to ensure optimal chance of soggy centre/bland rim.

>> No.6673180

really selling it there braddah

kiwifag here, and there is literally one 'real' Mexican place in the entire country it feels, and this place is run by ex-pats and only serves tacos and enchiladas. At least they have Jarritos.

>> No.6673191

I could be wrong but it seems like Australians eat prison food compared to Americans. I guess that's what happens when the British defeat YOU.

>> No.6673192
File: 48 KB, 500x378, 1434183534518.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Next to no existent, atleast we have a lot of good Italian.

>> No.6673194


nah aussies got fucking great south east asian food and a weirdly super present italian influence

doesn't have the variety you'll find in the states but not bad at what it does, as long as you don't try for things it doesn't do. still don't get beets on a burger though.

>> No.6673196

>Prison food


That said, it's a dry rock on the opposite side of their eart and their closest neighbours are low-asians.

Anything humanly edible has to be flown in.

>> No.6673203

Are you blind? We have a bunch of restaurants dedicated to each and every little corner of the world. MULTIKULCHULIZM. Last time I was in Sydney I ate at a cafe that served only New Orleans food. Weekend before that I ate at my local Fijian place.

>> No.6673210

citation needed.

>> No.6673212
File: 68 KB, 600x337, 1229995071.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>aussie mexican

>> No.6674299

I bet that hot sauce is not even hot at all.

>> No.6674342

>authentic mexican
Let me stop you right there

>> No.6674449

>generalizing Europe into one place of one culture

>> No.6675973


>mexican pizza

Get the fuck out of my face with that disgusting trash.

>> No.6676042
File: 789 KB, 644x602, kfc_burrito_crop-e1426592862498.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

UK KFC burritos ain't bad

>> No.6677247


To be fair, Mexican food in 99% of the U.S. sucks as well. Don't even get me started about that "tex mex" bullshit

>> No.6678936

This tbh.

I love Mexican food, but unless you live along the southern border or in a city with enough Mexicans, you won't find good restaurants. Most places just overload everything with cheese and ground beef, put "authentic" on the menu a few times, and cater to white people. If you really want good food in most of the country, just make Mexican friends.

However I do see real Mexican food getting more and more popular as people stop seeing Mexico as mariachi bands and sombreros everywhere and more of a rich and delicious culture. Probably because of all the immigrants.

>> No.6678946

>he doesn't live in a city without a large enough mexican population to warrant at least one authentic restaurant

where is this mythical place?

>> No.6678950

>without a

>> No.6679150
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>white people can't make good food

>> No.6679248

Most any small-medium sized city in the old south. Lot's of black people though if that bothers you.
