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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6669003 No.6669003 [Reply] [Original]

How much can you eat before feeling absolutely stuffed, ck?

I can only handle around 400 or 500 calories these days.

A few slices of pizza leaves me feeling stuffed for days. Even with exercise.

>> No.6669010


>> No.6669014

depends on a lot of factors for me. hydration level, how hungry i am, how much i exercise, how long its been since my last meal, what time of day it is, what kind of food it is.

with optimal conditions and most delicious pizza i could easily put down an 18" in one sitting

there are times where after an extensive few days of exercise and a lot of groceries ive eaten for an entire day and taken 4 shits so it really varies

>> No.6669016

tits or gtfo

>> No.6669062

haha, I get it

>> No.6669453

That sounds unhealthy as fuck

>> No.6669671

>I can only handle around 400 or 500 calories these days
This doesn't mean anything.
You could be eating three tablespoons of peanut butter for all we know, skeletor.

>> No.6669681

Projected appearance of /d/tards in





I'm already here, actually.
What's the most you guys have ever eaten in one sitting?

>> No.6671113
File: 16 KB, 500x500, 5127214452.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wait are you serious?

i feel so fucking fat

>> No.6671224

A shitload and fast too so I have to eat until I'm not hungry anymore, not until I'm full

>> No.6671921

Wtf how tiny are you

I'm 5'1 105 lbs and I eat large pizzas in one sitting.

>> No.6672020

You might be constipated.

>> No.6672027

usually I can pack away a bretty big meal, but this week I'm recovering from a crohns flare-up and I tried to eat two waffles in one sitting and I couldn't. I was pretty sad about that other waffle.

>> No.6672062

Whole bargain bucket or two 12 inch pizzas

>> No.6672117

Depends on what I'm eating.

Fluids used to be more of a problem but food-wise I can pack in a lot unless it's heavy heavy shit.

>> No.6672131

>I can only handle around 400 or 500 calories these days.

Breh, you must be straight outta Auschwitz.

Please eat.

>> No.6672215

so uhh how much meth do you consume daily op?

>> No.6672220

3 possibilities. Either OP can't count for shit. He/she is trolling/fishing for replies. He's a lardass who's trying to lose weight and has deluded himself.

>> No.6672374

~2k in a sitting, but that's partially because I go through about 5k a day. Being fit is difficult as fuck foodwise

>> No.6673422

>tfw have to measure out all your food, so you don't do over 6,000 calories because you literally never feel full

I'm 5'2 and 100lbs ;_;

>> No.6674416
File: 133 KB, 1000x652, P1060464procres.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

5ft 7in, 140lbs

I meant in one sitting. Not per day.

Nah, I already lost weight. I miss eating huge meals without feeling like absolute shit.

>> No.6674471

In a sitting I can usually cram down a family pizza or two heaping platefuls of whatever.

Thought that's on my unhealthy on meal a day weekends.

Worst is when is cook a rice n bean chilli, I can keep going back for seconds until there's no more, only to be ashamed that I've eaten several pounds of food in half a day.

>> No.6676691

Just eat 30 bananas a day and pop some supplements.

>> No.6676765

I can handle 3000-5000 calories in one sitting if I'm trying. Probably only 1000-1800~ each day though.

>> No.6676768

>always feel starved
>need to drink constantly in order to fight it
>drink 4~6L of bottled water EVERY DAY
>go to bed
>sweating all night
>have to go to bathroom every 30 minutes
This is suffering.

>> No.6676771

I don't stuff myself. That shit is for disgusting lard beasts. I can eat quite a bit if I exercised a lot in the day, but for the most part I try to eat sensibly. I an always just save leftovers for a few hours later.

The only time I ever end up stuffing myself is when I go out to eat with fat fucks who pressure me into helping them finish all the fucking fatty appetizers they ordered for the table. I once went out to eat with a table full of fat fucks and they ordered three "flat breads" as apps. They came out and these "flat breads" were just fucking pizzas. So a table of 6 people had to slog through 3 pizzas before even getting to the entrees. It was fucking disgusting. I was about to throw up after eating like 5 pieces of pizza plus my entree because these fat fucks kept heavily breathing at me to eat more slices so they wouldn't go to waste. Seriously, I had to get up and take a ten minute walk after the meal to keep myself from hurling while the fat fucks sat there picking out fucking desserts. I don't understand how people can eat like that.

>> No.6676774

Someone has deep issues with fat people.

>> No.6676785


Yea, they're gross and I don't like when I have to sit with them and be pressured to cram junk down my throat for an hour and a half at a time.

>> No.6676790

>It takes about 20 minutes after you start eating for the message to stop eating to form and reach your brain

This article recommends trying to eat slowly, and standing up during a meal to gauge how full you really are in order to avoid overeating. If you just quickly stuff yourself until you're not hungry, chances are you'll be piling food on top of a full stomach for a while before you know you've had enough.

>> No.6676794

My eating capacity has shrunk significantly since I got a new job that's quite physical
>don't want to eat before or during work because It feels heavy and just bad
so I end up eating one small meal at the end of every day and some midnight snack

>> No.6676853

>I can only handle around 400 or 500 calories these days.
I dare you to have 500 calories of celery

>> No.6676857

A lot of sick people in this thread... do you all have worms or something?

>> No.6676859

Are you insecure about your height?

>> No.6676868

Just say no you fucking vagina. It's not that hard. My whole family is fat. In fact, I think not needing to eat as much as them has started to catch on.

>> No.6676874

This is usually why people eat Trail mix

>> No.6677161

Depends on the food, probably about 2000kcal

>> No.6678472

A couple pieces of pizza is about 1300 calories.

>> No.6680430

thank you mr. skeletal