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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 41 KB, 416x288, n32HW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6670098 No.6670098 [Reply] [Original]

Is there a food that you just can't stomach at all?
I can stomach most everything, but I vomited the last time I had black olives.

>> No.6670101

Can you handle them on pizza? They're too salty for me to eat whole/by themselves,but I like them on pizza.

>> No.6670104

You can put anything on pizza and it'll taste good. Or at least not horrible.

>> No.6670127

This olives in the picture are the worst black olives you can buy.. This are not real black olives, is green olives tainted in black with iron oxide ... They tast horrible...

Try some real black olives like "kalamata " or "nicoise" ... Really good olives are expensive...

>> No.6670131

Anchovies fucking ruin pizza for me.

>> No.6670142

Never tried them. I don't even like toppings on my pizza anyways.

>> No.6670144

Olives and Feta are the only two things that really repulse me. I guess Greece is a no-go for me

>> No.6670147

One time I think I got the flu after eating ramen for a few days. I can't even stomach it anymore. Throwing up chicken flavored noodles and bile is literal hell.

And celery. Fuck celery.

>> No.6670179

I grew up in a really weird situation where I was exposed to lots of high end and not so high end food from a young age (based on what my parents accepted from their childhood and whatnot).

Black olives are nothing special, but you come off like a forced meme trying to say they're something that make you vomit.

Where are you from? And which foods do you actually enjoy, OP?

>> No.6670183

Stop being a dick.

Black olives are shit.

>> No.6670187

I'm not memeing, black olives literally make me vomit. I have to go find a trash can and everything.

>> No.6670204


I'm usually willing to try everything but not this.

>> No.6670233


My best friend growing up had the same "reaction" to tomatoes when we were kids.

His only family was his mom, who was a chef at an Italian place (so we always stayed at his house), and she was always forced to bring him home food without tomatoes, just because he would throw a hissy fit otherwise and claim he was going to throw up.

People were just starting to have computers and the internet at that time.

You have nothing to complain about, and nobody should take you seriously.

>> No.6670243

I refuse to believe that people actually vomit from taking one bite of something, bar extreme acquired tastes like balut or whatever.

Like, I'm picky myself, but at worst I would take one bite of something and be like, "Nah I'm good on that."

>> No.6670247

I'll eat almost anything, but even the smallest amount of turnip will end in gagging if not actual puking

>> No.6670252
File: 350 KB, 1280x853, 1436556959770.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had to gurgle a lot of iodine once when I was on vacation to prevent a sore throat. And while it helped that day (I spat out something white), I have never been able gargle iodine ever again. My gag reflex kicks in as soon as it enters my mouth.

>> No.6670255

When I was a kid a friend and I would just eat black olives out of the tin can, then fight over the juice. Now I cannot go near them, so I guess I'm with you OP.

>> No.6670289

I can't eat normal hotdogs anymore, I threw up after roasting one over a fire and haven't been able to touch one since.

Still love actual food like sausage link and bratwurst.

>> No.6670408


Fuck Okra.

>> No.6670411


>> No.6670414

You can stomach most things
You can stomach almost anything
You can't, however, stomach most everything.

>> No.6670419

Please don't tell me you're one of those people who just have cheese or pepperoni pizza.

>> No.6670431

Tomatoes. Tastes like stagnant water.

>> No.6670434


raw tomatoes are absolute shit. Cherry tomatoes are the worst.

>> No.6670464

some tomato varieties have more flesh and more taste than others
if you buy some cheap tomatoes at the grecery store ofc you're going to get some watery shit

>> No.6670467

Bananas. Texture and taste aren't even that bad but I still have to throw up everytime I try them.

>> No.6670952

I didn't know so many people hated bananas.

I don't get what you're trying to say here. I just can't eat black olives.

>> No.6671053
File: 538 KB, 260x146, 5513844+_3dd4ea73c7013a1fdde9d433f00797b9.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to like anchovies on pizza. Then one time I ate like half an anchovy pizza and drank half a handle of Fireball. The mixture was horrible in my stomach and the vomit coming up was painful from the salt and cinnamon.

Can't eat anchovies or drink fireball now.

>> No.6671084

>Cherry tomatoes are the worst.

More for me!

>> No.6671126


Thats basically the worst possible mix

Good job

>> No.6671133
File: 212 KB, 1600x1200, big.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eggplant. I want to like it but it literally makes me gag.

>> No.6671138

Beetroot. It tastes like rotten dirt. You're eating dirt and you're liking it.
"Oh but it tastes EARTHY" people say. Yes, like vegetables that haven't been washed.

>> No.6671142

>those fat hands
I bet anything that isn't tendies slathered in ranch makes you gag

>> No.6671146
File: 57 KB, 500x375, bleughguhguh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

one time when i was a little kid my grandmother brought home a huge tray of baklava and i ate like 3 squares about the size of my picture. it didnt settle in my stomach at all and i threw it all up and i could just taste the sweetness of it on the way back up. i cant get myself to eat it anymore.

>> No.6671153

Chubby beetus fingers.

>> No.6671179
File: 33 KB, 450x450, Hellmann's_Real_ProductShot_Large_tcm23-295041.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related. the smell alone makes me gag

>> No.6672480

I can eat almost anything. However, animal corpses are too disgusting for me to eat. I used to lie to myself and tell myself it wasn't disgusting, but eventually I had to stop interacting with dead animal flesh.

>> No.6672491

Every time I've had pasta with only butter, it's made me throw up.

>> No.6672496

You need to add an assload of black pepper and Parmesan.

>> No.6672505

Next time you eat butter think about the standard acceptance rate of pus in milk from all the infected sores the cows get on their udders. That's pasta covered in fat with a touch of pus.

>> No.6672519


Now that you mention, I think this was how it was the last time.
>tfw when excited to eat pasta at a fancy resaurant in Rome when on a Latin trip back in highschool
>no one told me you have to ask for the tomato sauce
>get buttered noodles
>oh well it's probably way better than any pasta because it's Italy
>throw up anyway :(

>> No.6672538

Okay. Next time you make a post like this think about the standard acceptance of faggotry your parents had in place when conceiving you. It was pretty fucking high.

>> No.6672547

u mad bro?

>> No.6672658

Blue cheese.

>> No.6672714

Peanut butter and peanuts. The smell is awful and I can't stand the taste. Same goes for pistachios, nuts, and almonds.

>> No.6672829

Thanks for the info. I love kalamatas and will try nicoise. I always knew there was something wrong with canned black olives. Now I know what it is.

>> No.6672848

I fucking love blue cheese so much, but I can see where it would be too strong a taste for some. I like getting blocks of it, or Gorgonzola and just biting chunks off like a fucking barbarian.

>> No.6672893
File: 72 KB, 525x349, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

these give me the worst diarrhea

>> No.6672896

I absolutely hate the smell of raw celery

>> No.6672994

ground beef

>> No.6673007

Learn how to wear watch

>> No.6673239

Those aren't even black olives, they're coloured green ones.Cheaper, and shittier. Real, ripe black olives are a gift from the gods

>> No.6673254
File: 1.44 MB, 4096x2538, Rocket-Arugula1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not only are they foul, they are also spreading into nearly every food.

Even my beloved deli roast-beef sandwiches are starting to get them.

Worst part is that one taste will make it overpower all other flavours and linger for hours.

I think only boiled fish and cheap canned clams come near on my hatred scale.

>> No.6673270

On new year's when I was a child (15 years ago) I ate a ton of breadsticks with a special brand garlic sauce which made me vomit later that night.

This brand's garlic sauce is served at almost every party in the area where I live, and even today I'm careful with it.

>> No.6673272

babby palate OP, you're lame

>> No.6673310

I am work hard there for 8 years, and today i am fire this is shiit man i dont know how to deal. It all start when boss bring in his daughter who is 16 years of age, she is wear clothes of street walker and all men in factory looks at her as she walks and she is seem to like it.

Well during lunch break i come up to her and say "I look at u a lot today can we have date i am experience in ovaries pleasure to women." she start to freak out and say "i am not like this but do u want to be friend?" So i say i am 28 years i do not friend woman i am alpha i put my sasika in woman no offend to u. She say ok i look at her ovarie area to mental picture and walk out.

So like 20 minute later boss come to me and he is angry he say to me how dare i hit on his only son, i say wow wow he is not son he is daughter of u! And he say "that is my son he had operation he is now transsvestita woman he cannot have baby but i is accept because america great country and they say is fine in california and i am now like this" I am say sorry i am not homosepian please forgive me but he then say to me i am fire and go home u are not make cucumber anymore. So now i am go home with no job how am i to support my family and expensive tranny habit, i am cry right now a little and spit on mirror fuk cucumber.

>> No.6673313

top fucking kek, learn how to image search

>> No.6673359

Nice story...

New meme on 4chan?