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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 72 KB, 528x960, dddd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6669023 No.6669023 [Reply] [Original]

modern drunkards unite! we are awesum!1

>> No.6669026

^ mad

>> No.6669027

Man, tattoos do look super dumb on old people

>> No.6669036
File: 46 KB, 500x750, grandpa_badass.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck did you just say to me?

>> No.6669037

No, I already drank a fair bit, but it inspired me to take up smoking.

I wish I hadn't. It's fucking expensive.

>> No.6669045

Military tattoos are a different story

>> No.6669049

Wait idk what the fuck that is actually. It looks like a boat and his hat looks like some military shit. I assumed navy

>> No.6669054

if you're only smoking for image, just bum them off your friends.

>> No.6669066

Not really, because I don't confuse reality with TV where someone can drink 40 scotches and still function in any meaningful way.

>> No.6669070

Hunter S. Thompson was here and you're still a fag.

>> No.6669072

The best way to drink is keep a light buzz all day. Real men know how to do this.

>> No.6669083

I don't have any. It's not for my public image, anyway. It's for my personal image. And now also for the drug, obviously.

>> No.6669114
File: 39 KB, 283x269, 1385744613846.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6669118

Different languages. It's a tough concept to grasp, I know.

>> No.6669150

old? lul, am I the oldest person in here tonite? I'm already on my 30s hehe, even got a few grey pubes :D

>> No.6669151

why did you post a picture of yourself faggot

>> No.6669156

Because original content was once the norm before you summer fags started posting our old pics as you own?

>> No.6669158

This isn't /soc/, and I've been on this board since 2010, on 4chan since 2005.

>> No.6669181

I bet your older than me mom, you granpa.

bacl to topic, what are we all drinking tonite?
I tried a bloody mary but it fucking separated oddly, so now Im drinking lime vodkas! feck yeah!111 superbum awesumness indeed!!11

>> No.6669186

I'm 21, douchebag.

Yes, I was on 4chan when I was 12.

>> No.6669193

I'm in my 30s, but don't look so over the hill. But then, I moisturise and eat well.

We're both too old to be on a kid's forum, though.

>> No.6669196

mate, why are you so offtopic?
join us, have a drink, and get ontopic! we are awesum!1 and you can be one of us11

>> No.6669200


ist das Wannseestr? (wg. Zaun im Hintergrund)

>und ich trink auch grad billigen wodka, glück auf, haha

>> No.6669208

If that really is you in the picture then holy fuck what are you doing? You look 50

>> No.6669219

Got a bottle of middle grade wine I'm.going to polish off probably don't have to go in to work till noon and only one event so ya wine weed and /ck/ maybe a movie a little later

>> No.6669227

roll your own
get a nice cigarette case roll what you're going to use for the day and leave the rest at home
helps to cut costs and keeps you from smoking more than you want to (it's real easy to smoke more than you plan to when they're readily available)

>> No.6669228

Where do you live that public intoxication is no big deal?

>> No.6669244

>implying you can't drink throughout the day and not be shitfaced

>> No.6669256

You can't if you drink like a college student. Kids don't understand the drinking long game.

>> No.6669278

>implying responsible drinking is what's portrayed on the show

It's an old hollywood trick.They drink all day and chain smoke like meth heads not because that's what people actually did, but because it gives the appearance of an edgier atmosphere and we Americans associate that kind of decadence with power. Nobody ever behaved that way and didn't end getting fired from every job they ever held.

Nobody with half a brain drinks at work in between meals, or keeps a buzz going from morning till night. Any of you faggots who say any different are just trying to justify your dependence.

I have dependencies too, I just don't try and behave as though they make me cool or delude myself into thinking things they do on TV are good ideas.

>> No.6669286

No back in that time people legitimately drank and smoked all day when they were higher paid fucks. Look at the actors of that era. 90% of them were smashed all the time

>> No.6669291

>serious professionals

Get a load of this guy.

You're delusional.

>> No.6669293

Go become a famous actor quick. I'll standby.

>> No.6669295

Yeh i'm such a alcoholic :p Just need my BOOZE

I have problems.....................

>> No.6669303

Becoming a famous actor is a lottery for the generically privileged.

Becoming a good famous actor is a lottery for people that devote their lives to it.

They are not serious professionals with any responsibility or accountability for anything they say or do.

>> No.6669309


>> No.6669318

Yeah marketing yourself to a massive audience takes 0 professionalism. You're right. Fighting for a part in a movie over potentially thousands of others takes 0 professionalism. You're right. They all got lucky and just sit on their ass all day.

>> No.6669352

I don't even know why I'm arguing with you over this, but they don't actually do any of that.

They audition for bit parts in commercials a monkey could do until they make enough income to hire an agent, who takes over all those duties for them.

There's a whole city of 4 million people in california who all busted their asses to become famous actors and failed.

Anyway, you're arguing a weird point in that this specific type job has a bunch of raging alcoholics in it. Yeah, it's because they're not actually responsible for anything.

Mad Men is a fantasy. It doesn't reflect real life. The guy who is the raging alcoholic isn't also the most magically gifted advertising executive on the planet.

I suppose you also think it's possible for a high-school chemistry teacher to bumblefuck his way to being the most powerful and feared drug dealer/gangster in the country?

>> No.6669357

no, mad men was shit

i drink more because of other shit, like bukowski or hemmingway.

>> No.6669396


how original

>> No.6669438

what about rum diary? that was my fave movie for years, so cool and sexy!
I try to avoid alcohol, if I can! :D :D :D

>> No.6669549


Was ist bester billig Wodka? Jelzin?

>> No.6669552


You alright m8?

>> No.6669607

I always drink stoli, but in germany I always drink that green moskovskaya since it's everywhre.
OOOOOh yeah, red bull vodka, gluck auf kumpel!