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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6666368 No.6666368 [Reply] [Original]

I got 10$ until the 17th.
What food do I buy?

>> No.6666373

1 dollar menu at mc donalds

>> No.6666375

Rice. Salt.

>> No.6666386

Rice and beans

>> No.6666385


>> No.6666388

chicken legs

>> No.6666390

My preferred bus stop is near a subway (no) and a safeway. I was looking for my groceries.

The other bus stop that can also get me to work is fucking ghetto area with a shitty nignog run Micky D's and a fucking Mexican Taco Bell (THE IRONY) and a 7/11

There is also the El Burrito Loco #3 but they're pretty expensive. Their stuff is sooooo good tho.

>> No.6666395

It's either cup ramen or rice and beans, bro.

>> No.6666397

Steal bread from bears

>> No.6666400
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Here's the pic. No, I don't know where the other two are.

>> No.6666409


I'm not really feeling outdoorsy as it's 90 degrees out usually...

That's my go to when this shit happens. Was hoping for something different. Still might end up doing that.

I got some cider I'm a crack into here in a minute. Drink my troubles away slowly.

>> No.6666436

Also I have some potatoes and left over meats and I think another steak.

>> No.6666439

For the most part you really don't have a choice.

There's just not much you can eat that will keep you alive and energetic for 8 days on $10.

You need to stop buying weed bro.

>> No.6666443

lol, what if there are no 1 or 2.
>Owner makes it #3 to fool you into thinking the other 2 were so popular he has a 3rd, so it must be good

>> No.6666447

>You need to stop buying weed bro.
....how did you know.

>> No.6666453

I thought maybe they just had a leasing issue? That's why there are still some EB Games in malls even though they're all technically Game Stop.
Also lol, stores no one goes to anymore.

>> No.6666456

Cause the number one reason people go hungry in a developed nation is cause they spend all their money on vices like drugs.

>> No.6666457

Rice and beans and ramen. You can't afford to eat well. Shoplift if you feel like you can do it. Dumpster dive if you're willing to. Do what you can to get more money.

>> No.6666459

Well I only spent $20 on weed this month.
My biggest problem is hobby spending which I spent like 200 on this month. Next check goes to rent and my water bill is out of control for some fucking reason.

>> No.6666462

Well if you didn't, you'd have $30 for a week, which is enough.

>> No.6666468


Do you have a job ?

>> No.6666470

If your water bill is too high, you've either got a leak and need to get that checked or one of your faggot neighbors is stealing your water.

If you live in an apartment let your landlord know you think there might be a leak.

Unless, of course, you're in Cali. You're just fucked if you're in Cali.

>> No.6666479

Yes, of course. That's why this a temporary situation. I get paid on the 17th.

I am on the west coast but not in Cali. Thank god.

I don't think we have a leak, our plumbing is shit to begin with and we try to keep the landlords off the property. My boyfriend smokes more weed than I do - it's legal where we live but our landlord can still say no and kick us out.

>> No.6666487

Washington is experiencing drought too

>> No.6666493

Fuck you making me say where I live.
It's Oregon. You happy? You gonna come find me or something?

>> No.6666495

Back in Algeria we had a delicious meal that's basically just couscous with sugar.

All you need is semolina in large quantities and sugar.

>> No.6666496

About how much is your water bill with how many people living in what kind of place?

>> No.6666501

Interesting. Would like more healthy options.

>> No.6666504
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Do you live in the tri-cities Washington?

>> No.6666505

Bout 300, so 100 each for three people.

It's usually about 40/50 for all of us.. I assume cause it's hot as fuck out, we're drinking lots of water etc.

>> No.6666510

I'll stop by on my way up to Seattle in September. What should I bring?

>> No.6666511
File: 195 KB, 400x266, you want me in your mouth.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read the thread mate.

>> No.6666519

$10 at the 99 cent store will get you enough
they usually have assorted fruit and vegetable bags for $1 each and even cheap protein in the freezer

>> No.6666521


>> No.6666525

Uh...I've not lived on the West coast in years but I'm about 100% sure that that's way too fucking much.

Like, holy shit I live with four other people plus sprinklers and our water bills are maybe $60 dollars tops.

>> No.6666528

I dont think you have any healthy option for 10$, your best bet is just not eating too much or skipping a meal.

That or shoplifting.

>> No.6666554

You have $10. You can't afford healthy options. Just buy rice and beans and forage/shoplift for the rest. This would be a good time to have been growing food, but I'm assuming you don't do that.

>> No.6666556

We could meet up at comic con? Bring sushi.

>> No.6666561

This is for every three months I forgot to say. So it's like 100 a month but we only pay every three months cause paying monthly is more expensive.

I also live in a big city.

>> No.6666564

Going camping this weekend :(

>> No.6666613
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hot dog

>> No.6666626
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You will be fine, just conserve energy by going into a coma for 10 days or get used to the taste of lentils and hobo semen.

>> No.6666632

Rose city comic con isn't till September...

>> No.6666634


>> No.6666637

Thanks, I needed a laugh.
I have to work for the next five days though.

>> No.6666759

I'm actually genuinely confused at people who are saying you have no healthy options.

1lb bags of rice and frozen veggies are $1 each. Beans are usually $2 a pound, dry.

That leaves you with $6 for produce or meat. I would go for produce though because it's cheaper overall and you get protein from the beans.
Get 1lb of peaches, 1lb zucchini, and 1lb of carrots for $1 each.
$3 left. Get more produce (bananas are cheap, as are mushrooms, pears and tomatoes) or use the last $3 for eggs or oatmeal for breakfast.


>> No.6666767

Thanks bro!
I was confused too - usually there are all these fatty threads complaining that poor fat people aren't spending their money on healthier options..

>> No.6668739
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Turns out, I have 12 dollars!

>> No.6668749


That is a BIG piece of sushi!

>> No.6668753

go find your local foodbank and get some free food like EVERYONE else does

youll be surprised to see how many people are HOPELESSLY poor just like you.

>> No.6668764


What the fuck are you talking about and what country are you from

Get 1lb of peaches,
1lb zucchini,
and 1lb of carrots for $1 each.
>yeah carrot s are $1 but bean and rice... And carrot?

$3 left. Get more produce
(bananas are cheap
>literally the purpose of this post, bananas are like $4-5 per bunch
, as are mushrooms,
>cheapest pack $2.50 and up
>same price as peaches
and tomatoes
>yeah you can get like 2 good tomato or three small)
or use the last $3 for eggs
>the only egg for $3 is the half dozen
or oatmeal for breakfast.
>oatmeal, but with nothing to add to it at all for sweetness it flavor? (inb4 "American" shitposting, wherever the fuck in the world you are eating warm gummy glue is a nauseating chore and don't give me that starving Marvin bullshit about the kids in India who literally kill each other for plain oatmeal)

>> No.6668781

I'm not HOPELESSLY poor. I'm just poor this month. I wasn't poor last month and I won't be poor next month. It just happens on occasion. Also probably because I missed a day of work last paycheck - which also mostly went to rent. So I didn't have as much to save before the next check.

I fucked up, oh well, dealing with it now. And I have $12 instead of 10!!

Also I'm not going to a food bank because I live with someone who feeds me and sometimse co-workers order extra food and I get it for free. I always have ways of getting food that doesn't involve taking from those who need it. Instead I rely on people who are richer than me, even though I'm not poor, I'm not rich either. Just careless with money sometimes and I pay for it later.

My town has a huge homeless population that I used to work with. I used to give people free food even though it was against company policy, and my co-workers at that job did the same. I've seen the homeless in line at the food banks downtown - they need that food way more than I do.

I'm not doing shitty, Like I said, this is a temporary situation.

>> No.6668795

Oats and eggs.

>> No.6668797

What the fuck are you talking about and what country are you from where normal, non-impoverished folk don't keep pantries?

>> No.6668804

You have no savings. You are doing terribly.

>> No.6668811


Maybe you haven't read the thread or are mistaken and accidentally clicked in from somewhere else.

There is no pantry in this scenario.

>> No.6668821

What's your hobby?

>> No.6668826

You guys didn't read what I posted at all, good job!

I have a pantry, I still have food around. My roommate is gonna go grocery shopping while I'm at work. I'm gonna do that too, I'm gonna go to WinCo, after I get off work.

I had waffles for breakfast.
I'm drinking lemonade.
I am not poor. I just have $12 for food.

>> No.6668830

Cosplay/j-fashion and BJDs and horror movies.
I bought a bunch of shit this check. I'm returning one of the items though.

>> No.6668832

I've spent like zero dollars on my cosplay so far, though. My roommate has had everything I needed because we craft so much.

>> No.6668843

I understand you have food. But you're clearly living from paycheck to paycheck and have no financial planning at all. You are doing very poorly.

>> No.6668857
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>> No.6668858

Oh, I see what you mean.
I was trying to save 20 from every paycheck but then something would come up (like transit or needing a meal at work) and I'd have to dip into my savings. I got tired of trying to save and gave up... Plus I took up to spendy hobbies.

Next month is my birthday so I'm gonna try to save for that but I have a con in September I'm going to with my roommate who bought the tickets - so I want to cosplay and I gotta buy some of it like fabric, make up, sealant and a wig.. And I wanted it to look really good so I'm gonna go to walmart to get a cheap eye exam and then buy $200 contacts somehow so my cosplay looks accurate.

>> No.6668862

This thread was about spending money on food, I can't help it if everyone wants to know why I only have a certain amount of money.

I already posted about this on /cgl/!

>> No.6668901

you don't need an eye exam for cosmetic lenses

>> No.6668910

This is so off topic, but yes you do. Unless you want to hurt your eyes.

>> No.6668916


Lentils, rice, eggs.

Enjoy, faggot.

>> No.6669258

potato, onion, egg

>> No.6669426

I have potatoes! I eat them all the time..