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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6661845 No.6661845 [Reply] [Original]

I drink so much Diet Coke (2 liters per day) and never drink water, so I started looking into at-home soda making to save me money and trips to the gas station/grocery store.

Looks like there are two real options. One, is to go with a commercial-style fountain made for heavy duty use. The advantages to this are much lower operating costs and convenience while dispensing. One large CO2 tank and a box of Diet Coke syrup would cost me pennies per day. Downside is that it's capital intensive, also some maintenance required.

The other is to go with a Sodastream, and get jewed on everything from syrup to the proprietary CO2 tanks. The per-drink cost is only slightly lower than just getting Diet Coke at a store, and more expensive than if you were to find 2-liters of Diet Coke on sale. Also there's an inconvenience factor to having to measure out and manually pouring in syrup each time you make a bottle.

Is there an intermediate solution to this? One that makes larger quantities of soda water than the Sodastream while using industry-standard CO2 tanks but without the cost and maintenance of a commercial fountain?

>> No.6661855

>using industry-standard CO2 tanks but without the cost and maintenance of a commercial fountain
>save me money and trips to the gas station/grocery store
how about some water?

>> No.6661872

Don't be stupid anon, americans are allergic to water

>> No.6661875

>industrial grade obesity
Fuck man drink some juice or something, diabetus gonna get ya soon

>> No.6661884

How about curbing your addiction before you kill yourself instead of thinking of ways to economise it you fucking retard

>> No.6661888

Congratulations! After comparing myself to you I feel better about myself.

Time to celebrate with a cool glass of water.

>> No.6661891

if you bothered to read anon's post it says they drink diet soda. not physically possible to get diabetes from that. cancer from the caramel color; maybe.

>> No.6661893

I'd recommend an /r9k/ special

Here is what you'll need





>> No.6661897

Wrong again as usual.
> The use of artificial sweeteners has been contributing to the worldwide obesity epidemic and rising rates of type 2 diabetes.
Research before you post, cunt.

>> No.6661898

American here. Pretty much drink tap water. Always have. Nothing fancy. Works fine.

>> No.6661904

>Are you 100% dedicated (FOR LIFE) to Diet Cola?
Get the commercial.
>Are you 50% dedicated to Diet Cola?
Get the Sodastream, designed to last as long as a middle class family gimmick will last.

>> No.6661916

I had a major soda addiction, 2 cans minimum all the way up to 4 when busy.

I switched to coffee, I drink Hot Coffee black and Iced Coffee with a small dash of cream. Cost of equipment a quality Burr Grinder and a French Press was I'd say $300 beans depend on how expensive you want to be I buy a big bag at Costco for 12-15 dollars a bag and that lasts 2-3 weeks.

I'd strongly recommend you try to make the switch to Coffee, tea is also good but the quality loose leaf tea will cost you especially in America. Coffee actually has many benefits and doesn't fuck up your taste palette like Coke does.

>> No.6661921

I have a sodastream and I like it. Its not hard to "measure" and mix the soda, you just pour some into the lid of the container until it hits a certain line, and then dump it into the carbonated water.

For me the biggest selling point was not having to carry so many 12 packs of soda home. Most of the water in a 2 liter or a can is water, so if you can use your own water, its a lot less heavy to carry up the stairs.

If you really like diet coke, you could probably try mixing the diet coke syrup with a carbonated water from your soda stream, but I'm not aware of anyplace that sells diet coke syrup.

>> No.6661924

If you get the big commercial style one it would probably last a lifetime and in 10 or 20 years time when you don't want it anymore you could probably turn around and sell it for minimal loss.

I'm a home brewer and I use kegs and have taps set up, I guess soda would use the same system.

>> No.6661928

>"While some studies have linked noncaloric sweetener use to an increased risk for obesity and diabetes, others suggest a protective effect or no effect at all. Interpretation of these studies has been complicated by the fact that noncaloric artificial sweeteners are often consumed by people who have some manifestations of metabolic syndrome,"

The jury is still out, dickwad. The sweeteners themselves don't seem to be the direct contributor of diabetes, moreso the consumers of said sweeteners are fatasses that eat other shit that give them beetus.

>> No.6661930

just drink some fucking water. Jesus fucking Christ

>> No.6661956

>work at Wendy's
>"I'll have two chicken sandwiches, two double stacks, an order of cheese fries, and a diet coke"

Every goddamn time. Why even bother?

>> No.6661972
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>being so fat that you buy a commercial grade soda fountain

we've reached a new low

>> No.6662061
File: 18 KB, 248x270, abe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I drink so much Diet Coke (2 liters per day) and never drink water

>> No.6662110

My girlfriend's entire family used to go through four 2 liter bottles of diet soda once a day. Thankfully I trained my girlfriend to stop drinking that shit. Now I have to help her sisters.

Buy the commercial grade OP. At least you'll have a story to share with your doctor to explain why you're a fat piece of shit.

>> No.6662824

OP here on lunch break.

I was wondering who among here maintained a soda fountain as part of a job. I remember back when I worked at Long John Silvers it didn't really go much beyond removing and cleaning all the nozzles daily. Even that may be too much maintenance for me though.

>> No.6662876

>The other is to go with a Sodastream, and get jewed on everything from syrup to the proprietary CO2 tanks.

Don't get Jewed.

Also, don't drink that much soda man holy shit.

>> No.6662907

It's the safest thing taste-wise which you can cut calories from. Would you not order diet fries if they existed and were identical to normal fries?

>> No.6662926

>just drink water you faggot!!!1!!!111!!!

I don't drink much soda of any sort myself but telling someone to just drink water instead is stupid

water is much better yes, but there is a reason people like flavoured drinks ... because they're flavoured. we have tastebuds. its the same reason people don't generally get just a plate of plain white rice when they feel like a chinese/indian/etc

>> No.6662993
File: 42 KB, 320x320, Stainless_Soda_Siphon_2L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I've done research on commerical soda machines as I was considering getting one for the breakroom for my company. It is actually very difficult to find one. They are generally not sold. Instead the local Coca-Cola or Pepsi distributor lets you borrow one for free if you purchase enough syrup. Alas, that requires a very large amount of syrup. You have to go through a massive amount of soda before that becomes cheaper than simply buying it from a wholesale store like Sam's Club or Costco.

Stupid as hell.

Pic related has been around for decades and uses non-proprietary cartridges that are far more easily found & more economical that sodastream.

Also don't forget that you don't have to use sodastream brand syrup. You can buy normal coca-cola (or whatever brand) syrup and then use a siphon or sodastream or whatever else to carbonate it.

>> No.6663024

I typed up a long post but it got lost because 4chan mobile app a shit.

Basically check out homebrew and open cola. Carty keg, gas tank, and basic tap setup. Add a manifold so you can have multiple kegs. Google will reveal how much sweeteners is in diet coke. Do the math for 5 gallons and use that instead of sugar. You can do it all for about $300 to $400, and then it's pennies to buy more co2, water, essential oils, and sweeteners. Bulksuuplements has aspartame,sucralose, and acesulfameK. Soda is even easier than beer. You'll have everything you need to make beer with this too. Oktoberfest year round. There's even fast recipes adapted for ale yeast and no lagering.

>> No.6663034

You are going to pass huge kidney stones.

I hope you're prepared for a world of hurt.

>> No.6663050


About as likely as getting fat and diabetes from diet soda. Phosphoric acid contributes to kidney stones, but they're very rare in people who drink lots of water. Guess what the number one ingredient is in diet cola. its water

>> No.6663127
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>> No.6663200

>implying jewce isn't just as bad as soda in the sugar department

>> No.6663315


Now realise the absurdity of the portion size.

>> No.6663328

Enjoy surgery you fucking idiot

What a load of SHIT

>> No.6663332

Then drink seltzer

I used to be a soda addict until I realized I just liked the carbonation

>> No.6663338

>(2 liters per day)

Not good. Seriously. Ease off that shit, drink plain water, and by PLAIN I mean distilled water.

>> No.6663354

Yes it is, sugar free doesnt mean fuck all to your pancreas which has to create insulin to process the aspartame faggot.

It's just less than white sugar.

Where's your god now?

>> No.6663373

Whats up with fat people being addicted to diet soda?

>> No.6663558


Aspartame is phenylalanine and aspartic acid, shits practically low quality protein. The insulin response is far less than sucrose causes. You can't get fat or beetus from aspartame.

I'm /fit/ and addicted to diet soda and black coffee. It's good once you get used to it. Best of all it doesn't fuck up your cut or throw off your macros.

>> No.6663564

There's still an insulin response, you can still get beetus from it.

Wtf do you think beetus is?

>> No.6663605


It's so small in won't make much difference, especially for some who lifts 5x/wk and runs 15 miles/wk. Steak and eggs have insulin response too.

>> No.6663615

>itt: brainwashed idiots who think diet soda is ""bad"" for you while drinking coffee or teas that have been shown to be absolutely hazardous to your kidneys

>> No.6663622


But it's cool to hate diet soda now. Normies have the dankest memes.

>> No.6663623

Your body releases innsulin in response to the elevation of sugar in your blood. Its purpose is to route the sugar into your body's muscle and fat tissues.

There is no sugar in diet soda. There is no real amount of energy your body can extract from it. You could survive for a great long while by drinking nothing but regular soda quite easily, because there is plenty of caloric energy in the sugar. When your body has more energy than it needs, your liver hedges this embarrassment of riches against future deprivation by synthesizing the excess into fat.

If you tried the same with diet soda, you would die in the same amount of time it would take as if you only drank water.

You're a dumb sack of shit and you should feel ashamed for spreading misinformation.

>> No.6663649

Nope, you'd die much sooner from soda than from water.

Also, you don't know much about diabetes. Your experience with insulin likely stems from trying to use it with steroids.
You are a bro scientist, go back to /fit/ you fucking moron.

>> No.6663654

>coffee and tea are bad for you


>> No.6663659

No shit, but that's not what the other anon argued.

>> No.6663668

Other ways for you to save on future expenses include investing in a home dialysis machine, and maybe scoping out a cheap set of spare kidneys while you've still got a bit of time.

>> No.6663677


Cuz diet colabeetus is so hard on the kidneys right?

>> No.6663748

Did you buy the filters?
Enjoy the flouride

>> No.6663760

Absolutely. Caffeine and phosphoric acid is hell on them, especially if you're not drinking water.

>> No.6664154

Flouride is good for your teeth.

>> No.6664158

My grandad drank pop all his life and died from old age, not diabetes related kidney problems. Maybe you just have piss weak kidneys if you can't handle a carbonated sugary drink.

>> No.6664163

>"at home soda making"

Start drinking coffee and add sweeteners to it for flavor

>> No.6664268

Drink water before you die you chunk of shit.
You're either going to be on a veggie diet the rest if your life and get gastric bypass, or start eating like a moderate human being.
My family bought two liters that lasted for weeks dude.
Drink coffee or tea, those are actually good for you.

>> No.6664279

Did your grandfather drink 2 litres a day and never drink water?

Basically what I'm saying is you're either too stupid to read or a liar.

>> No.6664287

OP my uncle drank almost a liter of diet coke a day for 15 years. He ended up getting lukemia and had a massive stroke. Went from a happy father to a guy who couldnt use his left arm and lost 10 IQ points, his job, and went bald. The research is out there that soda isnt that good for you but diet soda takes out the sugars and replaces it with even more bad shit to cover for it. I'd advise against drinking diet, and furthermore I'd try weening yourself off of drinking that much. Soda is meant to be a treat, not a replacment for water.

>> No.6664295

If you're drinking enough soda to consider a commercial dispenser then the better option is to drink less soda.

>> No.6664315

I wouldn't bother, you won't live long enough to enjoy whatever option you settle on. Get a hold of yourself you fucking pig.

>> No.6664984

Just buy some offbrand shit.

These drinks out of those machines taste like shit anyways.

>> No.6664998

Enjoy your cancer.
Enjoy dying at 60.
Enjoy the last 5 years of your life to be unbelievably painful as the dozens of chemo sessions you had do absolutely nothing to help.

>> No.6665409
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>> No.6665413

do you plan to vaccinate your kids?