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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6653894 No.6653894 [Reply] [Original]

What dishes taste good cold?

Or are there any type of good tasting foods that is supposed to be eaten cold?

Heat is fucking killing me.

>> No.6653909


cold soups
something else

>> No.6653914

gazpacho, vichyssoise, tartare, sushi, sashimi, etc.

>> No.6654053

I dunno where people think that some foods don't taste remarkably well cold.

I think there are hot foods that also have good taste when cold, but of course there are exceptions.

Generally, any foods that have some sort of fat content will not taste particularly well or have a good texture while cold


>Grilled Steak
>Fried foods

I think the only exceptions here is if you particularly trim the fat on a steak, then it'll be good cold.

Sausages also have good flavor when cold.

>> No.6654074

Top logic there Shitlock.

>> No.6654081

Ice cream, it's best cold.

>> No.6654089

Buttermilk with ample sugar and ice. And a pinch of salt. Ultimate way to beat the heat.

>> No.6654147


>> No.6654195

I eat cold chili. Best if you leave it at least a day in the fridge first.

>> No.6654200

Sliced steak and tzatziki sauce.

>> No.6654212

excluding dairy, as long as it's not lukewarm it's fine

>> No.6655479


Leftover cold fried chicken is GOAT.

>> No.6655485

The love of a beautiful woman.

>> No.6655489
File: 767 KB, 2048x1536, Fried chicken..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fried Chicken

>> No.6655941

Leftover pizza, leftover curry

>> No.6655947

I love how sushi always sends you retards into unfathomable seething rage.

>> No.6655951

......why is your picture upside down

>> No.6655962

Literally just chill everything. Today I ate cold rice. Don't be a faggot. If you want to eat something and you also don't want whatever it is to be hot then chill it in the freezer for a bit and then eat the thing you wanted to eat not-hot.

>> No.6655967

You forgot to call OP a fucking retard. OP you fucking retard.

>> No.6656031

It's not. KFC is so greasy it'll stick to any flat surface.

>> No.6656257

>grease makes things sticky

American Education everyone

>> No.6656262

Go swim the barrier reef, aus fag.

>> No.6656267
File: 42 KB, 650x250, apfelstrudel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not even the right Hemisphere,ameriturd

On topic:Apfelstrudel tastes great hot and cold,most cakes and pastries do

>> No.6656277

Whatever, you ausfalian troll.

>> No.6658002

have you ever had a cold toaster strudel? it's fucking terrible.

>> No.6658019


To be honest, I've always been a fan of eating things cold, and not simply out of laziness.

Growing up one of my favorite snacks was frozen waffles, still frozen. It's probably responsible for me having gone more towards rich, salty or bitter foods (such as liver pates and anchovies), but fucking cold rice is never a good idea (room temperature is okay in context).

>> No.6658032

> ....

>> No.6658044

Cold soba noodles. God-tier summer food.

>> No.6658068

Pizza. Any fucking pizza. I swear to Christ that shit is almost better cold than hot.

>> No.6658175

Okay it was more cool rice. I've never cared about my food temperature until I started experimenting with medicinal doses of herbs and doses and after a particular regimen I started getting really hot in the evening (called empty heat in chinese medicine). After that I chilled on the cayenne and start eating food purposely chilled (because it's constantly in the 90's where i live and overheating can literally kill me),

The rice was cool. I have sensitive teeth. But I've been chilling all the things if I want to.


Seconded. Literally anything is pretty boss cold. OP lack-a da freedom of thought.

>> No.6658198


>cold soba noodles

I've been eating this 2-3 times a week lately. I usually just do a typical soy, mirin, sugar sauce with scallions, but have also been experimenting with it as a base for whatever shit I have lying around and am in mood for.

There's just something about the consistency of cold soba that's irresistible. You just need to cook it, chill it, and eat it immediately.

>> No.6658204

Nothing hits the spot like a cold pizza on a hot day. It has to be cooked first, of course.

>> No.6658480

Korean cold noodle soup.

>> No.6658521

Tuna sandwich

>> No.6658815

...shut up anon

>> No.6658892
File: 820 KB, 1873x2497, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not sure if you mean cold dishes or dishes that are still tasty when they've cooled down, OP, but I have a few go-tos in each category


Fresh, leafy and juicy vegetable salads, especially with feta or mozzarella, always hits the spot

Soups, gazpacho and cold beetroot, personal favourite tbh, if you wanna make it try and get kefir, if that's not an option I think buttermilk might work or failing that, a mix of water and sour cream, don't know the ratios though

>cooled down

Pizza, fuck, I prefer some pizza when it's cold the next day, tbh, bit of vinegar or sauce to moisten that bitch up and you're golden

Pasta is something I enjoy cold, too, my gf and I don't eat meat so whenever we make sauce it's still very much palatable as the lack of any sort of fat or grease prevents it from going gloopy or grainy and in need of being heated up, feels good when you cook some up for lunch and have leftovers for dinner when you're too lazy or tired to cook, I'm friends with a guy that used to come to my house during lunch breaks back when we were in high school and just eat cold pasta and grated cheese out of a tupperware box

>> No.6658915
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Cold meat loaf sandwich with this.

>> No.6659545

Toasterstrudel and Apfelstrudel are nothing alike,I even provided a picture for people like you

>> No.6659561
File: 70 KB, 540x596, klingon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Revenge is a dish best eaten cold.

>> No.6659585

I've been living off fruit, gazpacho, and ice cream for like a month now. Occasionally I'll make pasta salad if it gets cool enough that I want to turn on the stove. I get my protein from peanuts and yogurt.

>> No.6660349

any pizza that doesnt have much meat

>> No.6660372

That would require firing up the pizza oven, which might literally cause OP to combust from the heat

>> No.6660381


>> No.6660432

the picture's not upside down. it's from australia.

>> No.6660564
File: 133 KB, 400x505, 1427383331491.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>trying this hard

>> No.6661042

Cold maguro sashimi

>> No.6661211

not really food to eat, but nothing beats a virgin pina colada on sweltering nights

>> No.6661213

I think Chili is good cold.