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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6655772 No.6655772 [Reply] [Original]

>reading recipe
>everything in nice exact measurements
>a "pinch" of salt

>> No.6655775

It means "less than can reasonably be expected to measure with standard equipment."

>> No.6655779

>reading recipe for roasted chicken
>season raw chicken with salt and pepper to taste
>raw chicken
>to taste
I ain't tasting that shit nigga

>> No.6655788


>> No.6655792

My kitchen measurements magnet says a pinch = 1/8 tsp

>> No.6655794

Bleh. Too much. Are you making food, or a salt basin?

>> No.6655802

>too much
You've obviously never worked in a kitchen before. Go ask an actual chef how much a pinch is. If you're doing it with less than 2 fingers and your thumb then you're doing it wrong.

>> No.6655807

I doubt I would want to add that much salt into let's say a batch of cookies. It all depends what you are cooking and how much.

>> No.6655812

Yeah fair enough.

>> No.6655868

I have a little spoon that measures out a "pinch"

>> No.6655894

But that's wrong. Do you even know how salt works?

>> No.6655896

Wait you're posting from the kitchen?

>> No.6655901

No, I just went down to the kitchen.

>> No.6655908

Protip: You can make the cookies without it.

>> No.6656951

>home made coconut

>> No.6656956

You don't make your own coconut?

>> No.6656957

Why would you deliberately make something worse to prove a point?

>> No.6656959

home cooks always add way too little salt

you're all fucking pussies

a pinch is like at least a quarter teaspoon

>> No.6656960

because he's american

>> No.6656965
File: 6 KB, 250x250, b051a6d9bc8db55bc0c952dcc53171cd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where is your God now?

>> No.6656971

What about a smidge?

>> No.6656972

or a bit

>> No.6657132


It's called tasting your food.

Salt is unique in that you only need a little, but how much exactly will depend on the other ingredients and your own taste.

>> No.6657135

jesus christ
thats the dumbest shit i've ever seen

>> No.6657165


it's a joke you tard

>> No.6657169

There are plenty of cutesy things for the kitchen targeting women.

>> No.6657171


yes and they're usually jokes

>> No.6657177

Is that seriously triggering to you?

You need to relax friendo, your food will probably be fine with a few mg of extra salt. Finger size need not worry.

>> No.6657186

It's a lot easier to add more salt than remove salt

>> No.6657193


'it's better to underseason your food than season your food'

>> No.6657200

picture of spoon.

>> No.6657246

You can add salt after it's done, fuck off with the strawman

>> No.6657255


but you don't, that's the point. and sometimes it's not appropriate to do that. sometimes the salt has to be dissolved into something or layered in somewhere, just getting people to sprinkle salt on at the table is artless and frequently unpalatable.

>> No.6657275

>just getting people to sprinkle salt on at the table is artless

Nobody said you had to make your guests do it bro.

The person doing the cooking ought to taste the dish and adjust seasoning accordingly rather than blindly adding however much seasoning a recipe calls for.

>> No.6657282

>get salt
>prepare fingers
>trap salt between thumb, pointer and middle fingers
>release over food as desired


>> No.6657286


...which is exactly what i'm saying you fucktard. what are you even arguing about.

>> No.6657299
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>I doubt I would want to add that much salt into let's say a batch of cookies.
>He thinks they use "pinches" in baking recipes.

>> No.6657332

the instructions do not specify which fingers

why do you assume they use 3 fingers instead of just thumb and index

>> No.6657340


thumb and index is a small pinch

>> No.6657341 [DELETED] 

EXACTLY, but they don't specify. Also, just like the people which they are a part of, thumbs and fingers are not equal.

They might as well say "Salt to taste" or "Just fuck that shit up"

>> No.6657518

Depends on the recipe

>> No.6657562

>being autistic
>not realizing that sometimes the author is going out of their way to guide you in where the best places to adjust may be
Your ingredients aren't going to have the same characteristics every single time. You need to learn to adjust for variables if you want to be a decent cook.

>> No.6657570

I heard French recipes back in Julia Childs' day when she started putting together her first book didn't use measurements at all. iirc Miss Kay from Duck Dynasty when videotaping her cooking instructional she started doing something similar which they had to try and correct her.

>> No.6657592


>> No.6657602

1/8 of a bite :^)

>> No.6658923

1/4 of a nibble :^)

>> No.6659365
File: 409 KB, 589x506, 1433549755478.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

baking is precise measurements
there is no "depends on the fucking recipe" you lupper

>> No.6659370


OP'S recipe is for cookies

>> No.6659380


different cookies have different recipes you dumb fuck

>> No.6659386
File: 138 KB, 375x375, 1406593109955.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

none of which would call for a pinch, rather 1/8th, or 1/16th

holy shit anon

>> No.6659390


yes they would

you realise the salt is intended just for seasoning right

which means it's up to personal preference within an approximate range

aka a fucking pinch

you dunderhead

>> No.6659548

Now a days recipes tend to be about precise measurements. Yesteryear's recipes used eyeballing.

>> No.6659569


>Pinch of kosher salt

>> No.6661014

oy vey

>> No.6661237

byte, you fucking clod

>> No.6661289

It was a pun.

>> No.6661296

Enjoy your food tasting like it was made by a low test beta faggot LOL