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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 220 KB, 2272x1713, 16686.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6656137 No.6656137 [Reply] [Original]

Ranch or blue cheese with buffalo wings?

>> No.6656143

Hot sauce

>> No.6656153


>> No.6656168

Neither, I just eat them with the buffalo sauce.

>> No.6656179

Ranch. Blue is acceptable but ranch taste better

>> No.6656181

Bleu cheese like a motherfucker.

FYI: Motherfuckers like bleu cheese.

>> No.6656200

>le Joey Diaz meme

Bet you think smoking pot is a fucking religious highly-existential experience too, Rogan-dicksucker

>> No.6656207

>bleu cheese

>> No.6656601

I usually get both because I like variety and am not a poorfag.

>> No.6656608

>bleu cheese
Do you mean fromage bleu? Or perhaps blue cheese?

>> No.6656612

dry ranch run, flash fried, buffalo sauce, finished on grill, blue cheese dip

>> No.6656615

Whatever the fuck. I grew up on the border with intermingled languages. Get over it.

>> No.6656619

Fuck off. Franglais is almost as annoying as Spanglish, and this is coming from someone who speaks both Spanish and English.

>> No.6656637

ill bet you fumar the cock too huh esse

>> No.6656774

Ranch, but I don't usually dip my wings.

But I like to debone them for dipping.

>> No.6656812

Fuck I want wings but I'm broke. I thought chicken wings were supposed to be cheap as fuck nigger food.

>> No.6656847

They were and then wings got extremely popular. Chicken wings are now the most expensive part of the bird.

>> No.6656851 [DELETED] 

Goddamn cucks appropriating cultures.

>> No.6656862

What would be the best way to take chicken legs and make them wing-like?

>> No.6656870

I don't dip hot wings in anything because I am not 6 years old.

>> No.6656872
File: 388 KB, 510x383, chicken leg quarters.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nigga you dumb as fuck

yo simple ass better roll on and get some leg quarters

>> No.6656873
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>> No.6656875

Do those deep fry well?

>> No.6656876







what asshole part of the country do you live in with chicken that cheap

>> No.6656877

>Sambo finds keyboard; attempts communication.

>> No.6656879

>what asshole part of the country do you live in with chicken that cheap

meat in bulk is cheaper than buying it in smaller quantities it is the most basic economic concept possible

>> No.6656880
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>They eat their wings like savages.

>> No.6656881

They are the leg and thigh, still attached to each other. Separate them and they deep fry perfectly fine.

>> No.6656884

>how to eat a chicken wing like a god damn pansy-ass faggot boy

>> No.6656886

Is there any meat on those bones?

>> No.6656888


I usually just swallow the chicken wing whole like I am a snake/Rottweiler.

>> No.6656895

>not eating like a feral savage means you are a pansyfag.

All of the meat comes off so you aren't gnawing at a bone like some nigger cannibal in the congo.

>> No.6656897

>All of the meat comes off so you aren't gnawing at a bone like some nigger cannibal in the congo.

Eat the bone with the wing you fucking pussy.

>> No.6656898

I bet you pee sitting down.

>> No.6656900

Only if I'm taking a shit, it's more efficient that way.

>> No.6656907

fuck off Jamal.

>> No.6656911
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>> No.6656934

What is the hottest wing sauce you can get at the store?

>> No.6657534

Blue cheese with wasabi mixed in.

>> No.6657672

>legs and thighs
>chicken wings

how about a fat sack of NO.

>> No.6657729

Blue always... I hate ranch I can't understand why anyone likes it st all.

>> No.6657745


why don't you go fry up the wing of a chicken and see how it goes down bub

>> No.6657749

>implying Asians haven't mastered chicken eating

>> No.6657757

>ranch even being an option

>> No.6657761

>not taking a shit while standing up and pissing to be even more efficient

>> No.6657769
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>people prefer moldy cheese over buttermilk sauce

>> No.6657777
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Perfectly, you mong.

>> No.6657784


Very Hot

>> No.6657786


>holy qualudes

>> No.6657805

People that choose blue cheese over ranch should be gassed.

>> No.6657810

Why was this thread brought into existence?
Why does this thread still exist?

>> No.6657836

bill pls

>> No.6657849

blue cheese obviously. ranch is a pleb tier, fatty mgoo sauce for assholes that require it for every meal. the only people i have honestly choose ranch for anything have either been pleb ass salad dressing users or just plain fatasses. blue cheese compliments the hot wing better.

disregard this, he is a huge faggot

>> No.6657856

you do this, you are probably the asshole that inspects his weed, rolls a nice joint from a deconstructed cigar, then smokes rather than just buy a pipe.

>> No.6657864

>Neither, I just eat them with the buffalo sauce

This....dear god this. Why do people look at me like I'm fucking crazy cause I don't eat my wings covered in salad dressing.

>> No.6657866
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>people actually unironically like Blue Cheese.

>> No.6657875
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If you're not dipping your wings in butter you're not doing it right.

>> No.6657929


These people are all faggots. Like, buttfucking, turdchomping faggots.

Ranch is for absolute human trash, reserved for salads made with iceberg lettuce out of typical midwesterner households where the inhabitants can't stop fucking their cousins and can't leave their house without a specially modified Rascal scooter to support their weight.

>> No.6657943
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bland breast man detected

>> No.6657955
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I also dislike ranch. I recently saw a bag of potato chips with a jar of ranch pictured as a suggested dip. Dipping fat in more fat. Gresham gravy we call it because only trashy dirtbags like it, and they like it on everything.

>> No.6657958

>people dip their wings in white stuff to make it not as hot
If you can't handle the heat you shouldn't be eating hot wings anyway.

>> No.6657962

I'm with you.

>> No.6657977

>bone in

enjoy being a faggot.

>> No.6657994

Are you fucking retarded?

>> No.6657996


>muh tendies

>> No.6658005

What are tendies? It sounds sexual.

>> No.6658014
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>> No.6658018
File: 66 KB, 490x368, cuddles.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to get my boyfriend to call me that in bed from now on.

>> No.6658023

Blue Cheese with wings or go fuck your mother.

>> No.6658027


It's like Ted Bundy but all at the same time

>> No.6658030

I used to like ranch but then I looked down and had hair on my nuts so now I eat my wings with blue cheese, but only if it's the kind with chunks of actual cheese in it. If it's the watery shit then I eat my wings bare.

>> No.6658066
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Cutespeak for tenders, which the civilized call chicken strips.

>> No.6658072

>Caring this much about a condiment

Get a life

>> No.6658076
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>caring enough to reply

>> No.6658080


Holy fuck if your asshole is that itchy go wipe more and calm down and then come back to post

>> No.6658085
File: 2.87 MB, 320x240, 1434762365860.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>he can't stop replying
>he's literally obsessed

>> No.6658110

Have any of you ever tried Caesar salad dressing on wings? It's the fucking best.

>> No.6658111

thats the most flyover thing I've ever read.

>> No.6658141

The fuck does that mean?

>> No.6658197

Why the fuck do people need shit like ranch or blue cheese or celery to eat fucking wings?
Are they really that hot you need something to stop your mouth from burning?

>> No.6658206

good god those look amazing right now.
nice quads btw

>> No.6658230

I wonder how buffalo wings dipped in yum yum sauce would be like?

>> No.6658242


blue cheese tastes like shit

>> No.6658249

>Can't taste more than 1 flavor at a time.

Chicken with just ranch and chicken with only buffalo sauce are not as good as chicken with both

>> No.6658251

People are pussies. I like wings straight without any dipping sauces. I find dipping sauces ruin the flavour of the wing.

>> No.6658265

Don't worry about it. It's just a meme.

>> No.6658274

Then you weren't here the day someone suggested dressing pasta and chicken breast with Caesar dressing.

>> No.6658400

It's blue cheese with wings or fuck ya motha

>> No.6658429

i just bought 4 lbs of chicken wings, how should i cook them up?

>> No.6658444

With heat

>> No.6658449
File: 15 KB, 633x758, tfw fat.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>saucing your wings that have already been sauced

are your taste buds that numb fatty?

>> No.6658473 [DELETED] 

You guys want to make some God Tier Buffalo wings?

Follow this motherfucking recipe, it is motherfucking good, and the woman showing you how to do it is funny.


>> No.6658477

i knew it was gonna be that video before i checked.

>> No.6658483
File: 13 KB, 356x469, Fee chicken.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys want to make some God Tier Buffalo wings?

Follow this motherfucking recipe, it is motherfucking good, and the woman showing you how to do it is funny to boot.


>> No.6658486

Sorry, made a double post by mistake, and wanted to only delete one but deleted both, haha.

>> No.6658496



>These people are all faggots. Like, buttfucking, turdchomping faggots.
>Ranch is for absolute human trash, reserved for salads made with iceberg lettuce out of typical midwesterner households where the inhabitants can't stop fucking their cousins and can't leave their house without a specially modified Rascal scooter to support their weight.

Best post on /ck/ in quite a while
SIR I Salute you
These lousy faggots are very out of hand

>> No.6658500

is ranch the ketchup of salad dressings?

>> No.6658506

Green Godess is so much better.

>> No.6658660
File: 32 KB, 350x351, reddit-logo2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They dip their wings

>> No.6658747

Blue cheese for lyfe, but i never dip my wings in it, I just like it with my celery/carrots.

>> No.6658814

mango habanero

>> No.6658825

Why are wings such a meme in the US? They used to be a waste product (or at least the meat was used in processed goods). Don't really see the appeal of a small amount of meat & quite a lot of bone.

>> No.6658872

Hey, I distinctly remember that I heard wings were one of the shittiest parts of the chicken and that breasts were the preferred part. Some kind of shit before the WWII period. I'm drunk so I can't type anymore.

>> No.6658883

That would be the breasts, chicken breast is lousy, it's dry and not very flavorful. The thigh is the best because it is tender moist and juicy.

>> No.6658896

If wings were waste then it was since the expectations put upon chickens were different. You wanted the biggest parts of the bird for a proper dinner back in the day. We are more of a snacking society now.

>> No.6658902

neither. if the sauce can't stand on it's own, i don't fucking want it.

>> No.6659209

Spanglish is pretty useful in many American restaurant kitchens tho...

>> No.6659211

Thigh is better in most dishes, but breast works in some specific instances. Thighs should be your default choice though

>> No.6659586

Blue Cheese and Ranch are pleb-tier

>> No.6659636

Cake icing is patrician.

>> No.6659729
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Unrelated note, use sirriacha sauce instead of what ever hot sauce you have been using when you make wings. You will never go back

>> No.6659738

Unless you hate Asian spice blends.

>> No.6659747


Sriracha is Jalapeno peppers, sugar, and garlic. The name might imply Asian but those flavors are very generic--they aren't Asian specific at all.

>> No.6659779

It still has a distinct Asian flavor which unless you like Asian you won't like it.

>> No.6659798

Because Americans are fucking stupid when it comes to cuisine. Note that I am not calling American Cuisine stupid, but the average amerifat is fucking dumb when it comes to eating good tasting food

>> No.6659799

I haven't tried very many but blairs death rain is not bad.

their habanero chips are really tastey. excellent smokey habanero flavour.

>> No.6659808

nah they put sriacha in pizza parlors and mexican restaurants now.

>> No.6659814

you're retarded for eating that in the first place

>> No.6659815

>eats ranch on wings
>you're a cocksucka

>> No.6659828

First no one eats in a "pizza parlor" Second just because they put it on the table doesn't mean most patrons use it. Red crushed peppers are associated with pizza but few use it. Only a select millennial niche regularly use meme sauce for anything.

>> No.6659895

I always put crushed red.pepper on my pizza its delicious.

>> No.6659912

I tend not to add things to my pizza.

>> No.6659970


go take your meme sauce back to reddit

>> No.6659979


NYC has a fuckton of pizza parlors but if I ever saw sriracha in one I would leave and go somewhere else

>> No.6659986

>not using every shaker in the pizzeria on your slice

i bet the owners and regulars all laugh at you

>> No.6659995

No one eats at the pizzeria here.

>> No.6660010

Where do you live?

>> No.6660020

Topeka, Kansas

>> No.6660030


>> No.6660144

ese esse fuma loads of muhfugging carajos, men

>> No.6660240

Typical Flyovers.

>> No.6660253
File: 131 KB, 551x549, conspiracykeanu-whoa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>let put fat on an already fatty food


>> No.6660297


What's the fucking point? The sauce is on the wings to make them hot. The dressing is usually served with celery to curb some of the spicyness from the wings. Why would you put that shit on the wings unless you're a gigantic pussy

>> No.6660303


Cooking would be at least 40 times better if every video was like this

>> No.6660328

Buffaloes don't have wings you fucking retard

>> No.6660334
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>> No.6660336

nice facebook image faggot

>> No.6660641


Not anymore XD

>> No.6660787

Shut up king

>> No.6660794


>> No.6662276
File: 114 KB, 590x590, PeanutWings.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Godtier wings from The Peanut in Kansas City

>> No.6663285

Why is it so hard to find battered and friend wings in NYC?

>> No.6663322

KFC, Popeyes,etc.

>> No.6663641


Yeah but that sucks

Actually I just remembered I had really good wings once in ktown, I forgot korean people love fried chicken

>> No.6663650

Don't most Chinese places serve fried chicken?

>> No.6663661


I guess not so much around here, occasionally I'll see "wing ding" or something but I'm afraid to order it

>> No.6663674 [DELETED] 

You have a lot of niggers. Shouldn't there be quite a few fried chicken joints?

>> No.6664150

neither unless you have a fucking vagina.

>> No.6664446
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This is the only correct answer.

Just simplify it: mold or mayonnaise?

>> No.6664467

nyc chinese places definitely have fried chicken, and it's some of the most delicious fried chicken i've ever had

it's like they fry it in msg and garlic

>> No.6664626

Quinky sauce

>> No.6664653


>> No.6664672

>Just simplify it: mold or mayonnaise?
apparently neither for you, you just want greasy vinegar

>> No.6664676

Bleu cheese

>> No.6664677

I usually like Ranch better, but Blue Cheese once in a while is nice.

>> No.6664678
File: 145 KB, 207x389, ChunkyBleuCheese_44247_V2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6666304



>> No.6666345

I prefer hot wings, not buffalo wings.

>> No.6666426

No boner, stopppppppppppppppp

>> No.6666450

Damn look at all those buzzwords, you must be really good at posting on 4chan. My up votes to you xD

>> No.6666972

>not eating your wings with sambal
>not injecting memes directly in to your bloodstream

>> No.6667072
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>tfw not enough places leave on the thumb

>> No.6667258


Is it even a thumb? Sometimes you get lucky and you can find someone who sells the whole wings without separating them.

>> No.6667336

>Putting sauce on wings

>> No.6667771

These guys get it. It's a lot of fun to debone them to. It's very satisfying the way the bone just slides out all clean and perfect

>> No.6667956

Fall off the mother fuckin bone! I swear the shit will!

I loved this video

>> No.6667962
File: 352 KB, 686x576, akari 4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate getting my hands dirty. Does anyone else use a fork and knife or chopsticks or whatever to pick the meat off the bone?

>> No.6667967


>> No.6667972

How would you even do that with chopsticks?

I feel you, though. I usually just make boneless wings.

>> No.6667974

I don't mind getting my hands dirty when I'm cooking, but I absolutely hate getting them dirty when I'm eating, especially if I'm going out to eat. It's so annoying having to wipe my hands every time I need to grab something that isn't a wing, and having a pile of dirty napkins piling up around me looks gross. Is that weird?

It's pretty simple once you get the hang of it. I just poke a hole through the piece I want to grab and pull it away to loosen it up and then grab it off with the chopsticks. It's not something I do normally though. A friend bet I couldn't and I said I could. I do eat crabs with chopsticks though, among other things.

I've tried boneless wings when going out, but they never turn out as good as traditional wings. I've yet to make boneless ones at home either.

>> No.6667977

Are you an underwear inspector by chance?

>> No.6667983

In colombia they have one plastic glove that comes with chicken meals at restaurants and stuff so your hand doesnt get covered in shit. Its a pretty good idea tbh

>> No.6667988
File: 20 KB, 400x400, TPB_RIcky_400x400..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're eating wings, ribs, or whatever, everyone is in the same boat with a mess and a pile of napkins. Also, learn to eat those things with one hand (and split flats with one hand, too) that way you can keep the other clean for your drink and utensils.

This isn't a rocket appliance

>> No.6667993
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It sounds like a good idea, but sounds silly, at least for me.

I hate the feeling of wing sauce stuck on my hands. It's gross. I also hate getting wing sauce around my mouth which inevitably happens when trying to eat a wing traditionally.

>This isn't a rocket appliance
pls no bully

>> No.6667995

That's because the boneless wings most places serve are just chicken tendies in disguise.

>> No.6667996

They have already found a way to eat without dirtying their hands so your "advice" is pretty unnecessary.

>> No.6667997
File: 17 KB, 400x400, SKELETON SUMMONING TURTLE.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>TFW you shove the entire wing in your mouth and suck the meat off the bone

>> No.6667998

What? Poking it with a chopstick like a terrified child?

>> No.6668000

>fork and knife

>> No.6668015
File: 229 KB, 628x708, yui 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did not know that, but yeah it makes sense. Is there any way to know beforehand if they use tendies in disguise?

I'm not a terrified child, thank you very much. There's nothing wrong with not wanting to get your hands dirty. Also, eating them with chopsticks were isolated incidents because I got made fun of for using a fork and knife and being part nip.

>> No.6668039


>> No.6668181
File: 29 KB, 467x435, dradslehappyface.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> I aint got no time waitin on no sprinkles

>> No.6668260

Most pleb of all eating styles. You'd fit in perfectly on a 1/10 Food Network show about leet wing joints, which is also what I would imagine the name of the show to be.

>> No.6668264

>and being part nip
If you said so in the first place we would have already accepted that you're a dainty little fairy faggot.

>> No.6668272

>Is there any way to know beforehand if they use tendies in disguise?

Yes. You ask someone who works at the restaurant.

>> No.6668407
File: 143 KB, 833x696, anti-bully ranger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't bully! I'm not dainty.

So are real boneless wings just the chicken taken off the wings themselves? I don't think I ever had real boneless.

>> No.6668495 [DELETED] 
File: 436 KB, 524x600, abf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quit bullying my cock slave you stupid cucks although

>not getting your hands dirty with meat

I thought you liked this?