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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 7 KB, 236x214, cookiesncream.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6651767 No.6651767 [Reply] [Original]

what's the best ice cream you've ever had, /ck/?

>> No.6651777
File: 10 KB, 263x192, Icecream.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best ice-cream flavor and brand coming through.

>Best Price
>Best Quality
>Best Flavor

>> No.6651781

Some small private shop on Main st. in Fredericksburg, TX. Also where I had the best beer (different store, of course).

>> No.6651782


Some place up near Oakland in the Piedmont (?) district... fantastic ice cream. Perfect texture, amazing flavor. Never had anything like it before or since.

second place goes to me with my old White Mountain hand cranked ice cream maker. A lot of effort, but it made INCREDIBLE ice cream. Like an idiot I traded down for an electric ice cream maker which is ok but just not as good as the kind you add salt to with the metal cylinder and wooden scraper blades. Old fashioned but incredible results, WORTH THE MONEY AND EFFORT!!!

>> No.6652238
File: 38 KB, 578x712, ShitTierTastes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So what flavors do you cu/ck/s prefer in
>Ice Cream
>Soft serve?
I'll start
Zuppa Inglese
Mint chocolate
Vanilla bean

>> No.6652247


Where the fuck can I buy bubblegum ice cream in clapistan, I had it so many times as a kid but now it's just fucking gone from every place I look. That shit was amazing

>> No.6652257

Moose tracks
mint chocolate chip

>> No.6652288

Daquiri Ice from 31 flavors. I wish they sold it in tubs

>> No.6652295
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Ruby Jewel's honey lavender sandwich. It didn't grab me at first, but before I knew it I was craving only that one flavor.

>> No.6652315 [DELETED] 

forgot to add these motherfuckers right here, I use to buy them all the time and now I can't find them anywhere in California.

>> No.6652321
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forgot to add these motherfuckers right here, I use to buy them all the time and now I can't find them anywhere in California.

>> No.6652327
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>> No.6652328

Vanilla is the best. You can have vanilla or you could add chocolate syrup and have chocolate.

I just tried the breyers vanilla for the first time and it's delicious. I usually go with no name, but i've also had Hagen Dasz and Parlour. Breyers is the best so far.

>> No.6652359

You do realize that White Mountain makes electric versions of the classic design, right? Why not have the best of both worlds?

>> No.6652407
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>> No.6652438
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oreo mint

>> No.6652483

It's a good price and good flavor but the cosco I go to always has ice chunks in it. It might just be my cosco but it ruined it for me.

>> No.6652499

>Breyers qualifying as ice cream

>> No.6652514

>frozen dairy desert
99% air
who the fuck cares

>> No.6652521

Either green tea or rum raisin, both are my favorite

>> No.6652526

>frozen desert
How does that work?

>> No.6652535


>> No.6652536

ice cream with pieces of cake in it

>> No.6652538

>a desert

>> No.6652539


>> No.6652543

Its just an area of land with low precipitation with little to no vegetation or animals

>> No.6652552

>A large, dry, barren region, usually having sandy or rocky soil and little or no vegetation.

>> No.6652564

The best I've ever had was probably this strawberry gelato from this random place when I visited Paris.

>> No.6652569

Holy shit at least read the intro paragraphs

>Antarctica is considered a desert, with annual precipitation of only 200 mm (8 in) along the coast and far less inland.[7]

>> No.6652570
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This in green tea flavor

>> No.6652589

>Reading Jewipedia propaganda

>> No.6652593

I didn't know egg cartons came in flavors.

>> No.6652611

baskin robins limited edition shrek flavor

>> No.6652626

>using stupidity to cover up stupidity

what's your next move, moran?

>> No.6652654

>Ice Cream
Some form of Banana
>Soft Serve
Sludge, delicious indescribable sludge.

>> No.6652666

Mint Chocolate Chunk.

>> No.6652704

I like mint ice cream but I don't like the chocolate they insist on putting in it.

>> No.6652716


Fair enough.

>> No.6652730

>people who believe vanilla is the best flavor for anything actually exist
>how to know when someone doesn't have a personality.

>> No.6652734
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>> No.6652735

When it is between vanilla and chocolate. Vanilla is better. This is objective reality speaking.

>> No.6652740
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>he can't taste the vanilla

>> No.6653737
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Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream

>> No.6653780
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Matcha and other green tea icecreams are the best

>> No.6653899

Three best flavors I've ever had

>Red Bean
>Mint Chocolate chip
>Sweet Potato

>> No.6653906
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>best brand
Step up, sempai.

>> No.6653912
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>frozen dairy dessert

>> No.6653926
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>all these mint lovers

All gentlemen of great taste, truly the best and most dignified of flavors

>> No.6654246

Purple Dinosaur from Bruster's. My friend who works there says it's just vanilla with purple food coloring, but something about it is just reeaally good.

>> No.6654248

Butter pecan.

>> No.6654262
File: 171 KB, 1600x1200, Haagen-Dazs Rum Raisin Ice Cream.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All ice creams taste crappy to me compared to Hagen-Dasz. Like, none of the other supermarket ice creams have that sort of density and richness and have gum thickeners in them or something. Maybe I'm just crazy, but I'll choose Rum Raisin over all.

Green tea, coffee, and butter pecan are also good. I keep them in rotation.

>> No.6654288


Everything else can fuck off.

>> No.6654311
File: 669 KB, 1600x1028, 11-DSC_4840.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ice cream thread
>no Mayfield's mentioned
Everything they have is delicious, but this is my favorite

>> No.6654367

Mint isn't a secret you nigger

>> No.6654493
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I am neither a fan of ice cream or Oreo's but I'd murder a family for pic relate. £6 for 6 seems outrageously expensive though.

>> No.6654498
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Shit size,,

>> No.6654507
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>all these plebs

>> No.6654539
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>> No.6654550


Mint is not an ice cream flavour, cold numbs your mouth, mint numbs my mouth. It's like gumming a 1/8th of speed just w/o the horrible effects of the speed, and the chocolate is like little rocks.

>I fucking hate it more than any other flavour, but wtf do I know? I'm rather drunk so my opinion obviously matters more than anyone else's at the moment

>> No.6654561

How does Pistachio ice cream taste? I almost never get ice cream but I fucking love pistachios (beside the price).

>> No.6654562
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I wonder how these are.

>> No.6654570


mah nigga

>> No.6654637
File: 98 KB, 370x258, GetImage[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>solid chocolate
>and like egg liquer or some shit
Fuck these are tasty, have some in the fridge but need to hold off those cals

>> No.6654640


Quite okay, based anon. I support your right to not like mint ice cream.

>> No.6654711

Think again, Orebro.

>> No.6655091
File: 361 KB, 815x1024, blue moon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought the feds killed you, Mr. McVeigh.

...I'm still hurt in the ass that that traitor didn't choose the Blue moon of his homeland

>> No.6655125

Salty Pimp Sundae from Big Gay Ice Cream.

>> No.6655136

In australia, we have Mint Madness from wendys. It's basically a mint cookies & cream with chocolate sauce stirred through it... It's the greatest thing ever.

>> No.6655153

Fat Elvis or Cookies n Cream

>> No.6655168

Chocolate turtle ice cream from Swensen's in San Francisco

>> No.6655174

i dont like ice cream tbh

>> No.6655175

I hope you like fucking off.

>> No.6655179


>> No.6655194
File: 39 KB, 535x400, spumoni.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you niggers even trying? STEP THE FUCK UP

>> No.6655199

Haagen-Dazs is by far the best ice cream brand. Best flavor is probably coffee. I also like how the ingredients are a simple list of something like "cream, milk, sugar, egg yolk, coffee"

>> No.6655207
File: 53 KB, 350x339, implying.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


His choice of mint ice cream only raises my opinion of him.

>> No.6655208

Cherry Garcia is one of the pillars of western civilization AFAIAC and hand's down in the top 5 of all time flavors

but the best ice cream I ever had was homemade german chocolate goats milk . One spoon and I fell down dead, it was better than a blow job

>> No.6655218
File: 86 KB, 575x350, 0613-reese-ice-cream-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're all plebs. PB master race coming through..

>> No.6655259

I prefer making my own ice cream.

>> No.6655268

homemade is not a flavor

neither is smug

>> No.6655427

>frozen dairy dessert

>> No.6655429

frozen "dairy" dessert? I dont think so

>> No.6655434
File: 345 KB, 438x421, TT_OrangeChocoChipResized.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Step the fuck up

>> No.6655444


meme flavor

>> No.6655450

Smug could be a flavor. Like imagine what your own farts would taste like if they were a flavor. That's the flavor of smug.

>> No.6655452

>all this green mint

>not glorious peppermint

The epitome of plebery

>> No.6655458

peppermint is also green

>> No.6655460

next ben & jerry's flavor! Navel Gazer: supremed navel oranges, farts, and belly button lint

tagline: When Fellating Yourself Is Just Too Much Effort

peppermint is only dyed red so you don't get confused. It's also green

>> No.6655604

>breyers isn't icecream
>muh favor8 maymay

>> No.6655651
File: 2.49 MB, 1280x720, cats always land on their feet.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sprinkle generous amounts of cayenne pepper on your icecream for the ultimate mindfuck.

>> No.6655675


Ever since i read about this i've wanted to try it. Anybody here had the fortune of grabbing some?

>> No.6655677
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I get one every day. The fucking best. Good bubble gum too.

>> No.6655685


>> No.6655704

my nigga

>> No.6655854

fucking triggered.

bought them at the asian market the other day. tastes half-way menthol and half-way stale chalk.

Lo and behold it's made in fucking indonesia, not japan like i was hoping(japanese Ritz crackers are better than america's imo). those fucking southeast asian cunts

>> No.6655857

It is just a flavor of oreo right and not ice cream?

>> No.6655860

Salt & Straw has some really good flavors sometimes, but it's like $10 for a fucking pint. Mostly, I don't like going there because the line at the one in the Alphabet District always has a line around the block, and I really don't feel like driving out to Alberta to get ice cream.

>> No.6655863

It literally and legally isn't. That's why they have to call it "frozen dairy dessert" and not "ice cream," because it's not ice cream.

>> No.6655870

I've heard the only reason that is the case was the pieces in it. If you look at their plain vanilla or chocolate it says ice cream rather than frozen dairy dessert.

>> No.6655904

cookies and cream
vanilla with sprinkles because faggot

>> No.6655980

Mint Chocolate
Banana Caramel

>> No.6656000

inb4 pleb

Either Cinnamon Bun or Peanutbutter Cup Ben and Jerry's

>> No.6656003

coconut ice cream, served in a coconut, from a street vendor in Thailand

>> No.6656011
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This shit right here. Mango ice cream. Not sorbet, ice cream.

>> No.6657867
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>Mint Chocolate
>Banana Caramel
10/10 anon, I think I like your choices better than my own.

>> No.6657910

go NZ!!!!

>> No.6657915

Cookie dough ice cream, MSU
Cheese Ice cream

>> No.6658074

Hokey Pokey Ice-cream of most brands