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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6643698 No.6643698 [Reply] [Original]

Who jammin' here?
Best flavors and odd combinations?
How'd you get started and for how long?
I've got a peach tree and tiny little shits for peaches that taste so good that I'm going to give it a go at making my own jam for the first time.
Makes me wish I had some strawberries though

>> No.6643853

Going to Do the first canning day of the season this weekend. Going for blueberry jam with gin, straight strawberry jam (by request. My favourite has cider and lavender) and a preserve of mxed dried fruits and rhum.

>> No.6643877

Plum is my favorite jam to make, both red plums and those little yellow wild plums make tasty stuff.
peach halves are good, or peach pie filing

>> No.6646164

i made peach jam one time. I found it to be too sweet (I probably just put too much sugar in, because I never really measure my jam ingredients), it seemed like there weren't enough other flavors to counteract the sweetness. I live in SC and was using very fresh peaches if that helps.

I started jamming when two of my friends were sitting in a Chick Fil A one cold winters night thinking of something to do, so we decided to make some jam. We headed over to walmart and bought strawberies, sugar, etc. and made some jam in the parking lot in the bed of my friends truck. It ended up getting a ton of broken glass and stuff, but was fun so we kept doing it, usually outside on a camping stove.

>> No.6647306
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Fellow canner here. I make a ton of jam because I sell it locally. I prefer to do several small batches, but I'm currently doing large batches (18+ jars per batch) to sell at the farmers market.

I'll post some jam pics, and answer any questions
if y'all have any.

Pic is mango chili

>> No.6647309
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I use Pomonas Pectin. It's a low sugar pectin so I can add just enough sweetener to preserve the jam without making it taste like candy.

Pic is raspberry chipotle jam

>> No.6647312
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Strawberry Basil Jam

>> No.6647316
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Blackberry Lime Jam

All my blackberry and raspberry jams are seedless. It's tedious to remove them, but worth it.

>> No.6647321
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Lemon Lavender

>> No.6647322

I've never canned my jams and haven't made any jam in about a year now, but my favourite homemade jam is red bell pepper. It's seriously delicious.
Homemade cherry jam is a distant second.

I grew up with jam-making done at home, so it's been a part of my life as long as I can remember.

Peach is the most nuisancesome to make into jam, IMO, because I hate peeling the fuckers. Getting a mouth full of fuzz is not tasty.

>> No.6647324
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Honey Kiwi

Also seedless.

>> No.6647328

I have several other product that I don't have pics for-

Nectarine upside down conserve
Curried white cherries
Chocolate cherry sundae topper
Grapefruit ginger marmalade
Black Forrest preserves

You do know how to blanch and peel them righ? That's super easy and you can make Peach Skin Jam from the skins.

>> No.6647364

>blanch and peel
Like I do with tomatoes when making tomato jam? Also blueberries. Hrm!
Would you believe that it never crossed my mind to do the same with peaches? With most fruits, I just put them in, skin and all. Cherries, plums, peppers and muscats all go in with skins on because I honestly don't mind it at all. I peel peaches, apricots and slip-skin grapes, though.

Thanks for the idea, Anon. You're my special friend and I like you.

>> No.6647377
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Oh I forgot- I'm making pie filling today too! Blueberry and strawberry. I'm going to use them to make little individual red white and blue cheesecake cups for a 4th of July party.

A note to fellow canners- if you're interested in canning pie filling, get a product called Clear-Jel (it's a modified corn starch). It's a must for pie filling. It doesn't look nasty in the jar like regular cornstarch does.

>> No.6647384


Or you can skip adding starch at all, and instead just use more fruit and cook it down longer.

>> No.6647389

Exactly like with tomatoes. It's super easy if you have a good setup. One hint from me- keep your boiling water HOT and your cold water ICY. lukewarm water will just cook your peaches and turn them into mush. Take the time to let the hot water come back to a boil, and add ice when your cold water gets too warm.
And bless you for making 'Mater jam! Are you a southerner as well? I'm waiting on local maters to make my own. Do you take the seeds out? As you may have noticed, I make my jams seedless whenever possible.
I'm glad to make a new canning friend ;)
Let's try and keep this thread from falling off too quickly.

>> No.6647394

You don't get the same texture. I really prefer the silky mouthfeel of clear-jel. If you've ever had canned pie filling, it's like that.

>> No.6647546

>And bless you for making 'Mater jam! Are you a southerner as well?
Of sorts. I'm a southerner in my country, but I'm not an American southerner, sorry!

>I'm waiting on local maters to make my own. Do you take the seeds out?
Sometimes, when I use larger tomatoes. Usually, I can't be arsed since I use tiny ones that are about the size and shape of grapes. I also don't peel them. I peel other sorts of tomatoes when I make other things, but not jam, generally.
Is your tomato jam meant to be eaten sweet or savoury? While mine is sweetened, as all jams are, I eat it with savoury foods. Slice of toasted bread spread with cream cheese, topped with tomato jam and a few salted anchovies or smoked sardines and I'm a happy camper.

>As you may have noticed, I make my jams seedless whenever possible.
I did, I did!

>I'm glad to make a new canning friend ;)
Aw, me too. Don't hate me, though, if I tell you that I don't actually can. See >>6647322
>I've never canned my jams
I just make a small bit at a time, store it in the fridge and eat before it goes off.

Do you make any jams you use more in savoury applications like I do my tomato jam? I make a few. A favourite is caramelised onion jam with caraway. It's great with roast lamb, among other things.

>> No.6647562

>I'm a southerner in my county
>Is your tomato jam meant to be eaten sweet or savoury?
I make a savory, low sugar batch (usually with red tomatoes) and a sweet batch (with yellow maters).
>I don't actually can
That's too bad, jam is super easy to can. To be honest, I can my jam because I'm always looking for a new recipe to try. I can so I'm able to make more jam before using up the last batch.
>Do you make any jams you use more in savoury applications
Oh yes. My Lemon Lavender makes a great marinade, my mango chili jam makes an excellent base for BBQ sauce, and I make a honey jerk jam for grilled meats. I've been thinking about making a sweet sriratcha jam.

I hate to sound like a schill for Pomonas Pectin, but that stuff really is awesome. I can make jam with no sugar at all! That is really helpful for making savory jams and such.

>> No.6648728

fox apple jelly
the hillbilly folk call them that but i can't find anything about them online.

medium sized yellow apples with a red blush, slight pink hue to the flesh, and LOTS of pectin. not good for eating, decent for cooking, perfect for making a wonderful pink jelly.

>> No.6649005

>fox apple
Quince/guava. Some varieties are the colour you describe and all are /extremely/ high in pectin.

>> No.6649182
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Semi related.

>So many tomatoes. Shit.
>More ripening on the vine.


>> No.6649219
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Wait, are these apples or guavas? Anon where do you live?

Start thinking the tomatoes by taking off the smallest fruit. You can also pick them half ripe and bring them inside to ripen. They turn red a little slower than non picked fruit. The fruit are also a bit sturdier, great for when you need to chop up a bunch of tomatoes.

Pic is pineapple jalapeño syrup

>> No.6649243


When I want to make jams without sugar, I just use agar powder instead of pectin. Works a dream. I only buy pectin when it's on sale or special offer which happens often because I live in the US right now and hipsters will show interesting in making homemade jam, ask a supermarket or other in the area to carry it, buy a few boxes and leave the stock on the shelf for the next six months without a single sale. The manager, fed up at the stuff taking up space, sells it off at a loss just to make room. And that's when I snatch it up.
It's always Ball brand.

>> No.6649261

I stopped using Ball pectin. You need to use a ton of sugar, and I don't like the texture.

>> No.6649307

I've only ever used agar powder and Ball. If I can't find Ball on manager's special, I use agar powder, which I actually prefer, but with the price Ball usually goes for when on offer like that (anywhere between 75-90% off), I switch to that for a while from time to time.

>> No.6649469
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Mum always made jam out of quinces. A nice spoonful on some buttered wheat bread makes my whole day

>> No.6649914
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I made strawberry and blueberry pie filling tonight. I'm going to use it to make red, white and blue deserts tomorrow for a cookout.

>> No.6650019

sorry, no way. this is in Kentucky. These are definitely apples. The issue is what cultivar. I'm sure they are very old whatever they are because the only people who have them have them from saving seeds, not from buying any. Some Scots-Irish dude probably brought them over with him in the 18th century and went all johnny appleseed with them

>> No.6650028

whoa hang on. i'm looking at quinces and you may be right! i always assumed they were some tropical plant. and the ones i've seen have crazy thick skin and are pear shaped. there are some that look just like yellow apples. thank you, i think you are right.

>> No.6650075

>odd combinations?

Well, I assume you meant like combining different fruits and such, but I figure I can post this here.

I like getting a thick piece of bread, preferably multi-grain or something hearty, toasting it, spreading a layer of Blackberry jam, and then putting a fried egg on top of it, and eating that.

The sweetness of the jam and saltiness of the egg really go well together.

>> No.6650243

I know I'm right, Anon. :-)
Quince isn't tropical at all. My family in Switzerland grow it and I've seen quince trees in Luxembourg. You don't really get much less tropical than Luxembourg except for maybe Scandinavia or Iceland.

Guava is quince's tropical cousin. Tastes pretty similar, IMO, and has a fucktonne of pectin, as well.

>> No.6650693

Hey fellow Ky anon! I'm from there too. Lived all my life outside Louisville. (This is jam and pie pic anon) quince do indeed grow in Kentucky. They are distant cousins to apple trees, so I understand the confusion.

>> No.6650700

Whatcha got on the 'cue today, Kentu/ck/y?
I know this is the jam thread, but it's the muhfuggin' fowff.

>> No.6650728
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(aw man, what I wouldn't give to listen at'cher ax-cent right now)
Well, we're doing it simple; burgers and dogs, 'tater salad, pasta salad, corn on the cob, banana pudding and little red white and blue layered pie in jelly jars (I have about 100 empties sitting around).
I really miss Kentucky. Colorado people are different; not polite, not hardworking, you can't take them by their word. I'm in the Rolies and you can't even garden here without a greenhouse (we have 39 frost free days all year).

>> No.6650731

*im in the Rockies

>> No.6650764

Sounds good.
How do you do your potato salad?
I don't know how others do it. Mine is boiled egg yolks whipped with mayonnaise, sweet relish, chopped onion, chopped parsley, chopped chives and a little lemon juice and zest used to dress the still-hot, freshly-boiled potatoes and the chopped, boiled egg whites. Then it gets stashed in the fridge until chilled down to eating temperature.
Salt to taste, of course.

>> No.6650768

Texas here. The Mustang grapes in the "below I-10" area are just about done. I canned a few jars of jam last week and have a few more to do today.

>> No.6650851

God. Fucking. Dammit.
Well, it looks like I've waisted a lot of time and money; my cookout got cancled. We envited over a couple we're friends with, along with their MIL and two kids. This guy decides to get drunk last night and envite a bunch of people over to his house. Today. I am beyond pissed. The whole point was to have people over to watch fireworks. We have an incredible view of them, they go off in the valley directly below us. But NOW we're going to someone else's house and you can't even see the fireworks from there. And of course, the two desserts I made need to be assembled right before serving. Now there isn't enough to go around now because Moron envited seven extra people to his house in a drunken stupor last night.

The base for the loaded tater salad is just vinegar, sour cream and mayo. Add in grated cheddar, chopped chives and diced bacon.

>> No.6650878

Mine is just about cancelled, too, due to storms. It's drizzling right now, but a few people have called/txted saying that they're afraid to travel into the city and get stuck here if the creeks and rivers flood (which has been happening a lot lately, since we've been having two-to-three storm days each week since May).
I guess the only guests I'll have are the people next door, a friend and a coworker who live in the area. So... four people plus me makes five. About half of what I was expecting.

At least they had the decency to call you a few hours before lunch time. I got the call fifteen minutes ago and people are supposed to show up in another fifteen.

>> No.6650926

>At least they had the decency to call you a few hours before lunch time
True, but somehow that doesn't make me feel any better. I'm still super pissed.
Since moving from Ky, I've had a hard time. All my friends and family live in Ky. I had to give up everything to move to Colorado. One of the things I miss the most is Sunday dinners. Every Sunday we would invite friends and family over. Now we have company over only every few months, and the people we invite often flake out on us at the last minute. It's like no one here knows how to properly mantain good relationships.
I'm sick of it.

>> No.6651633

damn. that sucks. its been raining in my part of KY (i'm the guy with the fox apples) and I'm not sure if I'm gonna even go to an even as it will probably be rained out. sister's fam are grilling pizza of all things, so i might go spend it with them. either way tonight i'm having rum followed by pilsner.

>> No.6651635

i really should clarify, missing KY sucks. not the food that sounds great

>> No.6651704
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My pie jars. They didn't turn out perfect, but I'm sure they will taste good.

>> No.6653399


>> No.6654198

How was the grilled pizza?

>> No.6654231

hnnnnnnng fuck those look good

>> No.6654326

What did you use to make those? They look delicious!

>> No.6654404

Thanks! The pie jars are made with graham cracker crumbs (moistened with butter to keep from getting soggy), homemade strawberry pie filling, whipped cream, and homemade blueberry pie filling. Next time I will switch out the whipped cream for something else; something sturdier. When I put the blueberries on top they immediately sank. So next time I'll make that layer with sweetened crime fraisch, no bake cheesecake filling, yogurt, or pudding.
I can post the recipe if you like. It's pretty fluid, you can alter the amounts and how you layer it.

>> No.6654444

was living in Washington state for a few years, rented a house that had an apricot tree in the backyard. We would make apricot ginger preserves and they were amazing

>> No.6654463

pretty damn good. he should open a restaurant. All his food is superb.

>> No.6654614

have any of you used old lemon peel (or other citrus) and boiled it to extract the pectin?
i've never managed consistent results with this, although i can definitely get some pectin out, but also a really horrid bitter taste some of the time too

>> No.6654810
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>>6643853 here.

Today's results, cooling down. Many process pictures available if there's interest for them.

>> No.6654875
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I've never used citrus peel because the results are uneven.

Please do! I'm on a canning tear myself. Today I've already done a batch of Nectarine Lime Coconut and Pineapple Coconut. I found myself with extra shredded coconut and extract, so I used it.

Pic is Nectarine Lime Coconut jam
(Note that this is a jar of leftovers, I did not try to can it because the volume was low)

>> No.6654902


I really cant imagine a tomato surplus in my house-- we can't get enough of them.

>Squirrels ate all my tomatoes.
>Fungus ruined the rest.
>My cukes did good though.

>> No.6654909

Recipe please! I would love to try making these for the family :)

>> No.6654917
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Nice. also, midly related, I am so jealous of the availability of the quilted jars where ever you are... I saw some today for the first time in year and they were selling the suckers 4 for 10$ when a pack of 12 regular ones is 12.50$

With that being out of the way the first thing I did was Bourbon Cherries.
>3 lb cherries
>2 cups bourbon
>1 cup grand mariner
>1 1/2 cup sugar
>1 1/2 cup water
>1 vanilla bean.

>> No.6654924
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Rinse and de-stem the cherries.
Cut in half and remove the pit.

>> No.6654932
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In a large sauce pot combine the water, sugar and vanilla. bring just short of a boil and maintain for about 5 minutes for the vanilla to infuse the simple syrup.

>> No.6654937
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Add the booze and bring back to a near boil. Meanwhile, scald 7 jars.

>> No.6654940
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Pack the jars with cherries. Shake to settle them as best you can.

>> No.6654944
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Cover with the warm syrup. Leave 1/4" headspace and process for 10 minutes.

They ended up venting quite a bit... I think they need to settle in the water for longer (off the heat), but I had other things to get to do I didn't give them that time.

>> No.6654969

I feel like i'm just flooding at this point.
Anyone want any of the other 3?

>> No.6654985

Yes please.

>> No.6654987

Got a preference for the order? I have blueberry jam, strawberry jam and "snapdragon" preserve (which is dried fruits and rhum)

>> No.6655023

Strawberry jam, if you don't mind. :)

>> No.6655029
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>2 lb strawberries, rinsed and leaves removed
>2 1/2 cup sugar
>zest of a lemon
>2 table spoon lemon juice.

Combine in a large pot.

>> No.6655034
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Either using your hands if the fruits are soft or a potato masher, break into clumps. You don't want a perfect mash, just to break up the bigger fruits.

>> No.6655038
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Put on -high- heat for 10 minutes or so. It will swell up and foam. Keep stirring. It will calm down, the foam will recede and it will thicken. When it falls off the spoon in a sheet or clumps and that a drop sets on a cold sauce remove from heat and keep stirring for about 1 minute to smooth it out.

>> No.6655040
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Scald 2 half-pint jars. Fill, leaving 1/4" headspace. process for 10 minutes.

>> No.6655064

That looks amazing!

>> No.6655067

add a bit of ginger to marmalade, it is seriously the best

>> No.6655087

Is the blueberry version basically the same, just switch the berries?

>> No.6655117
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Some differences in steps... Mostly because you need to remove the blueberrie's skins.

>2 1/2 lb blueberries
>3 cups sugar
>1/2 cup water
>3" cinnamon
>optional 1 tablespoon gin + 1 tea spoon

Gently rinse the berries remove any stems or debris.

>> No.6655121
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Put the blueberries and the water in a large pot over medium heat. Cook until the berries' skins start to break.

>> No.6655124
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Run through the coarse blade of a food mill to remove the skins.

>> No.6655126
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Return to the pot and cook over high heat until it falls off the spoon in a sheet or clumps and that a drop sets on a cold saucer.

>> No.6655128
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Scald 4 half pint jars. Remove the cinnamon and add the gin if using.
Fill jars leaving 1/4" headspace and process 10 minute.

>> No.6655148

Ah, these are making me hungry.
Tyvm for the recipes!

>> No.6655165
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You're welcome!

And the last one because I'm heading to bed and I don't like leaving something half done...

This is more of a condiment to be added to stuff.. To plain yoghurt, ice cream, waffles...

>1 cup dark rum
>1¾ cup dried apricots (370g)
>2 cups dried figs (460g)
>2 cups raisins
>1¼ cups cane sugar
>zest and juice of 1 lemon
>zest and juice of 1 orange
>½ cup whole almonds
>5 cm cinnamon
>1 vanilla bean

Combine all the ingredients except the almonds into a large pot.

>> No.6655170
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Bring to a boil, then lower to a simmer and allow to meld together for 5-10 minutes.

>> No.6655177
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Scald 5 half-pint jars. Immedietely after remove from the boiling water fill halfway with the mix. Compress with a clean spoon. Add a handful of almonds. Fill jar all the way. Seal with scalded lids and allow to cool (open kettle technique, no waterbath process)

>> No.6655183
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And last image from my camera roll. Guess which spoon was responsible for which jam!

>> No.6655191

i want to make some spiced peach jam, does anyone here have a good recipe?

>> No.6655196

I've got some habanero-tabasco pepper jam happening right now - like, literally just sealed it. I'm really excited to try it on some lamb this coming weekend.

>> No.6655203

Blueberry, strawberry, snapdragon

>> No.6655214

Yup. I really like the colors for some reason.

>> No.6655330

Went strawberry picking last week. Made some strawberry rhubarb jam for the first time, which was pretty good. It might be my new favorite. I also made a bunch of regular strawberry.

>> No.6655420
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Pie Jars

1 1/2 cups graham cracker crumbs
3 tablespoons butter
6 cups pie filling
(Optional- whipped cream, yogurt, no bake cheesecake filling)

Melt butter and mix into graham cracker crumbs. Place 1/8 c crumbs in each jar (I scoop out 1/4 c into a bowl and put half of that into a jar). Top with 1/2 c pie filling.
(Optional- layer with 1/4 c pie filling, I/4 c yogurt or whipped cream or no bake cheesecake filling, and 1/4 c jam again).

Makes 12 8oz jars

You can find recipes for homemade pie filling at punkdomestics.com and scanning.com.

Pic is pineap- MINNIE MOO! Get out of there!

>> No.6655422
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Please post more pics!

*ahem* pic is pineapple coconut

>> No.6655425
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And another canning pic ruined by a cat. Marlo examines the cherries in light syrup.

>> No.6655426

>honey kiwi

>strawberry basil

>raspberry chipotle

Never before did I know that I want these combinations in my mouth immediately.

>> No.6655431
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It's hard not to eat it all!
I make jam on a regular basis, about 100 jars in a week. During the process I taste the jam, and I end up eating about 3/4 c in a week. That means I don't regularly eat my own jam as part of a meal.

Pic is cherries, no cat

>> No.6655440

I also make chocolate cherry sundae sauce on a regular basis. It's VERY good. I wish I had a pic, it looks like the cherries I canned but in brown sauce.

>> No.6655447

You don't regularly eat your own jam? Stay off of /fit/, they do that shit there all the time.

>> No.6655508

I do eat my own jam, it's just that almost all of that is when I'm actually in the process of making it. I have to taste it repeatedly to make sure the flavor a develope properly. I eat so much that I don't think it would be good for me to eat any more than I do already.

>> No.6655627

I have some from years passed? I can post those tmr if you'd like.

>> No.6656278

That would be great

>> No.6656805


>> No.6657080

Your cats are adorable.

>> No.6657242

Enjoy the pie jars!

>> No.6657247

You got recipe for the pineapple coconut one? That looks amazing

>> No.6657307


14 c diced pineapple
14 tbs lime juice
7 c sugar
1 1/2 c shredded coconut, packed
1 tbs coconut extract
4 1/2 tsp pectin*
14 tsp calcium water*

*this recipe uses Pomonas Pectin

Put pineapple, lime juice and calcium water in a pot. Bring to a boil. Mix pectin into sugar, then add sugar/pectin mixture, stirring the whole time. Cook for one minute at a boil, stirring the entire time. Pack into hot jars with a slotted spoon (otherwise the pineapple may float to the top, a cosmetic problem but it won't effect the flavor).

Makes 15-17 eight ounce jars

>> No.6657357
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Prepping aromatics for red wine beets.

>> No.6657368
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beets cooling down.

>> No.6657483
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Mango chutney

>> No.6657490
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And how to make it.

>> No.6657499

I've been thinking about making this. I caned a bunch of mangos in light syrup, and they turned out way too sweet. So I've been thinking about putting them in salsa or something. Do you think that would work with this recipe? Of course, I would drain (and possibly soak) the mango first.

>> No.6657504

You mean using your cooked mangoes in syrup for this?

>> No.6657513

Yes. Minus the syrup.

>> No.6657519

You might end up loosing a lot of the mango taste... And without the pits to help gel things the texture might be off.

>> No.6657561

I have pectin and clear-jel (a modified corn starch) to thicken it. Would the texture be off?

>> No.6657628

pectin should help. No clue how the mango taste would come trough however.

>> No.6657645
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Tomato sauce

>> No.6657647
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Correction, those were canned diced tomatoes.

>> No.6657823

Yea, I think I'll put them in salsa instead.

>> No.6658092
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I'm taking some jam yo my mom and dad. Thought j would take a quick pic. Sorry for the quality.

Clockwise, from L to R
Honey Kiwi jam
Rhubarb Ginger Jelly
Mango Chili jam
Strawberry Basil preserves
Pineapple Mango preserves
Nectarine Lime Coconut

>> No.6658368

I've been jamming for the past month since rhubarb season started, got another week left to gather more I figure. I cook it down with raspberry and blueberry and it's god-tier. I've canned 14 quarts so far and I think I can gather enough rhubarb for another 6 to 8.

>> No.6659088


>> No.6659122

Post pics

>> No.6660134


>> No.6661282

Still waiting on pics.

>> No.6662463


>> No.6662476

What kinds of breads do you put this glorious homemade on?

>> No.6663233

Biscuits and toast. I also use my Lemon Lavender as a marinade and my Mango a Chili as a base for bbq sauce.

>> No.6663256

3 lb of beets
2 cups red wine vinegar
1 cup red wine
1/2 cup water
1/4 cup honey
1/3 cup brown sugar
Olive oil
black peppercorns
salt and pepper


1. Pre-heat the oven to 400F. Brush and peel the beets. Put on a baking tray line with foil and drizzle with olive oil. Add salt and pepper. Roll the beets around a bit to coat them well.

2. Cover with foil.

3. Roast for 1h or until tender. Remove foil and allow to cool until they can be handled.

4. Combine the red wine vinegar, water, honey, brown sugar and red wine in a pot. Bring to a boil. Sterilize 3 jars. Add a few springs of thyme, 1 of rosemary and 1/2 teapoon of black peppercorns to each jar.

5. Slice the beets and stuff into the jars. Ladle the hot brine over the beets. Leave 1/4″ of headspace. Wipe the rims, add the covers and process for 10 minutes.

6. Allow to cool fully and check the seal of the jars.

>> No.6663302

I made sloe jelly (seedless jam) recently, it's incredibly poley and beautiful, great with meat or on bread, though it must be used in small quantities. Would recommend, but you have to strain it, but that's very easy. The sloes are so full of pectin that it sets quite easily.

>> No.6663387


>> No.6663647

Has anyone tried a sweet and sour sort of jam? Does it work or is the sugar killing it?

I was sort of thinking maybe a mixture of Jalapeno or Habenero with some sort of berry. Not in equal parts but just enough pepper so you eat the jam, taste the sweet fruits and you feel spice kind of tickling your taste buds.

Think it's a good idea?

>> No.6664716

The sweet/spicy can't work. Sweet/sour I would doubt.

>> No.6664736

Can not can't

>> No.6664907

Sweet and spicy does work. A local restraint has a spicy jam that they serve with wings. It's very good.

>> No.6665654

I've done sweet and sour. Lemon jam is not an uncommon thing.

>> No.6666524

What's a sloe?

>> No.6666847
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Pear butter (with ginger and vanilla)

Also bump

>> No.6666858


Stop you fucking faggot. You retards will NEVER EVER make this dumb shit catch on.