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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6644316 No.6644316 [Reply] [Original]

Coming soon to Nepalese baking forums near you

>> No.6644318
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>Reservation for 1
watch this space

>> No.6644341

what kind of place is this? is it famous? will you miss your totally-just-a-colleague from work?
young, inquiring minds wish to know

>> No.6644365

It's a restaurant in the basement of a nice hotel. Seems to be quite popular with lots of good ratings and reviews online. I picked it because the tasting menu sounds and looks interesting as well as tasty. Apparently holds a number of AA rosettes though I don't know what Alcoholics Anonyomous is doing rating restaurants. He is definitely just a colleague and while I think it is a shame he won't get to try it, I will be OK on my own!

>> No.6644464

>Reservation for 1
You need a bloody boyfriend.

>> No.6644484


Tell me you'll be posting pics. I enjoy the galleries from your food porn excursions.

>> No.6644496

i have an internet boyfriend, maybe ill print out a picture of his face and put it in the chair opposite so its like we're on a date

of course I'll be posting pics

maybe even live

>> No.6644528
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>> No.6644652

> extremely well done

>> No.6644663

>i have an internet boyfriend
Don't you need to be 13 and in 1999 for this to be viable?

>> No.6644719

~ love ~ is all you need

>> No.6644724

Don't you mean ~ AOL ~?

>> No.6644737

>internet boyfriend
>not a real boyfriend
Romance would just get in the way of the food.

>> No.6645146

Who even uses AOL still?

>> No.6645183

are you travelling to bath just for this restaurant?

>> No.6645280

Borneo, I always liked your L'Enclume threads. You're a pretty skilled shill, because I plan to definitely eat there someday when travel is a little more afforadable.

If you don't mind my asking, what are you out here in California for? Would you be interested in having someone to dine with?

>> No.6645281

Just kidding this place is in Bath

>> No.6645289

Which dish are you most looking forward to or perhaps most interested in?

>> No.6646213

>maybe even live
You should try periscope, I would 100% tune in for that. Girl sits at the table of a fine dining establishment, all alone, talking to her phone and streaming everything.

>> No.6646540

I am open to dining with like minded anons, however I am in the UK, not California

The duck liver with eel and the Roquefort and pear. They sound like really unique and interesting combinations, I can't wait to see how it tastes.

I think I'd rather sit in peaceful silence if I'm on my own

Nah I'm moving here

>> No.6646702

That's the spirit.

>> No.6646900

I showered and dressed nice ish for this

>> No.6646957

>maybe ill print out a picture of his face and put it in the chair opposite so its like we're on a date

What are you, gay?
>hey can you meet me [place] at [time]
>try another time, make reservations then instead
>repeat until yes

I still use AOL Instant Messenger if that helps.

>> No.6646961

This is where all of your discretionary funds go?

>> No.6646975

He lives in a different country so it's a bit more complicated than that

This and buying foods on the internet, yes.

>> No.6646996


wow borneo you got an internet boyfriend

who's the lucky guy

>> No.6647097

some dude i met on arcanine many many many years ago

>> No.6647167
File: 1.41 MB, 3264x1836, 20150703_124921.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A light lunch

Gotta save stomach space for tonight

>> No.6647193

Your nails are absolutely disgusting. You ruined a picture of ice cream by overshadowing its presentation with your filth.

You should feel bad for what you have done.

>> No.6647195

Looks like average oreo ice cream in a sugar cone.

>> No.6647260

Sorry mum

Perfect on a hot summer's day

>> No.6647263

I don't see what is wrong with those nails? I would love to have those since I bite the shit out of mine.

>> No.6647271

Hiya Bornieboo.

I wish I were a little Asian girl so that I can take pictures of my food and no one will think it's all that strange to do. Alas! It will never be.

I'm cooking up some frogmelon today. Do you like it? How do you cook yours?

>> No.6647282


>> No.6647298

Can you pick me up an eel, duck liver, and pickled rhubarb for take out? Thanks Born

>> No.6647395

If you dress smartly and pretend to take a lot of notes they will think you are a food reviewer

I didn't know you cooked frog melon, I've always enjoyed it raw chilled or blended with a spot of sugar and frozen to make a sorbet

Will do m8

>> No.6647422

>He lives in a different country

>you can afford to do something fancy like this place
>can't just forego a trip to another fancy place to buy him a plane ticket

>> No.6647423

>raw frogmelon
Isn't it bitter as all fuck?!

>> No.6647524

im good thanks

not at all, its just like a mild canteloupe and they're the only melon that consistently tastes good in winter

>> No.6647553

Maybe we're talking about two different melons...


>> No.6647575
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ah you mean bitter gourd? I was thinking of piel de sapo

im not a fan of bitter gourd

>> No.6647602

>not a fan

>> No.6647622

I don't think you understand long distance relationships honey.

>> No.6647698


>> No.6647707

She wants to pretend she has a bf without having a bf. It is probably to shut up rl plebs who would harass her over the bf issue.

>> No.6648374
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The entrance

>> No.6648380
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Corner table for 1

>> No.6648385
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Some bread and butter to start off

In hindsight I shouldn't have eaten so much of the bread

>> No.6648414

The glass was an onion and parmesan soup, very tasty

>> No.6648421

maitre d', may I have the saddest table for one?

>> No.6648423


It was like 30C last week, pretty crazy tbh.

>> No.6648429

Because your cankles need more bread and butter right?

>> No.6648432
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Poached lobster with this super intensely lobstery jelly and mayonnaise, fennel and caramelized

Very tasty, except for the fennel

>> No.6648440


>> No.6648441


>> No.6648457

Yo Borneo! Do you eat at a lot of regular restaurants too or just save yourself for highly rated ones.

Do you find that highly rated restaurants are significantly better than your average (but with aspiration to be something bigger) place?

>> No.6648464


Hottest its been here for a long while.

>> No.6648469
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*caramelized orange

Next up was an amazing poached and roasted duck liver with smoked eel, candied walnut and gooseberry jam

I had bits of jam in between mouthfuls of the liver and it made a nice contrast

>> No.6648500

I eat at lots of ordinary places but I only make a thread when I think it will be an interesting experience

On average, Michelin starred restaurants have been a lot better than regular restaurants in terms of quality ingredients and unique, tasty dishes

I don't eat out very often in the UK though so don't take my word for it

In Malaysia I think the reverse is true, I enjoy the foods from hawker stalls a lot more

>> No.6648519

Pan fried turbot topped with summer truffle and chicken skin which was amazing, with asparagus, chicken jus, onions and minted peas which is a combo I dislike

>> No.6648523

Talking to her is like talking to a lit. major about Shakespeare...shill shill shill

>> No.6648525
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>> No.6648536

>guacamole with peas maymay

>> No.6648562


So how long have you been in the UK then?

I've Never been to Malaysia but I lived In Bangkok for two years and loved the food culture there. It just amazed me how frequently you could stumble across a really cheap but amazingly tasty street food stand. I need to go back at some point, I miss the place.

>> No.6648606
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Lamb loin and belly with aubergine puree and tomato stuffed courgette flower

The lamb was crusted with herbs that included mint and horseradish, I didn't like it. This course would've been a flop if not for the courgette flower
In this case it's peas with peas which I don't think is a meme anywhere

Close to 4 years now

The food cultures are probably the same, eating out is so ridiculously cheap and the variety is amazing. It's what I miss the most about home

>> No.6648621

>mashed babyfood peas with a garnish of peas maymay

>> No.6648635


Presentation is abysmal. And what is this grease/sauce they seem to be putting round everything?

>> No.6648706
File: 1.60 MB, 3264x1836, 20150703_201656.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pear sorbet, Roquefort, celery and candied walnut

The cheese and sorbet went together surprisingly well, though I ran out of sorbet before I could finish the Roquefort so I abandoned the rest

>> No.6648718

Yeah this was the weakest dish by far

The sauce was meat jus from that particular meat

>> No.6648722

>delicious moldy cheese meme

>> No.6648732
File: 1.95 MB, 3264x1836, 20150703_203421.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Raspberry mousse and raspberry cream cheese with popping candy and candied ginger

The dry ice smoke was scented with ginger

I don't like ginger in sweets but this was otherwise a solid dish
When the table next to me was served this I could hear the popping candy while they ate

>> No.6648739
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Pretty colours

>> No.6648742

Pop rocks are now haute cuisine.

>> No.6648746

I could not eat this much in a sitting. Do you have a 4th stomach?

>> No.6648749
File: 1.73 MB, 3264x1836, 20150703_205252.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally, a hazelnut and cardamom mousse in a crunchy chocolate shell

And a delicious chocolate sorbet

>> No.6648760
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I thought this was a well composed dessert

I don't like spices in my sweets but this was alright

>> No.6648762

That eggplant blob is the least appetizing thing I've ever seen.

>> No.6648764

The sorbet looks like a turd. Same out as it is in.

>> No.6648765

>pop rocks
*sigh* I hate modern cuisine. Also cubes and spheres? This is just so tired.

How much was this OP?

>> No.6648766

I was full by the third course, had to loosen my top jeans button and basically power through the last few courses

Then power walked to the bathroom because the pressure in my stomach was forcing everything else out

>> No.6648772

>I was full by the third course, had to loosen my top jeans button and basically power through the last few courses

>Then power walked to the bathroom because the pressure in my stomach was forcing everything else out

Absolutely disgusting. No wonder you're eating out alone.

>> No.6648775

It tasted alright, like bbq charred
I agree the colour was ugly

What's wrong with those shapes, are they too mainstream now? It was £75

>> No.6648777

>Then power walked to the bathroom because the pressure in my stomach was forcing everything else out

TMI, I'm out. Done.

Goodnight everyone!

>> No.6648779

>popping candy

dairy products should be smooth and creamy so you can shovel them into your mouth at an alarming rate

>> No.6648782

Everyone poops, it's the sad truth

>> No.6648789

>What's wrong with those shapes, are they too mainstream now?
It's so boring and uninspired. It's trendy and technical and done just to be trendy and technical. Style over substance. Also half of you foor was turned into paste, another fad that makes everything look like baby food.

>> No.6648804

Foods in geometric shapes is as hipster as square plates.

>> No.6648896

>im good thanks
Confirmed for not-real-boyfriend.

Actually I do. I was dating a girl from Europe, and as an Murrkkkafag we've seen each other for real once the entire time we've been together. Like I said, if the namefag can afford to eat at a fancy place like this, he/she/it can afford to forego eating at another fancy place to get a plane ticket.

I'm also jelly that I can't afford fancy shit like that. Yes, I know spoilers don't work on /ck/.

Well, that makes more sense.

>I was full by the third course
Do you never eat or something? These all seem like things that could be finished in ten bites or less, there's no way a normal person could get full that fast.

>> No.6648920

I think a lot of women with questionable lifestyles have long distance bfs so no one knows too much. They are compartmentalizing their lives. In truth their need for romance is very low but it gets people off their back.

>> No.6649122


How did they put that soup on the table without spilling it? That glass is as full as full can be.

>> No.6649131


>> No.6649324

I think it's cute.

>> No.6649342

Nobody cares what you think, Borneo.

>> No.6649535

I like the shapes, I think they look nice and I like to cut into cubes and round things

We've met up a few times already, I'm actually going to stay with him for a few weeks this summer. I'm just too lazy to explain details of my boring life on a Tibetan tea appreciation forum

I didn't mean completely stuffed full, just that level of comfortable satiety when you know you could eat more but don't have to

It was a weird frothy texture that held it's shape , not pure liquid


>> No.6649574

Scat fetishist?

>> No.6649871

> thatssonineties.jpg

>> No.6650232

What's 90s about that?

>> No.6650235

taste profile, presentation, everything except the blob of jelly basically, that's early '00s

>> No.6650256

Huh I didn't know presentation could look nineties

>> No.6650262

I posted a picture of my bitter gourd (fuck you, it's frogmelon!) egg curry here: >>6649373
The rice is slightly yellow cuz I guess I didn't wash the pan quite well enough after cooking the curry before making the garlic rice.
It was delicious and not very bitter at all. :3

Have you had Sinhalese food? Lots of Malaysian/Indonesian influence. It's like Indo/Malay crossed with Portuguese/Brazilian and South Indian.

>> No.6650271

why did you go by yourself? i have to say the menu did not sound appetizing at all but the photos somewhat saved it. wasn't a fan of the presentation for a few of the dishes but i appreciate your threads and the diversity it brings to this board, keep it up

>> No.6650307

I got no one to go with, but I don't mind eating out alone anyway

glad to hear you enjoyed the thread!

>> No.6650320

Oh, the orange looks lovely and the duck liver sounds amazing. It does seem a bit outdated, though and it sounds like they're not too experienced in fine dining yet.

Also, a return ticket to the USA (the location of my long-term relationship) is about £600. That's more than six fine dining meals so the price is relatively incomparable. A trip also requires a dedicated period of time which means no work, which means you're not making money, and work restricts your holidays anyway. Plus the process of getting a visa takes a long time (ESTAs are not viable if you make frequent trips). A trip to a restaurant just takes a day, you can do it on a weekday no problem, you can do it spontaneously, and it really doesn't require the same kind of commitment a stay abroad would need. It's also worth saying that since you're visiting a loved one, it's not like just having a weekend away in the continent. One really appreciates having more time with them.

>> No.6650353

no? Keller was doing this exact kind of stuff at the French Laundry circa 1995

>> No.6650611

I haven't been to the French Laundry so I can't say.

That's pretty much spot on. And with this sort of distance it isn't worth it unless you can take a few weeks off compared to a few days. (my boy is in the states too)

>> No.6650654


>> No.6650871


>> No.6651125
File: 2.31 MB, 4000x3000, blue tit chicks3042.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

heres some blue tits in their warm safe bird house

soon they will leave the nest and explore the world on little wings

>> No.6651656

tfw actually posted cute tits and nobody appreciates them

>> No.6651845

v cute tits
would stroke

>> No.6652042

thank you

i have pics of them naked but i dont think its appropriate for ck

>> No.6652229

I appreciate.

>> No.6653054
File: 1.64 MB, 3264x1836, 20150530_104541.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks have one more

>> No.6653100


here you go:


>> No.6653127

what an asshole woodpecker

>> No.6653151

something about the calm british voice offsets the fact that it's basically a snuff video

>> No.6653404

Fucking woodpeckers

>> No.6653435

The tits are pretty dumb, kind of in real life.
Peckers: 1
Tits: -1
So much for feminism

>> No.6653445

Thanks Borneo, threads like that are always interesting
Waiting for more in the future!

>> No.6653635

10/10 post would read again

>> No.6653981

They can't help being bird brained. I felt bad for the parents though, "where is my babys gone??"

I'm on my way home to Malaysia now, I might make a thread with all the random food I eat

>> No.6653995
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Noice, have a good trip!

>> No.6654622

I can just imagine.
>There was no restroom so I had to power walk to an open sewer in the middle of the street to do the Hershey squirts.

>> No.6656929
