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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6652117 No.6652117 [Reply] [Original]

Do you think it'd be nice to own a restaurant, work on the first floor, and live on the second floor? What kind of food would you cook?

Pic related. This place has, as I understand it, been around for over 100 years, and the son of the man who previously owned it does exactly that.

>> No.6652132

that sounds awful tbh.

little separation of life and work. and restaurant smells creeping into your living space.

>> No.6652133


>> No.6652148
File: 52 KB, 598x397, 522802_480162492000980_942912445_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's some details about it: http://www.arkansas.com/attractions/detail.aspx?id=93927

Well, the second problem you could likely fix with proper insulation, seals around windows and doors, air filters, etc.

I think it'd be fun to cook at home and make money.

Here's the owner making a creepy face through the order window.

>> No.6652181

Huh, I ate at this place before. They ONLY serve bbq pork on wonderbread in a shitty vinegary bbq sauce. Mediocre/10.

>> No.6652187

I agree. No vegan options, 0/10.

>> No.6652195

They also have coleslaw.

But isn't that charming? They do just the one thing.

>> No.6652356

People in asia do this all the time. It's a tough way of life. The people that own these shops have been working generation after generation in them serving the same food.

I would probably sell sausages. I feel like sausages are definitely an underexplored world of food.

>> No.6652522

I once was in some irrelevant area in Hungary and we saw a restaurant with a sign saying "free wifi".

So we knocked on the door, and some shirtless guy let us in. They had a dog walking around. It was someone's house.

It was actually a decent restuarant.

>> No.6652527

Restuarants in America unsarcastically serve wonder bread?

>> No.6652537

What's wrong with Wonder Bread?

>> No.6652545

He's not being creepy. He's just being black.
Quite the childish romantic notion you got there.
Let's use bread that easily falls apart for bbq of all things. Just fuck my shit up fam.

>> No.6652549

If the sandwich is made right, half the pork is going to fall out anyways. No matter what, you're eating the last bits of that meal with a fork.

I'm going to use wonder bread as a litmus test for whether or not I can be friends with someone. Don't like it? You're probably some pansy liberal.

>> No.6652557

I don't want to make it into an argument, Americans have the right to like whatever food they want. You might find this informative though http://www.businessinsider.com/american-foods-foreigners-find-gross-2013-10..

Anyway, I asked an American what bread she eats, and when she said wonderbread, I actually couldn't tell if she was joking or not. I still am not sure if Americans actually like wonder bread or if they are just joking and only buy it because real bread is too expensive.

Anyway, to answer your question, the reason we Europeans don't like your bread is because it has no flavor, a texture like a sponge, and also the idea that it is so fake, but that is just a mental thing.

For comparison, search "Lithuanian bread" on Google images. It is dense and has a lot of flavor. That is the bread that I like.

I am no liberal, there are many Europeans countries with even more conservative values than America. But this is not a political board so we should not derail the thread.

>> No.6652558

>sandwiches were invented for ease of eating
>sandwich easily falls apart OMG BEST SANDO EVA!!!

>> No.6652566

This. A sandwich made from real bread will probably not fall apart. And no, I do not mean that "Authentic Rustic Organic" that is just wonder bread with seeds and darker that American supermarkets sell.

>> No.6652572

Wonderbread is mostly eaten in hick states and by children since it is very soft and maybe since it doesn't take away from the taste of the filling.

Most Americans don't make their own bread but instead buy it. Most breads in supermarkets are highly processed. The individually made rolls wouldn't be economical for a family to make sandwiches with.

>> No.6652577

I don't understand this. People are supposedly fat because they are poor. But what is stopping poor people in America from buying flour and making their own bread? Surely it would not be more expensive than buying it, right?

>> No.6652581

They do not have the time or knowledge to do this and are too busy taking care of their families to learn how to cook, buy the equipment and materials, and make things requiring many hours. Most are also exhausted from trying to make ends meet via low-paying jobs.

>> No.6652588

Yes and we could all make our own potato chips for the savings.

>> No.6652590

Sound's like an absolute nightmare.

>> No.6652595

I guess that makes sense
In Europe real bread is part of the culture, so it isn't really some obscure thing that people have to go out of their way to learn.
Also neighbourhood stores are still common in Europe, kind of similar to the restaurant this thread is about, that sell real bread for good prices.

>> No.6652600

That doesn't sound too hard. I mean I never eat, let alone make potato chips, so I guess I wouldn't know, but I'm pretty sure it's just thin French fries. If you buy potato chips you should try this.

>> No.6652613

how would you serve wonder bread sarcastically?

>> No.6652616

This actually sounds pretty awesome. I've seen it in Thailand but the ladies were never topless.

>> No.6652617

>never had a sarcastic waitress

>> No.6652619

They wouldn't, it was an exaggeration. What I meant is that they actually serve it as restaurant food that you specifically go out to get rather than "we're low on money and all we could afford today was wonder bread".

>> No.6652621

They sell your kind of bread here but no one uses it for sandwiches.

>> No.6652623

It is the south. They are poor. Wonder bread is them splurging on bread.

>> No.6652627

It's good for sandwiches. It's firm so it won't fall apart. And it adds to the flavour instead of just being a holder. Everyone has their preferences though, I don't have anything against it, it's just kind of weird for me.

>> No.6652629

I'll bet you hole in one is.

>> No.6652634

What's wrong with sliced bread?

>> No.6652641

I prefer gluten free hardtack tbh

>> No.6652643

Absolutely nothing. The fedoras dropped into the thread to sperg out, is all.

>> No.6652667

There is stuff wrong with fake bread, but there is absolutely nothing wrong with sliced bread, considering that real bread can just as easily be sold sliced.
That being said, I don't get the obsession with sliced bread. Do people really think of cutting bread themselves as an inconvenience?

>> No.6652680

Baguettes don't cover the sandwich meat properly and go stale too fast. Americans only grocery shop once a week not once a day like Frenchies.

>> No.6652684

>fake bread
What exactly makes it fake?

>> No.6652686

Reword your thoughts in the form of a sentence.

>> No.6652687

Didn't you know? If you take the same ingredients and make them in a factory instead of a home kitchen, then it's fake and not fit for fedora consumption.

>> No.6652688

He means highly processed supermarket breads like wonderbread. If you made bread from scratch it wouldn't come out that way.

>> No.6652689

He isn't a fedora. He's Lithuanian.

>> No.6652690

So, what exactly makes it "fake"?

>> No.6652694

It was already explained.

>> No.6652702

m8 real bread isn't just baguettes, in fact, baguettes aren't even that popular outside of France
Europeans make bread in big loaves too
And sourdough bread can last like 2 weeks without preservatives
But I know that real food isn't that important in American culture, and I don't mean that as an insult, so it would be a really huge change for everyone to learn to make their own food.

>> No.6652705

The ingredients

>> No.6652715

Sourdough was a trend in restaurants at one time but it tastes awful so it stopped.

>> No.6652726

A lot of things that taste good to Europeans taste horrible to Americans, and the other way around. Or just no one knew how to make it good. Probably both, mostly the first one.

>> No.6652736

>unironically eating sour foods

>> No.6652737

Chinese sausages especially, at least in AmericaAmerica.

>> No.6652738

Sourdough hasn't gone anywhere. Plenty of places still make sourdough bread, biscuits, pizza dough, etc.

>> No.6652745

Sourdough bread is only mildly sour if at all. I don't know why it's called that in English. Perhaps it was bad because the people who sold it in America did something to exaggerate the sourness to make it taste more "exotic" and "European". Not that it matters, eat whatever you want.

>> No.6652755

I've had both restaurant and homemade. It is sour.

>> No.6652758

What ingredients make a bread "fake"?

>> No.6652759

But not with the same frequency.

>> No.6652762

wonderbread ingredients

>> No.6652764

sour dairy products are usually easier to digest

>> No.6652765

I don't remember a time when sourdough was particularly trendy. It's always been around. Some people like it, some don't.

>> No.6652766

Can you cite specific ones? I wouldn't want to accidentally put some in bread I bake, making it "fake."

>> No.6652769

Well them either European sourdough isn't sour, or Europeans and Americans taste things differently. Kind of like how when you eat Asian food and your mouth is burning and some Asian says "lol it's not spicy at all".

>> No.6652773

At one time all of the restaurants seemed to have their own sour dough sandwich. It might have been many years ago.

>> No.6652774

You should be able to find some here.

>> No.6652775

Don't worry. Those kind of ingredients you can only buy commercially.

>> No.6652776

>Can you cite specific ones?

>> No.6652782

Never had Asian food that was spicy. They claim some dishes are spicy though.

>> No.6652783

calcium propionate

>> No.6652788

I don't really care about proving a point. You can eat whatever you want. If you legitimately you can look through that list yourself. If you don't care what is in your bread, or if you are convinced that it is fine, then just continue eating it. I personally don't like wonder bread, but unless someone manages to restrict the sale of flour, this has no effect on me.

>> No.6652792

You don't go there specifically for the bread, you go there for the meat and the bread is just an extra, like pickles and red onions. Could they use better bread? Sure, and some places do. But most places don't because a) they're superspecialized into making meat only and b) their customers are used to the taste and texture of wonderbread.

The people who run bbq joints aren't usually trained bakers.

>> No.6652808

Pretty much this. Having really good bbq served with shitty white bread is part of the experience that everyone is used to.

You go for the meat, not the bread. The bread is simply a conveyance system for the meat, bbq sauce, pickles and onions. It's not meant to be a highlight of the meal and will just be overpowered by all the other strong flavors anyway.

>> No.6652809

Whatever you like m8
I personally don't think it would be that hard to just buy real bread and I would think that if there meat is such high quality supposedly, they wouldn't serve it with bad bread.
But if Americans really do like that bread, then maybe they don't think of it as bad and I don't have a problem with that, it's just interesting how something that is considered not even food in one country is perfectly normal in another.
You would probably look at some European food with disgust.

>> No.6652826

bbq is black fud. Technically not even food. That's why it is shit.

>> No.6652829

Get off your high horse. People in Europe eat plenty of "fake" bread too. It's not like everyone in Europe just runs down to the artisanal bakery on their street to get bread every day.

>> No.6652835


This, wonder bread is a cheap flavor sponge thrown in with the other shit, like peppers cheddar and onion/sauce to mop up juice or just to clear your palette real quick. Anything more is time/money better spent on the meat.

BBQ is cool like that because it really isn't about the sides at all.

>> No.6652857

Europe doesn't have "artisanal bakeries". We don't put bread in special brown packaging that says "ARTISAN ORGANIC RUSTIC BUZZWORD".

>> No.6652860

Europe sucks. STFU already.

>> No.6652862

>bread is a side in a sandwich

>> No.6652872


>> No.6652874

I just asked if people really do like wonderbread and they got really defensive even though I said multiple times that everyone has their preferences, eat what you want, etc. I don't know why some Americans here got so defensive.
No one is making you live in Europe. You don't need to believe me. It's fine. I only came here to ask a question about bread.

>> No.6652875
File: 60 KB, 359x473, 1433097874077.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

making shitty money doing shitty work living in a shithole.

sounds like just the job for you OP.

are you cursed with such a lack of autism that you cant find a real fucking job? kill yourself.

>> No.6652879

>europe sucks
top kek

>> No.6652885

>lacking autism is a curse preventing meaningful employment

>> No.6653585


>> No.6653587

You're a fucking idiot, son.

>> No.6653784
File: 954 KB, 320x240, 1432592460663.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maybe not meaningful but i can goddamn guarantee you anyone with a job requiring high acumen, that is a job that pays well, has autism to a degree. and they are definitely not shitty cooks at a dumpster dive like OPs pic.

nothing personnel kid

>> No.6653920

>beef jerky on that list

Faggot ass yuropoors.

>> No.6653978
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Wow. It's happened folks.

People on /ck/ are now making fun of others for NOT having autism.

This is truly the beginning of the end.

>> No.6653983

It's technically not a restaurant and I don't live upstairs, but I do live the same property of the business that I own. My dad converted the old garage (completely separate structure) into an apartment on the top level years ago so my parents could live in the house and rent the garage out.

We do mostly espresso, quick made sandwiches, with a small bakery, where we make our bread, desserts and other easy pastries. I jumped on the local-yuppie-bullshit train nice and early on, so we sell local products, some of which we integrate into a few of our items.

It's a novel idea, but with stupid white people feel like it's their privilege to bang on my door when we're closed asking for all kinds of bullshit. Sign says we're closed motherfucker.

>> No.6653989
File: 28 KB, 528x384, 1433624405881.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>People on /ck/ are now making fun of others for NOT having autism.

>i think autism is bad
>i cant understand psychology to the point knowing that the top 1% earners in the world all have high degrees of autism

stay 99% plebskies

>> No.6654017

>your bread
oh god i bet you're one of those retards who thinks everything is as shitty as your own country
there is no national bread (except maybe sourdough?), our tapwater changes taste depending on where you are in the country, cost of living also changes as do the dialects and attitudes of our citizens.

also your link is hilarious. i knew euros were pathetic, but come on

>> No.6654026

I literally cannot stop myself from eating a loaf a day of homemade bread. It doesn't even last as long as it took to make it.

Really craving some though. Jesus.

>> No.6654030

The person who opened probably had black mammy's who knew what they doin'.

Since the reformation and black justice I doubt there ain't any down home black mammy's left there who know who to git it on. I'd come in and ask who the cook is. If it ain't a woman who look like mammy Aunt Jemima, I'd leave.

>> No.6654048

I'm a white guy raised by a non-white woman and now cook lots of her non-white cuisine.
Perhaps because of my own circumstances here, I wouldn't judge a place based on who owns it but more by who the people eating there are.

>> No.6654613

Pumpernickel is best bread.

>> No.6654626

Isn't it served on the side of ribs or whatever

That's how Texas does it

>> No.6654736

>A rack of ribs is a bbq sandwich