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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6651205 No.6651205 [Reply] [Original]

>People who call pizza "'za"

>> No.6651211 [DELETED] 


>> No.6651214
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>people who call guacamole "guac"

>> No.6651215

>making a thread about dumb people, perpetuating the retardation instead of letting it contain itself

>> No.6651216


>people who put beans in chili

>> No.6651248 [DELETED] 

one of these things is not like the other

>> No.6651252

>people make chili without also preparing a side of beans

>> No.6651286 [DELETED] 


Politically active Jews love Israel. Average Jews, who cares about them. Politically active ones are the real problem.

>> No.6651290

inb4 millions of za threads much like the "chicken tendies" epidemic

>> No.6651292

I'd fuck disgust

>> No.6651297

There are people that do this?


>> No.6651299

Was this movie even good?

>> No.6651304

Literally who does this?

>> No.6651306

I think it's kids from michigan or something. Not sure.

OP, who does this so we can put some kind of sterilization in their water

>> No.6651326

Yeah one of Pixar's best tbh

>> No.6651367

my dad...

>> No.6651556

It's a great word for scrabble.

>> No.6651841

I call it pee

>> No.6651843

People do this?

>> No.6652391

>little brother says "pepperon"
He completely cuts out the 'i'.

>mom says chiptole instead of chipotle
I sincerely wonder at times if my mom has a learning disability.

>> No.6652427

The amount of people who pronounce "chipotle" wrong is astounding. It's like their brains can't process a T followed by an L.

>> No.6652437


>calling a supreme pizza "garbage pie"

>> No.6652443

I call it pizzazz

>> No.6652444

>people who say jalepeeno

>> No.6652470


>chi pot le

If you pronounce it like this then you're not nearly as smart or authentic as you think

>> No.6652480

Americans who don't pronounce the H in herbs because they think it's silent.
Erbs, wtf.

>> No.6652485

Isn't it actually broken up as "chi-po-tle" though? The the "tle part is the actual last syllable of that word.

>> No.6652507

I'll take things no one says for $200, Alex.

>> No.6652508


>> No.6652540
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>mfw use "pizza" as a username sometimes
>mfw people call me "za" sometimes

>> No.6652547 [DELETED] 
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>people who drink black coffee

>> No.6652565

Wait. People don't put beans in chili?
It's supposed to have beans.

>> No.6652578

Depends on who you talk to. If you go to a chili cookoff you won't find much agreement with that sentiment. Beans are cheap filler texans don't need since they have meat aplenty.

>> No.6652582

Local radio had "master of the hot za" as a segment when I was younger .

>> No.6652592

>people who call strawberries "strawbs"

>> No.6652594
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>people who prepare food sous vide or eat it

>> No.6652599

People are really fucking passionate about wether or not beans should be in chili for some retarded reason. It's basically a meme, not even joking. Some guy will be an annoying person and freak out when somebody has beans in their chili, some guy will disagree and decide to be equally passionate about his opinion, etc. etc.

>> No.6652603

I've never seen chili without beans. That just seems wrong.

>> No.6652605

I always use beans in my chili, without it it would just be like a thick meaty soup, unless you replaced the beans with lentils or some shit.

>> No.6652609
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>le purist chili maymay
Fuck you. Just made a week's worth of vegetarian chili for myself. It's got mushrooms, beans, serano peppers, black AND chili beans, plus tofu ;^)

"guac" has to be kind of new, right? Within the past 5 years or so? I heard my mother-in-law say it last week and I think that was the closest I've ever been to actually being triggererd.

>> No.6652631

It's california man, we have to save on water and syllables

>> No.6652644
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>beans in chili

>> No.6652647

You can tell a Jew Orca and a Jew Orca transplant, Taxifornian, by the beans in their chili.

>> No.6652653

>good doco on tonight
>eat your veg

>> No.6652656
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>giving a shit what other people do with their food

>> No.6652657

Why do you people hate chilibeans?

>> No.6652660

Amazing. Better than Up for sure

>> No.6652669

Don't but libs try to force their ways onto you. Putting beans into your chili like coloreds into your schools.

>> No.6652670


Well it's not chili anymore If there are beans in it.

It's slop.

>> No.6652672

Go see it this week. It's been out long enough where it should be pretty empty. Just make sure you bring someone with you, no-singles policy and whatnot.

>> No.6652676

Because the word is rooted in French. The h IS silent.

>> No.6652693

When you hear a pirate say "aye captain" are they really saying "hi captain" with a silent 'h'?

>> No.6652697

It is typical cliche Hollywood shlock. If you have seen a film since the 80's you have seen this one.

>> No.6652699

No you pronounce it like Fonzi

>> No.6652703
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>> No.6652707

I've only ever heard it pronounced like 'EYE', tbh.

>eye captain

>> No.6652709

Then it's chilibeans, much better than pure chili, it's actually workable

>> No.6652725
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>'thigh' food instead of Thai food

>> No.6652728

I have literally only heard this on Family Guy. I don't know how you can be so pissed off you must live in some degenerate shithole.

>> No.6652742

Eventually a new word will come along and you won't adapt to its pronunciation. It will happen to youuuuuuuuu.

>> No.6652779


OP, calling you out now

peat - zuh



>> No.6652795

This is not a thing. Don't try to make it a thing.

>> No.6652796

For Americans, that's where it all goes to, so it's not completely wrong.

>> No.6652798


I turn the T in chipotle into a glottal stop, am I a bad person

>> No.6652823


No, most people fuck it up by saying "chi-pole-tay" like a goddamn retard. At least you know what a glottal stop even is. Doing that is just a dialect thing.

>> No.6652847

I guess. I don't have one so no one uses the word but I pronounce it like >>6652508

>> No.6652851

Shit, im from Michigan and one of my friends calls it Za.

>> No.6652854

uh, other way around, sport.

>> No.6652868

You can't live on beans alone.

>> No.6652911


Yeah, and if I go to a gay pride parade in San Fran I won't find much appreciation for pussy

Doesn't make it right, or even majority

>> No.6652922
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>people who complain about beans in chili

>> No.6652927

>Places that didn't originate chili should dictate what is authentic

>> No.6652933

>people who post meme replies expecting to troll others

>> No.6652937


>> No.6652938

>people who say proper as 'propah'

>> No.6652941

I bet you pronounce it a-loo-min-um though

>> No.6652942
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>Spag Bog

>> No.6652943


>> No.6652957

The entirety of the english speaking world says aluminum, except for (you guessed it) the UK. Now aluminium is an element, and aluminum is an alloy. Not all products are pure aluminium so calling them such is incorrect.

>> No.6652968

except you stupid americunts STILL say a-loo-min-um even when you're reading the word "aluminium"

you also say "secant" instead of "second". A secant is part of a circle and has nothing to do with time. Why can't you just learn things?

>> No.6652972

>[uh-loo-muh-nuh m]
>Chemistry. a silver-white metallic element, light in weight, ductile, malleable, and not readily corroded or tarnished, occurring combined in nature in igneous rock, shale, clay, and most soil: used in alloys and for lightweight utensils, castings, airplane parts, etc. Symbol: Al; atomic weight: 26.98; atomic number: 13; specific gravity: 2.70 at 20°C.
>Abbreviation: alum.;

>> No.6652976

And you say "nehw" instead of no.

>> No.6652977

I can't imagine this one.

>> No.6652982

Maybe it is like nay-eww

>> No.6652984

We realize it is britspeak but ignore it.

>> No.6652990

i hate when americans and the captcha system thinks a burger is a sandwich

>> No.6652994

A burger is a sandwich, but a sandwich isn't necessarily a burger.

>> No.6653001

When is a sandwich not between two slices of bread?
Because a burger is always between a bun.

>> No.6653008

The first burgers used sliced bread

>> No.6653016

Please back that statement up with non-internet derived evidence.
We've all seen that shitty diner that uses 100 year old black cast iron cookers and denies ketchup.

>> No.6653019

This, the obvious correct slang pronounciation is spag bol

>> No.6653020

It's actually "spag bowl" as in a bowl of spaghetti.
The more you know!

>> No.6653026


Unless that "place" is Mexican and half black cowboys (the real kind, not the gay porn kind) ranging over the entire Midwest making their poverty soup with whatever they could get their hands on (including beans, not even necessarily tomatoes or even meat) then it's not "authentic"

Fun fact, the name "chili" comes from the only de facto ingredient, the chili pepper, and not obese white rednecks making their thick rich white man grease and meat concentrate bowl that they call "food"

>> No.6653031

>People who call pizza "za"
This is a thing?

>> No.6653058

>people who call spaghetti "s'getti"

>> No.6653089

Calling lye rolls pretzel rolls.
Spelling pretzel with a p when Bretzel is correct.
Being incapable of pronouncing Selters and mangle it into seltzer.

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>> No.6653112
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>> No.6653120

What the h*** is a Bretzel, I've only heard of pretzels.
[Comment by Dave Ackerwood]

>> No.6653123

do you even know that chili is short for chili con carne you fucking moron

>> No.6653124

r u tumblr user pizza

>> No.6653128

considering the 'coloreds' are the ones that invented chili con carne i think that you just proved that you should put beans in

>> No.6653138

Never heard anyone call it "sammich" unironically.
"Samwich", yes, but never that.

>> No.6653140

I fucking hate "strawbs".
Also people who say chburgs instead of cheese burgers.

>> No.6653150

No faggot its shortened spaghetti (spag) bolognese (bol)

>> No.6653153

Do you even know what "con carne" just means "with meat".

As in "Chilli with meat".

That's it. That's the dish. Chilli. With meat. Everything else is optional.

>> No.6653156
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hey man what you eating
>a hamburger
looks like just the patty to me, where are the vegetables, bread etc?
>pfft go back to eating your rich greasy white man food, im being authentic

>> No.6653158

Don't get so butt-blasted because you tried to sound clever without even knowing what you were saying.

>> No.6653160

Why the fuck did this gif make me laugh so hard?

I might be in the mood where I'll laugh at anything

>> No.6653165

nice 1 m8 good reply sure showed me

ill continue to know that chili con carne clearly requires additional ingredients to be authentic

i bet you eat plain boiled chicken and rice and call it arroz con pollo

>> No.6653171

>i bet you eat plain boiled chicken and rice and call it arroz con pollo

I wasn't the one trying to sound clever by using the name "Chilli con carne" without understanding what it means.

>> No.6653172

you literally said that the dish chili is defined only by the ingredient chili because thats what its called

>> No.6653180


>> No.6653184


>> No.6653203

yes, literally

>> No.6653211

Not OP, but peat-zuh, from Metro Detroit.

>> No.6653213


>> No.6653214

>browsing ck
>not caring about food

>> No.6653314


Your being such a little ass blasted faggot

You wouldn't have looked so stupid if you'd just stopped while you were ahead after only one mistake, now you're babbling on and just digging your grave deeper. Thankfully for you this is anonymous, but I can only imagine the retarded things you must say in real life that you can never live down

>> No.6653333


I'm American and don't pronounce the H on most of my words. Triggered yet? Ouse. Ose. Arry. Air. Ave. Eaven. Eavy. Ome. Ell. Ate. Ashbrowns. Ighway. Umor.

>> No.6653339


>chili con carne
>chili with meat
>have to specify that it has meat
>therefore, plain chili doesn't have meat
>must have beans
>result: chili has beans, meat is an abomination that needs a special suffix to denote

Beans are good for you and taste better than ground meat, anyway.

>> No.6653342
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it's 'ardcandy, a movie with that girl

U.S. here, totally agree
Brits say "herbs" so they don't sound like the inbred Cockneys, cf., Enry Uggins, etc.

also great quads or is it great 'uads?

>> No.6653393
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>People who call donuts "dones'

>> No.6653405


>> No.6653407

the first recipe for chili con carne was put on paper in the 17th century by a beautiful nun, Sister Mary of Agreda of Spain. She was mysteriously known to the Indians of the Southwest United States as "La Dama de Azul," the lady in blue. Sister Mary would go into trances with her body lifeless for days. When she awoke from these trances, she said her spirit had been to a faraway land where she preached Christianity to savages and counseled them to seek out Spanish missionaries.

It is certain that Sister Mary never physically left Spain, yet Spanish missionaries and King Philip IV of Spain believed that she was the ghostly "La Dama de Azul" or "lady in blue" of Indian Legend. It is said that sister Mary wrote down the recipe for chili which called for venison or antelope meat, onions, tomatoes, and chile peppers.

>> No.6653433

I like wikipedia too anon

>> No.6653439
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>Sister Mary would go into trances with her body lifeless for days

This is my fetish

>> No.6653449
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I can say za if I want I hope you all hate me for it.

>> No.6653468

>kitchen staff who don't keep a small container of jizz to put in American customers' food.

>> No.6653525


>> No.6653552
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>people who dont call a sandwich a 'sando'

>> No.6653553

it's sanido

>> No.6653589

From Michigan. Know 0 people who call thems za's. Its a Florida thing

>> No.6653639

grow up fam, seriously try leaving your house a few times a week

you have not responded to any points i made, and youre not even basing your insults on superficial things youve gleaned from my posts. youre literally just spewing insults for no reason.

i made no mistakes, you were the one who claimed chile con carne is made of only chile

fuckin white ppl are so stubborn in their idiocy

>> No.6653657


>oi bitch, i'm hungry! make us a sanga!

>> No.6653679

>you also say "secant" instead of "second".
horseshit. i've never heard that in my life.

>> No.6653687

>de facto
you're using that term wrong.

>> No.6653744


Poor reading comprehension must be a terrible fault to try and live with

To think, you're this mad over a bean.

I suppose the irony is lost on you that your argument beginning "chili only has meat, no beans" has, over the course of backpedaling and goalpost shifting, turned into "b-b-but authentic chili can have anything in it besides chili" like, you know...


>> No.6653759

nope m8, i know chilli contains beans, you were the one implying that the recipe name describes all parts of the recipe.
stay mad m8
flyover state murican white trash, youre the one who started feeling superior over beans

>> No.6653768

and just to add, insulting my intelligence will get yall nowhere, its kinda irrelevant but i bet i have way better qualifications last year than you will ever have.

>> No.6653803

Could be worse, in the UK most people assume it's chip-pot-al, because the assume foreign is always written in phonetic english

>> No.6653825
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Fuck you and your attempting to use slang as scrabble words. It's bad and you should feel bad.

>> No.6653848
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a bun -is- bread you retard.

>> No.6653859
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>> No.6653866

It's a recognized scrabble word.

So is qi

>> No.6653869

Thank you

>> No.6653880

Shitty bait puto

>> No.6653888

Why do people respond to the autistic chiliposters wtf

>> No.6653892

From Florida. Know 0 people who call thems za's. Its a Colorado thing.

>> No.6653895

I bet you're one of those people who memorize all the shitty two letter words that are "acceptable" like "xi." Listen junior, if you can't define it, or use it in a sentence, then you shouldn't be playing the word.

>> No.6653932

why did this make me laugh so hard>>6652851
So, which is it. I need a profile from both of you.

From Colorado. It is certainly not a thing.

>> No.6653941
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>> No.6653948

>From Colorado. It is certainly not a thing.
boulderscum here, it is a colorado thing.

>> No.6653952



>> No.6653954

Opinion discarded. But, you already knew that, faggot.

>> No.6653967

He didn't give an opinion.

>> No.6653980

It was his opinion that za was a colorado thing. Yet, he lives in boulder, so it does not represent anything but a shitty collegetown hippie circlejerk.

>> No.6654019

Hey bro, I'm in the Springs & everyone says "Zaa" here.

>> No.6654024


>> No.6654025

How is that funny?

>> No.6654035

The fact that you think Colorado Springs is a cool enough place to merit a nickname.

>> No.6654040

erry'one calls it the springs. why would you keep saying

>> No.6654042

The Springs are more of an anomaly than Boulder

>> No.6654103

So it would be mainly just meat and tomatoes?

Do they still add bell peppers and onions?
I've recently started making my chilli without meat as I realised I was putting less and less in while the flavour stayed the same.

>> No.6654128
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>people who don't post an image with their post on an imageboard

>> No.6654131

It's what you get when you combine Colorado liberal outdoors hippies with military fags and MEGACHURCHES. The combination is offputting and weird. Pretty sure that's where the rapture is going to happen.

>> No.6654192
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Mad enough to double post, upset enough to self assert intelligence, one again stating a false opinion as fact as though mere repetition will somehow save you

Throughout this all you hang onto your single lifeline, a false assumption, a strawman I've never started whereas you've flip flopped between beans/no beans. You're so fixated on the fact that I mentioned chili contains chili you've become so ass pained you start immediately throwing out "insults", again ironically choosing ones that betray your young age or lack of intelligence

Flyover state? Such as many of the plains these vasquero fielded while making their bean chili?

American? As in, from the same country whose wild west cuisine we're discussing?

White trash? Racial slurs now? Owie- I'm crushed

You decry ad hominem attacks yet they seem to be your favorite resort when you realize you haven't a leg to stand on?

Your colossal ignorance is actually rather withering to deal with, and even though I keep smacking you down over and over again as you futilely keep putting your foot in your mouth I actually do feel rather sorry for you.

Cook a bowl of chili however you please, friend. Watch the hot peppers though, your ass is already dangerously sore

>> No.6654268

bro no matter how far youve gone you still are not even considering the possibility you made a complete dumbass of yourself by stating chili con carne is made of only chilis. and then when i pointed out that clearly it doesnt mean that, as its short for chili con carne, and from there you can (hopefully unless you are completely retarded) infer that the dish chili means a particular blend of chili, meat, beans and possibly tomatoes

altho seems like youre getting way too hung up on argument semantics such as ad hominem attacks. which you started.
(and youre calling 'white trash' a racial slur? lol ok buddy)

let me state it one more time for you pasty unmoisturised slack jawed manlet head ass:



BECAUSE (and here's the key point matey), COOKS ADD INGREDIENTS TO MAKE A RECIPE

although if you describe all the food you make by listing every single ingredient, props to you, altho you should take your medicine.

>> No.6654289

>you made a complete dumbass of yourself by stating chili con carne is made of only chilis

You can't even quote that. Scroll back up, you can't even find that statement. You've been shitposting for an entire day about a statement you completely made up

I only ever said that there were chilis in chili.

That's it.

Considering I've been in favor of bean chili this entire time, it shouldn't be hard to piece two and two together here.

Go ahead and keep insisting I said "authentic chili is only ever some weird kind of pepper salad", that idea is so unbelievably retarded and far fetched that it's taken me hours to understand that you, a (presumably) human being with access to the internet somehow thought that was true

>> No.6654310
File: 345 KB, 488x154, disappointed-but-not-surprised.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fun fact, the name "chili" comes from the only de facto ingredient, the chili pepper, and not obese white rednecks making their thick rich white man grease and meat concentrate bowl that they call "food"

god youre pathetic, im glad youre not a chef, or live near me so i never have to eat your presumably limited range of food & ingredients

>> No.6654377

Qi is similar to the word chi. It means one's internal spirit or something.

>not memorizing the definitions as well in case people call you out

>> No.6654389

I will molest you

>> No.6654400

That's how you win Grognard.

>> No.6654406

It's what accupuncture is supposed to redirect or some shit like that.

>> No.6654438

>not putting beans in chili
>missing out on all that protein
Texfats, this is why you'll never make it

>> No.6654440

if I wanted beans I'd eat rice and beans, they don't belong in chili you heathen

>> No.6654450


Yeah but they do though...


guess you're just a dummy :)

>> No.6654489


>> No.6654501

You realize "secant" is pronounced in no way similar to "second" unless you insist on using only short vowels.

>> No.6654508
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>defiling a nun

>> No.6654511

>using up all the images instead of letting other anons post theirs

>> No.6654543


Having worked at Dominos for 4 years, I'm going to have to disagree.

>> No.6654551

I am not sure they use tomatoes.

>> No.6654553

Where was that?

>> No.6654584

XD ebin

Goddamn this thread jsut reminded me that this board has the highest female percentage of all of 4chan.

>> No.6654594

not food but
every fucking time

>> No.6654631

lol is this an americlap thing too? all the middle aged white brits say it here, fuckin literally just read the word its not that hard

>> No.6654683
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>> No.6654877


Shut the fuck up.

>> No.6655053
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>> No.6655062


It was more of an early 00's internet proto-meme

>> No.6655072

Fuck off, the natives of the mesoamericas called it chili in their native languages, and it god damn didn't have beef in it. It was the generic name for any dish that had chili peppers simmered down to a sauce like consistency.

They put beans, corn, tomatoes, turkey, fish, deer in their chili.

Fuck off, idiot.

>> No.6655082

[citation needed]

>> No.6655086


Charles Mann, "1491"

Other journals from the early conquistadors and Catholic missionaries

>> No.6655150

better than most of pixar's movies

>> No.6655358

You and I are on the same level, and I appreciate that
>mfw can place a single Q on a triple letter above and to the left of two Is or Us for a quick 62pts

>> No.6655632

Contains no reference to chili con carne

>> No.6656320
File: 116 KB, 347x371, cant deal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I knew this one girl as a kid who legitimately pronounced it "b'sketti"

>> No.6656666

I know an adult who still does. And she says "maynaise"

>> No.6656678

That spread here too?

>> No.6656712

ITT: yuropoors have never been able to afford authentic za's and hamburger-sandwiches

>> No.6656905



>> No.6656910

Dude, the yuros invented pizza and hamburgers.
>Just sayin'.....

>> No.6656943

He didn't say pizza and hamburgers.

>> No.6657077

you ruined his joke good job
you too

>> No.6657398
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>not calling sushi "soosh"

>> No.6657436

I'll hook you right in the gabber mate

>> No.6657737


Is it really a joke if it isn't funny

>> No.6657799


>british people

>> No.6657813


Why are Coloradans so insufferable?

>> No.6657817


Christ you chilifags are even worse than the colorado fags and the british guy who has never heard an American speak

>> No.6657832
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>> No.6657868 [DELETED] 


It's an entire state full of nothing but bible thumping conservacucks and pot heads.

>> No.6657880


They should chill out and find some middle ground

>> No.6657881

Opinion Discarded

>> No.6657882

Go back to reddit

>> No.6657991


Coloradofag detected

>> No.6658025

colorado best state errytime

>> No.6658029


>Colorado Springs

Three strikes and you're out!

>> No.6658035

I went to denver to smoke weed and it was cool, but everyone kept hyping up the green chilli, talking about how great it was and how denver is famous for it and your mother sucks cocks so try this chilli. So I tried it (not difficult to find since every restaurant puts it on fucking everything) and it was totally disgusting. I tried it at several places and it sucked total balls. You people actually call that goopy gelatinous vomit chilli?

>> No.6658048

It's not filler though, each bean provides a unique flavor not found in meat.

>> No.6658067
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Not only do I put beans in my chili, I serve it over rice! AHAHAHAHA

>> No.6658079
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>> No.6658083

I serve mine over corn bread, but I've used brown rice before. Pretty good.

>> No.6658109


>i've never eaten chili in my life
>b-but i know my /ck/ memes!

Chili has beans in it everywhere other than certain parts of rural Texas, which nobody else cares about in the US. It's normal to serve it over rice (if not on it's own), other than in certain parts of flyover land. Shredded cheddar and diced, raw onion are the normal toppings.

There. Now you know.

>> No.6658357


fuck off limey, go eat some eels

>> No.6658363
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>People who pronounce Italian "I-talian"

>> No.6658754

People that try too hard to sound italian when talking about italian food,

no mom it's not fucking MOOTZARELLE

>> No.6658778

great grandma spoke fluent italian and pronounced it that way

>> No.6658830

Motsa-rella sounds Jewish.

>> No.6658833

Mushy isn't a flavor.

>> No.6658835

Chili served over rice? No one does that. Sounds like some bullshit a Miyagi would pull.

>> No.6658849

I live in CO and I hate green chili, I can't stand the fact that it's become the state's "signature" food

It's all heat with no flavor, shit's disgusting

>> No.6659307

well you aint my fam anymore then

>> No.6659361


I always hated that while watching for TV. Giada keep doing it, like having a stroke and slipping into this retarded accent every time she stumbled across a foreign looking word on the teleprompter

>> No.6660747

I used to assume the same, my country doesn't have any Chipotles or Spanish speakers so I always read it cher-pote-al. I didn't even know it was foreign.

>> No.6660855
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>> No.6660860

>i inherited a fedora
wow epic

>> No.6660983
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>mfw there are people in the world that dont call chinese food "chink feed"

>> No.6660987
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haha dumb fuck the list is like 12 words long, your weak mind can't skim and remember that shit in half a minute: kill urself

>> No.6661469

you aren't my fam anymore

>> No.6661488

Literally nobody has ever done that

>> No.6661555

>there are people who dont put macaroni and cheese in their chili
Chilimac is GOAT

>> No.6661599


fam mind?

>> No.6662543
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Please stop

>> No.6662577

Veggies I can handle, yummy and sammich, they should suffer the gallows.

>> No.6662583

I hate the word veggies, it sounds so awful. I also dislike other words that end in the hard E sound like belly. Something about them is just so grating.

>> No.6662592


One of my friends used to but he stopped because we called him out on it every single fucking time he tried getting away with it.

>hey let's get za and da
>what the fuck are you talking about you retarded jew

>> No.6662596

Grandpa is grumpy again.

>> No.6662602

what is da?

>> No.6662614


when I was little I couldn't say umbrella so I would say baloola.

My teachers would like, get very upset with me.


>> No.6662623



Yes he would shorten it to da.

I'm glad he stopped.

He went to Chicago for a week and became an insufferable faggot for months.

>> No.6662636

French for grumble

>> No.6662645

As a kid I always pronounced lasagna as "basagna." I also couldn't pronounce a "th" sound.

>> No.6662911


Living in New York is suffering

>> No.6663097
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>mfw OP doesn't get together with bae and besties to nosh on some za and light up some of that truth

>> No.6663144

you seem to be mixing your subcultures there

>> No.6663188

itt people who dont know what a movie is

diff guy here

>> No.6663228

its pretty cool here, the liberals are loud but the right is quiet

>> No.6663447
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>people who buy cupcakes, weird grain store bread, or any other yupster shit

>> No.6663462



Black/rapper culture


White girl culture


Jewish culture


Stereotypical 80's "hip" guy culture?

>light up that truth

Califag culture

>> No.6664528

>pixars best

pls. it's just the exact same elements from toy story in a different setting.


>> No.6664551

I swear I've seen the concept they use in a previous movie or something before.

>> No.6664565

I worked at a pizza place for almost 4 years and one day had a guy come in and ask for a "garbage pie" and I had no fucking clue what he was talking about

>> No.6664573

Aye means yes.

>> No.6664580

guac sounds cool. i fucking hate "veggies" tho. and "salsa" and "nom nom" and "yummy"

>> No.6664603

I'd assume he means all your toppings on one pie.

>> No.6664612

>Still letting other people's way of speaking/eating/behaving get at you.

>> No.6665476



>> No.6665479

British people say "veg" which is even more cringy.

>> No.6665557


It's another released-yearly cash grab Pixar shovelware kid movie. You answered your own question.

>> No.6667496

I do the following things:
>call pizza "zza"
>call burgers "burgs"
>call tacos "tacs"
>call ketchup "chup"
>call partially gelatinated, non-dairy gum-based beverages "shakes"

Fite me faget

>> No.6667508

Isn't it sexist to criticize movies with Amy Poehler in them?

>> No.6667641

Fuck off Texas

>> No.6667662


>> No.6667667

The first two are straight up youth culture these days.

>> No.6667693


It's froyo you dumbos.

>> No.6667817


>> No.6667841
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You fuckers are adorable

I couldn't say Wendys so I'd always call the plays Wendsdays

>> No.6667881

>Because the word is rooted in French
so is hotel and yet

>> No.6667927

So? It's pronounced "oh-tell".

>> No.6668434


congrats on the supreme court ruling btw

>> No.6668450
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>fb people who make meme food for their bfs

>> No.6668683


>> No.6668714

I prefer this over
Pizza is objectively not a pie.

>> No.6668718

only guidos and jew yorkers call it pie

>> No.6668778
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>280 posts
>not a single reference to pic related
killing me

>> No.6669011

What does dio have to do with pizza?

>> No.6669226
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>People who call a knife a "nye"

>> No.6669263

I've lived all over the US and have never, ever seen chili served over rice.

>> No.6669275 [DELETED] 
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>being a beta cuck

>> No.6669280


>> No.6669411


In Ohio they even put it on spaghetti, why is it so strange that people would put it over rice?

>> No.6669455


>> No.6669579

*tips 3rd chin*

>> No.6669592
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>People who buy sous vide stations for their home

>> No.6669603

I'm with you. Beans are awesome. Chili is awesome. Why can't they just be awesome together?

I also serve my chili over rice, if I'm feeling particularly adventurous. 10/10.

>> No.6669609

Neither could you live on JUST chili w.o beans

scurvy sucks bro

>> No.6669648

No singles policy?

>> No.6669855


The recent influx of /tv/ posters is the worst thing this board has ever been hit with.

>> No.6669889

I remember seeing an old US Army recipe for chili that suggested to serve it over rice. It sounds breddy gud. I'll eat just about any kind of meat over rice.

>> No.6669908

>Beans are awesome.

>> No.6670029


>> No.6670059
File: 60 KB, 500x597, 1425909330560.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's a distinction between "aye" and "yes." Aye is an acknowledgement, as in

>Anon, do X!
>Aye ((aye)), sir!

As apposed to yes/no, as in,
>Anon, is OP a faggot?
>Yes, sir!

>Pic related - Calling Mahi Mahi "Dolphin"

>> No.6670070

Giada's a legit Italian though you dumb kike

>> No.6670084

a legit italian who is also playing up the accent for the cameras

fucking trust fund baby anyway

>> No.6670096

You sound pretty angry, you okay bro?

>> No.6670273

FortCollinsfag here, I've never heard anyone but the ninja turtles say 'za. I do hate the terms "FoCo" and "NoCo" with inordinate intensity, though

>> No.6670286

This whole state is an echo chamber for all the different political/spiritual/cultural groups that inhabit it. Legal weed, giant hippy colleges, open-carry firearms, farmland out the ass, an impressive tech industry, giant churches, large military population in certain areas, and a generally tolerant population...pretty much anyone can do what they want here, and be met with support from one community or another. So every coloradoan thinks that they are right about everything, because there are tons of other people telling them that they are

>> No.6670423

A legit Italian with a strong California accent who overpronounces Italian words.

>> No.6670556

I thought I was the only one anon

Strangely reminds me of Rarity

>> No.6670795


This is true. Everybody shouts about how diverse and tolerant they are but they're all white hippies that like to bike up mountains and bullshit

>> No.6671079
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>you want a sammy, anon?

>> No.6671664

Damn I love me a wheel and beer, whats wrong with you OP