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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 51 KB, 640x405, LeGruyere.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6652180 No.6652180 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: we talk about our favorite cheeses and the processes of making said cheeses.
>What is your favorite stand alone cheese
>What is your favorite sandwich cheese
>What do you think is the most unique cheese?

>> No.6652213

>What is your favorite stand alone cheese
>What is your favorite sandwich cheese
>What do you think is the most unique cheese?
maggot cheese/blue cheese

i want to try brown cheese.

i love making fresh cheese with milk and vinegar, then using the leftover whey to make bread. it makes the bread soft and sweet.

>> No.6652219
File: 64 KB, 700x300, EmmentalCheese.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just so we're clear, swiss cheese is actually called emmental.
While we're on the topic, gouda isn't pronounced goo-duh. It's pronounced How-duh. You gotta make sure to do that rolling H like the Jews do.

>> No.6652226



Red Leicster

I'll go with stilton, it's not specifically unique, but it's the only 'unique' cheese that I don't think is shit tier

>> No.6652377

>>What is your favorite stand alone cheese
brie or camembert
>>What is your favorite sandwich cheese
>>What do you think is the most unique cheese?

Fight me /ck/ucks. Brie is delicious.

>> No.6653392

Btw, do you guys prefer cow, goat, or sheeps cheese?
I've heard sheeps is the best because it has by far the highest fat content, making for the creamiest of cheeses. I want to know if it does well with hard though.

>> No.6654836

>What is your favorite stand alone cheese?
Pretty much any sharp cheese. I'd say 3+ year aged Gouda or Cheddar

>What is your favorite sandwich cheese?
Colby-Jack (for color and flavor)

>What do you think is the most unique cheese?
A couple.

Casu Marzu

>> No.6654868

>swiss cheese is actually called emmental.
Please learn how language and dialects work. Language naturally changes over time and people aren't forced to speak as though it is the mid 1800s anymore

>> No.6655144

So everyone outside of the U.S. and Canada are in the 1800s, because it's literally called Emmental cheese everywhere else.
Hell, I even went to trader joes not but 45 mins ago and I spotted their emmental cheese near the bakery. It wasn't presliced and each mini piece of cheese came prepackaged in their own boxs, so I assume it was made elsewhere. The emmental cheese that's presliced is labeled Swiss though. I assume it's just for us muricans.

>> No.6655192

my favorite is mozzarella string cheese.

>> No.6655219

>What is your favorite stand alone cheese
kraft singles

>What is your favorite sandwich cheese
kraft singles

>What do you think is the most unique cheese?
kraft singles

>> No.6655238

>So everyone outside of the U.S. and Canada
a large majority of native english speakers live in america or canada

>> No.6655252

Home-processed gruyere-emmental mixture
casu marzu

>> No.6655305

>What is your favorite stand alone cheese
Wensleydale(I love the versions with lemon peal or dried cranberries added) or Stilton
>What is your favorite sandwich cheese
Swiss or labnah(maybe not technicaly a cheese)
>What do you think is the most unique cheese?
brunost or gjetost, not a cheese propper so much as it is solidified highly carmalized goat milk....its sold as cheese
its sweet and carmal like but has some strong goaty lactic taste to it, its killer of a thin waffle

>> No.6655522

Too bad English speakers didn't invent Emmental faggot.
You don't say tort till uh, do you?
You don't say cruh sont
You don't say goo duh
Face it faggot, either pronounce a word correctly, or don't pronounce it at all.
Just because you speak English doesn't mean you can mispronounce the names of Swiss cheese. No, the name didn't suddenly change because 330million+ people are retarded.

>> No.6655547

Muh nigga.
Oh wow. Are there other uses for whey? I don't know the process to make powder, nor do I want to. I read up on cheese making and went full REEEEEEEEEEE at the thought of so much wasted whey.
>All that profit loss

>> No.6655568

>No, the name didn't suddenly change because 330million+ people are retarded.
It actually does. That is literally how language works.

>> No.6655581

whey gets used in different ways by different people, i think some of it is used in animal feed, and some of it may find other food uses, i think alot of it is used tho

>> No.6655591

You are such a useless piece of crap shitposter, don't you have a life or something?

>> No.6655592
File: 737 KB, 320x240, FuckingRetard.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, the word changes if it's a part of your language, not if it's a part of someone else's, dumbass.
It's a fucking SWISS cheese, and a GERMAN word.
You can have 200billion english speaking fuck nuts, and the word tortilla will never be pronounced tor till uh because it's a spanish word.
Do you get it now, or are you just having an ebin le meme :^)
I seriously hope no one is retarded enough to need this much of an explanation on such a simple matter.

>> No.6655596

No you retarded piece of shit, the original spelling is emmenthal.

Get your facts straight before you attempt at correcting peoples you little shitstain

>> No.6655606

Different nations with different languages pronounce and spell the actual names of other nations differently to the way they are pronounced by citizens of that nation. This is fact. Why should the names of cheeses be exempt from this phenomenon?

>> No.6655614
File: 179 KB, 605x620, CottageCheese.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, it's currently emmental. I don't care what the original spelling was. Everyone who doesn't speak English properly calls it emmental.
No one outside of the people who natively speak a language can change a natively spoken word.

>> No.6655634

>I don't care what the original spelling was
>yet I call out anyone who doesn't respect my views of the correct spelling

This is exactly the proof that you are a retarded troll.

You shit on everyone who doesn't use your way of calling a cheese because muh tradition, and then when you are shown the real traditional way, you say you don't care about the original spelling.

Come on you self inflated mongoloid admit it already you have nothing useful to contribute to this board and the only highlight in your day is to pollute boards with your opinionated logorrhea.
Get a life already.

>> No.6655649
File: 214 KB, 472x357, MFW.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The original spelling and the current correct spelling are two different things.
You're conflating foreigners spelling words differently to the etimology of words to native speakers.
Spergs bruh, spergs.

>> No.6655660
File: 59 KB, 551x549, PoorfagRedpill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah you are the only sane person surrounded by spergs and idiots.
This is why everybody hates you. Because THEY are the problem.

>> No.6655668
File: 30 KB, 400x300, HmmReally.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Numbers mean jack all bud. Just look at religion.

>> No.6655670

I say cruh sont because I'm not a huge turbonerd.

>> No.6655679

I'm a newbie at fine cheeses, but I really like parmigiano and I like melting Gruyere in my omelets.

>> No.6655683

Keep telling yourself that while you cry yourself to sleep

>> No.6655713

Hi anon.

I've been a casual observer of this conversation and I just wanted to say that I think you could benefit from watching the movie 'Crash'. One of the key messages that it portrays is that a lot of people in an increasingly isolated modern western society will actively seek out opportunities to 'crash' into other people (read: create a conflict with other people) just so that they can experience some human interaction.

I think that's what you're doing here. Especially given that you're wearing neon lights in the form of a name on an anonymous site.

With this, I truly hope that you can make better choices for your future.

>> No.6655765
File: 123 KB, 499x634, Poor poorfag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Truth Has Spoken

>> No.6656001
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>> No.6656284
File: 43 KB, 277x296, AutismIsStrong.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's actually called Emmental cheese, guys.
>Uh no, I've been calling a foreign word by the wrong name, therefore it has to change so I'm right.
>That's not how langua-

>> No.6656305

>pepper jack

Today I read an article that said drinking pure whey over ice was the bee's knees. Has anybody tried this? It sounds like an unsweetened yogurt drink, which actually sounds good.

>> No.6656402

See >>6655713

>> No.6656410 [DELETED] 

Only reason I name fag is because there's no IDs on here and I dislike when people mix others up. Happened a lot on /pol/ during the massive cucking.
As for the arguments. All I did was correct one guy and you guys went full sperg on me for using the correct word. Then you guys went full
Just because you wouldn't back down, knowing you're wrong, objectively wrong.

>> No.6656430

Stop inpersonating me you autist.

I know you guys hate me because I shitpost in most threads and secretly think I'm better than everyone, but since no one loved me as a child conflict is the only behavior I'm familiar and comfortable with.
So whenever possible I trigger peoples on 4chan so they reply to me and I pretend we are friends just having fun ;_;

>> No.6656435


>> No.6656436

Why would I back down?
If you want to be specific and authentic call it Emmenthal or Emmenthaler or else go suck a bag of dicks..

Also if all you gather from >>6655713 is the part about namefagging, you really are clueless

>> No.6656439
File: 28 KB, 319x324, MAXIMUMDAMAGECONTROL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Didn't read >>6656410
Also, no longer called Emmenthal in Switzerland. May have been original, but not anymore.
Only the Swiss can change their own word.
Face it you autist.
Going to take a shower and do my 10-6 now.

>> No.6656441

Stop it already

>> No.6656442
File: 18 KB, 400x266, stilton.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6656465
File: 8 KB, 303x166, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6656466

I can't attest to harder sheep's cheeses, but I've had several kinds of soft sheep's cheese in Greece on my uncle's farm. Dat creaminess tho, fucking amazing.

>> No.6656485

>>What is your favorite stand alone cheese
>>What is your favorite sandwich cheese
Jong belegen from the Beemster (it's a Dutch cheese like a Gouda but a million fold tastier creamier and better altogether)

>>What do you think is the most unique cheese?
casu marzu but for taste I like a blue stilton au port more

>> No.6657091

yeah i get it man, it is technically called emmental and i call it that cos im european but does that mean we should call Germany Deutschland just because thats the real name?

>> No.6657099

Stand alone? Stuff is too salty to eat alone, sorry. I guess cheese curds aren't too bad?
For sandwiches depends on my mood. Sometimes I like Muenster sometimes I prefer pepper-jack.
Most unique cheese?
I like the appalachian tomme you can get around here. If they age it tons it tastes like a lighter version of cheddar.
My favorite cheese period is bulgarian feta. I don't know why favorite cheese wasn't asked.

>> No.6657107

>What is your favorite stand alone cheese
Beemster X.O.
>What is your favorite sandwich cheese
the.... wait, what?
>What do you think is the most unique cheese?
Casu Marzu, which is in its own league of "unique".

>> No.6657167

You are fucking stupid.

Greatest snack cheese

brie or camembert. I can eat that shit for days.
>sandwich cheese
Boars head smoked gruyere
Anything with mold. If i were not bred from euro stock it would freak me the fuck out.

>> No.6657931

In my opinion, yes.
In unrelated questions.
Are you able to make cheese from things like heavy cream, or even condensed milk?

>> No.6658024

>Only the Swiss can change their own word.
Actually, it's called the Swiss Confederation, not Switzerland. I know how autistic you are about the proper names of things.

>> No.6658041
File: 33 KB, 640x480, Char.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually, it's Confoederatio Helvetica faggot, hence all Swiss websites using .ch domains.

>> No.6658081

>Actually, it's Confoederatio Helvetica faggot
In Latin, sure, which is what most people there speak. Your argument is as full of holes as is swiss cheese.

>> No.6658201

He's so desperate to have people reply to him he'll really find every way to keep the ball rolling, even if he has to display the full Spectrum of autism for it.

Just like a fat ginger kid from a broken home who puts stuff in his nose and does weird stuff just so the rest of the class notices him. He prefers to be laughnig stock rather than ignored.

His posts are getting deleted, maybe like sceak in the past he'll finally receive a ban every few days and one day we won't hear from him anymore.

>> No.6658365
File: 21 KB, 437x333, DidYouKnow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it too late to tell you I'm an obese ginger 400 year old chinese man whom shoves ginseng up his rectum?

>> No.6658376

Mont Vully and Humbolt Fog

Try Red Fox. It's the half decent version of Red Leicster

>> No.6658411

Someone had too do this

>> No.6658434

Dude no way, me too! I like to shape the ends but leave a few branches lower down (because I'm kinky like that).

Do you prefer bechamel sauce or ranch dressing for marinade?

captcha: steak (only matching pictures are ribs)

>> No.6658436


lube, fuck! I can't even shitpost right...

>> No.6658438
File: 2.68 MB, 900x506, xzxz09452140718.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>liking stinking cheese
Real cheese stinks to high heaven /like death or very similar
>liking fake cheese made of anything other than basically pure milk
Disgusting americlap garbage.
Lets talk about some good breads or something instead.

>> No.6658488

everyone loves goat cheese.

>> No.6658497
File: 56 KB, 400x549, muhfolder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nigga you dont even get the deluxe style? do you have an aversion to separating the slices?

>> No.6658502
File: 63 KB, 400x549, bladinbitch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dont know I'm not a cheese nerd.

>> No.6658516

>What is your favorite stand alone cheese

hmm. maybe smoked english cheddar. it goes beautifully by itself but I like to match it with a hearty belgian/czech lager

>What is your favorite sandwich cheese
depends on the sandwich I suppose. merediths goats cheese marinated in olive oil and oregano goes nicely with smoked salmon, but for cured meats I would usually use something with less character; probably sliced swiss cheese or gouda.

>What do you think is the most unique cheese?
Of the cheeses I like; maybe roquefort. Theres plenty of disgusting "unique" vegan shit out there though.

>> No.6659336
File: 30 KB, 295x295, i-seriously-hope-you-guys-dont-scan-this.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>belgian/czech lager