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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 477 KB, 560x500, laughinggirls.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6648329 No.6648329 [Reply] [Original]

>he eats his fries after he eats his burger

>> No.6648342


What idiots do that? The fries are an appetizer, and the burger is the main course. So you eat the fries completely and then you go to the burger.

>> No.6648350
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>not eating fries after each bite or putting fries directly on the burger

>> No.6648362

you should eat the burger first because it takes longest to digest than french fries since it has meat and probably cheese which take longer to digest than potatoes

>> No.6648397

>not eating the cheese last
non-connaisseur detected

>> No.6648408

Have you EVER eaten a burger that came with fries and taken a bite of the burger before you eat a single fry? I guarantee that the vast majority of people always, 100% of the time eat at least one fry before they bite into their burger.

>> No.6648447

I eat half of my fries, my burger, then the rest of my fries

>> No.6648459

>getting fries
>at all

Fries are literally filler material repurposed as food.

>> No.6648482

I never understood the point of appetizers.
>lets fill up on this crap before we get to the main course

>> No.6648490


They're not supposed to be so large that you are too full to eat the main course.

>> No.6648498
File: 64 KB, 604x466, Outback-Steakhouse-Coupon-Free-Appetizer-Bloomin-Onion[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw filling up on bloomin onion before I get my meal

>> No.6648499


this tbh

>not stuffing the greasy fries between the meat patty and the bun

>> No.6648509

i'm an american okay i know how to eat a hamburger so just back off?!!?

>> No.6648522
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>He doesn't space his fries out so he has an adequate amount to last for the duration of his burger

>> No.6648528

No, because I don't have autism.
>I make sure every part of my cereal is wet with milk before I eat it.
That's how retarded you sound.

>> No.6648540
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>he eats junk food

>> No.6648548
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I like to take a 1 2 3 approach. Take a bite out of my burger chew it well then swallow, grab some fries then take a sip of the drink I find that it's nice to constantly surprise your taste buds rather then eat one or the other completely alone.

>> No.6648551

Fuck off you fat cunt. Shiichan will never love you.

>> No.6648555
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>> No.6648567

I dont order fries anymore, they add nothing to the meal

>> No.6648638
File: 315 KB, 1200x1110, laughingdoggirls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't drink from the toilet

>> No.6648713

Am i the only one who eat them simultaneously (a burger bite, then a couple of fries, then maybe another burger bite and so on)? And who cares about which order people eat their burger and fries....

>> No.6648741


The only correct way to do it.

>> No.6648778



>> No.6648785
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>> No.6648831


>> No.6649318
File: 40 KB, 361x434, 6a00c2251ed83e8fdb00d41438bebb3c7f_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know what's up.

>> No.6651124

Who the fuck finishes their fries before even touching their burger? Do you not understand the concept of a side dish?

>> No.6651141

Whenever I eat a burg, I place 2 fries on the top of the bun. When I bite into the burger, I also bite into the fries up top. I also, (typically after every 2 bites), squirt the ketchup directly into my mouth via packs or bottle. If its the little white cups, I just tongue at it.

>> No.6651143

>a burg

Please put yourself in a self induced coma

>> No.6651152
File: 106 KB, 594x820, 1435981678375.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

burg burg burg burg burg Undead Burg, Burj Khalifa, iceberg, Edinburgh,

>> No.6651198

>eating carbs
lel you know they're literally poison right?

>> No.6651203

Dr. Oz please leave.

>> No.6651207

>he eats fries

shittiest way to enjoy a potato.

>> No.6651213

you should take some homeopathic echinacea. it's a great mood correctant and detoxicant

>> No.6651220
File: 1.79 MB, 2448x3264, IMG_20140713_142951:nopm:.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Certainly not. Someone must have shit in your happy meal or something

>> No.6651223

Will it negatively interact with my coffee enema?

I should also note that I've got a yeast infection. I've been putting yogurt in my vagina for a week now, and I think it's beginning to have an effect!

>> No.6651226

I can already smell it. Post pics

>> No.6651228

that's funny, because happy meals are literally shit to begin with

>> No.6651231
File: 179 KB, 650x214, Autism Contest.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's really funny, because you don't enjoy fried potatoes.

>> No.6651241

I usually only eat my burger in the restaurant and take the fries with me and eat them while driving.

>> No.6651251

>potatoes fried in oil = filler material re-purposed as food
There's nothing wrong with ordering fries with your burger every once in awhile.

>> No.6651257

I do both of these things. Fries are a compliment to the burger, and milk a compliment to the cereal, so it makes sense to ration them so you can have bites of each throughout your meal.

>> No.6651258

>hurr autism
9 times out of 10 the fries come out tasting like cardboard, so you slather it in ketchup 9 or mayo to make it edible.

>> No.6651260

I have found a brother on /ck/ today

>> No.6651264

vegetable goes after the protein, always OP.

>> No.6651269

On wiki definitions, that was one of their examples describing a douchebag.

>> No.6651279

They're really only a good option if it's a restaurant that's gonna take 45 minutes to cook your main course meal.
Also not something you should eat by yourself, get an appetizer when you're with friends who will share it with you.

>> No.6651282

It's unlikely they're fat - they don't eat fast food.
You guys don't even try anymore. You just sling insults blindly and it makes you look like idiots.

>> No.6651311

>eating one before the other

why would you even do that
i bet you all shove it down your throat in 5 minutes too

>> No.6651318

>he enjoys fat with salt

>> No.6651324

>he enjoys macronutrients with micronutrients

>> No.6651333

>imbling properly fried items are soaked with oil

You have been deprived of the finer things in life and have become a meme parrot.

>> No.6651342
File: 11 KB, 400x300, 1282086900430.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he eats

>> No.6651369

I know where that fucking bunny is from you piece of shit. Go back to your containment board.

>> No.6651385

>getting angered by a cartoon image

>> No.6651393

Fuck you. Now go back to /mlp/.

>> No.6651426


>> No.6651480

If you know, doesn't that mean you should go too


>> No.6651499

I always eat all my fries first because they get cold quickly.

>> No.6651554
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look at this faggot

>> No.6651559
File: 61 KB, 600x401, this-is-where-i-keep-my-genetics.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fries are an appetizer

>> No.6652143

I like my burgers hot.

>> No.6652159


You don't buy an appetizer and eat it by yourself, you split it with friends and have one bite of something nice, shared together, before eating your separate meals

>> No.6652163

>put some of the fries in the burger
>finish the rest later

>> No.6652165


What is it from r9k or something? Is it the new Reddit frog?

>> No.6652167


>not leaving a few fries on the plate to tip the dishwasher

A warm salty snack really his the spot in the dish pit and is a real lifesaver when your starving and busy

>> No.6652218

>eating carbs before protein

kekkington the third

>> No.6652222

True, but "every once in a while" also doesn't mean "every fucking time you order a burger".
Adding another 450 calories to every day's calorie count is how people end up with an extra 50 pounds that they never seem to be able to lose.

>> No.6652501


Are you seriously arguing that you eat burgers daily but your magically ok and not fat bevause you ship the fry?

>> No.6652818

>sip drink
>eat a bit of burger
>eat a few fries

in this order

>> No.6653694


>> No.6653698


Thank you Poindexter.

>> No.6653783

>not dipping your fries in your coke