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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6638748 No.6638748 [Reply] [Original]

The only food I've ever had difficulties cooking is rice, and it drives me insane and makes me feel like a pleb every time I try. So I always avoid it even though I fucking love rice, and it goes well with fucking everything.

Little too much water? Fuck you, here's a swamp. Too little? Fuck you, here's rat shit.

All I want is some colorful, healthy, tasty yellow rice (basmati I think its called?). What is the secret I'm missing here? Pic unrelated, posting from my phone at work.

>> No.6638760

Follow the directions on the bag

Check it a couple minutes before time up

Add water if its too dry

Wa la

>> No.6638767

Always go by a 2:1 ratio of water to rice, bring rice and water to a boil, turn heat to slow and let it simmer/cook for 15-20 minutes.

Keep an eye on it; it's best to take it off heat when there's a tiny bit of liquid left, and you let it sit so the grains can absorb it.

>> No.6638815

yeah I've tried that shit obviously.

no dice.

instructions always seem to call for way too much water.

>> No.6638880

Op, I add a big spoonful of creme fraiche to the water before adding the rice. This is not a troll, try it yourself. The CF doesn't break down and separate like other dairy. It makes the rice fat and fluffy without getting sticky.

>> No.6638913

>no dice.
more like no rice

>> No.6638923

Risotto is the only acceptable form of rice.

>> No.6638936

>Wash rice.

>Basmati & longgrain, just under 1.5:1 volume water to rice
>Shortgrain just under 1:1

>Bring to boil

>Put lid on and set heat to low

>Leave 10 minutes


>Leave 5 more minutes


>> No.6638992
File: 31 KB, 225x170, vvfRCrSxVJZwefCCy9yqYHFNKg99QvJFWZyHzDHMbz3wr4W9Vzm8ndzKxJPfF6spVgGzs442s5DR4Tf5d88NdYqXcx4JDCd8X6yUqfuB9qATRppPs6EaGRRkJYgWDAmGACzR6ZmgS5Rhd2ppmKaw7vdXahFUYnxkezfjLgjM2p5fXnxBPS5XMKbgpNBv4YUjmNQFpyU7kfdebEg6hgLcLQgaj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP, microwave your rice. Don't tell me you failed again because if you fail that means you have a problem measuring.

How much does the rice you buy cost you?

Add appropriate amount of rice and water into a microwave-safe container. The container should be covered with a small air vent.
Soak rice in water for 5 minutes. If you're using water below 5 degrees C, soak for 30minutes.
Microwave on high for 15 minutes.

>> No.6639001
File: 41 KB, 495x660, ຫວດ ເຂົ້າໜຽວ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>call for too much water
Indeed they do. You are yet another victim to the fucktarded hurpadurp two-parts-water-to-one-part-rice bullshit that everyone who has never cooked rice in their lives seems to spout off ad infinitum.

Try the Sicilian method. It's generally fool proof. I say generally because unless you do something really stupid like, say, step away from the kitchen while it's cooking or something, you can't fuck this way of cooking rice. It works for every non-glutinous variety of rice I've tried with it, but I'll touch on glutinous rice below.

Anyway, for Sicilian-method:

Bring a huge pot filled halfway with water to the boil.
Dump in some rice.
Boil it, testing a grain every now and again for doneness; when it's a step or two below desired doneness, drain the rice out through a sieve and off the heat.
Wash the rice under cold, running water. I put the sieve into a bowl, swirl about, drain the water and repeat.
Do this until the water is mostly clear.
Drain the rice of excess water. Shake the sieve a little just to be sure there's not a whole lot excess.
Put the rice back in the pot and top it with a lid.
Set to high heat with your hand on the lid; when it gets too hot to keep your hand there comfortably. off the flame and let the rice finish up in its own steam and residual heat for the next 10ish minutes or so.
Fluff and there you go. Perfect. Every time. And no measuring required, really.

For glutinous rice, wash it until water runs clear, cover completely in fresh-drawn water and let soak for an hour.
Drain and put into a steamer basket lined with muslin/cheesecloth.
Steam for 20-30 minutes until done.
Pic related is how it's done traditionally, but most people use a plastic steamer basket nowadays.

For coloured rice, I use day-old, refrigerated rice and stir-fry it with something colourful, like turmeric or something.

>> No.6640272

Buy a rice cooker.


>> No.6640286


yeah honestly. It's rice for dummies

>> No.6640307

You don't need a rice cooker. A microwave is much cheaper and makes equally good rice.
see >>6638992

>> No.6640336

I use two parts water for one part rice, bringing water to a boil, adding rice, and then simmering for no less than 20 minutes. This is literally impossible to screw up and I don't see how people have so much trouble with rice. I eat it almost every day like this and never have problems

>> No.6640660

They have trouble because they listen to morons like you who assume all rice is the same and that the 2:1 ratio is universal across all varieties of rice. You fucking idiot.

Without knowing what sort of rice it is, >>6639001 is the best method, so go suck a shit, you goddamned cumstain.

>> No.6640683

Jesus Christ
Just use parboiled rice like most people in the civilized world

>> No.6640690

> I do weird shit to my rice and get angry when other people don't follow suit

Meanwhile in the real world it's easier to simply rinse the rice and put it in a pot with roughly twice the amount or water and let simmer for approximately 15-20 minutes. Adjust time and ratio to suit personal preferences.

>> No.6640713

just steam it, nigger.
put it in a sieve above a pan of boiling water, cover with a lid, mix it once in a while, take it out when it's done perfectly
takes a hell of a lot longer than boiling it, but it is worth the effort

>> No.6640748

And yet, when OP (see >>6638815)
and several other people do exactly that, they yield mushrice. I'm surrounded by Geechee people who inexplicably can't cook rice, so the topic comes up with some surprising regularity. The number of times I've told people to stop using so much water when they've complained to me about their mushrice who've done so and thanked me for the advice numbers into the double digits. No joke or exaggeration.

I don't know where this 2:1 water:rice bullshit came from but it's just plain wrong and the only people who swear by it seem to be the ones who don't actually cook at all.

>> No.6640774

My mom's/now also my way of making rice:
Wash rice, melt some butter in a small pan, fry rice a bit (1 minute, medium heat)
Then add the water, salt it and turn down the heat

Let it simmer for 15 minutes/until the water is gone

Can't help you with portioning though, I use a small and a big glass for it, for rice and water respectively

>> No.6640778

> 2:1 water:rice bullshit

No you retarded fuck, it works perfectly with parboiled rice which is probably more than 90% of the rice sold in the western world.

>> No.6640786

>parboiled rice
>90% of the western world
Now I know you don't cook.
Not only is 2:1 shit for parboiled because parboiled literally means it's been PARtially boiled IE it's cooked part of the way already and using that much water will yield mush but most of the western world does not use parboiled rice. American flyoverland, maybe, but not the other literally billion people in the western world.

>> No.6640818
File: 133 KB, 1200x1200, draining with lid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AKA Easy Cook rice?

That's what I use. I rinse the rice through a sieve, pop it in a big pan with a load of turmeric (and/or maybe cayenne or whatever spices I feel like), fill the pan with boiling water out of the kettle, stir, bring to the boil, stir again and cover. Take the heat down to a simmer and leave it.

After about 13 minutes, I'll stir it and try a few grains. Keep testing it every 20-30 seconds until it's good. Then drain (hold the lid tight on the pan, make a little gap for the water and pour into the sink - pic related). Fluff it with a fork and leave it in the pan while I finish up the sauce I'm having with it.

I make about 3-4 servings like this. Eat one portion with some sauce right away and put the rest in tupperware containers in the fridge (after it's cooled) for fried rice the next day or two

I'm well aware this makes subpar rice, but I've had worse rice more than once and it's consistently okay. Most other methods I've tried have fucked it up pretty bad. Like using 1.5:1 ratio water to rice, getting it to the boil, stirring once, covering and then turning off the heat altogether and leaving it until you want it. My old roommate got that right every time but I rarely have. I'll be trying this though: >>6639001 (nice filename btw - Thai?).

The sauces I have with my rice are usually so strong you can barely taste it anyway.

>> No.6640846

>the weab capital of the internet can't into rice
this is hilarious

>> No.6640847

Doesnt matter how much water you put in just dont boil the ass off it.
if its boil in the bag make a small slit and try it every 10 mins

>> No.6640856

soak rice in ceramic dish in a water and milk mix (4:1) over night in fridge
drain rice and sprinkle with salt
bring cold water to a medium heat in a pot
add rice
allow to boil for 90 minutes
bring water to the boil for 15 minutes uncovered
reduce heat and simmer for a further 2-3 hours
add more water and bring to a medium heat
simmer for a further 4-5 hours
drain rice from water and place in rice cooker
cook at a medium heat until tuesday
fuck it all out and kill yourself for being such a huge faggot

wa la

>> No.6640940


Now I know you're even more stupid than I thought. Go away dumbass.

>> No.6641308

>easy cook rice
That's the problem! Doing as the retard who has never cooked rice in his life (>>6640778 and >>6640940) suggests will result in mushrice because that rice is already partially cooked and dried out again.
Even for that sort, the Sicilian method works fine, just faster.
You can try cooking it in a similar fashion as instant couscous IE boil some water, stir in the rice, lid the pot and off the heat, letting it absorb the water and cook through.

And no, my filename is in Lao, not Thai. Similar script, though. Kinda like how Cyrillic and Greek have a lot of similarities.

I'm sorry that you have to deal with so much misinformation from people who can't cook, OP.

>> No.6641314

I used to do 2:1 rice because in the rice cooker my family had, that worked out perfectly.

However I think our rice cooker was just weird, because on the stove and with other rice cookers, I get a better result with a 1.5:1 water to rice ratio.

>> No.6641318


>> No.6641352

>Sicilian method

Wait what? Are you the same dumbfuck spouting all that bullshit about carbanora? How the pasta needs to be extra hot and so on? Whatever, my rice is never mushy and you're still dumb as shit.

>> No.6641509

I hear people with autism get upset when reality refuses to conform to their perceptions of the world. Is that what you're doing? Are you on the cusp of a 'tismtantrum because the ratios don't match exactly what you want them to? You sound like you are.

>> No.6641542
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you could also just let it soak in water beforehand instead of cooking it forever and add a little less water but still more than the directions ask for.

rice is already precooked... youre just losing nutrients doing it that way.

>> No.6641569

You fucking retard. Then reduce the water. I could kill you you're so retarded.

>> No.6641571
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>> No.6641574

Buy a bag of TILDA brand Basmati.
Rinse the rice till the water is clear.
Drain all the water.
Add 1.5x water to rice with salt to taste.
add a couple spoons of salsa(if you dare)
Bring to boil with lid on.
Reduce heat to low.
Fluff up with fork when done.

>> No.6641577

rice cookers cost $10-15

>> No.6641591
File: 58 KB, 273x448, 1430053647737.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>try making dinner last night
>hydrate/boil rice the way I always do and it always comes out fine
>don't even need to try the rice before frying it because I've done this loads of times before and it's always fine
>add beansprouts, soy sauce, honey, chili powder, even some tofu (I'm not vegan, I just like tofu)
>smells nice as fuck
>put into a bowl
>sit down
>begin to eat
>rice isn't even hydrated properly

>> No.6641604

>rice is precooked
Only parboiled rice is precooked.
IIRC, that's about a third of all rice eaten in the world. Parboiling makes it more nutritious, I hear, but I don't know how true this is or to what degree.
In my country, about half the rice is parboiled. You can tell the difference because parboiled rice looks "dirty" in comparison to regular rice. If you'd like, I'll take a pic of each next to each other, because I have both parboiled and regular on hand right now.
I know that in the US, all rice produced and nearly all rice sold within its borders is parboiled.
Parboiled rice should not be cooked using the 2:1ratio.

>> No.6641612

b-but! it says two parts water to one part rice!!! and EVERYONE knows that's the one and only tried and true ratio for cooking rice!!! who are you to go against the instructions by using common fucking sense? you disgusting heretic! blasphemer against the holy ratio!

>> No.6641693

>this thread
>this fucking thread
>cooking rice ffs

lmao you're dumb as shit /ck/

it's 2:1 btw

>> No.6641707

>I know that in the US, all rice produced and nearly all rice sold within its borders is parboiled.

Lol, what? I specifically have to work to find Parboiled rice amongst all the other types on the supermarket shelves here in the US.

Perhaps you are confusing truly parboiled rice (where the rice was cooked in the bran) with instant rice, which is also partially cooked to make it easier to prepare but in a different manner than normal rice?

>> No.6641748

>I know that in the US, all rice produced and nearly all rice sold within its borders is parboiled.

You know fuck all.

Stop making shit up.

>> No.6641753

I don't like parboiled rice at all: the texture, dirty looking (as you mentioned), and taste.

Interesting to know 1/3 of all rice eaten in the world are parboiled, I thought it would be a smaller percentage.

>> No.6641770

Here's my method for cooking Jasmine rice. Works perfectly every time. You might have to tweak the amount of water for other kinds of rice.
>toast 2 cups of rice with a little oil and garlic over low heat in pan
>add 2.75 cups water or broth, bring to a light boil uncovered
>cover, drop heat to lowest setting
>cook until most of the water is absorbed
>kill the heat, let rice sit for at least 10 minutes

>> No.6641777

I ask my wife to cook it

>> No.6641780

How do I make my rice taste and smell as good as the rice at the Paki restaurant?

>> No.6641792

That's a nice looking chemex

>> No.6641801








>> No.6641817

Add 1 cup of water. cook on high untill boiled. turn down oven to low after it boils. add 1/2 cup rice, put lid on. wait 20 minutes, check, stir a bit, wait another 5 minutes, keep cooking until there is little water left.

What's so hard about that...?

>> No.6641897

Yeah? Tell me which brand you buy.
Also, instant rice makes up a smaller percentage of rice sold in the US.

I would think your country's department of agriculture would know better than you do. Look it up.

>> No.6641913


These auto-detect weight-based evaporation of water, and stop cooking when the rice has absorbed the right amount. Easy peasy.

>> No.6641916

>Yeah? Tell me which brand you buy.

I don't buy parboiled rice very often because I don't care for it that much. But every time I have looked for it it's been a hassle to find. The majority of the brands I see on supermarket shelves are either the "store brand" plain enriched rice, or big national brands like Uncle Ben's, Mahatma, or Adolphus.

The brands I buy are:
Three Budda brand Thai Jasmine rice
Nishiki (Japanese style grown in California)
Arborio for risottos
...and some of Uncle Ben's instant types in the microwavable bags.

>> No.6641936

>doesn't like parboiled
>buy's uncle ben's
I've got some bad news for you, Anon.

>> No.6641945


Nope, you're making the mistake that I mentioned in >>6641707

There are two types of rice that could be called "par-boiled": Those that are boiled in the bran (the true and correct meaning of parboiled), and those that are partially cooked AFTER polishing.

Uncle Ben's, Minute Rice, etc, are the latter.

The stuff that anon mentioned having a brown color and a different taste is the former.

>> No.6641951

>remove superfluous apostrophe where necessary

>> No.6641954

I misunderstood your listing of those brands (Mahatma et al) as ones you buy. Because all of UB's are parboiled and a few of Mahatma's. I don't know Adolphus.

>> No.6641980

Get a cheap rice cooker.

>> No.6642037

I am actually having serious trouble comprehending the fact that people in this thread are having difficulty cooking rice. I just don't even understand how this is possible.

>> No.6642189

If he eats rice every day then he should get a rice cooker.

>> No.6642239
File: 34 KB, 640x480, i laugh at you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


So many dumb fucks in this thread

>> No.6642584

Your rice may be great. It may be the best in the world.

But your posting on 4chan? Shite. Post something good or fuck off.

>> No.6642595

Don't take the bait and report him for shitposting.

>> No.6643282

massively underrated post. too many cooks spoil the [rice].

>you're dumb as shit /ck/
>it's 2:1 btw
it's like poetry!

>> No.6643296

I just buy the precooked microwave stuff, call me a pleb but it comes out perfect every time and doesn't dirty a pot. Plus it only takes ~5 minutes

>> No.6643299
File: 42 KB, 640x480, lice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

chink here. this is how you cook lice: put 2 cup of lice in pot. bring pot to sink, fill with water half way. move hand through lice to remove starch. carefully drain water from lice. fill pot half full water and clean lice two more times. once finish clean lice third time, add X + 1 cups of water (2 cups lice = 3 cups of water). now put pot on stove, set to max and wait. once pot lice start boiling, lower temp to medium and wait 10-15 minutes for lice to cook. once water gone, lower temp to a notch above minimum and leave for 5+ minute more to remove excess remaining moisture. that's it, delicious lice.

>> No.6643312

You just turn the stove off after boiling for ten minutes, then put the lid on the pot. The rice will continue cooking. It doesn't matter how much water you put in. When the rice has absorbed enough water, drain off any excess. It takes a bit longer, but there's barely any effort required at all, and there's no chance of failure.

I'm sure most packets suggest doing this.

>> No.6643706

Dont tell me you add all the water at the beginning, you gotta add it a bit at a time

>> No.6644123

There are two ways of cooking rice : (I don't have the names) the one where you put the exact amount of water (from 1:1 to 3:1 ratio depending on rice), and the pasta-like one, where you put lots of water and use a colander after a certain amount of time.

Arguably, the first method is better. But I first learned the second one, and it makes OK rice. Obviously, you need a timer, and the package should indicate a time. 12 to 20 minutes, again depending on rice.

All in all, all "I have the perfect method" posts with water/rice ratio or cooking time will fail if you don't use the same rice as the poster. Try to get rice with indication on the bag (they still can be wrong...)

(Oh, you can cook sticky rice in steam, out of any water. )

>> No.6644143

I use a zojirushi ricecooker and it automatically makes great rice by clicking a button
shit is cash

>> No.6644177
File: 110 KB, 490x367, 1360957022342.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1c long-grain rice (I use basmati)
>put in big fucking measuring cup (3c or bigger)
>rinse/drain until water runs clear (2-3 times)
>fill measuring cup (with rice in) to 2.5c
>pour entire thing in cooking pot
>heat to high
>throw in kefir lime leaf, small spoon of coconut oil, salt (1tsp? I don't measure)
>when boiling, put on low, cover with lid, place big heavy thing on top (I use the measuring cup)
>18 mins
>turn off heat, rest for 5 mins
>fluff with fork, serve.

>> No.6646242

>pick up phone
>press buttons
>say a few words
>wait ten minutes
>receive rice

>> No.6646282

I always fuck it up too. I know it should be easy, and that most of the world can make it, but I fuck it up more than any other food I cook

>> No.6646484

1:1 water to rice

step 1. wash rice several times with fresh aliquots of water in order to remove as much starch as desired
step 2. make sure to drain all of the water from the rice after washing
step 3. add 1:1 ratio of water to your rice
step 4. add in however much salt you want (if you want). I typically go for 1 tsp per cup of rice
step 5. AND THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT. allow your rice to soak for 20 minutes
step 6. cover and turn heat to medium, allowing the rice to just start boiling
step 7. once boiling begins, turn heat down to med low / low (don't lift the lid) and allow to simmer for 20 minutes
step 8. (still don't lift the lid) turn off heat, allow to sit for 5 min or so
step 9. fluff rice with fork, eat

bretty easy

>> No.6646487


Oh and this is for med grain sushi rice.

>> No.6646618

This is how I cook rice

>fill pot with desired amount of rice
>fill in water to wash of the rice
>be mindful of draining it.
>fill it again, but slowly.
>measure the rice with your fingers, then measure the water level above the rice.
>if they're the same, you're good to go.

Just don't let it off your sight when you're cooking it with the stove's maximum capacity regulating gas.