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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 82 KB, 634x342, AmericaYes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6639765 No.6639765 [Reply] [Original]

How do I get into professional eating?
I need some extra money, and looked on eatfeats for some challenges. Most of the cash reward challenges are 4.5lbs+. How do I prepare for this? Are there any strats like eating carbs last because they expand first?

>> No.6640046

>75g proteins
>151% rdm

>138g carbs
>51% rdm

This is why half the population is obese and the rest is skinnyfat.

OP you can stretch your stomach out by drinking gallons and gallons of water before a challenge in order to have more space there.
You can also work on your gag reflex, and take some anti vomitive medication before the challenge.

Any way you'll end fat and unhappy, with potential health issues, and will often lose to a skinny asian kid.
Why don't you get into professional anything, aka a job that pays, like the rest of us?
Stopping namefagging on 4chins would be a first step towards a real life.

>> No.6640077

I already do work, but it's not enough.

>> No.6640095


Forget it, the ones that are actually making any money with competitive eating are like what 5 people? It's something you're born into i guess (i mean >>6640046 this anon is right, dem asians always win) Or you can practice for years, be overweight with health problems and be really unhappy and forget having any kind of serious relationship in your life because your career is... well disgusting. You're better off learning a marketable skill.

>> No.6640116
File: 257 KB, 1920x1080, DaBigKahuna.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6640126

Well, work more.

>> No.6640152

how the fuck is that thing 2000 calories?

>> No.6640156
File: 67 KB, 971x560, ButtHurt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, that's how it works. You demand your boss gives you more hours and they just hinge on your commands.
You've never worked a day in your life, have you?

>> No.6640164

then ask for a raise, THAT'S how it works.

>> No.6640178
File: 16 KB, 204x220, I'mDyingM8.jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Raise is performance based. Can you roll 20 tortillas in a minute, and fold 9 dumplings in another?
Didn't think so faggot.

>> No.6640195

Fat and carbs have a lot of calories, who would have thought?
The donuts are easily 250 calories each. Burger patties 500 calories each. 200 calories of cheese, 250 calories of bacon. Probably fried in butter or something too.

>> No.6640214
File: 317 KB, 640x480, 1341800953594.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1000 calories from two medium sized patties
>250 calories from two slices of cooked bacon

>> No.6640227


It's a combination of genes (yeah, in this case it's fucking true) and lifestyle.

If you couldn't stuff your face when you were in your teens and stay in shape you'll never be able to train to eat competitively.

The top competitive eaters also exercise on top of stuffing themselves with cabbage and water, and spend the day after every competition vomiting and generally feeling like shit.

>> No.6640230
File: 45 KB, 210x180, 1391483441332.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>more hours
>not working on commission
>being a sucker
>working for someone else
top kek!

>> No.6640341

>Yeah, that's how it works. You demand your boss gives you more hours and they just hinge on your commands.

Nope you take a second job if you need. Or you find another job.

>You've never worked a day in your life, have you?
I've flipped burger,and I've washed windshields at a gas station. All of these were done before I turned 20 tho. Then I got my shit together and though about a career path and got my thumb off my ass and started to work my way up. Still, I've worked night shifts and made some grunt work but it worked out.
>tl;dr: Cry more, pleb.

>Raise is performance based.
Nice admission of failure there, pleb.

>Can you roll 20 tortillas in a minute, and fold 9 dumplings in another?

Why would I? Do you think I would like to work a low end job and spend my days complaining on 4chins about being boo boo poor like you?

>Didn't think so faggot.
Cry even more while a truly dedicated immigrant kid outworks you because while you daydream about being a "Professional eater" on 4 chins he takes classes and mow lawns.
See you in 5 years in your "my shit spic manager is younger than me, and other industry horror stories" thread.

>> No.6640358
File: 198 KB, 360x360, HUE HUE HUE.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Butthurt I make $14 an hour rolling dough and closing dumplings?
Only reason I made this thread was because some of these challenges pay $500+

>> No.6640365

>$14 an hour
Is this supposed to be an achievement?
Not sure you would really want to compare our lives, poorfag.

>> No.6640371
File: 304 KB, 1148x1022, Pepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You sure about that midnight window washer?

>> No.6640388
File: 405 KB, 640x480, crymorepleb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All of these were done before I turned 20 tho
So your lack of education goes as far as reading comprehension?
Cry more pleb

>> No.6640393
File: 44 KB, 480x679, HAHA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stole a key chain and bought a fake watch.
Nice nigger :^)

>> No.6640396

How much did your volkswagen cost?

>> No.6640403

>daddy bought me a watch and a car
>better post it on 4chan to make these poorfags feel bad

>> No.6640405
File: 62 KB, 637x481, crymorepleb2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you had a dollar for every useless reaction image in your folder you wouldn't need to fold dumplings, right?

>whaaa whaa I can't afford nice things (because boss is bad)
>If others on an Anonymous board can have nice things, it must be stolen or fake
>I don't cry myself to sleep, I just rinse my eyes before sleeping.

>> No.6640411

It is a Seat, silly :^)

My dad's dead you asshole. All I inherited where debts.

Also only to mock one poorfag, sorry if you feel prejudiced but unless you are in the same loser mindset as the other pleb, you should see this as a reminder that you may be cleaning windshields at 19, and driving an Audi (whic is nothing extraordinary BTW), collecting watches and living a happy life at 32.

>> No.6640420
File: 826 KB, 320x240, PFFTHAHHAHA.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Niggers actually believe this

>> No.6640425
File: 2.67 MB, 2000x2000, 1435720179629.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All I inherited where debts
M-muh education
>on 4 chin
pic so fucking related

>> No.6640436
File: 74 KB, 409x517, crymorepleb3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you didn't believe the timestampped image in >>6640388 do you really expect me to get the car and the bike out just to prove a butthurt namefag wrong?
If your eyes are not as full of shit as you are, you may be able to notice the similarities. Or not.

>> No.6640439
File: 500 KB, 480x228, HAHAHAFAGGOT.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think you heard me.
>Posting on a Mongolian Oil Exchange Forum

>> No.6640444

Wow a typo! In a post written in my 2nd language!
I sure have been told!

I'm so relieved you didn't notice the missing h in my post, else I'd have commited sudoku.

BTW better brush up your spanish poorfag, gotta be able to communicate with your new manager!

>> No.6640458
File: 32 KB, 409x393, Ha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>TFW all my higher ups are Taiwanese
>TFW I'll never have to learn Spanish
>TFW a 32 y/o is getting butthurt on a Peruvian Cocoa Harvesting board

>> No.6640461

Pretty sure inexperienced little shits like you are not the userbase of boards like /ck/ or others were (see what I did there :^)) interests go a bit further beyond pictures of pepe and transgender genitalia.
You can actually tell that most of the meaningful threads (aka not yours, for instance) are posted in by the 25-35+ crowd.

Did you believe it was some super secret website that kicks you out once you reach a certain age? Do you think I discovered 4chan last summer?
Don't worry tho I'm sure by the time you reach such advanced age your life will be filled enough with dumplings and tortillas so you don't have time to browse 4chins anymore.

>> No.6640473
File: 173 KB, 640x400, HAHAHAHA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>YFW when I discovered 4chin in Summer of 2018
>YFW you're 32 and arguing on a Japanese Origami Plane Folding Emporium

>> No.6640485

This guy not only collect absurd amounts of reaction pics, but he goes through the anal retentive chore of naming each file.
Then he brags about working under the orders of chinese managers for 14 bucks an hour.
Finally he bashes the website that means so much to him that he namefags and collects reaction pictures just to have some sort of status on said website.

You are worse than Sceak.

>> No.6640519


>for an adult woman

just look at that sensationalist bullshit

fuck this stupid clickbait

>> No.6640603

seriously, very pathetic. it's even comparable to some tool getting trolled into showboating their moderate wealth on an anonymous image board :^)

>> No.6641027

I bet you live in middle class suburb too faggot.
>I-i made it!
>32, on 4chin

>> No.6641050

Whats worse: Namefags or Tripfags? Discuss

>> No.6641054


underrated 4chan descriptions

>> No.6641068

Not going to post pic of the view out of my window (hint, there's ocean and there are palm trees).
When you think about it, it all started when namefag refused to admit work pays eventually.
I just wanted to show that starting at the bottom doesn't mean you need to binge on pizzas for a living... Guess it's wasted.
Anyways I wouldn't do it if this was not anonymous. Really who cares I don't need to work until the end of july? I would have been trolled if I had disclosed any personal or important detail... I just snapped a pic and uploaded 2 older pics from my phone on a day when I had nothing more to do.

>> No.6642774

honey, it all started when you brought your opinionated self into a thread you had no remote interest in. :^)

>> No.6642865
File: 29 KB, 492x341, GreatOne.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I-I live on the beach
>Y-you'll just have to trust me, f-faggot!
:^) Ebin meme

>> No.6642974

I actually gave him pointers about stretching his stomach and working on his gag reflex (which may come in handy when he moves to bigger cocks than asians') AND to get a job.
All respect was lost when he started whining about boss not giving him hours and how someone should be mad he makes $14 an hour...
You may think he's trolling, but really he is the one trolled by life, so if stroking his tiny penis while posting silly reaction images on 4chins is the only highlight in his life, then I'm OK with this, it's not like I have anything more important to do today.

Poorfag confirmed for having never seen a seaside city.

>> No.6642984

>For an adult woman
So, this entire chart doesn't mean a god damn thing.

>> No.6644940

go to a fucking code dojo. Find intersectionality with an existing skill. Get paid.