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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 1.82 MB, 2764x1843, Dark Chocolate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6620377 No.6620377 [Reply] [Original]

>he still eats baby milk chocolate
>not 80%+ Cocoa rich dark chocolate
Please tell me you don't do this. You don't right?

>> No.6620379

>he still eats factory produced "chocolate" made with "powdered milk"

remove thyself

>> No.6620382

But there is no milk in dark chocolate?

>> No.6620419

What are you talking about, dude? You know, the whole greentext 1st/3rd person narrative convention on this site is pretty retarded, and in your case a detriment to clarity.

I think you're insinuating an adult (presumably) who eats milk chocolate is a man-child. I suppose that any adult who eats candy is immature by this logic. Sounds pretty fantastic. But what do I know? I like dark chocolate, not that candy ass milk chocolate shit.

I think my point is that this thread is useless and you are a homosexual, OP. I do not mean that in the offensive homophobic way, but in the 4chan convention way: you are a fag.

>> No.6620423

Thinking that the higher the cocoa content the better then chocolate is a misconception. 68-74% is usually as dark as high end chocolatiers go, as to best get the flavor of the beans out.

Of course there are darker, but these are less common and inferior in terms of flavor.

>> No.6620427


I've had 80+ chocolate but it's way too bitter for my tastes

75-ish is more my taste. not too sweet, not too bitter.

>> No.6620435
File: 74 KB, 446x500, chickatees-446x500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus just get to the point already.

>I think you're insinuating an adult (presumably) who eats milk chocolate is a man-child. I suppose that any adult who eats candy is immature by this logic.

No its like how an adult might eat something like pic related rather than eating quality cut crisps.

That was pretty much the only point in your post, you can't even call me a faggot without going about a convoluted way of doing so.

>> No.6620440
File: 233 KB, 429x550, 0000198_dark-chocolate-85-100g-bar_550.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meant for >>6620419 of course.

Dark Chocolate at 85% content isn't that rare, see pic related. Of course they would add things to it so it wouldn't be so bitter but 85% still is a thing.

>> No.6620482

I exclusively eat white and Kinder chocolate. Fuck you and your "patrician" taste OP.

>> No.6620491

and you also exclusively swallow

>> No.6620493

That's right I do. Chocolate isn't gum anon, I generally swallow what I put in my mouth.

>> No.6620494

I can buy 90% where I work.

>> No.6620498
File: 500 KB, 500x313, 123.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> I'm a autist with no social skills, completely dependent on my parents and I have no ambitions but YOU'RE the manchild for liking milk chocolate

>> No.6620543
File: 28 KB, 500x500, 41GVpZF+MqL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get on my level plebs

>> No.6620558

>eating food

>> No.6620561

You might as well just eat raw cocoa beans faggot.

>> No.6620598

only good for cooking purposes. Not just eating as a bar.

It's actually very nice in some currys as weird as that may sound.

>> No.6620603

Frankly, if you aren't flying to Mexico to gnaw on raw cacao beans right off the tree, you might as well just kill yourself.

>> No.6620610

>He doesn't eat soil shipped in from Colombia and raw cocoa beans
>He doesn't grow cocoa beans in his stomach to get the best possible chocolate experience
You aren't patrician.

>> No.6620642

>softened with madagascar vanilla
>implying vanilla isn't the most common flavouring agent in chocolate, aside from cocoa and sugar

>> No.6620652
File: 81 KB, 500x443, JohnnyLovesOzuke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all this walmart-tier garbage
>e-peen pissing about how dark you can handle, as if chocolate was a form of punishment

Chocolate threads on /ck/ are always a good cringefest

All we need now is that guy spouting off about how the phytonutrients from raw cacao cured his morgellons

>> No.6620656

It actually sounds weird. And incredibly attractive. Tell me more about 99% cacao chocolate in curry ? Recipe ?

>> No.6620735

the dark chocolate fad will pass soon enough

>> No.6620790

>if my candy tastes like shit, that makes up for eating like a child!

Not how it works, kiddo.

>> No.6621293


confirmed for only good grocery-store tier 85% chocolate

>> No.6621312

The entire post was sarcasm, intended to illustrate how convoluted the original post was. I only partially succeeded. Read a book. The dark chocolate should fuel your concentration.

>> No.6621333

one of the nice things about chocolate is that there are so many varieties and you can eat them all its amazing wow

>> No.6621409
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>i was only pretending to be reddit

>> No.6621411

>eating chocolate
>not smoking it like the Incas

can't believe I breathe the same air as you uncouth cretins

>> No.6621417

Best chocolate is lindt dark chocolate with a hint of sea salt !!

Could eat it all day every day

>> No.6621424

I still eat white chocolate and Hershey bars, I don't like the dark stuff it really is too bitter for me.

>> No.6621428

>he eats generic, aged, poorly sourced and roasted chocolate
>thinks bitter, gross flavors are good and manly and make him superior
>has never tasted single origin, fresh chocolate, that can be 70% and only have enough bitterness to balance the sugar

>> No.6621429

I've learned that all chocolate is good chocolate, just depends the mood your in. Before I actually had any quality stuff beyond the range of Hershey's poor excuse for chocolate it's all been pretty good at least. I keep around 70% dark and white chocolate. Don't have much milk chocolate though. One extreme or another with me.

>> No.6621433
File: 43 KB, 377x603, tumblr_nps8tzIsaS1u89l5co1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pissssssst. Pissst.Anyone with half a brain knows 80%+ tastes like dirt and ass. OK for cooking, not much else. Unless OP{ is a pretentious wannabe hipster faggot. Then It's THE preferred chocauliat.

>> No.6621514
File: 116 KB, 560x415, BF-A-308_Hero_grande..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like nibs and milk chocolate. Dark chocolate is like atheism, fucking retarded.

>> No.6621527

Not him but cinnamon and nutmeg are often seen as dessert spices in the west are used very commonly in Indian cooking (assuming he was talking about indian curries) and bitterness is a valued facet of flavour in small proportions and some staples like turmeric and kasuri methi are predominantly bitter.

Since sweetly aromatic and bitter is a common theme in Indian food cacao could work.

>> No.6621530

80%+ tastes like black coffee that was brewed with butter, it's delicious you faggot

>buy 90% dark chocolate bar
>eat so much in one day i get constipated
my butthurt makes you butthurt

>> No.6621589
File: 20 KB, 336x340, zipsfeora.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dark chocolate

>> No.6621597

>he still eats processed food
>he doens't eat raw cacao
Wow what a faggot I bet you like well done steak too.

>> No.6621654

Raw and Organic cacao nibs are good.

>> No.6621656

I agree 80%+ is pretty much that.

>> No.6621706

>being pretentious about candy


>> No.6621722

This seems like a good thread to ask

I made some chocolate syrup from scratch using coco powder. It came out nice and at the right thickness but I dont think it is chocolaty enough. Could I stir in a little more coco powder to already made chocolate syrup that has been cooled?

>> No.6621725

Lindt choc with sea salt is GOAT
Great choice anon

>> No.6621734

When you've lived in a basement all your life, candy is all you have.

>> No.6621741


I like milk chocolate, I also like the nice Milka milk chocolate variations like Daim or Oreo milk chocolate. They are THE best.

>> No.6621949
File: 194 KB, 800x1200, 7-SAV152-article-WhiteChocolateVarieties-800x1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>600 g of white chocolate sitting in my pantry

feels real good

>> No.6621957


>> No.6621967


Fucking racist

>> No.6621978

Fuck off back to leddit faggot

>> No.6621986

White chocolate is fucking NASTY. Fuck pure cocoa butter and fuck you.

>> No.6622001

I never eat chocolate with less than 99% cocoa . If it's 80%, that means a little salt and almost 20% sugar. Way too much sugar for me.

>> No.6622103
File: 910 KB, 1836x3264, 20150625_014759.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>only 80%

>> No.6622166

>cardio website

What's wrong, OP? Can't handle a bit of heart disease? Faggot

>> No.6622239


>> No.6622242
File: 250 KB, 450x450, wearethe99percent.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> only 85%

Granted, G&B is good shit, and the 99% is an acquired taste. You eat a piece about the size of your thumbnail by basically gluing it to the roof of your mouth and letting it sit there. The flavor is strong enough it stands up to whiskey/bourbon. Intense, but not an everyday thing.

>> No.6622253

>doesn't eat raw cocoa beans
>calls others faggot

Shiggy Diggy Doo

>> No.6622255

The flavour would be quite different, and the texture would be all wrong. Chocolate bars have the components of the cocoa bean separated and then reintegrated to form a new, more palatable, product.

>> No.6622264

>not eating the bark from the cocoa plant

Are you even a true patrician?

>> No.6622270
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>more palatable

>> No.6622315
File: 89 KB, 800x532, w452w35.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm munching on some white chocolate now, just to spite all the cocoa butter haters ITT

>not wanting delicious healthy saturated fatty acids
>not wanting all that vitamin E and vitamin K
>not wanting to ingest pentamer and flavanoids
>not wanting to live forever

>> No.6622446


I hate this meme.

>> No.6622597

>not wanting the magnesium
>not wanting the flavanol antioxidants

Sorry, but the key to good health is to have a balanced diet, and that means including cocoa solids as well as cocoa butter.

>> No.6622609

So is regular milk chocolate just 50% then? Less? More?

>> No.6622624

Approximately 25%, give or take.

>> No.6622646

Wow, I wouldn't have thought it was that low

>> No.6622653

>Apparently We've Been Doing Chocolate Wrong The Whole Time - Click to [WATCH] FOODBEAST.com

>> No.6622692

US standards require a minimum of greater than or equal to 10% chocolate liquor and greater than or equal to 12% milk solids to qualify as milk chocolate.

>> No.6622707

Well that explains why I've heard that your cheap chocolate can be really waxy and terrible

>> No.6622715

No, cheap chocolate can be waxy and terrible because most of it isn't chocolate, it's confectioner's coating.

>> No.6622729

That's what I meant, with a minimum of only 10% and 12% that's a lot of space to put in whatever cheap filler the company wants to

>> No.6622825

Fuck you OP I chew on literal cacao NIBS.

Get on my fucking level pleb

>> No.6622829

Maybe the ones I got were just rubbish quality, but I tried them once and they were very bland. I'll have to try them again one day.

>> No.6622849

I dont even consume food or beverage

I synthesize pure nitrogen

>> No.6622904
File: 28 KB, 549x442, 1421629595993.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he goes on 4chan but makes posts like these

shiggy diggy

>> No.6622914

>l-l-look at how hardcore and mature I am g-guys!
>it's 99 percent!

Guess how I can tell you drink whiksey

>> No.6622919

I guess if you don't like bitter foods, you become bitter yourself.

>> No.6622921
File: 27 KB, 600x750, 1434773387496.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I try so hard to be contrarian that I now make fun of atheism on my favorite chinese cartoon image board beause of the fedora meme

>> No.6622926

>being fat

>> No.6622928

Chocolate is candy, and candy is supposed to be sweet and good. I'll eat all the delicious milk chocolate I want, fuck your "lol its gotta be good for you" way.

>> No.6622930

I prefer white chocolate because it has 0% cocoa

>> No.6622935

I do like bitter foods, but eating 99% cocoa chocolate is a behaviour that can only be motivated by severe autism. And whiskey is for smokers who lack functioning taste buds.

>> No.6622937

I like all chocolate except that bitter cacao goy chocolate.

>> No.6622941

>keeping a chocolate around that's more toxic to my dog


>> No.6624318
File: 74 KB, 610x395, 1427183728198.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Patrician's choice: 60-75%
Enjoyable tier: 40-59%
Shit tier: <40%
Reddit tier: >75%
Not chocolate tier: white chocolate

>> No.6624606
File: 46 KB, 450x337, schakalode_prod.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry to disappoint, I'm 105 lb soaking wet.

'scuse me while I go munch on some more white chocolate

>> No.6624629

>he doesn't eat high cc chocolate with fruit
Only masquerading plebs eat 85% or above plain, you eat it with fruit or flavoring to make it taste good

>> No.6624632

>unironically eating something consisting entirely of 2 parts sugar to 1 part fat
>105 lbs

Not for long, buddy.

>> No.6624646

Having a badly trained dog. I bet it's a lab.

>> No.6624677

>implying I don't maintain a healthy diet and enjoy sweets occasionally

>> No.6624689

Why do people always post that fat fuck when you point our their bad taste?

>> No.6624696
File: 40 KB, 479x720, 1421861548126.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm too mature to insinuate that a person that has different opinions than me is a fat neckbeard

>> No.6624707

I didn't say that you fat neckbeard.

>> No.6625960

He probably is.

>> No.6626010

They're both good.

>> No.6626034

I think the real children here are those arguing about what type of chocolate they eat. The darkness of your chocolate probably represents how much light you get in your basements anyway.

>> No.6626051
File: 1.90 MB, 541x304, anime.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because taste is very subjective, and he's making fun of you for having nothing better to do than argue about things that are very difficult to prove one way or the other.

>ur burger a shit
>ur music a shit
>ur waifu a shit

>> No.6626054

I hate this bullshit snowflake crap, some opinions are better than others. Don't just rely on 'its just my taste :P' bullshit, some taste is shit and some taste isn't.

>> No.6626077

You did not provide any evidence, or even a logical justification for milk chocolate being bad, other than calling it "baby" which leads me to believe you're just funposting.

You can't objectively claim without basis that one opinion is better than another. If I liked to eat dirt, you could make the argument that I have bad taste because it lacks nutritional value and deviates from what most people would consider actual food.

>> No.6627026


>> No.6627070

how could it be that bad? I've eaten the 90% bar, it's pretty easy to put down. The experience is much the same as any other dark chocolate. I'd eat one again if it was put in front of me.

White chocolate is the best though.

>> No.6627083

That's it. I'm sick of all this "80% Cocoa Dark Chocolate" bullshit that's going on in /ck/ right now. Milk chocolate deserve much better than that. Much, much better than that.

I should know what I'm talking about. I myself commissioned genuine milk chocolate in Brussels for 2 euro (that's about $2.23) and have been practicing with it for almost 2 years now. I can even cut bars of solid milk chocolate with a butter knife.

Belgian smiths spend years working on a single bar of milk chocolate and fold it up to a million times to produce the finest confections known to mankind.

Milk chocolate is thrice as complex as dark chocolate and thrice as satisfying for that matter too. Any notes that may be in dark chocolate those notes can come through better in milk chocolate. I'm pretty sure milk chocolate could easily satisfy a gourmand with a simple half-ounce serving.

Ever wonder why French cuisine never bothered conquering Belgium? That's right, French chefs were too scared to compete the disciplined chocolatiers and their milk chocolate. Even in World War II, American soldiers targeted the men with the milk chocolate first because their killing power was feared and respected.

So what am I saying? Milk chocolate is simply the best food that the world has ever seen.

>> No.6627120

How high are you?

>> No.6627132
File: 30 KB, 355x355, 51Z40kzN-iL._SY355_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is literally the best tasting chocolate. The only people who think otherwise are ones who haven't tried it.

>> No.6627154

>Belgian smiths spend years working on a single bar of milk chocolate and fold it up to a million times to produce the finest confections known to mankind.
>Even in World War II, American soldiers targeted the men with the milk chocolate first because their killing power was feared and respected.

>> No.6627196
File: 101 KB, 550x733, IMG_3015-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If milk and dark chocolate are so great, then why are these the best flavor pb cups?

>> No.6627237
File: 27 KB, 625x296, mobile-8130-1403094639-15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nigger please

>> No.6628276
File: 51 KB, 480x480, IWannaForget.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So my ex-gf said that a lot of European chocolates and cheese are way better than their American equivalents. She said they taste like rubber in comparison. Is this true? Are the processes different? Are they aged or something?

>> No.6628283
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>> No.6628422

Doesn't white chocolate have a shitton of sugar though?

>> No.6628445
File: 275 KB, 543x648, Bluemeth.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> not cooking 99.9999% purity dark chocolate
> not having the blue color of 99.9999% pure chocolate come out in your cook

sure is a bunch of minimum wage rookies in this thread

pic very related - what 99.9999% pure dark chocolate looks like (you've probably never had it like this)

>> No.6628615

So does most dark chocolate you buy. There isn't much difference - compare the labels. Unless you're buying cocao nibs or 99% dark, you're still consuming a fair amount of sugar.

>> No.6628621

>Belgian smiths spend years working on a single bar of milk chocolate and fold it up to a million times
kek you are:
a) confusing Belgians for Japanese and;
b) confusing chocolate for katanas and;
c) are higher right now than I am drunk

>> No.6628724

Can confirm. I need about 2 glasses of water to down a piece. As it melts in your mouth it takes on the consistency and viscosity of industrial grade sludge minus the water.
Pretty tasty tho.

>> No.6628728

>aged chocolate
Yeah, in oak barrels soaked with infant tears.

>> No.6628787
File: 50 KB, 553x480, arriba-superieur.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like how Aldi and Lidi are packaging their chocolate like it's some fancy brand

>> No.6628801

I just checked and you're right. Weird. White always tastes so much sweeter to me. Maybe it's the lack of bitter.

>> No.6628812

You had to check to verify this?

Christ, this board sometimes.

>> No.6628813

Why would I trust anyone on 4chan?

>> No.6628817

Even worse that you'd have to get this information from a random post on 4chan, or that it's the only possible alternative to common sense in your mind.

I need to remind myself that I'm surrounded by teenagers on this board, I'd spend less time here for sure.

>> No.6628824

Good, this board could do with a few less rude individuals.

>> No.6629809

Why all the hate for dark chocolate?

It's not necessarily every tipper's euphoric penance to endure for their un-god.
I like 95% in small quantities out of the freezer.
I also like most milk chocolates. Hershey's burns my mouth, maybe too sweet. Dairy Milk nails flavor and mouth feel for me.
White has its places in baking.

Not everybody likes it. That's fine. Licorice is also fine.
Damn fine, that licorice.

>> No.6629821

Lidl basic chocolate is pretty great mang

>> No.6629970

> menstruation is real
> the craving it burns
> eats raw coacoa powder straight from the can
> cries
chocolate is chocolate

>> No.6630019
File: 468 KB, 1500x1478, nazichocolate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


go back to /pol/ nazi skum

>> No.6630051

*tips bible*

>> No.6631341

>Hershey's burns my mouth, maybe too sweet.
yep, that's what it is. i noticed this too, and so have some other people once i mentioned it to them.

>> No.6631472

Liking sweet food like chocolate just means that your pallet is immature and uncultured. You need good taste to appreciate the more subtle flavors.

>> No.6631482
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>> No.6631492

I can confirm that american cheese and chocolate have a wierd rubbery/waxy consistency to them and bland flavor compared to what I'm used to here in scandinavia.

>> No.6631807
File: 6 KB, 224x225, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6632298


>> No.6632305

Kraft is not "American cheese", I don't know how many times this needs to be said

>> No.6632333

babies don't produce milk.

>> No.6632337
File: 2.36 MB, 3264x2448, Manoa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


And hershey isn't American chocolate, just like bud isn't American beer

not solely anyways, they are the cheapest of the cheap

A step above it is ghiradelli (Which is delicious)

a step above that are companies like manoa

and a step above that are local chocolatiers, depending on which state you live in

>> No.6632362

>Kraft is not "American cheese"
>And hershey isn't American chocolate
>just like bud isn't American beer

i love how americans always lie to themselves about these things.

>> No.6632380


You're confusing "X is not" for "X is not a"

To say "Hershey isn't American chocolate" means that Hershey isn't all American chocolate is.

Grammar eurofriend.

>> No.6632408

It's always adorable when people try to pretend that Europe is composed of nothing but artisinal craftsmen and has no cheaply made junk food.

>> No.6632443

What is so different?

>> No.6632458

gr8 b8 m8

>> No.6632470

I'm asking about the process.
Is Swiss cheese and choco aged or something?
Does American chocolate have far too many preservatives?
Why is American cheese and choco so much worse in the eyes of all Europeans I've met irl and online?

>> No.6632475

Europeans just like to pretend that American chocolate begins and ends with Hershey's, and then compare it to the finest chocolate they have there.

>> No.6632483
File: 39 KB, 592x424, 03muhlke-kapow2-tmagArticle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know what tastes even MORE like black coffee brewed with butter? Coffee bars. If you haven't tried these, find them. They're amazing.

>> No.6632540

Alright in case you're not trolling: the biggest american chocolate companies use PGPR and vegetable oil, and very little to no cocoa butter. It's shit.

MARS came out and said they would not use vegetable oil i place of cocoa butter, and nestle still uses cocoa butter but the cocoa content is less and sugar is more.

>> No.6632551


you swallow the cocks too?

>> No.6632554


Oh, I don't buy American chocolate from those companies so I wouldn't know.

>> No.6632561


Cool opinions breh

>> No.6632597

Kraft literally isn't cheese by definition, are you completely retarded?

>> No.6632795

Wtf is PGPR?
So, my homemade chocolate is much better than anything I can buy in stores as long as my ingredients are good?
Also, what about cheese, what is so about about American cheese?(No not the craft singles, I mean all cheese made in America)

>> No.6632850

PGPR (polyglycerol polyricinoleate) is an emulsifier that blends the chocolate and veggie oil together, and it caused liver problems in rats in high doses. It's used in cheap waxy feeling chocolate.

Cheese in America is fine. Like most food in murica, anything made by a huge corporation (kraft, velveeta) is basically fake cheese. We have plenty of farms and an endless array of regional and national cheeses to pick from at any super market.

>> No.6632855


Kraft is a brand, so no, of course it's not cheese, they make cheese and they make cheese like product among other things.

You are thinking of velveeta

>> No.6632872

*kraft singles

There, did I quell your autism fit?

>> No.6633023

Congratulations anon, that's the joke.

>> No.6633050


Kraft singles are cheese, once again you may be thinking of kraft velveeta singles.

>> No.6633054

>kraft singles are "cheese"

>> No.6633063


Ah, you're right.

Oh well

>> No.6633475

They aren't pretending. I've been to enough Euro countries to say that they have FAR higher standards for food.

>> No.6633779

>Adults eating candy
Grow up son.

>> No.6633800

>madagascar vanilla
Tastes exactly like normal vanilla

>> No.6633803

I bet you wear your greasy hair in a ponytail

>> No.6633817

There is vanilla not from Madagascar?

>> No.6633820

Are you implying that his greasy hair would be better to fly free rather than to be confined to a pony tail? GET YOUR SHIT TOGETHER FAGGOT.

>> No.6633909


It's like everyone is completely oblivious to the fact that products are CATERED and adjusted to country-taste. Nestea iced tea in Turkey is completely different in taste than Nestea tea in the UK.