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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 199 KB, 1280x1012, 1400392928436.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6628889 No.6628889 [Reply] [Original]

How do I ask a restaurant for "Anything" without
1. Sounding like a Twat
2. Get food that's about to go bad
3. Overpriced food
4. Literally the first thing on the menu

>> No.6628925

Only way I've found is asking for chef's special, or asking for their favorite/what they'd recommend.

>> No.6628936

Ask for the most popular item.

>> No.6628942

Ask your server what their favorite is, and order whatever they answer.

Basically the same thing.

>> No.6628951

If you don't care what you get to eat as long as it's cheap and unspoiled, why go to restaurant?
Make some rice'n'beans or something.

>> No.6628955

I believe the point is to try something he wouldn't otherwise.

>> No.6629045

I feel like the servers just says the first thing that comes to mind. You can always see them roll their eyes when you say that.

>> No.6629050

Those nails are beyond disgusting

>> No.6629086

If the restaurant isn't that fancy, just ask the waiter "What's good?".

If it is fancy, don't ask for "Anything".

>> No.6629300

I usually ask regardless if wether or not it is a fancy restaurant. The workers and the restaurant owners are humans and can understand questions lol

I usually order something generic like coffee, cognac or coca cola, and I pick something from the menu, and ask the waiter if there is something they would recomend me over the food I have picked.

BTW: I usually dress like a hobo, I carry big full bags or suitcase, I am what no waiter wishes to see in the restaurant - yet a genuine smile and polite way of talking, they relax fast and become chatty, recomend me good food and tell me if something is not for my taste.

>> No.6629621

Yelp -> Tips and Tricks. People will recommend the stuff that they like and the more popular dishes get voted to the top

>> No.6631304

Who fucking cares.

>> No.6631336

i usually say shit like "surprise me, get me what *you* would want right now". works well most of the time.

>> No.6631353

"Just fuck my shit up"

>> No.6631362

Asking for "anything" means that you are a twat. If you want to cool , ask it this way, "what the chef recommends" and your sorted.

>> No.6631363

Doesn't work for super ethnic restaurants though

>> No.6631364

What's your point?

>> No.6631378

Underrated post

>> No.6631427

You can't. Just look through the menu and pick what you want, you pretentious fuck.

>> No.6631433

I care. It is hard for me to understand why people are afraid of going into a restaurant, to relax and eat whatever they are offered - which they pay for.

Why would anyone sit at the bar to eat, rather than in a comfy chair at a table?

>> No.6631443

Anon, you're so smart! >:3!~ <3

>> No.6631582


Fucking close your eyes and point at a spot on the menu.

>> No.6631587

Gonna have to ask, what the fuck am I looking at here, OP?

>> No.6631599
File: 207 KB, 680x595, 0e6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a poodle moth plushie called Tiffy, I use it in like every thread I make mostly because it attracts other moth pictures

>> No.6631612

For one person, it's easier to get the staff's attention if you're at the bar, rather than in a dark corner playing with your phone

>> No.6631613
File: 92 KB, 915x711, That&#039;llBe20%Gratuity.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You realize that the server will just recommend a more expensive item because they get 15% gratuity, right?
What do you think they'll recommend, the $8 sandwich, or the $23 steak w/ baked potato?
This is just another reason why tipping is a bad system and wages should be 100% on the shoulders of the employer.

>> No.6631624

Are you seventy years old?

Also if they're properly trained they'll push alcoholic beverages on you instead of suggesting the most expensive item. Higher profits, less work, and it's likely to lead to ordering more drinks, which means a higher bill, and a drunk person is probably going to tip more.

Now is the time for you to shriek that since I had an opinion on this, I must be a waiter and a woman and a single mother and I have a librul arts degree and if you could just put money in a jar and cook your own food you'd totally do that instead of being a blue pilled sheeple.

>> No.6631649
File: 401 KB, 525x549, APizza.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bruh, I work as a chef and split some of the tips w/ the servers. It's just retarded. I don't know why my employer can't pay me 1.00-$1.50 more an hour.

>> No.6631652


>> No.6631654 [DELETED] 

Because you're bad at what you do.

>> No.6631660


>> No.6631675

The cannot because they are afflicted with greed. Most of this world doesn't know when enough is and they cause suffering trying to get infinite everythhing.

>> No.6631690

What's in the picture? Wtf

>> No.6631695


>> No.6631756

>15% gratuity

are you talking about added gratuity? because that shit is pretty rare in america.

maybe if you're dealing with darden-tier restaurants like olive garden where the servers are actually forced to meet quotas of upselling and shit, in which case, what the fuck are you doing ordering food at olive garden? from a former server's perspective, a customer asking you what you prefer is sort of a novel situation. it shows that they're engaged. it's better than the same old faggot customer going through the motions of "uhh lemme get uhhhh." those are the customers you roll your eyes at.

if my restaurant had an awesome $8 sandwich and mediocre $23 steak, i'd recommend the sandwich. i think you're paranoid.

>> No.6632154

Giggle wholeheartedly

>> No.6632164

Unless you're going to a shitty chain restaurant being run by degenerates, the server will always recommend their favorite or inform you of what is most popular at the restaurant. They know good service will lead to good tips.

>> No.6632228

Well I have to admit that is true, but I usually sit by the window and preferably in a light corner (it is not popular here, most people prefer darker lightning). They do tend to forget me, so I have to walk up to the bar to ask for service.

>> No.6632264

the waiters hate these questions not because they think you're a stupid faggot, but because they assume you get something you won't like, return it and fuck their shit up

>> No.6632293
File: 1015 KB, 1836x3264, IMG_20130727_212654_295.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


i take pictures of moths. here's a crazy looking one

>> No.6632294
File: 2.65 MB, 1836x3264, IMG_20130728_091357_201.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


is this a moth?

>> No.6632296
File: 1.21 MB, 1836x3264, IMG_20140706_090241_857.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


why are these images so huge

>> No.6632299

That's a Male Dobson fly, you live in the Southwest probably Texas or Louisiana, harmless I think

>> No.6632302 [DELETED] 

>entomologist detected

>> No.6632304
File: 1.16 MB, 1836x3264, IMG_20150610_110432_687.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


lunar moth friend. since this is not food i will stop posting moth

>> No.6632310

Nope, I just learned it on reddit, bugs freak me out, I even dislike moths but they're cute on paper c:

Thank you for your contribution soldier

>> No.6632313
File: 1.47 MB, 1920x2560, 2012-06-19 14.24.24.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


if you're replying to that scary moth picture, i live in north east pennsylvania. if your calling male server's parasites, nevermind me

also have this day time moth

>> No.6632318

It was meant to be a slick double entrendre /s

and I checked wikipedia, I thought they were only in hot and wet areas but I guess not

>> No.6632323 [DELETED] 

>openly admitting to going on reddit

please die in a fire

>> No.6632327

Slick insult dude

>> No.6632482

Well it's one thing to walk in and ask "what's good." It's another thing to walk in and ask "wow, all of the sandwiches look great, which one is your favorite?"

I've done this on numerous occasions, sometimes for sections of a menu or the whole menu if everything looks good. I usually end up having nice conversations with the waiter.

>> No.6632625

Why not? 4chan sucks now that the SJWs have taken over. We need moot to come back and kick some fascist SJW ass.

Here, OP, have some lepidoptera.

