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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 7 KB, 229x220, reviewbrah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6626240 No.6626240 [Reply] [Original]

What does /ck/ think of this guy?

>> No.6626242

He's a good guy. I liked his runescape vid.

>> No.6626244

Good kid, nice reviews, good taste in food, pretty entertaining podcaster as well, Silly though that he was perplexed at cheese fries, you east coast guys don't have those over there?

>> No.6626252

I fucking forgot about the cheese fries. Keks were had at that vid

>> No.6626255
File: 137 KB, 723x632, how rude.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i suspect he has a bit of an attitude problem. he keeps it off camera though.

>> No.6626262

He stopped shilling on /ck/ for a while, but apparently he's back at it again.

>> No.6626297
File: 32 KB, 734x122, Autistic and awful voice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He isn't welcome on /ck/ and no amount of shilling or samefagging will change this.

Go back to /fit/ you lonely circlejerker.

>> No.6626317

kid got told so hard, kek

>> No.6626320

he was on r9k recently.

total attention whore

>> No.6626322

Stop giving this little shit attention.

>> No.6626333


He seems like the type of guy to shoot up a school or something, maybe he wouldn't be able to do it or he is too smart to want to spend the rest of his life in prison but still i bet he has thought of a mass killing spree at least twice in his life, you can tell it by his eyes and general awkward attitude.

>> No.6626338

I like him. He makes me happy.

>> No.6626340


All ugly guys jealous, lmao. I'm glad I have similar looks and fashion sense to review brah it must suck to be you mongos

>> No.6626343

where do you live? WHERE DO YOU LIVE!!


>> No.6626355

>What does /ck/ think of this guy?

Total dick.

>> No.6626363

1600 Pennsylvania Ave, Washington, DC 20500, USA

>> No.6626387

[Autism Intensifies].mp4

>> No.6626390

He's an insecure faggot that disables his comments because muh internet bullying even though the dude is in his 20s now.

>> No.6626391

bro-tier but i worry about him

>> No.6626396


Wait, do you guys actually think this is his everyday attire and attitude or something? It's clear that it's a persona for comedic effect.

>> No.6626399


did you watch his latest video

>> No.6626400 [DELETED] 


>> No.6626403


The guy weirds me out a bit to be honest. I don't pay attention to him unless people like you post his videos and pictures on /ck/.

>> No.6626419

its like his therapist gave him the task of making some review videos in a bid to improve his self-confidence and interpersonal skills

>> No.6626520

I like his hot winds vid where he burns his face off. For that vid alone hes a good guy.

>> No.6626521

pretty good reviewer
well dressed and groomed
everything is there

>> No.6626528

its obviously not. i feel for you if you are this bad at reading people

>> No.6626546
File: 677 KB, 2448x3264, 1409170070236.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wrong, he wears suits everywhere, even to school.

>> No.6626551
File: 1.72 MB, 500x375, tumblr_n6al5dOMG81tqagj8o1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I love him.

>> No.6626554
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>> No.6626560
File: 38 KB, 256x656, 1414062345116.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like him.

>> No.6626588

Monkey Style Joey > Jack >>> Reviewbrah > Focus Group Joey > Ken

>> No.6626597

He's a lot more likable than joey

>> No.6626601

literally all shit tier

>> No.6626610

Autism detected

>> No.6626616

autistic for thinking that spergy fucks reviewing fast food is shit?

>> No.6626715

Autistic for taking them seriously

>> No.6626755

Didn't know he was friends with Jason Segel

>> No.6626842

I don't even care about him. I wouldn't think about him if people didn't spam this shit on /ck/.

Get this trash of this board.

>> No.6626847

Is this true?
God, how pathetic.

>> No.6626881

And are those god damn Joey threads which were posted daily any better? I think that's more spam than two reviewbrah threads in an entire month.

>> No.6626892


Are you telling me that he couldn't have possibly faked this?

I'm not bad at reading people, but I don't just jump to assumptions when it comes to YouTube channels. This type of humor is popular these days and is evident by this guy's popularity. Could it hold truth in reality? Yes, but to a certain extent.

>> No.6626894

I'm open to ideas, by the way. I'm not saying this can't possibly be what he's like 24/7. I just need a bit more convincing that it's just not a persona.

>> No.6626907

This kid is damn near close to autistic.

He's genuine in the way he opens up to the camera. He's an outsider everywhere except for his youtube page, or his HAM radio, or on forums/runescape/etc.

He's not pulling a DaxFlame. The videos where you can see family members watching over him in the reflections on the clockface or the glass on a framed picture are excellent. You see him look to them every 5 seconds; you see him out of his complete comfort zone.

This is why he films in the early hours, mostly. 3am to 5am.

He's not an Andy Kaufman. He's imitating the late night host persona of the 50s/60s/70s - both in his preferred attire, and his way of hosting.

>> No.6626919

>bro-tier but i worry about him

Me too, anon. Me too. :-(

>> No.6626925

Autistic and arrogant. No place on /ck/

>> No.6626938

Robert Dyer > Reviewbrah > Monkey Style Joey > Ken > New Joey >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Jack

>> No.6626966

based robert dyer, nigga needs to change the snowman background though

welcome, WELCOME

>> No.6626976
File: 630 KB, 1424x1896, reviewbrah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6626980


I haven't heard that name in years. Early YouTube was just horrible and I'm so glad this breed of YouTube "celebrities" have dwindled down to people like pewdiepie and iJustine, who are on their last legs of popularity (in other words, the only fans they retain seem to be young kids and fans with blind loyalty to them)

>> No.6626982

no young kid knows who the fuck DaxxFlame is

>> No.6626995

>The videos where you can see family members watching over him in the reflections on the clockface or the glass on a framed picture are excellent. You see him look to them every 5 seconds; you see him out of his complete comfort zone.

I want an example of this so I don't have to dig for it.

It's sounding believable now. Poor guy, and I bet helicopter parents haven't helped him.

I was socially inexperienced until around 18 years old, and it was due to a sheltered lifestyle. I've had firsts in my 20s that people usually had in their teens. Was very close to starting a vlog when I was 13, but had enough self-awareness to realize how retarded it was. I will say with certainty that 4chan and the bros here actually helped pull me out of that downward spiral.

>I'm so glad this breed of YouTube "celebrities" have dwindled down to people like pewdiepie and iJustine

He's definitely not using DaxxFlame as an example here. The guy is pretty much inactive.

Kudos to him for giving YouTube some popularity, though. I'm just glad that crap is done.

>> No.6627163


Wow, that video shows Reviewbrah does not care for parodies.


>> No.6627171

I used to go to school with him will post pics if interested.

>> No.6627174

Do it

>> No.6627175

Nobody cares about this scrawny autist.

>> No.6627176


Had no idea who that was so I went to teh googs and HOLY SHIT.



>in the reflections on the clockface or the glass on a framed picture are excellent

>studying this clown that closely.

Problem with him? He's fucking boring.

>> No.6627184

Can in a little he is a genuinely nice kid, and his persona is not an act.

>> No.6627187

Can't post now, but he genuinely nice kid, and his persona isn't an act

>> No.6627198

Post when you can.

>> No.6627222

fake and gay joey get the FUCK off this site you fatass fuck hope you die of pancreatic cancer

>> No.6627346


>> No.6627442 [DELETED] 

You better post the fucking pics.

And is it true his dad is teacher and he lives in NJ?

>> No.6627490

I want to be his friend. His videos are too long for me so I don't watch them all the time, but I genuinely want to be friends with him.

Maybe I can introduce him to better foods. I'll cook for him!

>> No.6627672
File: 61 KB, 737x427, weirdosmom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6627760
File: 254 KB, 497x425, 1404690106682.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>mfw I was part of the great purging of Reviewbrah

never forget broeys...

>> No.6627860

ding ding ding


>> No.6628157

looks qt

>> No.6628180

fuckin lold tbh

read it in his voice

>> No.6628323
File: 664 KB, 597x720, 1425759719125.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit that video where he brings up those stupid fan videos and the pictures he opened where he has the jew nose are so funnny I almost died laughing I couldn't breath. It's been a while since I've laughed that hard.

>> No.6628335
File: 462 KB, 1280x720, ジャストフォユー.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ken>>>>>>>>>>>LA Beast>ReviewBrah>Jack>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>piece of poo>Every incarnation of Joey ever

>> No.6628341

>liking ken

>> No.6628345

>Not liking Ken
You must be underaged

>> No.6628373

Do people seriously enjoy watching these slobs eat fast food in their car or is it just some kind of ironic joke? I can't even tell anymore.
At least this suit kid seems like he's kind of self aware and is just doing it for the fuck of it.
Also he gives a better review than these "professionals" who just scarf down whatever grease heap they're reviewing and say "mmmm that was good, you should go out and buy it now."

>> No.6628376
File: 1.74 MB, 1680x878, スクリーンショット 2015-05-29 0.43.44.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I do actually he does it just for me and tells me how good it is how can you say no to that? He's also an entertainer he's got all the funny jokes to say and do

>> No.6628381


Says the guy who gets ooh la laad to sleep by Ken every night.

>> No.6628383

Ken is one of those Dad's who just discovered "internet culture" and is trying to stay hip by going around using internet slang.
I feel sorry for his son. I can just imagine him trying to tag him in shit on facebook and using captions like "LOL EPIC FAIL!!!!".
So glad my dad doesn't use the internet for anything besides checking email and cnn.

>> No.6628389
File: 1.31 MB, 592x540, 1434912166200.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow thats really lewd I wish though...

Ken is just giving people what they want you can even hear it in some of his older videos when he just started doing the 1am hunger thing and all that he goes like "Well I guess people like it so here you go!" Kind of thing I'm sure he's self aware with how awful it is

>> No.6628409

The only person here who likes Ken is the one weeb faggot that constantly uses katakana in his image/video filenames. Pretty sure everyone else doesn't care or dislikes him

>> No.6628586

>He's an insecure faggot that disables his comments because muh internet bullying even though the dude is in his 20s now.


He disabled his comments because his father made him or else he'd have to shut down the channel, how many times does this need to be said to you newfags.

>> No.6628594

dad only made him do it because people kept spamming how he's deformed
his mother was a lush while pregnant
go google FAS and it's the definition of this manchild

>> No.6628611

His entire youtube personality is an act. It's comedy

>> No.6628701

he seems annoying and pretentious as fuck.

>> No.6628706

He takes the most mundane, lowest-common-denominator type food/drink, then reviews them in the most pretentious way possible

He's probably got a learning disability, so it's wrong to make fun of him.

>> No.6628715
File: 45 KB, 500x420, inigomontoya.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


How is it pretentious at all...he reviews things in a very matter of fact way. I think the real reason /ck/ hates him so much is the same reason they hate junk food threads in general, most of this board are fatties or ex fatties and it triggers them that some people who aren't fat can actually get away with eating such things.

>> No.6628719

your shows are pretentious because of the way you dress in them, like some pseudo-intellectual, while you give critiques on fast food and sugary drinks as if they were fine wines, excepting that no palate cleansers are used and the articles of review are consumed.

>> No.6628722

>your shows are pretentious because of the way you dress in them, like some pseudo-intellectual

Oh, so you've never seen a suit before. You're from the South I'm willing to bet. Either that or you're literally a retard and think that if you eat fast food you have to do it as part of an
"I'm fat and showing it off" gimmick

>> No.6628729

>You're from the South I'm willing to bet
Technically correct. Just not the south of any country in the Americas.

Fast food should be eaten as a "I'm too lazy/busy to cook, so lets get something easy, but not too often because that's gross" type thing.

>> No.6628740


Well, reviewbrah doesn't seem to have any skill in cooking...he eats frozen pizzas multiple times a week and has to "go out of his way" to hit up a McDonalds now and again, this is to assume he lives in some nice suburb or something away from cityish areas I would assume

>> No.6628741

He literally wears suits as casual wear for the sake of doing so, he literally just is this way. Listen to VORW more and watch the Average Day video, faggot.

>> No.6628742

At least he's not watching a manchild eat cheap processed food and feeling smug about it.

>> No.6628746

>he wears formal wear as casual wear
>you're a faggot for pointing this out

How the fuck.
I probably eat shit like that maybe 10-20 times a year and this kid does it on an almost daily basis?

>> No.6629143

Randy Santel>Matt Stonie>Reviewbrah>Ken>Joey>Jack

>> No.6629277

He looks like he should be working as an assistant at a bespoke men's tailor, though he'd probably be too awkward to hold a tape measure against a client's inside leg.

>> No.6629305

How is he so skinny from eating all that shit. and i doubt he lifts or plays a sport

>> No.6629401

Actually, there's plenty of Ken fans (otherwise known as 'Ken-Men') on this board so it's quite wrong of you to attribute any positive feedback regarding his work to one person.

>> No.6629480

Weight gain/loss is 99% genetics.

>> No.6629484

>99 % is from genetics
>99 % of energy produced in your body aside from food is self-produced
>literally fuck thermodynamics and logic

>> No.6629531


He's not eating this every single day. And even if he did, if he doesn't eat too much other stuff he's still fine so in the end whatever

>> No.6629533

[Citation needed]

>> No.6629595

Well technically, if you consider our bodies are geared towards extracting energy from food, unlike a plant who, due to their different genetics, extracts energy from the sun instead and largely doesn't eat

>> No.6630601

In the east coast cheese fries are an anomaly.

>> No.6630626
File: 71 KB, 401x270, coswhy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Actually, there's plenty of Ken fans (otherwise known as 'Ken-Men') on this board


>> No.6630690

oh jesus christ he's a psychopath


>> No.6630692

>Randy Santel
I thought I was the only one

>> No.6630699

why is his house so dirty and dusty? that video is genuinely creepy

>> No.6630719

Seems like his parents died or something, so he was left the house and his dad left him all those old suits

>> No.6630784


we have them, he's just autistic as fuck

>> No.6630788

He's 20

>> No.6631123

I remember him posting in a thread on /r9k/ or at least it might have been him. Apparently he is pretty depressed.

>> No.6631183

can you confirm his age or are you just assuming? I thought he was still in high school

>> No.6631347


>implying 20 isn't still a fucking kid

>> No.6631650

You are not alone. He is awesome. Kills food challenges. Seems like a cool as dude too.

>> No.6631665

he lives in rockland county NY

>> No.6631691

there is no way he's 20

>> No.6631711

I hate the little autistic faggot.

>> No.6631742

I wish you would quit shilling this shit.

>> No.6631769
File: 31 KB, 247x355, 1432867066704.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


me too, anon

>> No.6631784

>this is what /ck/ actually believes
LEL, this reminds me of one time when there was a thread titled "is anyone else here a fat piece of shit?"

>> No.6631786
File: 75 KB, 1000x673, ck 1aaa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me too.
Can you imagine how bad /ck/ would be if he was welcomed? We would be full of fat cunts from /fit/ posting endless chicken breast and tuna patty recipes.

Fortunately the purge stopped that.

>> No.6633228
File: 930 KB, 270x270, 1429836240322.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>maximizing my aesthetics
autism speaks

>> No.6633309

He regularly posts here and on /r9k/. He's a 20something NEET.
>one of us one of us

>> No.6633439


>> No.6633455

best greentext in the history of 4chan

>> No.6634490

>fat cunts
>Posting high protein recipes


>> No.6634521

I love review brah.

>> No.6634523


>> No.6634528

he probably fugged ur mom

>> No.6634535

gooble goble

>> No.6634537

he probably fugged ur therapist

>> No.6634544


>> No.6634546

awwwwww a baby review brah! :)
much cute
very wow <3 awww

>> No.6634548

He posts on fedoralounge and has said that he never leaves the house without a suit on. He truly believes that's how men should dress.
>le wrong generation

Dude is a limp-wristed goober

>> No.6634552

>He's 20
not only is '20' still a kid, there is no way that you are even half that age.

>> No.6634556


>> No.6634557

>he never leaves the house without a suit on
But he was wearing skins/rags when he was escorting Bran to the three-eyed raven

>> No.6634583

he probably fugged ur moms

>> No.6634704

The reviewbrah thread can stay up for days bu god forbid a ja/ck/ general gets more than 20 posts.
Fuck the mods.

>> No.6634709

I'm sure there's a subreddit for your YouTube faggotry cringefest. All of this shit should be banned

>> No.6634713

>he has a fucking typewriter
holy shit.

Why is this kid such a 50s/60s-phile?

>> No.6634715

>le wrong generation

>> No.6634861

Practicing your sweet burns?

>> No.6634918

>teh googs

>> No.6635157

Reviewbrah may be a pathetic creature but at least he is aware of it.
Jack is the most clueless doofus on youtube. He has a horrible sense of humor and is not entertaining in the least.
I don't understand why you guys watch that faggot.

>> No.6635912

almost forgot about reviewbrah

for some reason /fa/ and /fit/ seem to like him.

>> No.6635939
File: 20 KB, 193x193, C4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Typewriter's a good tool to have if you're in school.
>Got typewriter for cheap at a yard sale
>Had it as decoration
>Assignment due for a class, must be typed
>Printer runs out of ink
>Around midnight, no time to get ink before class
>See typewriter and decide what the fuck let's do it
>Actually works fine

>> No.6638416
File: 1021 KB, 820x918, Dyer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not Preferring the based and hung af Robert Dyre

>> No.6638499

He embodies the spirit of Zyzz by doing whatever the fuck he wants and being a sick cunt.
He's also pale, skinny and has an unhealthy diet.

He fits right in on those boards.

>> No.6638515

>being pale or skinny is bad
I'll agree about the bad diet thing though. Kid eats way too much fast food.

>> No.6638516

Yeah KEN-MEN you heard me right people are fans of KBDProductionsTV

>> No.6639633

It's finally here. He reviewed the hot dog pizza from pizza hut.

>> No.6639695
File: 2.35 MB, 1920x800, 1428479310218.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6639706

I wonder if he works at the business factory