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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 1.55 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6626599 No.6626599 [Reply] [Original]

tonight we cook steak.

>> No.6626607

How are we cooking it tonight?

>> No.6626621

Judging from OP's stovetop, over a tire fire back out by the shitter.

>> No.6626623

I think OP burnt it and is embarrassed.

>> No.6626636


Why does that steak look like it's been sitting in plastic wrap in the back of someones freezer for a few months?

>> No.6626639

it was wet aged, but freshly cut

>> No.6626642
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46c atm back into the concentration ca.. oven for another 10 minutes or so.

>> No.6626652

The fuck? Are you steaming it or something?

>> No.6626660

glaze of soy sauce, sugar syrup, garlic, s&p.

in the oven at 100C.

>> No.6626665
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>> No.6626671

what cut is that?

>> No.6626672
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>> No.6626676

Looks like a poorly marbled ribeye to me.

>> No.6626679

top sirloin

>> No.6626687

and poorly cooked

>> No.6626690
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>> No.6626699

It just keeps getting worse

>> No.6626700
File: 1.53 MB, 2608x1956, 2012-09-03 19.28.13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ill post some of my steak dishes i guess,

>> No.6626704

no please

>> No.6626705
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>> No.6626708
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>> No.6626713
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>> No.6626723


Where the cross section? I think you should go back to the drawing board anon, your steaks look like shit...

>> No.6626729

>cross section
lol fuck off faggot

Maybe post some pics in a steak thread instead of talking shit all day.

>> No.6626733

Seriously. from Bonanza, Ryan's, or such like places. Cut from utility grade (read "store brand") cattle - burned out dairy cows. Or "grass fed free range certified organic" for twice the price. A sucker born every minute - PT Barnum. Gonna be tough and tasteless. Thanks I'll just have the 12 oz "chopped steak", medium

>> No.6626734
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>> No.6626737
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>> No.6626740
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>> No.6626741
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>> No.6626763
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meat resting pan heating

>> No.6626765

ur meats gots worms, m8

>> No.6626768
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>> No.6626770

>resting on absorbent towel
Perfect 10 of a thread, lad.

>> No.6626771

Marinated in cumin, corriander seeds , salt , pepper and red onions

>> No.6626772
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>> No.6626773

wat are you doing OP

>> No.6626775
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>> No.6626776
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>> No.6626780

pan gravy, some croquettes and the steak med rare

>> No.6626781

congrats on the burnt flour crust, knucklehead

>> No.6626785
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>> No.6626791

looks like an actual piece of shit

>> No.6626794

wtf? fish dicks ?

>> No.6626802

very very tender! the cap especially!

>> No.6627364

Holy shit you fucked up bad OP. Don't post here again please.

>> No.6627381
File: 2.14 MB, 3264x2448, 2015-05-01 18.53.39..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Um, this is your thread OP. You're showing us your cooking and opening it up for comment. If you want other people to post pics then say so in the first post.

Also, cross section is a generally accepted term on this board that refers to the interior of the steak. Not sure what's funny about someone requesting a picture of it so they can accurately comment. Fuccboi faggot

>> No.6627386

Learn how to use a camera. Can't see shit.

>> No.6627450

not OP so you probably lickadickaday

>> No.6627491

I haven't read a single post in this thread and saw urs from the front page but that steak looks tasty

>select all steaks
they're watching me...

>> No.6627564

Thank you anon. Remember, for the best results always grill. Reverse sear is meme. Also, don't buy walmart meat like OP

>> No.6627619
File: 1.31 MB, 3264x1840, steak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

steak thread, obligatory

>> No.6627740


>wet aged

so sitting in plastic wrap in the back of someone's fridge for a few months

>> No.6627747


these are some norm's/denny's quality steak right here

that's not saying they're horrible tbh

>> No.6627754

ITT: OP breezes in from knuckleheadtown and gets his shit slapped by the cu/ck/boyz

cant handle the heat?

stay out of the kitchen, Chief

>> No.6629332

I love this post

>> No.6629356

The hate is strong ITT


I would devastate OP's steak

>> No.6629397


whats the best cut of steak for grillin kebabs?

>> No.6629421

all of your steaks look like absolute dog shit, i can tell most of you are improperly pan-searing them because the outside edges look way under-seared and they have a hideous top sear to them as well.

easiest way to cook a great steak is using a grill. and buying actual rib-eye or new york strips not effing flank stanks like some of you have done

>> No.6629449
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>>6629421 honestly I prefer pan searing my ribeyes, it seems easier than when I used to grill them. I pan seared pic related last night. Most people fuck up their steaks though.

>> No.6629545

Pan sear is the bombest way to cook steak if you have any idea what you're doing

>> No.6629563

Doing a good cut of steak on anything other than cast iron is for plebs. If it's a shitty cut, or an "ok" cut; grilling is fine.

>> No.6629567


no, most people have shitty grills or lack the know-how to grill a steak. but pan-searing one to perfection is a even more challenging for most people

>> No.6629574

You don't even really need cast iron if you're not taking the pan off the heat at any point in the cooking process.

>> No.6629596
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Getting ready to pan sear a couple of ribeyes.

>> No.6629600

>but pan-searing one to perfection is a even more challenging for most people

That's retarded as fuck. Literally salt and pepper the steak; pour oil into a pan on 80% and cook for 4 minutes once per side; 3 if thin steak.

>> No.6629602
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Got my ingredients ready. Butter's still in the fridge

>> No.6629607
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good coating of kosher salt

>> No.6629610

Too thin. This is going to suck.

>> No.6629611

Umm, Mr Anon; what is that parkay shit I see? Better be for fucking decoration.

>> No.6629615
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Pressed in the salt first. I substitute garlic powder for pepper on my steaks, I like 'em garlicy. Garlic powder gets pressed in second.

>> No.6629625

Looking forward to pics of the finished product. Those look like decently marbled cuts for walmart meat

>> No.6629628

>top sirloin

nigger that is fucking hamburger or crock pot meat

goddamn i am so mad right now

>> No.6629635
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They're both about an inch and a half thick. Threw them on a plate before I seasoned the other side.

Just an empty bowl, I'll be using sticks of something called "Challenge Butter", supposed to be some super salty butter but it tastes pretty normal to me.

Right now the steaks are resting, and should be ready to hit the pan in about 45 minutes.

My roommate got some godawful wine from work and wants me to make a reduction sauce for his steak, I've never done that before. Any tips? That's what the cayenne pepper is for btw

>> No.6629650

I hope you wet aged those steaks, like OP. Lol

Funny how much better your's looks than his already

>> No.6629651

I started cooking steaks last year, and have gotten all my steaks from either Walmart or Kroger, I've never gotten any from a real butcher. Mom says its the same shit just more expensive, but I dunno how into steaks she is to make that statement

>> No.6629657

That's one of those cuts you only see at the dirtiest of mexican butchers, that cost like $3/lb.

god help you

>> No.6629665

I've never aged any meat, I bought these last night and pulled them out of the fridge about 3 pm while I cleaned my stove-top so it wouldn't look like shit in the pictures.

Isn't wet-aging something that happens in transit between the butcher and the supermarket?

>> No.6629667

>roasting first then searing

jesus FUCK are you the biggest idiot

You sear it when it's cold (hell some people will take it from fridge to freezer for like an hour) so the heat from the sear penetrates minimally into the meat, then you put it in the oven to bring it up to temperature.


>> No.6629670


But anon why don't you pepper it? I get that you like garlic on your steak but you can get a better effect with just salt pepper and then just crushing a few garlic cloves in the pan with the butter.

>> No.6629672

good looking potato anon

>> No.6629715

Hey if they look that good then fuck the butcher. Walmart steaks generally suck balls in my area. We have Randalls grocery stores that have the best meat in my opinion. Anybody /rancher's reserve/ here?

>> No.6629721

Thanks, but hasselbacks look better than they taste. I've made them a few times and they're more trouble than they're worth. I'd rather have fries or even some nice garlic mashed to be honest

>> No.6629730

I dunno, when I first started learning to cook steaks I did it that way, and then one time I was out of garlic cloves and just started substituting garlic powder and it was really good.

I don't think I've ever peppered steak before pan searing it, I know it's a popular method, I just prefer the garlicy taste to peppery

>> No.6629779
File: 1.67 MB, 3264x1836, 20150626_204101.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol you guys are retarded

Retard proof steaks:

Get decent steak with good marbling, see pic related ribeye that I bought last night.

Leave steak out of the fridge for at least 30 mins

Heat stainless steel pan or cast iron pan to med-high heat with nothing in it.

Oil both sides of steak with high smoke point oil, I used grape seed oil.

Put steak in pan, sear one side for 2:30 - 3:30 minutes then flip steak to sear other side for the same amount of time. The time can vary a lot depending on how thick the steak is and how well you know your stoves heat settings.

Add a good chunk of butter to the pan while the second side is searing and keeping spooning/basting the melted butter over the steak. You can fresh herbs at this point too if you want.

Leave the damn steak alone while it is searing, the only time you're moving it is when it is time to flip.

When the steak is done, move it a tray and season with maldon/sea salt and cracked pepper, Cover it loosely with foil and let it rest for at least 10 minutes depending on how big the steak is.

Eat retard proof steak

>> No.6629829

That is a pretty good marbled steak. How much did it cost and where did you get it?

>> No.6629850

$15 for 12oz prime ribeye at the fresh market. I don't get them too often because how expensive they are but it's worth it.

>> No.6629857

Can I ask how long you wet aged that steak?

>> No.6629865

>spending that much on meat
That is enough to feed me three meals a day for 3-4 days as a vegan, even at 100g protein/day. What an absolute waste of resources. This is why humans are going to go extinct and destroy the planet.

>> No.6629872

That's really a great price for that amount of marbling

>> No.6629894
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steaks have finished resting, time to get the pan ready

>> No.6629899
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basic stainless pan. I oiled the pan with a splash of canola oil and set it to high until it started smoking

>> No.6629902
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Here's another that I got a month ago from the same place/same price. It was advertised as "dry aged"

>> No.6629906
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into the pan!

>> No.6629913
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browning nicely, time to flip

>> No.6629919
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I got it soaking in pickle juice with chopped onion, garlic powder, black pepper, salt, montreal steak seasoning, and a splash of Jack Daniels because why the fuck not.

Slow cooking in a covered pot on low.

Lets see what happens!

>> No.6629921
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looking good so far! my roommate likes his well-done, so I left it for another minute or so

>> No.6629929
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gettin there

>> No.6629936
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prepared a few tabs of challenge butter, tossin them in before I flip the second steak

>> No.6629943
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mine comes off the pan and into the foil, roommate's gets flipped

>> No.6629944


>> No.6629947
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for well done it doesn't look so bad, but I wouldn't eat it

>> No.6629955
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spooned the juices onto my steak before wrapping it up

>> No.6629961
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steak will rest in the foil for another 15 mins

>> No.6629966
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roommate's steak is done, heat's off

>> No.6629974
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now I'm in uncharted territory. scraped any leftover frybits from the bottom of the pan and then poured a liberal amount of merlot in it to get this wine reduction sauce started

>> No.6629975

I flipped it so the other side can soak too.

How long do you think this should cook for? I plan on taking it off the pot and throwing it in a pan to fry after a while.

>> No.6629981
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nother pad of butter cuz why not

>> No.6629986
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and in goes a healthy amount of kosher salt and cayenne pepper. stirred over high heat until reduced to sauce, time of 5:18

>> No.6629990
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both steaks removed from foil

>> No.6630002
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time to see how I did.

Could be a little more red. still really good, nice and garlicy, just the way I like it

>> No.6630238

Just pulled it out of the pot and threw it on the pan to sear.

Results imminent.

>> No.6630252

It's fucking delicious.
Kinda falls apart like roast beef would and tastes like pickle.

>> No.6630270


Please fucking kill yourself

>> No.6630362
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if you can't cook on an open flame then at least use one of these

>> No.6630378

No fag steaks taste 100% better in a pan where you can garlic butter baste.

>> No.6630399

next time cook the sides where the fat is. It'll reduce the fat down and incorporate it into the steak and whatever the fuck sauce shit that was.

>> No.6630468

>garlic powder
>on a surface that is going to be seared
It's just going to burn.

>> No.6630635

god you're a faggot.

>> No.6630810


>Barefoot wine

boy you done fucked up

>> No.6630822

Holy Fuck.
Put it in my face,

>> No.6630836

Inch and a half?
We can clearly see that isn't true.
Stop making shit up!

>> No.6630877

i gotta agree with you there mate. Barefoot sucks. Go get some firesteed pinot noir. It's a cheap wine but it is very high quality for the price.

>> No.6631277

What grade is this? It just says USDA Inspected. I assume it's choice.

>> No.6631280


>> No.6631289


>fresh market

You can just say Whole Foods, pal.

>> No.6631651

No whole foods near me, the place is actually called "fresh market" it's a chain.

>> No.6631787

in fairness, that kind of cheap ass wine is really good for cooking with. simply because the subtleties are generally lost in the cooking and you wouldn't want to drink it anyway

>> No.6631825

overcooked to hell. wrapping it tight in foil also defeats the purpose of getting a good crust, the steam softens it.

>> No.6631826

I ruined $30 worth of ingredients with a bad bottle of USA wine once.

Never again. There are enough $8 bottles of Italian, French, Spanish, and Portuguese wines available that no new world industrial crapwine is going near any food of mine. You can even finish the bottle without gagging if you have a bunch left over, which is often the case.

Sage for BBQ KING thread.

>> No.6631857
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That looks so good

>> No.6631863


If you wouldn't happily drink it, it shouldn't touch your food. You don't have to use a 100 dollar bottle of dry red to cook a steak with, but spending an extra few dollars on a decent wine is worth it.

For red meats, I usually use Dreaming Tree, simply because I drink an ass ton of it anyways so I've always got it lying around. When trying to impress, I go with a madeira or PX. Only problem with PX is I end up drinking it before I can cook with it. Oh well.

>> No.6631887

Searing will seal in the juices though.

>> No.6631897

this steak

how did you make it? I would like to git gud at making steaks and this looks like a tasty goal to hit.

>> No.6631899
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>Dreaming Tree
>googled this
>it's a dave matthews wine
>$18, and probably made from the same bulk Central Valley grapes that they use for Barefoot
California wine, not even once

>> No.6631904
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>not having your steak blue/rare
enjoy your burnt leather

>> No.6631911

thanks anon my boss just gave me mad cow disease

>> No.6631974
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takes the cake for worst steak ITT

>> No.6632023

>Shit quality steak in FreedomLand tm

>> No.6632088


Are you sure you're not just eating raw pork chops?

>> No.6632113 [DELETED] 

You anti-patriots are the worst fucking thing, just the way you type makes me cringe.

I bet you're also a libertarian.

>> No.6632124 [DELETED] 

>refusing to buy low quality garbage is unpatriotic

Yeah you people were saying the same thing in 1984 about people who bought cars that actually worked.

Also you seem to have misunderstood me, as is typical of a knee-jerk xenophobic simpleton. I do buy American wine sometimes, for drinking. I just had a bottle last night, in fact. But for $8, there is basically no good American wine, because good American wine is stupidly expensive, because inexpensive American wine is loaded up with random adjuncts that make the stuff taste, smell, and look like Manischewitz in a nicer bottle.

Once you've finished out sounding out all those big words, wait a few minutes for the headache to go away, and then try to use your head before typing up your next angry, fear-gripped response about Obama and Shillary forcing their feminazi values down your throat.

>> No.6632133 [DELETED] 

That's some class A butthurt

I was at least right about you being a libertarian :^)

>> No.6632137


You weren't right about anything, general ripper

>> No.6632140

Not always true. I was given a goddawful wine once that tasted more like rocket fuel.
Put it in my gravy, tasted amazing.

>> No.6632145 [DELETED] 
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>> No.6632148


An attempt to sap and impurify your precious bodily fluids?

>> No.6632166

Not stainless that pan is carbon steel.

>> No.6632173

Gosh pictures sure do make you upset Mr. Libertarian

>> No.6632175

You're the same neanderthal hanging out in the cider thread crying that everyone should like Strongbow and Woodchuck, aren't you.

>> No.6632185 [DELETED] 
File: 126 KB, 320x263, 327653403.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, but it's good to know you're butthurt spans across multiple threads, libertarian-kun.

>> No.6632187

Uh oh, we've tapped into the reddit/fedora stash.

How long before you start spamming scat porn and screaming about how the mods are faggots because they ruined /pol/?

>> No.6632214
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>> No.6632656

The libertarian is strong in this one. Different guy here.

Hey everyone, you gotta get on on this. This anon is supremely butthurt and falling for all kinds of bait. It's great

>> No.6632737

You're 100% not a different guy. The libertarian guy is very clearly making you look dumb as fuck by the way.

>> No.6632762
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The thing is, I'm not even libertarian by normal people standards. It's just common sense, if it's between two more or less similar items then yeah, maybe there's some argument for buying domestic even if the domestic version costs a little more, but when one product is complete dogshit, and the other is reasonable quality, there is no reason to buy the dogshit unless you're some kind of masochistic, hyper-protectionist lunatic who would rather jump off a bridge than buy evil foreign stuff.

>> No.6632776

Just referring to you as "The libertarian guy" because we're anonymous. I agree with you.

>> No.6632783
File: 504 KB, 1920x1073, grizzlyBear_photofurl..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm the original guy actually libertarian-kun, why would I post again when I clearly won?

>> No.6632790

Well you're still fucking doing it you stupid faggot

>> No.6632796
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It's ok, brother. Chill out and have a Strongbow.

>> No.6632931

Lol. We got him. We've won. This post won it

>> No.6633137

I can't believe repubtards even know how to write, they seem so fucking retarded

>> No.6633357

Witchy, is that you?

>> No.6633417

That's demonstrably a load of bullshit, though.

>> No.6633458
File: 1.23 MB, 2000x1495, DSC_0116.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why can't anybody on a cooking board cook a fucking steak that doesn't look like ass?

Pic related was a 'good' steak by my standards.

Choice filet (fuck giant eagle for not offering better cuts than this) grilled at high for ~10 minutes after liberally salting + peppering. Came out medium, no cross section cuts though sorry.

Also grilled asparagus and baked brie in a puffed pastry.

>> No.6633468

Asidde from fact that the chevette was the bigest POS produced by GM (hell even Pacers were better) ya commie pinlo fadg bet you trded it infor a ygo

>> No.6633476

Can you retype that when you're less drunk, tomorrow?

>> No.6633494

This entire thread has "summer" written all over it...

>> No.6633498

Why is this person melting a slice of colby jack cheese in the skillet? Does melting the cheese with the steak make it taste better?

>> No.6633558

It was just a grilled ribeye. High heat, charcoal, steak at room temp before grilling. Let it rest. Salt and ground pepper before grilling. It all starts with a quality piece of meat. Practice helps you cook them more consistently to the desired temperature. I use the fingertips to thumb method to feel for doneness

>> No.6633574

thats butter you faggot retard.

>> No.6635623


when you do that, you put a lot of heat into the surface of the meat which then continues to increase in the oven. the sear also takes a while because more moisture needs to be driven off at the surface. roasting before searing ensures that the actual cooking is done entirely by a gentle method and it has the bonus of making the searing step shorter by driving off moisture and improving the surface's absorption of radiant heat (i.e: browning it)

>> No.6635633 [DELETED] 
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Lear 2 grill steak

>> No.6635950
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Mine from a while ago. Cooked over coals.

>> No.6636451

>Did meats judging for 3 years in high school
>Still see that this is not Top Choice Box Beef in any way, shape, or form

OP, why do you like low-choice steaks?

>> No.6637053
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This thread is cringe as fuck

>the only steak that matters

>> No.6637064


I can rest easy knowing you'll die of cardiac arrest.

>> No.6637076

mad boi

>> No.6637078

I rode a loaded touring bike around 80-90 miles that day in hill country, I eat what I want string bean.

>> No.6637132
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LOL what happened to your knife dude? leave it a bit too close to the stove??

>> No.6637133

>that rare
>as far away from the bone as possible

>> No.6637161


>meats judging

is this real? i thought it was a joke in king of the hill

>> No.6637164

It's tactical stippling. you faggot. I bet you can't afford to spend $500 for an inbred retard at Salient Arms to custom stipple and polish your Glock brand Glock either.

>> No.6637174

i just cut the fat off the meat and cook that in the pan with the oil

tastes good bitch

then when i let the steak rest i got a nice little crispy bit of fat to nom on (a bit isnt too bad)

>> No.6637181

>not buying talon grips for your kitchen knives

>> No.6637191

Until you can say every knife in your kitchen has the fit and finish of a sebenza and is a sebenza you may as well eat dirt because the filthy steel that touched your 'food' makes it poison.

>> No.6637216
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>Not allowing the natural juices of a steak Lubricate the action of your microtech otf.

>> No.6637240

I bet you don't even have a Maxim powered sous vide. I wish I knew what it was like to be such a sorry excuse for a co/ck/suc/k/er