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6624223 No.6624223 [Reply] [Original]

Pic related claims that the worst thing he's ever eaten was a McDonald's Chicken McNugget.

Really faggot?

This prick has been all over the fucking planet, eaten at every backwater foodstand and mudhut in every godforsaken country on the globe, and I'm supposed to believe a nugget is the worst thing he's ever had?

I suspect he's just being a pretentious twat

>> No.6624229

>backwater foodstand

Yeah, places where they bother to flavor their food.

>> No.6624230

They are pretty shit to be honest. I had one recently and it was dry, flavorless, and had the meat had consistency of a sponge. I could only imagine it appealing if you coated the thing in a sugary barbecue sauce.

>> No.6624242

i wasn't implying the quality at these places is bad, just that he's covered a lot of ground

mcnuggets aren't even close to the worst ive ever had

>> No.6624246

He also said that garlic when it's from a garlic press isn't garlic. Of course he's being a pretentious twat.

>> No.6624271

well you are a fucking pleb fag who loves nuggers

>> No.6624273


He also says he loves the neon yellow cheese at KFC. He's clearly not above liking cheap food, he just calls it like he sees it.

>> No.6624306

I saw him eat a blowtorched goat head with a bunch of niggers in South Africa

I saw him eat a blood sausage that was literally congealed pig blood in a casing like a water balloon

There's no way those were better than ground chicken put into a little flat shape, then breaded and fried.

If this butthole had the very same thing, but it was made in some illiterate mongoloid's kitchen, made from the scraps of non-penniless people's food, he'd probably like it

>> No.6624319

>not understanding that quality is subjective

A McNugget is likely the worst thing I've had as well. Debate me.

>> No.6624332

It's all relative

If you live in a part of the world where you are considered 'uppity' because you cook roadkill with a blowtorch then 'propane squirrel' is pretty good.

However, if you can afford to buy a Chicken McNugget, you can buy much better food and not too much that's worse.

>> No.6624336

I have literally never seen anyone so savagely defend a chicken mcnugget. The fuck.

>> No.6624352

it's pretentious anti-exceptionalism

he isn't though. he is attacking bourdain for being a twat

>> No.6624411

I remember hating nuggets as a kid because every now and again I'd bite into a hard tumescent chunk of nastiness. Anyways, I'm sure Bourdain is exaggerating and just dislikes them because of how and what they're made of.

>> No.6624443

>If this butthole had the very same thing, but it was made in some illiterate mongoloid's kitchen, made from the scraps of non-penniless people's food, he'd probably like it

It's all about freshness bro.

There's nothing at all wrong with fried chicken. Fried chicken is great. But a McNugget is a sad fucking excuse for fried chicken. Who the fuck wants something that was made in a factory with leftover bits of this and that when you could have something freshly prepared instead?

>> No.6624457

>"Hey mister organic farmer! What's the worst place in the world to shop?"

See? Same thing. He probably didn't mean it literally, he just made a general statement about McDongle's in general. Why are you all so autistic? Have you ever even spoken to someone in person before? You know, to get a handle on language and meaning?

>> No.6624464


>he acts this way because it pisses people like you off and you talk about it
>free publicity
>no publicity is bad publicity

I like him, but he's playing you like a fiddle, faggot. Probably why I like him.

>> No.6624467
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I agreed with OP but then I started thinking on it harder.

Maybe he doesnt mean the worst tasting. Maybe he is so elitist and substantial that the idealism behind the nugget mars the experience.

For example, I will greentext.

>Widow and mother of four comes home, greets anthony in nigress speak (of course shes in africa)
>She was out hunting chicken, and finally found one with a broken leg and minimal flies to bring home to her family.
>A white alpha male is tehre and she decides she needs to offer a token to him as a means of respect for appearing there
>She slaves away to grind that disgusting chicken meat up (For the sake of the argument the meat is on par with Mcdolan's but is likely better in a real scenario)
>Now she has to feed her kids, and offers him a single slab of fried in millennium aged goose fat or some other bullshit, her dead husbands boiled fat who knows
>He eats it and appreciatesd all that she went through to get it for him

>Goyim, bust out those chicken organs and grind em down good - dont forget to bleach the organs so they appear white to make the other goyim happy
>Oy vey, four for a dollar? Awfully expensive but at least we still make 90 cents to the deal, keep em comin!
>Anthony show up, some redneck drop out white trash motherfucker drops the box while handing it over, gets the change wrong
>All the while his spic manager is yelling about how they cant do overtime
>drives off, but a dune buggy with a 700lb woman inside of it blocks his path
>he bites into the nugget and is reminded of the experience

Its liek robert downey Jr. quitting drugs after a Burger from BK.

>> No.6624471

I don't watch his shows though.

greentext more

>> No.6624509

Bourdain says a lot of shit to be in the headlines. He's built up his "bad boy" image and has to stir just a tad of controversy now and then or people will stop watching his shows.

Bourdain himself said that the worst meals were that wild pig bung he ate in Africa and that fermented shark from Iceland. McNugget is just a point he's trying to prove.

>> No.6624518

of course he is full of shit

he ate that pig colon in the bush of africa and said that was the hardest thing to keep down.

he's just being a twat, mcniggers are awesome

>> No.6624532

doesn't matter, the point is you're talking about him and publicisizing him, which will get other people interested

>> No.6624537

Hes just making a comment against their low tier food, watched him eat goat colon, uncleaned, roasted on top of open coals on no reservations as he could barely choke it down and said it was hands down his worse experience, who cares, im sure he'll take a nugget over that anyday

>> No.6624538

>hey guys look at those horses fucking lel

>> No.6624539

I'm sure just as many, if not more, people are put off by his pretentious attitude. I had planned to watch his stuff on Netflix at some point, but now I don't really feel like I will.

>> No.6624557

This. I think I remember that episode where Bushmen cooked some kind of mostly unwashed, unseasoned animal anus in the hot ashes of a scrub fire. His reaction was of disgusted shock. Clearly it was the worst tasting thing he'd ever eaten. Pretty sure his statement about McNuggets refers to ideologically worst.

>> No.6624572

hes a new yorker jew OP what did you expect?

>> No.6624684

He's a chef, a travel writer, and food reviewer. It's his job to be colorful and expressive, even if its not exactly accurate.

>> No.6624697

To the masses, McDonalds tastes good, even if say you and I don't agree with that.
They would be out of business otherwise.

>> No.6624699


In his defence, a McNugget is really food. Just chemicals and corn.

>> No.6624723


You are still talking about him, and people on 4chan and the internet in general know you're all niggers who can't be trusted/just as pretentious as the people you're hating on, so they check it for themselves and like it.

Keep up the good work guys. Free advertising.

>> No.6624725

I know without a doubt that he browses /ck/.

>> No.6624731

i thought he said he never had, and never will, eat a mcnugget

mcnuggets are good to me because im probably so use to the fucking shit in them. like drinking coke constantly, you would be sick if you never had it before

if anything, he is one of the least pretentious guys in the cooking community. he always talks about the history of cooking and how even today, old traditions are still applicable today and hold up just as good as any other form of cooking. ex. gastronomy meme cooking

>> No.6624743


>> No.6624756

>No publicity is bad publicity

Tell that to Mel Gibson. Or the "Dude, you're getting a Dell" guy. Or literally anyone publicly accused of pedophilia.

>> No.6624762

Chicken McNuggets aren't made of MSM anymore.

>> No.6624768

Hey, thanks OP for reminding me that a new season of Parts Unknown aired. I've already got it queued up. His shows are comfy as fuck.

>> No.6624771

I started off really liking him because he was adventurous and went to places a lot of people would right off but the more I watch the show the more I realize how much of a deluded liberal he is.

Everywhere he goes he pretends to know the culture better than the people who live there and tries to ask "hardhitting" questions that just make him look like an asshole. He also vehemently supports alot of shithole countries like there's nothing wrong with them and puts down the US of A at any given moment.

I watched an episode last night where he ate dinner with a bunch of stupid drunk/stoned jamaican guys. He was basically making it look like the guy who owned a resort on the island was a fascist because he installed a fishery and built a massive resort on the island. He forgets to mention that the resort developer is saving the fucking islands fish stocks-which they massively overfished-and that since Jamaica has no real exports or industry aside from coffee and weed, the developer is providing employment for many people on the island where it would have otherwise died off into poverty.

I like his books but he is almost unwatchable on the tv show. I'd like to think the network created this edgy persona to draw in viewers, but sometimes I really wonder if he is that arrogant.

>> No.6624853


>> No.6624863

I watched the Jamaican one too. Did you notice how the actor dude was strong arming the actual local fishermen and making sure they couldn't express their opinions on the development?

That developer is definitely 100% a rich douchebag.

>> No.6624886

Just saying
"Jamaica's main exports are alumina, bauxite, sugar, rum, coffee, yams, chemicals and mineral fuels"

>> No.6624890

true but it's negligible in terms of what tourism does for the country

>That developer is definitely 100% a rich douchebag.

probably, but he's saving the island from going into utter shit. think those other idiots have a business plan for when the fish stock tanks out and there's no local industry?

>> No.6624891

>saving the island

More resorts are not going to save Jamaica. Have you ever even been there?

>> No.6624893

>chemicals and corn

how does it feel to be a retarded faggot know-nothing?

CHICKEN MCNUGGETS: Ingredients: White Boneless Chicken, Water, Food Starch-Modified, Salt, Seasoning (Autolyzed Yeast Extract, Salt, Wheat Starch, Natural Flavoring [Botanical Source], Safflower Oil, Dextrose, Citric Acid), Sodium Phosphates, Natural Flavor (Botanical Source).

>> No.6624896

Man, are we even watching the same show? Both the Bronx and Mass. eps were mostly positive about the US, its food culture and its people. He talks about drug addiction because he is an ex-addict but that's not exactly putting down the USA. He's also critical of plenty of stuff in other countries, like Paraguay or with the political situation in Russia. It's consistent enough that I'm not bothered by it. He finds the good in almost every place he visits though.

>> No.6624898

I find it refreshing to see a spiritually aware atheist on TV. It's rare you get to see people who lack faith but still have a strong connection to humanity and the universe.

>> No.6624907



>> No.6624911

>that south africa episode of his show





>> No.6624914



>> No.6624920

you sound like the kind of guy who believes in chakras

>> No.6624924

Nah, not at all. You don't have to be a new age retard to understand that there's a connection between people and the universe that runs deeper than what we can see. I honestly think it's impossible to be a moral person without some sense of spirituality, but I include secular humanism under that umbrella.

>> No.6624940

Shut up faggot.

>> No.6624943
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>> No.6624945

I agree in principle but you really aren't going to convince anyone else here. Atheists painted exclusively as nihilists is a tired stereotype.

I'm surprised the fedora images haven't been posted yet, at any rate.

>> No.6624953

I don't even identify as an atheist anymore because of the stereotypes. I tell people I'm an agnostic.

>> No.6624954

You don't understand a nuggets production process, do you?

>> No.6624975

I'm an IRL troll though, I embrace preconceptions. Even though I'm more or less an absurdist in philosophical terms, I'm all too happy to oblige people when they try to stereotype me. It doesn't really matter what they think so I might as well have a little fun with it. Besides which, I actually respect differing points of view so long as they aren't dogmatic and being shoved down my throat. So teasing and poking and prodding and getting hit in return is all good banter.

Bourdain seems like a good drinking buddy that you could just talk about anything with and have fun.

>> No.6625030


>Mel Gibson

Still gets work. Has more money than you. Will continue to do so, even if he actually crucifies a Jew at some point.

>Dell guy

He would have been forgotten even if. Commercials are transitory fame. Remember the Taco Bell dog? Yeah, me too. Do you care? No? Well then.


Yeah well, you know, or they seek asylum in another country and sell art, and make money off memoirs and whatnot. It depends on how you handle it.

>> No.6625034

Roman Polanksi is doing alright.

>> No.6625036


Sweet jesus I've never seen a McDonalds shill before. I'll never forget this day.

>> No.6625048

I've never read anything this fucking retarded before in my entire life.
>irl troll
Please fucking kill yourself.

>> No.6625050

Nah :^)

>> No.6625057
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>> No.6625066

Here to stay, buddy. Keep spamming image macros though, it's fun to see you worked up.

>> No.6625098

How does one prove they are an "IRL troll"?

Is the claim to be an asshole IRL taken with the same grain of salt as the claim to be a 6'7" powerlifter IRL? Does being an asshole on 4chins make it more likely you're also an asshole IRL, or does being an asshole on 4chins mean you're so repressed and meek IRL you need an outlet?

Or is the medium irrelevant and you're just a plain ol' asshole?

>I'm a psychiatrist IRL

>> No.6625122

>I'm an IRL epic troll and my friends and I are all handsome and tall and not fat and strong and get all the beautiful women. I'm not fat.

>> No.6625212


My morals come from empathy, not from spirituality.

>> No.6625296

You see OP, he didn't say "LITERALLY" so it's ok, he didn't really mean it.

>> No.6625311

sorry OP, we haven't all eaten your dad's ass so we can't relate to the worst thing you've eaten

>> No.6625649

what the fuck is wrong with you

I hope in 10 years you'll be able to see how childish you sound

>> No.6625651

I'm no world traveler, but my brother is and has said that even the most remote places have better food than half the restaurants in North America.

>> No.6625652

>tfw loved them as a kid
>try them as an adult
>they taste like nothing

God that was a mistake.

>> No.6625673

But OP, everybody knows it's cool to hate McDonalds. Just like it's cool to hate all Tom Cruise movies. Or maybe that one is finished with... (checks cracked.com) no no, still waaaayyyy cool to hate Tom Cruise movies.

>> No.6625695

It's summer mate.

>> No.6625747

yes dumbfuck, every piece of mud shit he ate in a terrible part of the world at least gave him some experiance to remember.

a mc nugget didn't give him anything, it wasn't tasty, there was no love, not even anything vaguely interesting. its shit.

>> No.6625817

>never, not even when attempting to meme

>> No.6625827

is he your fucking spirit animal or something

you're describing a man's emotions like you have some insight into his inner thoughts

it's pretty gay

>> No.6625840

a mcnugget isnt some culinary masterpiece crafted by the finest chefs with hand-picked, homegrown ingredients. it's made by a machine, controlled by people, in a factory and made out of strawberry frozen yogurt-fed chickens.

and theyre nothing without sauce, that's what makes them enjoyable at all.

>> No.6625847

I'm more surprised at how many people are defending this faggot. He's not funny, he's not a good writer, I'm not even sure he's a good cook, and every version of every show he's had is just No Reservations again.

>> No.6625853

>stop liking what I don't like!

It's like I'm really on /v/

>> No.6625984

I love Bourdain in general. I've read one book and seen all his shows. I still think he can be a preachy cunt sometimes.

>> No.6625990

>I suspect he's just being a pretentious twat
can't you see his face? he obviously is

>> No.6626001

He's just another tryhard. He's probably a regular poster here.

>> No.6626165

Yeah, it's worst now on Parts Unknown since he's trying to be even more "Important" than on No Reservations (which even then had plenty of moments of highlighting local plights and difficult histories). And not it's anybody can't or shouldn't cover those in a travel show, it's that he's not the best man for it.

It's why his best show ever was The Layover. Shame it only lasted two relatively short seasons.

>> No.6626178

check em

check em

>> No.6626197


if he said the worst thing he ever ate was a piece of rotting meat from some niggercountry in africa then people would be offended and he would lose 'street cred'. Anything from mcdonalds is the safe answer.

>> No.6626199

Every big food author and host says that to sound fancy and credible, but obviously none of them mean it. Its not something Bourdain specific. They eat fast food sometimes like everyone else.

>> No.6626211

>Jamaica has no real exports or industry

>> No.6626511 [DELETED] 

>selling fucking yams to a bunch of farmers is enough of an export/industry to sustain a country

nice job sjw can't tell if this was a joke or not

>> No.6626562
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>> No.6626564

But you're wrong


>> No.6626570

He's absolutely right, though. Only thing that irks me is how much of a bleeding heart liberal he is, apart from that his shows are entertaining.

>> No.6626575

I think your thinking of Andrew Zimmerman

>> No.6626592

This. He's a SJW and a dirty fucking hipster to boot.

>> No.6626646

>a sjw
>a ess jay double-u
>a ess

>> No.6626686

but i read it as social justice warrior when i see SJW, not ess jay double-u

>> No.6626695

That's not how abbreviations work, kid. It's "a social justice warrior" or "an SJW".

>> No.6626721

itt shitty amerrickans that don't realize mickdonelds really is trashy food and literally anything made from scratch is better

>> No.6626724

>justice is bad

back to your hellish, brainless wasteland of a containment board, i.e. /pol/

>> No.6626728

alghalhga how pretentious you next beard galhgalhgalhglahg

>> No.6626732

>next beard

Where was the first beard?

>> No.6626735

God damn, you're such an faggot.

>> No.6626744 [DELETED] 

He is a libshit tree hugging LGBT/SJW/FEMEN enabling pro gay marriage political correctnes Louis C.K. cuckold with an alcohol problem.

His show is entertaining but he is an obnoxious and holier-than-thou piece of shit that needs to drink himself to death already.
He isn't even a good cook, he just made it big because he wrote a shitty book at the right time.

>> No.6626748

>knowing how to properly use the English language makes me a faggot

You heard it here first, folks: reading is gay.

>> No.6626752

You seem upset.

>> No.6626764

>someone on TV has opinions different from mine WAHHHHHHHH

Wow its like a SJW in reverse!

>> No.6626798


>being this buttblasted

>> No.6626806


>> No.6626812


He didn't start that shit until he had been around for years and realized what a snottish doofus he was coming across as. Watch the shows of the first half of his career. Now he says shit like he loves popyeyes mac and cheese because it's trendy to say such things. The first how many years he was on was all about traveling to foreign countries and saying how eating warthog asshole was better than anything he ever had in America. His views change with the political climate.

>> No.6626814

unlike libshits such as yourself everyone is entitled to his or her opinion. Hence why I still watch that stuck-up faggot, despite disagreeing with him on pretty much everything.

>> No.6626818

>The first how many years he was on was all about traveling to foreign countries and saying how eating warthog asshole was better than anything he ever had in America. His views change with the political climate.
Now watch him say that homosexuals' asshole is better than anything he ever had in America because the political climate changed again as of today and Anthony wants to go with the times

>> No.6626824

Everyone being entitled to their own opinions doesn't mean you have to immerse yourself in the opposition. SJWs and /pol/fags are so butthurt all the time because they have these strong views and them purposely expose themselves to people with the opposite views, seemingly just to enrage themselves.

>> No.6626835

congratulations, you just posted walls of text without actually saying anything of essence.

>> No.6626845

>two sentences
>walls of texts
>couldn't comprehend the simple point

I'll break it down for you, Cletus.

If you have strong opinions that you get emotionally worked up over, maybe you'd be less mad by not seeking out people who disagree with you.

>> No.6626855

Cowardly hiding is good tactics for libtards but people with honor and conviction look into the faces of their enemies.

>> No.6626858

I don't consider any human being my enemy, because I have actual problems in my life, and I don't feel the need to make my personal politics into some kind of Greek epic.

>> No.6626880

>all these salty amerilards defending mcdonalds

>> No.6626885

Meanwhile, Mcdonalds is on every corner of whatever third world shithole you eek out your miserable existence.

>> No.6626918

Oh god you're so mad.

Chicken nuggets aren't even real food.

>> No.6626945


Wow what did your dad do to you?

>> No.6626981

>defending pre-made, frozen and then deep fried food

/ck/ I thought you were better than this.

>> No.6627080

>pop foodie faggot

pick two

>> No.6627091

humans are all pretty alike, thats why you're all ass mad about someones opinions even though the thoughts of some man shouldnt rustle your jimmies by your own logic.

>> No.6627349

Oh hi random Mcdonald$ asshole. No your food is shit and your ads are targeted to stereotypes who don't know any better. Fuck off!


>> No.6627412
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How is that commercial racist?

>> No.6627424

He's trying to be politically correct.

The worst thing anyone can possibly eat is Australian Aborigine food.

>> No.6627455

haaaaa knee grows love chicken :DDDDDDD

>> No.6627463
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>if you show black people enjoying chicken, you are a racist

>> No.6627473

Brain, please go

>> No.6627486

Clearly you've never been to >>>/mlp/

>> No.6627502
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Yet this isn't racist...damn niggers,,,

>> No.6627506


>> No.6627610

Isn't that exactly what happened with MLP?

>> No.6627623

>ever watching boredain

the dude's a closeted faggit

>> No.6627642

>The tourism industry earns over 50 percent of the country's total foreign exchange earnings and provides about one-fourth of all jobs in Jamaica

>> No.6627847

The worst thing he's ever eaten was ...mud.

not much of a surprise but it was some African country.

you could just see in his face and he tried very hard to stay positive.

>> No.6627858

It's a shithole because the local resources are not being utilized in ways that benefit that people who live there, so the best life the locals can hope for is kissing the asses of douchebag tourists in the hopes of getting some good tips.

the country is rife with political and economic turmoil, and adding more resorts is not the path to salvation.

>> No.6627952

He has also eaten the unwashed asshole of a warthog

>> No.6627990

>I'm an IRL troll