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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 70 KB, 600x395, meat-3188.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6624031 No.6624031 [Reply] [Original]

What's your favorite steak?

>> No.6624034
File: 870 KB, 3000x2250, hamburgersteak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hamburger steaks

>> No.6624039
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I like me some hamburger steaks too

>> No.6624043

Bone in ribeye. I find it the most flavorful.

I've had really exceptional filet though.

>> No.6624369
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>> No.6624408

Medium rare prime rib.

>> No.6624417

Technically correct answer, but you're still an asshole.

>> No.6624422

strip steak (shortloin, the large muscle on the t-bone & porterhouse)

>> No.6624474
File: 3.48 MB, 4128x2322, 20150625_162918.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did I ruin my steak /ck/?

Do you sear, grill, or broil your steaks?

>> No.6624476

Prime sirloin.

>> No.6624477

Filet Minyon is probably the best type of steak if I do say so myself.

>> No.6624480

>anything other than grilling

>> No.6624485

>not fillay minyohn

>> No.6624505

Why would I misspell it?

>> No.6624514

this whole time i thought a porterhouse and t-bone were the same thing.

oh god, how embarrassing.

>> No.6624561

Chuck eye.

>> No.6624565


>> No.6624570


They are. Porter just has a little extra meat because it comes from a larger part of the muscle

>> No.6624607

The are the same cut, its just flipped for effect.

The porterhouse is the side of the loin where the loin and strip is thickest. The muscle tapers. When the tenderloin side thins to about a rough triangle relative to the bone (or less), it's a t-bone

>> No.6624718
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>> No.6624735

any is fine, its all about how its cooked. if its gonna be cooked all the same, probably porterhouse, blackened and rare. only had it done right once in a restaurant, mostly because i rarely eat it when its on a menu, and it was solid.

but im more of a pork guy, and raw seafood (oysters)

>> No.6624856

I prefer sirloin. Very flavorful without all the fatty bullshit bits that often accompany subpar ribeyes. (Not all ribeyes are subpar.)

>> No.6624905

Skirt steak. That's right you faggits

>> No.6624912

Strip steak/short loin. Perfect combination of texture and flavor.

>> No.6624947

Chicken fried steak

>> No.6624950

My nigga

>> No.6624982

All of the steaks in OP's pic are overdone. A shame, really.

>> No.6624998

Gravy looks 3/10 too runny

>> No.6625013

Are they made out of real Germans?

>> No.6625156

>Not using cast iron to make bitchin sauce

>> No.6625162

Gotta say New York strip.

>> No.6625198


Nah, it's impossible to find genuine hamburger steaks in the US, it's like how real Kobe beef has to be made in Hyogo Prefecture and is hard to export

>> No.6625201

Thats a bad steak and your plate is tacky.
>Eating on a cat scratching post
What the hell is wrong with you.

>> No.6625220
File: 187 KB, 1280x720, Onions.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1. Tri-tip
>2. Filet mignon
>3. Brisket
>4. Skirt steak
>5. New York strip
>6. Everything else.
Debate me faggots.
Anyone have recipes for these besides basic steaks?

>> No.6625222


>> No.6625237
File: 88 KB, 750x536, CutsOfSteak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wrong image, here you go faggots.

>> No.6625308

Top sirloin for value, and bone in ribeye if I am feeling rich.

>> No.6625314

Anyone who says rib-eye instead of porterhouse doesn't know shit about steak.

>> No.6625319

I prefer ribeye because of that glorious spinalis and the better marbling throughout

>> No.6625323

Your pic and post rings very true to me. I like well marbled ribeye, med rare. But much prefer hamburger steak to over cooked, over lean, tough, etc...

>> No.6625332
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>paying 10+ dollars a pound for bone

>> No.6625339

Porterhouse, Skirt, Bone-in Ribeye, and T-Bone Masterrace.

Points to Flank, Hanger, and Round for great flavor and texture.

Also tongue and cheek are both allah-tier

>> No.6625435


you forgot to cook the fat side down.

>> No.6625480

Mah nigga

>> No.6625515
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>letting your butcher include bone weight in the total price

>> No.6625520
File: 3.22 MB, 3984x2988, 20150615_193434.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did reverse sear on this steak. Put in oven at 250 with temp prob in it. Took it out at 130 then rested for 15 mins. Then seared high heat with tons of butter to baste. This was my first time. If I did it again, would take out at 120-125 range. Maybe take it out 110-115 for a thick filet mignon. Since it was rested, I was able to cut right into it after I seared it.

>> No.6625523
File: 3.31 MB, 3984x2988, 20150615_214420.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was a perfect medium.. I thought it would be better at med-rare though

>> No.6625527
File: 2.96 MB, 3984x2988, 20150615_214433.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No flash. Idk which pic looks better. Steak was pinker than pic shows

>> No.6625530
File: 3.37 MB, 3984x2988, 20150615_214409.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just another pic for the hell of it

>> No.6625536

This reverse sear only works with thick cut steaks btw. I did this in the oven and stove top just to be safe. This could be done with a smoker then searing on a hot charcoal grill.

>> No.6625554

Porterhouse and T-bone usually. Don't know why, they just taste better and there is more and I'm sort of a fatass.

>> No.6625563

That doesn't really look medium especially if "Steak was pinker than pic shows" Medium is like brown throughout the top and bottom and slight pink in the middle.

>> No.6625574
File: 139 KB, 708x830, doneness_chart2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's hard to compare it to normally cooked steaks because reverse searing has the same doneness all the way through. It did look a lot like the very middle of the medium steak in this pic. Or the second ring of the med-rare pic

>> No.6625582

Here's a vid on it. Guy looks like a fag but it's a really good vid. That piece of ribeye in the vid is sexy af too


>> No.6625599

you don't judge by the color, you judge by the texture. the chart >>6625574 is fucking wrong in that regard because 'banding' can occur if steak is cooked from frozen/cold or if it's cut too thin and cooked at high a temp etc. the ultimate and correct judge for doneness is the touch test.

>> No.6625602

to add to this, do you think chefs at a steak house cut the product open to check if it's cooked correctly? ever go to a steak house and be served steak that was cut in half to make sure it was cooked to the requested preference? how do you think they figured out the doneness? x-ray vision?

>> No.6625605

Well I'll let you all argue over the semantics. That steak was good as fuck. I just think it would have been a little better if it was cooked a little less imo.

>> No.6625617

I never said that color was the only way to measure doneness. I was just replying to other post.

>> No.6627497

Tongue. Best shit there is

>> No.6627579

As anon said, they use the touch test. Doneness can be gauged by poking at the steak and feeling its firmness. They can tell how done it is by that

>> No.6628526
File: 1.27 MB, 1520x2688, 14353986115687367198.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this safe to cook?

It was sitting in some warm water (in a plastic bag so not soaking) for about two hours after I took it out of the fridge (it was defrosted but still very cold).

Wil I die?

>> No.6628534

Is this a serious question? You're really asking this?

>> No.6628541

It's kinda brown and not red. I don't wanna die.

nvm, I'll ask Google. Sorry for the trouble.

>> No.6628542

Why would you want to?

>> No.6628551

Smells okay is okay bro

>> No.6628555

It's fine. It's ugly because it was in the freezer, not because it's spoiled.
It'll be shit compared to a fresh steak, though.

>> No.6628562
File: 815 KB, 1520x2688, 1435399874706418195630.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanx. It's cooking as we speak and I'm gonna make sure it's well done.

Spotted the vegan?

>> No.6628565
File: 133 KB, 529x314, Well Hwat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sorry could you repeat that.

>> No.6628578

That steak is green bruh Cook it up and post pics

>> No.6628581
File: 1.16 MB, 2688x1520, IMAG0856.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic. I think it turned out alright.
Time to tuck in and hope not to die.

>> No.6628647

How are you feeling now Anon?
Are you okay?
Just checking up on you

>> No.6628648

New york strip

Its god tier.

>> No.6628670
File: 616 KB, 1768x1000, IMAG0858a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

9:41pm.: Currently not dead.

Thanx for your concern (foaux or otherwise) and sorry for panicking and being a nuisance but I'm kinda new to this whole cooking thing and I don't wanna poison myself.

>Smells okay is okay
This is in the memory bank now. Thanx again.

Sorry again for the trouble.
It was delicious, btw.

>> No.6628671

Porterhouse is the correct and only choice, Medium rare or rare with a Diane sauce with chips

>> No.6628675

Oh good your not dead! I got off /co/ and came here when I saw >>6628526
Glad it turned out well.

>> No.6628677
File: 21 KB, 300x355, vader_thumbs_up.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanx. Seriously.

>> No.6628683

is literally in the OP picture.

>> No.6628687

>1. Tri-tip
fair enough
>2. Filet mignon
>>i'll have the feellay meeyohn
>3. Brisket
Bacon called, it said brisket a shit
>4. Skirt steak
literally meme steak.
>5. New York strip
above ribeye? nigga what? strip is literally smaller, tougher, less marbled ribeye. try harder.
>6. Everything else.

>> No.6628694

wrong, temp is the most accurate and easiest method, and is how it's done in any kind of respectable steak house

>> No.6628699
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>> No.6628716

kek. I accidentally put an 'o' in there. Sorry about that.

Also, faux or not I'm grateful for the honest responses and helpfull advice.
Good community this board has.

>> No.6628806

I raise beef. Keep them on pasture, and used to give them about 5# of grain. My favorite cut was NY strip, but I used to be a ribeye kinda guy (from feedlot beef. Love that marble).
Switched my steer to corn instead of grain, and upped the weight to about 7# of corn. Rib eye is again my fave.
I've been defrosting 4 bone prime ribs. Cut off the rack of ribs, and the rib eye cap (?), and ben grilling those to med rare. The ribs I keep on the grill for about three hours with vents all closed.

>> No.6628821

Normally I am autistic about my food having bones/shells or anything I have to work around when I am eating, but steak is the exception. There's something about bone-in cuts that just make the experience better - from cooking to eating.