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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 157 KB, 900x598, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6623184 No.6623184 [Reply] [Original]

Is there a food that can be considered 100% American?

>> No.6623186


>> No.6623187

probably not.

>> No.6623192

Fried Coke

>> No.6623197


Well, this and and American bison meat among other things.

bison > beef

>> No.6623202

Wouldn't soul food qualify as 100% American cuisine? In the same way that jazz was (initially) 100% American music, I mean.

>> No.6623208

What is Africa?

>> No.6623210

I guess it's African influenced heavily enough that it wouldn't count, you're right.

>> No.6623211


Not sure, what is it?

>> No.6623214

Most of it came over with slaves.

>> No.6623215

>came over with slaves
ur about a few hundred years off bud

>> No.6623216

Tatertot casserole

>> No.6623224

Soul food you fucking retard. The conversation is about food.

>> No.6623226


>> No.6623227

>africa is a country
every time

>> No.6623228

the fact you call it "soul food" makes me wonder how artificial that shit is in reality. This reeks of liberty fries.Nearly as soulless and commercial as "etnhic food"

>> No.6623249

There's a diner that does bison burgers near me. They are indeed heavenly.

>> No.6623252
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>> No.6623284
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in n out

>> No.6623305

It came from slaves having the shit parts of the animal. Like chitlins and shit. It's American food born out of necessity.

>> No.6623342

I don't know about bbq culture in the states past a vague uuuuhh caricature of sweet sauces and burning big lumps of things over a big smokey pit

bit off topic but in the UK bbq is like
>dad lobs some lemon, garlic and herb with some chicken breast
>throws some massive sausages and burgers on the outside gas grill
>mum makes some rice/salad stuff
>chances are it tastes pretty awesome but we eat it inside because it is freezing outside/dark/raining/not enough seats

literally bbq seems to mean "it was grilled outside"

>> No.6623345

a dark place simba, you must never go there

>> No.6623354
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pic related - maybe less food usually but if you haven't tried British "bbq" food its awesome

>> No.6623358


GODDAMMIT Tyrone, you just put the fucking vegie kababs on the RAW fucking meat.

>> No.6623361

Caribbean in origin.

>> No.6623365

It's all getting cooked so what's the problem?

>> No.6623377

what is wrong with those burgers

>> No.6623378


>> No.6623411

>implying hamburgers aren't European food, first created in Europe.

>> No.6623430
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july 4th babby here. This is what my birthdays look like. Burgers, wings, kabobs, and a keg of beer.

sincerely, muricca

>> No.6623433

I didn't imply that at all, you illiterate faggot

>> No.6623434
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>> No.6623435

Are you foreign or retarded? Or both?

>> No.6623486

As if bbq has a place of origin

>> No.6623490

Your implication was palpable.

>> No.6623494


>> No.6623502
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>> No.6623509

That dude is British Asian lol
That's what meat looks like cooked but not coated in bbq sauce/breadcrumbs

>> No.6623511
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what am I seeing

a chilled block of meat?

>> No.6623519
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No you cunt, it wasn't.
If I was implying anything, it was that Britbongs make shit-tier hamburgers.

>> No.6623522

This is probably actually the one and only true American food.
American Indians are the only true Americans.

>> No.6623523

pemmican is genuine explorer food - 100% american
this is what the bacon memefood manly thing should consistent off (luckily it doesn't)

its like a gross mix of fat, fruit and protein to keep you alive in the cold

>note to self - pemmican pop-up in Shoreditch/Portland/Ect. - call it "The Pemmican Food Company"

>> No.6623527

It's an anonymous board anon, why lie ?
>Your implication was quite apparent.

>> No.6623535
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Pemmiacan is good, u try

haaaaha I made a reference to the comic, get it
Umpah-Pah, u know... from the guy that also did Asterix...
g-get it
he always ate pemmican...

forget it

>> No.6623536
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>> No.6623579

Texan BBQ culture in particular was first introduced by German and Czech immigrants :´)

>> No.6623627

They're probably lamb or turkey burgers since there's so many fucking Indians and Muslims in the UK. Plus, the dude behind the grill looks brown.

>> No.6623641

because Indians and Muslims don't eat beef do they?

>> No.6623653
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>> No.6623654

Well, I am pretty drunk. Still my favorite Chinese cartoon board.

>> No.6623675

Christ, which one is this from? Chris never fails to amaze

>> No.6623682

Cows are holy in India fucking idiot

Kill one and you could be lynched

>> No.6623689

I guess the only truly American food is injun food which is some of the least represented in the country.

>> No.6623699

>Implying all Indians are Hindu.
>Implying you can't get beef curry.
You're a fucking idiot son. Plenty of Indians eat beef.

>> No.6623700

what about frito pie? or fluffernutter sandwiches?

>> No.6623705

>implying peasant hindus won't stab you and throw your corpse in that vile river

>> No.6623711

I just lurk this board when I need ideas for dinner, but aren't buffalo wings of U.S. origin?

>> No.6623714

There's a health food place near my friends gym. I usually don't buy into that expensive bullshit, but they have a bison plate made with turkey bacon, rice and bean, and sweet Chipotle sauce and holy fuck it's like my favorite meal.

>> No.6623718


>> No.6623719

Indians in Britain eat beef. Lots of it as well.
Only those of the Hindi faith don't partake.
Google Kerala beef curry, it's delicious.

>> No.6623723

What river ?

>> No.6623724

>Summer Fag.
4Chan is an over 18 board you know?

>> No.6623725

The one that they all wash and ~~brush their fucking teeth~~ in. I forget the name.

>> No.6623728

You mean the Ganges.
>One of the most famous rivers in the world

>> No.6623736

Been here since '07 faggot. Maybe you should lurk more and learn how to format a post before you be a Summer Fag. on 4Chan again.

That's it. Was too lazy to look it up. I assume you've seen pictures of the state of that shit?

>> No.6623739

>Been here since '07 faggot
newfag confirmed

>> No.6623744

Habeeb it loser. Not everyone is new on the 4chan Sekrit Clubhouse

>> No.6623749

>tfw Hamburger is an invention created by a Danish immigrant
>tfw Germanfags are trying to steal our glory
Fucking lel m9

>> No.6623755


>> No.6623764

Chick-Fil-A. Check and mate europoors

>> No.6623773

As soon as you become an American citizen, anything original that you create is an American food. We have a LONG history of American food.

>> No.6623774


>> No.6623782

>being this retarded

>> No.6623832

>being blind to the lies of false 'culture'

Why do people do this? If it's created by an American, it's American, end of debate.

>> No.6623915

You mean a Native Indian? Because muh Americanism is literally all the rejects and poverty fags from Europe who created the shit hole you called USA today

>> No.6623926


>> No.6623945
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>> No.6624054


>nigga never had gumbo

>> No.6624068

say that post out loud and tell me if you sound retarded

>> No.6624069

>literally bbq seems to mean "it was grilled outside"

Pretty much everywhere but America "BBQ" means using a barbecue grill, also known as a barbecue. In America bbq means smoked / slow cooked meats.

>> No.6624076

>gas grill

triggered hard

Why is UK cuisine such a fucking joke?

>> No.6624086

sounded fine to me. Good use of the comma.

>> No.6624155

>for men and dogs

>> No.6624212
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>> No.6624231
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>> No.6624254
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>> No.6624259
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Buffalo wings

>> No.6624260
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>> No.6624276
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>> No.6624289
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>> No.6624290

What the fuck is the point of trying to reduce things into 100% American or Not American At All. For fuck's sake most of the best food in this country (not to mention music and other shit) comes from fusions of disparate cultures coming together through disparity or a sense of newfound community, creating delicious new things.

Also I guess if you wanted to be a fag about it, 1960s canned-fruit-and-jello salads are pure 100% Americana

>> No.6624303
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>> No.6624320

Mene nukkumaan

>> No.6624338
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>> No.6624347

>labeled GMOs
not American enough

>> No.6624357
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>> No.6624419
File: 156 KB, 1600x1063, gvnohenv amagii ᎬᏃᎮᏅ ᎠᎹᎩᎢ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gvnohenv Amagii


>> No.6624484

Amerifat reporting in. I don't know the slightest thing about Indian (Native American) food except for corn. You'd have a hard time even finding a Native American outside of Texas, New Mexico, Colorado, Arizona, Nevada, and California.

>> No.6624494

Cheese steak
Corn dog
Fortune cookies
Chicken Waffle
Frozen custard

Do these count? Only thing i could think of... I assume that burger, pizza, general tsao, fajitas++ don't count.

>> No.6624612


>> No.6624669
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>> No.6624672
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>> No.6624679
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>> No.6624683
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>> No.6624695
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>> No.6625014

Peanut butter

>> No.6625081

looks like some delicious jelly dessert. can't believe that's whale

>> No.6625095

>muh butthurt
just keep bending over and you can cry all you want

>> No.6625106


>> No.6625124
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Maize (corn), Tomato, Potato, Vanilla, Cacao

>> No.6625153

Philly CheeseSteak

>> No.6625164
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>> No.6625174
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cocaine and food+++

>> No.6625191

Fuck those comics were retarded.
Northern europeans are just not funny people.
I love them, but they are not funny.

>> No.6625404

Orange Cheese
Orange "cheese" product

>> No.6625502
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Grits. Some states like SC and Georgia have laws and statutes regarding grits.

>> No.6625682

Jazz is african/ european out of New Orleans.
Jazz wouldn't exist if not for the 8-bar blues they pulled out of thin air in the chain gangs.

>few hundred
the fuck are you on about son?

>> No.6625757

Gumbo isn't soul food you dork.

>> No.6625775



I'll give you half a point.

I've said it before and I'll say it again- the PBJ is the most AMERICAN food of all time

>> No.6625796

Nice. My sis was born the same day, happy soon to be birthday anon.

>> No.6625835

Corn, Turkey, some forms of peppers and squash, the potato, various fruit

>> No.6625884

BBQ, as a dish, is a certain traditional technique using a grill. It varies from place to place.

BBQ as a verb, however, simply means to cook something outside on a grill.

(Certified American Poster)

>> No.6625909

So is the potato chip!

>> No.6625912
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Your moms pussy

>> No.6625971


>> No.6625975 [DELETED] 

Faecal matter and deep fried anus

>> No.6626254

Anything with potatoes
Anything with corn
Anything with Peanuts

>> No.6626258

There's a place just outside of Zion national park, the opposite direction of Bryce (you have to go through a tunnel) and they have free range bison in their backyard with a built in slaughterhouse.
Absolutely fantastic

>> No.6626268
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>100% American
anything that native americans ate

>> No.6626269

Sounds rad. South Dakota is only good for their bison. They roam all over and are right next to the only big city in that state so it's all fresh as fuck.

>> No.6626291
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50% Dutch, 100% American.

In fact I'll go so far as to say that all food served in America is 100% American. America will swallow up all cultures and demolish all boundaries.

>> No.6626433


It's an actual genre of food you raging faggot.


>> No.6626450

I tried this stuff when I was in the northwest territories near Inuvik ...

It was.... Interesting

>> No.6626478

Spray cheese

>> No.6626512


>> No.6626536

pretty good assesment

>> No.6626542

isnt scrapple just liverwurst? besides the "pennsylvania dutch" aren't actually dutch, they're german

>> No.6626578

Dutch and Deutsch are from the same root word for Germanic languages. Thank you Wikipedia!

>> No.6626619

That doesn't make them the same thing

>> No.6626793

If the plant does originate in the country it doesn't count? Wouldn't make that all bread and beer belong to iraq and other messapatamian countries?

>> No.6626799

People on another continent for 400 years have had different changes in word meaning. Who could have thought it could ever happen?

>> No.6626841
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>I assume you've seen pictures of the state of that shit?
Have you been there? Or are you regurgitating the "facts" you heard on 4chan. There are parts of it that are dirty but it's still a historic river and one of the cleanest till it hits the plains.

>> No.6626863

shhh the dummy doesn't understand that language evolves. You wont here him complaining about the differences in the languages in china.

>> No.6626870

They prefer to call it "dialects" even though nobody understands each other.

>> No.6626962

How many times are you going to make this thread? For at least the 20th time, yes there are a huge number of dishes, products, and ingredients that can be considered 100% American.

>> No.6627017

Highest-Alemannic-speaking Swiss person who attended university in "Dutch country" in the US here.
They speak very much like uneducated people in the upper parts of the Swiss Alps do. I'm pretty sure they're originally from Switzerland.
I could understand them though they couldn't understand me too much. I had difficulty trying to Amishify my Alemannic to make it understandable to them. To do so, I had to modify my sentence structures to retard-tier levels of simplicity. Or just speak English.

While Swiss German (which is actually not German at all, but Alemmanic) is full of diminutives and lots of li li li li li making it sound like baby-talk/Kindersprache, full, complex conversations on a variety of subjects are possible. PA Dutch, however, sounds like... well...
... for you English speaking people, imagine if those animatronic hillbilly bears from Disney World were to act out Shakespeare but continue with their their hickitude in full twang. Can you see how stupid that sounds? That's what the Amish sound like to me.
While conversations held by Swiss amongst themselves might sound like baby-talk to other people who speak Germanic languages, PA Dutch sounds like the garglings of brain-damaged children.
No thankli.

>> No.6627213

Steak & Eggs... Chicken & Waffles...

>> No.6627311


Rate their German.

>> No.6627402

No, because America was founded by immigrants and brought the food culture of their own country with them.

The only true 100% American cuisine that exist is whatever shit the natives ate.

>> No.6627418

Have we not developed our own food culture since our founding?

>> No.6627432


ah so just like Canadians speaking "French"

>> No.6627464


>> No.6627474

Meat is american.

Before the colonies meat was not eaten very much around the world other than as a treat for most classes. The abundance of game in America led to a eating culture centered around meat which spread round the world over time.

>> No.6627477



>> No.6627481

That's African-American. They invented that.

>> No.6627483

Oh sorry, I guess niggers aint really Americans. Right?

>> No.6627516
File: 111 KB, 720x540, Imma blow ya mind.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know what food originated in the US?

Chocolate chip cookies.

You're welcome.

>> No.6627559

Can do raid

>> No.6627600

Are you from the east coast or something? California, Arizona, new Mexico and Oklahoma have the highest pop. But they're all Mexicanfied. But the Pacific Northwest's food culture has its roots in native Indian food

>> No.6627649

Are you retarded? Minnesota and the dakotas are full of them. Wisconsin is too I think, but I could be wrong

>> No.6627670

Anything with tomatoes

>> No.6628354


Pumpkin pie, squash soup and, wild berries are pretty authentic american.

The Colonists subsisted on seafood and pumpkins for a while, and traded/bartered with the natives. Vinland (Lief Ericson's Saga) details berries and grapes? back in 1000~AD, but that wasn't really quisine.

Fun hypothesis: Because Europeans (vikings) had become accustomed to consuming milk/dairy, they feed/offered it to the natives (eskimos) on Vinland which made the native population think it was poison. don't know how much that holds up under history.

>> No.6628452
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America hasn't done much in the way of inventing dishes, except maybe bbq and some kinds of soul food, but we have taken some serious strides in perfecting it.

We invented a way to get burgers without leaving your car. We put bbq chicken on pizza. We decided cornbread would be a heck of a lot better wrapped around a hot dog. We came to the conclusion that chicken need not be in identifiable segments to fry and enjoy. We put chunky beef stew on french fries. We made cheese into a paste form and put it in a pressurized can. We put candy in cereal, for god's sake.

>> No.6628607

Fruit pie

>> No.6628735

>ctrl f: fried
>1 of 1 match
>no mentions of texas state fair
>"We had someone do deep-fried bubble gum and they trademarked it"

>> No.6628786

Not one mention of turkey. Wow

>> No.6628788

I love that America-ball always wears sunglasses, it's so perfect.

>> No.6628802

Somebody already did.

>> No.6628919


literally bbq seems to mean "it was grilled outside

Bbq=slow and low (hours of waiting)
Grilling=anything on the grill(few mins)

>> No.6628937

You could say that all the variations of dishes America has could be called American cuisine because a lot of famous dishes are just that, variations and/or has taken a lot of inspiration from foreign cuisine.

I think a lot of people would say that the US hasn't existed long enough to really develop its food culture and set itself apart.

>> No.6631096

Spaghetti, lo mein, grilled antelope

>> No.6631103

Hard tacos
Canned food
BBQ involving charcoal/propane
Smoked BBQ
Fortune Cookies
Chop Suey
Mu Shu
Sweet and Sour

>> No.6631106

Spam and treet are american and if you have never had a fried Treet/Spam sandwich and fries with a root beer you are seriously missing out.

>> No.6632888
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I fuckin love these little fucks goddamn with a little duck sauce they are so good %100 American

>> No.6632895

Isn't root beer American too? God bless this country

>> No.6633600

>tfw when humans come from africa
>all food is just copying african with tiny changes

>> No.6633612

>literally bbq seems to mean "it was grilled outside"
Barbecue is an adaptation of barbacoa which means cooked over an open fire.

>> No.6633615

>This is probably actually the one and only true American food
besides the many other native american dishes

>> No.6633657

Yeah thats what hes saying. Work on your reading comprehension.

>> No.6633709

huh? you can pay for entrails here in your soup. its extra but delicious. Lots of fat and flavor. Is in America.

>> No.6633857


This is some next level idiocy when you consider that native Americans are just nomads from Asia hundreds of years ago.

>> No.6633866


Only those that are hindi don't eat beef. You might be ignorant of Sikhism as well. It's another major religion in India and they have nothing against eating beef.

>> No.6633947

Indian restaurants here are one of the few places you can get lamb or goat. I'm fine with them not using beef.

>> No.6633951


>> No.6634033
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This : http://dvd.netflix.com/Movie/Ken-Burns-Jazz/70202576

>> No.6634057

Acorn bread

>> No.6634075

Recipe, please.

>> No.6634077

sweet potato pie
navy bean pie
oreo pie
transparent pie
key lime pie
Virginian ham
maple syrup though I guess we share that with the hat

>> No.6634172

I'm almost convinced that pizza, as most Americans know it, is a wholly American invention.

...That got thrown out by hipsters because it shares a name with an Italian dish so SUDDENLY WE CAN BE ELITIST ABOUT PIZZA! AWESOME!

>> No.6634188
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>While Swiss German (which is actually not German at all, but Alemmanic)

>> No.6634205

alemannic is german m8. upper german dialects just like bavarian.

>> No.6634274
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Shit since when buffalos can fly

And i thought Australia was bad

>> No.6634307

nailed it

>> No.6634310

Gumbo is a Caribbean dish ya mong.

>> No.6634324

deep fried butter

>> No.6634368

The big mac

>> No.6634369

it's a hamburger doofus.

>> No.6634451

>The hamburger.

>> No.6634467
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ITT technicalities

>> No.6634473

>not seeded hanburger
Get it right

>> No.6634480
File: 51 KB, 900x600, tater-tot-hotdish.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tater Tot Hotdish is the most American dish at 99.34% American

>> No.6634614
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Mmmm... lemme think... a 100% american food?

>> No.6634620

No, someone bitched about soul food and anon replied >nigga never had gumbo, implying gumbo is soul food. Learn to read, idiot.

>> No.6634626

double bacon cheeseburger with cheesefries

>> No.6634639


>> No.6634960

Hamburg steak might be German but the burger as it is now is as American as hard tacos and general tso's chicken.

>> No.6634963

sweet and sour chicken
sesame chicken
fortune cookies
chocolate chip cookies

>> No.6635008

This qualifies.

>> No.6635014

Hamburgers are German in origin. This is a historic, documented fact.
Hamburgers are not American.

>> No.6635025

Italian actually.
Buffalo wings were created by an un-naturalized Italian immigrant.

>> No.6635026

The burger is an American sandwich but the original form it came to America in which was called the Hamburg steak is German. You are a little confused.

>> No.6635028

shut the fuck up faggot

>> No.6635031

It is like the difference between a frankfurter and a hotdog. One is a sandwich and the other is just a sausage.

>> No.6635032

Hamburgers are German in origin. This is a historic, documented fact.
Hamburgers are not American.

>> No.6635033

Except they made it here.

>> No.6635037

A true hotdog, ie a German one, is made with a bratwurst not a frankfurter.
Hot Dogs are not American.

>> No.6635038

Repeating yourself proves you don't have a leg to stand on.

>> No.6635041

A sausage wasn't put into a bun until America.

>> No.6635045

Created by an Italian not an American.
Therefore Buffalo Wings are Italian.
They may have been absorbed into the America litany of cuisine but they remain an Italian food.
This is also true of the Caesar Salad.

>> No.6635047


>> No.6635048

Sausages were eaten in buns by Europeans before America was founded and even possibly before it was discovered.

>> No.6635050

Does the home country still get credit for things made elsewhere?

>> No.6635054


All pizzas are American because they use tomatoes.

>> No.6635056

Prove it.

>> No.6635059

That is a check and mate sperglord.

>> No.6635068


So all beef and pork dishes are European because they originate from and were domesticated there?

>> No.6635071

According to that Italian theory, yes.

>> No.6635082
File: 2 KB, 136x91, palm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6635092


>> No.6635099

All pasta dishes are Asian because they invented the noodle.

>> No.6635102
File: 12 KB, 501x585, 1386281395419.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All food is Jewish because it costs money

>> No.6635104

I usually hate this shit, but that made me kek

>> No.6635106

All dishes that have black pepper in them are now curries, because pepper came from India.

>> No.6635107

Risotto is Chinese because they invented rice.

>> No.6635111

So far Asia is killing it in the culinary world

>> No.6635113
File: 18 KB, 591x97, retard_logic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never engage in debate with a retard.

>> No.6635115

That was an ironic reply but I guess you're too stupid to notice.

>> No.6635116

He was making a point you dip shit. It was in response to >>6635045

>> No.6635118

>Summerfagging retard

>> No.6635119

o wow

>> No.6635121


See: >>6635092

>> No.6635241

You can try to use it in the future on the unsuspecting but it will be obvious to non-autists it was meant in jest. Then someone will ask for the context and they'll be told of the time someone sperged over buffalo wings being Italian.