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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 53 KB, 599x415, cook-a-steak-blue-rare-medium-welldone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6620821 No.6620821 [Reply] [Original]

Did my first steak ever, it was a rumpsteak, removed from the pan when the coldest point reached 140F/60C, this took 4-5 minutes per side, i flipped it every 30s.
The meat looked like something between well done and medium well on the pic.
What went wrong?

>> No.6620824

try 130F

>> No.6620833

Pan cooked things are trash tier. Try an oven.

>> No.6620839

>What went wrong?

Can you post a pic showing the surface of the steak and what lit looked like cut through? That will tell a lot.

My guess is that your heat was too low and you cooked it for too long. Try higher heat & shorter cooking time.

Also remember that the temp of the steak will increase by a few degrees when you rest it. If you want it, say, 140F then you would pull it off the heat at around 130. It will creep up those last few degrees while it rests.

>> No.6620841

holy faggot opinion batman

>> No.6620851

Already ate it, was chevy and stuff, it still leaked brown liquid tho. It looked exactly like an interpolation of the two last stages in the op pic.
I let it rest for likr 5-10 minutes, maybe that fucked it up. The meat was probably pretty much shit tier too, europoor here, basically we only keep female cows for the milk, there is no real culture of good steak or hamburger here yet.

>> No.6620852

just set your stove on the highest level let the pan heat up with the oil until you see some smoke - throw the fucking steak in and let it sit there for 1 min flip it let it cook for another min (don't do anything in between). Let the steak rest (in oven @ 60C) for 15 minutes. If it is still too raw cook it for another 3 to 5 minute on medium heat in the pan

>> No.6620859

Hot opinion, line cook.

>> No.6620860
File: 84 KB, 500x375, filetstueck-1590.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> europoor
> there is no real culture of good steak

poor and/or stupid?

>> No.6620862

you realize rump is a stewing cut right? also if you cooked it 5 minutes per side the cut had better have been 3 inches thick...

>> No.6620864

I live in an even shittier place than France.

>> No.6620866

Now i know, google still came up with a lot of results for "rump steak"

>> No.6620867
File: 80 KB, 1140x540, 2_9615679.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

steak in the oven? You sure about this? Or did you miss out on your insulin injection again?

>> No.6620869

>signs are in German

>> No.6620870

retard confirmed

>> No.6620871

>the city of germany

>> No.6620905


I wouldn't cook a steak entirely in the oven, but searing it on a hot pan first and then finishing it in the oven is a fantastic way to cook a steak.

Heat the oven to around 425-450F. Get an oven-safe skillet, put a little oil in it and heat it up on the range until it just starts to smoke. Sear the steak on all sides, including the edges. Then transfer the pan, with the steak in it, into the oven to finish cooking to your desired temp. You can also toss some garlic, herbs, etc, into the pan with the steak while it finishes.

>> No.6620910

>finishing it in the oven is a fantastic way to cook a steak.

depends on the thickness and length of sear. if your cut is less than 1.5" thick then just finish it on the stove. if you sear it on your stove for more than 30s per side, then just finish it on the stove

>> No.6620935
File: 34 KB, 512x534, rere.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6622443

The last time I cooked myself a steak, I forgot to sear it before putting it in the oven to finish. It was so sad....

>> No.6622610

I've done this a few times and even an idiot like me was able to produce a fucking nice steak. Only problem is it fills your house with smoke.

>> No.6623009

you cooked it to 140F at the coldest point. you can't imagine how it might have gotten up to 150F or above?

remember, it will continue to cook even after you pull it from the heat.

>> No.6623015
File: 90 KB, 736x490, muffmutt3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw i'm not a line cook anymore

get in the garbage where you belong

>> No.6623028

Ahahaha you flipped it every 30 seconds! Fuck you must be a dumb cunt. You can always google "how to cook steak"

>> No.6623049

Perhaps learn how to read a chart.

Your steak was probably pretty thin as well.