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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 115 KB, 400x300, plastic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6618019 No.6618019 [Reply] [Original]

Save Water, dish soap, and work by simply using pic related instead of actual dish.

Buy it and throw it away..

Does it work out?

>> No.6618021

you can just throw your normal dishes out too and buy new ones after each use

>> No.6618023

would be more expensive though.

>> No.6618028

making plastic uses a metric fucktonne more water than washing your dishes.

>> No.6618043

OP is a backwards step in human evolution and a puppet for capitalism but encouraging a disposable lifestyle.

> throw stuff away
> buy more stuff
> repeat

We can't keep burying our shit in the soil because eventually our shit will be the soil and we'll be living in our own shit. Look at India, for example. It's a cesspool of filth and disease.

>> No.6618071
File: 367 KB, 1000x667, serveimage..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

India's actually one of the least wasteful societies per capita.

Turns out there's more incentive to reduce and reuse when garbage day means piling everything up right there in the street and burning it.

>> No.6618077

It's not bad if you just live by yourself or if you live in a share house with dirty housemates that never do the dishes.

I'd say paper bowls/plates; yes. Cups and cutlery; nah.

Just make sure you still have some normal dishes around in case family or a girlfriend or something comes over.

>> No.6618085

You know this is 2015 right? There is this invention called a dishwasher.

>> No.6618100

why would i want to save work?

>> No.6618102

Somehow I don't think a dishwasher will save him on water.

net effort will be the same or worse when he has to disassemble the front door and drainage assembly, dig all the clogged food chunks out of the disposal unit and door vent fan and replace several parts because he never could be arsed to scrape his plates off.

>> No.6618105

found the pov

>> No.6618156


>> No.6618245
File: 108 KB, 848x900, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I had to buy these because of my disgusting roommate leaving plates of food all over the floor
>mfw he just leaves the disposable plates of food on the floor
Can't wait to move out, I live in a fat neckbeard's filth

>> No.6618278

I use paper plates and plastic cups because i'm lazy, but i try to wash and reuse the plastic cups as often as possible.

>> No.6618336
File: 57 KB, 460x171, oreohack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Why not just eat out of the container the food came in, or in which it was prepared?

>> No.6618522

Why don't you eat it right out of the pan/pot it was made in?

>> No.6618528


I do the same. I'll use the same plastic cup for a week just rinsing it out at night and in the morning. I also get Chipotle once a week and take a shit load of plastic forks every time.

I've got enough dishes to do as is with all the pots and pans and tupperware shit. Anything to cut down on time is cool with me. Fuck the environment.

>> No.6619282

>or if you live in a share house with dirty housemates that never do the dishes
That's my situation, so I use plastic/paper shit.

>> No.6619307

People who live like this is are sloths and slobs and are just trying to find excuses for their bad behavior

it's one of the first responsibilities someone can learn, clean up after yourself

>> No.6619369

>making plastic uses a metric fucktonne more water than washing your dishes.
Go back to sucking a tree's dick while Al Gore cucks.

>> No.6619379

Even my fucking cat is not this lazy.

>> No.6619385
File: 36 KB, 300x300, 1426742483143.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You sound like a guy I used to work with. Every time someone would bring up environmentalism, his reply was "AL GORE HURF DURF." He also hated vegetables and muttered to himself under his breath constantly.

>> No.6619392


your cat does dishes?

>> No.6619395
File: 2 KB, 160x90, th[7].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bachelor masterrace. Red cups are too expensive, get cheaper ones.

1 cup for the whole day, just rinse it out after each drink.

1 plate per meal.

I'm in California so water savings is more important (running the dw/by hand). The convenience is the made reason though.

The plates do smell if let sit for days so I stack the 2-3 plates at the end of the day and put it in the organic bin outside. The cup goes in the recycle bin. Saves money on plastic bags.

>> No.6619397

Sounds like /pol/. Did he call people "degenerates"?

>> No.6619405

Because you'd have to wait for it to cool.

>> No.6619409

If you're worried about price it's cheaper to have a reusable cup and plate.

unless you're just a lazy child, then continue

>> No.6619414

Energy efficient child. The other factors are a bonus.