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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6616441 No.6616441[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Genuine question what are the meme foods like Bacon, Nutella, Sriracha?

>> No.6616442
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Bump for interest, I too am genuinely curious about these "memes foods", would avocados be considered one due to their recent surge of popularity

>> No.6616445

Is it a meme that /ck/ are losers who get into arguments over people enjoying certain types of food and recipes?

>> No.6616447

is sea water a meme food?

>> No.6616456

if i cooked them in my cast iron skillet, would that kill you?

>> No.6616463

In all seriousness, a meme food should properly describe a food that is overused and overexposed. Common indicators are the phrase "[X] Goes With/On Everything" and new chip flavors designed to capitalize on them. In addition, it's safe to say that any food that has had obnoxious webcomics or skits dedicated to praising them can be considered a meme food.

Thus, proper meme foods would be:
-Sriracha (and potentially Frank's Red Hot)
--Hot sauce in general, to a lesser extent
-Black Coffee (but not coffee in general)

>> No.6616479

Mango salsa (I'm an iceman from 2005)

>> No.6616491

How meme of you

>> No.6616495

Chipotle is a meme chain.

>> No.6616496

It would be extremely flavorful

>> No.6616497

In my country, mojito is a meme flavour at the moment. Mojito flavour soft drinks, mojito flavoured dressings, mojito flavoured yoghurt. "Le lime and mint xD" has become one of the go-to flavours for food products of all kinds.

Dominos even had one of their toppings as a mojito-flavoured yoghurt drizzle for a while.

>> No.6616498

It would be extremely flavorful

>> No.6616506

also chicken and waffels

>> No.6616508

Are you a fkn somolian or something

>> No.6616509

Nope, I'm a Britbong.

>> No.6616510

>chicken and waffles

That has been a standard combination of food for decades you retard.

>> No.6616519

For you

>> No.6616549

-Bacon (le it ls the perfect food and makes everything better!!!)
-Hot sauce (le i put that shit on everything) (same thing with sriracha)
-Ketchup (le lets pretend this disgusting shit is palatable)
-Steak (le im such a manly man, look at me ear this steak and not be like those veggied and be an anti-hipster which is just as worse)
-Shit beer like Bud Light, Carling, Coors etc. (le look at me i dont drink those hipster beers, this is far suberior, NICK OFFERMAN)
-PBR (le liook at me drink this godawful shit, im not a hipster or a manly manly man, im a special snowlake but secretly a hipster)
-Kombucha (le look at me pretend to enjoy this dogshit and pretend there's any health benefits to it, look at how hip i am)
-Nutella (le look how euro/"sophisticated" and mature i am for slovenly enjoying candy spread, america sucks and were fat here, for some reason i think this is healthy too!!) (anything by Ferrero too)

>> No.6616559

I've had mojito flavoured soft drinks before, they're alright in my book.

>> No.6616565

Pretty sure a lot of people drink shit beer because its cheap.

I certainly don't drink PBR or coors for the image.

>> No.6616569

You're better off not knowing. That way you can enjoy those things without giving a shit.

>> No.6616594

But anon, Nutella and kombucha actually taste good.

>> No.6617089

Same thing bruh

>> No.6617096

And kombucha is objectively healthy

>> No.6617175

you would be right if you said blue or rare steak, there's nothing wrong with enjoying a nicely seared medium-rare steak once in a while; though like you said, nothing to brag about

>> No.6617194


Why would you ruin a piece of meat like that? Just eat it rare like sensible person.

>> No.6617238

The "Bacon and beards" meme crowd is slowly dying, but bacon is not a fucking meme food-- it's a god damn breakfast staple.

It tastes like the filling of Keebler elves cookies or Hit biscuits. Good, but not something to obsess over.

Supposedly Thai, but I never once used it or even so much as noticed it when I lived in Thailand back in the early 2000s. It's ok.... but once again, not something I understand why people obsess over.

Now real meme foods are things like Acai berries, kale, Himalayan sea salt, pumpkin spice and kombucha. Things that have no objective redeeming values and exist solely because people are gullible and have shit tastes.

>> No.6617367

There are no meme foods, just people who overuse them or poorly represent them such as hipsters. There are also businesses that are greedy and will mimic any trend they can to make money.

>> No.6617370



>> No.6617375

Mexican food

>> No.6617379
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subtle 10/10 memeing

>> No.6617776

Do meals/dishes count as meme foods?

I'm thinking Chicken&Waffles. It was a thing, then it became a popular thing, then people realized Roscoes is absolute shit (and this is coming from a legit black guy) and made their own, and then it became a chip flavor from lays that was absolutely terrible. Tasted like skin and juice of a poorly seasoned piece of fried chicken and butter. No waffle.

So I'd put Chicken&Waffles in...

Shit... Waffles in general... There's even a bullshit song about it. All the rage when I was in middle school...

Know what? They're both meme foods in their own respect as well as together.

Fried Chicken

Meme food

>> No.6618004
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Cheeky Nandos. Ugh.
The food is good, but the meme is cancerous as fuck.
I'm not sure if they have Nandos in America, but it's a Portuguese restaurant chain in Britain that specialises in peri peri chicken.

>> No.6618009

I'm a Britbong and I'm confused. I've never seen mojito flavoured anything before.

>> No.6618012

they have a nando's here in Canada and it's fucking delicious, and nobody here associates it with cheeky lad banter.

>> No.6618015

I fuckin' love Nando's. Spicy chicken, decent sides, quick service, reasonably priced... it's pretty great.

My main complain about lad culture is they all drink shit like Carling. Britbongs have such great beer, why would you drink shitty lager?

>> No.6618016

This LAD fuccboi culture is ruining Britain.

>> No.6618017

Agreed. Carlings, Fosters, Stella Artois are all shit tier.

>> No.6618020

Himalayan pink salt

>> No.6618022

yes, the worst of the /ck/ memes tbh
probably the faggotiest post in recent memory, nice work m8

/ck/ a shit

>> No.6618033

>Black Coffee

U wot m8?

>> No.6618045

>there's nothing wrong with enjoying a nicely seared medium-rare steak once in a while
Meme food doesn't have to be bad. What makes it a meme is that retards overuse it and can't stop praising it on various networks.
Also chili peppers. Since some companies started peoducing chili chocolate, people started putting it in everything, even sushi

>> No.6618082


>> No.6618096

any cheese is a meme food, as are pizza and burger

>> No.6618106
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I wouldn't say those are meme foods, but they're associated with the Murica meme

>> No.6618120
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If by "meme food" you mean food/drink that gets stupidly overhyped because it's hip and trendy to do so (like Chuck Norris), then:


I think a good indicator of whether a food is a "meme food" by that definition is if you can search Google Images for "[food] T-shirt" and immediately find dozens and dozens of geeky "hilarious" graphic T-shirts professing undying love for that food (without them being endorsed by a brand of course), perhaps used in combination with some other cultural meme (pic related).

>> No.6618130

I would like all those things you listed in a day

>> No.6618132

Pizza is fast food
Beer, Chocolate, Tea, and Coffee are popular around the world
You cannot judge those by the same standard as Bacon, Sriracha, Nutella, or any other actual meme food
you can search just about any fast food item and get back "quirky" t shirts, Pizza is of course one of those things
However, Pizza isn't limited to just one item and deserves some sort of recognition due to the variety you can get
Same goes with Beer, Chocolate, Tea, and Coffee

>> No.6618141

>50 million people in america with german heritage
>dairy is a staple food of germans and has been for thousands of years
>meme food

>> No.6618148

>trying to justify meme use

>> No.6618149


Thought I was actually on reddit for a second

>> No.6618150

king shitlord

>> No.6618151

I've never had sriracha before, I don't think it's that common in the UK. Is it any good?

>> No.6618152


>pizza is hip and trendy

What in the fuck are you talking about

>> No.6618153

you basically are tbh

>> No.6618155

shut up or i'll shut you up for good, go select some pizzas for your captcha

>> No.6618162

The true answer is all these "meme" spamming shit came from /tv/

>> No.6618208
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>> No.6618212
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>> No.6618216

It's a brand of hazelnut flavoured chocolate spread you retard.

>> No.6618219

You're referring to nutella when you are universally talking about chocolate spreads.

Go fuck yourself, you're the reason the Jews have so much power.

>> No.6618222

Food Trucks
Fish Tacos
Truffle Oil
Creme fraiche
"Juicing" and related food items

>> No.6618226
File: 119 KB, 954x954, Nutella.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Pic related, it's Nutella"
How long have you been retarded?

>> No.6618232

>mfw hipster is a meaningless word
By many people's standards 4chan is a hipster website if being contrarian and obscure about things makes you a hipster.

>> No.6618237

It's chocolate spread.
It's all chocolate spread.
Fist yourself.

>> No.6618238


>> No.6618255

You're the one who thinks all chocolate spread is Nutella, asshat.

>> No.6618259
File: 394 KB, 305x185, themoreyoumeme.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

black coffee isn't meme food

it's meme drink

>> No.6618264

No I don't you fucking retard.
Can you read?
You probably can't read.

>> No.6618267

>You're referring to nutella when you are universally talking about chocolate spreads.
No I didn't.
>Go fuck yourself, you're the reason the Jews have so much power.
Le edgy /pol/ meme
Rub your dick on a cactus.

>> No.6618271

>No I didn't
Read what you said again before you speak to me again.
>Le edgy /pol/ meme
Nothing else to say?

>> No.6618275

Yes, what I was doing is pointing out that Nuttella is a brand of chocolate spread to the autist who thinks Nuttella is called chocolate spread. The fuck is your problem having a shitfit all of a sudden?

>> No.6618282

>having a shitfit
You provoked me.

And nutella is chocolate spread.

>> No.6618290

>not eating steak raw like an animal off the side of the road
get a look at this guy

>> No.6618294

Yes, Nuttella is a brand of chocolate spread. There are many chocolate spreads out there, and Nuttella is just one. That's it. End of story. Finished.

>> No.6618298

Never heard of it until about a year or two ago.

>> No.6618299

That's not the fucking end of story. He was universally referring to all chocolate spreads but ignorantly called them nutella.

>> No.6618303


Isn't it more accurate to call it a chocolate-hazelnut spread?

>> No.6618311
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fucking kill yourself for trying to slander the dankest mainstream hot sauce in existence.

>> No.6618318

And I corrected him by pointing out that Nutella is one brand. Which somehow "provoked" you into an arguement. Is that it or am I missing something?
Don't you start. I called it that in my first post.

>> No.6618319

I never said pizza was hip and trendy, I said it was hip and trendy (for some people) to go overboard in your praise for it, especially online. Just like there was that meme about how Chuck Norris is impossibly hard (and variations on that theme), people make T-shirts and posters and bumper stickers saying pizza's the best thing in the world, better than sex etc.

>> No.6618321

You literally have no clue anymore, do you?