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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6614966 No.6614966 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /ck/. I'm sure you've had numerous cases of newfags like me over the years. Typical case of moving out and wanting to learn how to cook so I don't starve or ruin my health.

I don't expect anyone to spoon feed to me how to cook, and that's not what I want. If anyone would be kind enough to answer me... I have two questions.

1) What are some trustworthy sources you'd recommend that I could read to find out general tools, recipes, ingredients and methods?

2) What'd be the most effective way to lurk so I could take the most out of what seems to be a pretty divided community?

>> No.6614978


1. Seriouseats.com, Gordon Ramsay's cooking shows and youtube channel

2. Don't follow 90% of the vertical recipes you see here, don't get caught in meme food fights, don't get caught in debating whether mexican cuisine or japanese cuisine is more overrated or something as asinine as that, don't turn alcoholic, don't put beans in a chili. Take everything with an extremely large grain of salt.

Matter of fact, just come here to look at pictures of food and ignore everything else.

>> No.6614979 [DELETED] 

>966 [Reply]▶
>Hey /ck/. I'm sure you've had numerous
Cookpad. Go to those threads which tell you how to stock up on your pantry. Generally you want to get rice cheaper than $10/10kg (If not, you're getting ripped off) Pasta for $1/500g(Trust me, you can do better than that) and cheap potatoes(I can't find cheap potatoes in my area so no advice on that). Post pictures of your cooking and ask for advice.

I can't believe I solved 8 captchas correctly in order to be allowed to post this

>> No.6614980
File: 117 KB, 492x492, Copy of Duty 3 Copy of Medal of Copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Take everything with an extremely large grain of salt.
>oversalting your food

>> No.6614984 [DELETED] 
File: 235 KB, 700x811, 1434944912515.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gordon loves salt; what tastes too salty for the normal human doesn't taste salty enough for him.

>> No.6614991

Gordon loves salt; what tastes too salty for the normal human doesn't taste salty enough for him.

>> No.6614992
File: 123 KB, 1342x490, ss (2015-06-22 at 03.12.43).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the fuck was the point of that

>> No.6614994

Yeah, that's probably a good rule of thumb lol. I'll check out seriouseats and Gordon.

Wondering why you deleted this. Did you think the prices per measurement weren't correct, or..?

>> No.6615008

>don't put beans in a chili

You couldn't resist memeing, could you?

>> No.6615021

what theme is this?

>> No.6615035

it's just basic basic things.
learn how to cut veggies
learn how to make roux
learn how to use aromatic spices
learn how to cook a few meats a few different ways
from there you can specialize to your tastes and you cook what you want

>> No.6615040

Thanks for introducing me to roux; opens up a whole new world of research.

>> No.6615107


it's my favorite

>> No.6615134

What the fuck is roux?

>> No.6615137

>I'm a /b/tard
Go back to /b/

>> No.6615143

I've already watched the whole first two seasons of alton brown and I'm richer than you

>> No.6615150

>dumber than a log

>> No.6615544

If you're serious about anything you shouldn't spend more than 10 minutes here a day. It's a shithole compared other sites. This comes from an oldfag who has contributed a lot over the years.