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File: 48 KB, 500x500, ranch dressing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6608468 No.6608468 [Reply] [Original]

I'm trying to loose weight so I've been eating a lot of salad. The thing is, I always use Ranch dressing which i just learned is high in fat. Its the only thing that makes the lettuce taste good. What do i do? Are there low fat dressings that taste like Ranch?

>> No.6608478

You've tried every single dressing? Do you like non-creamy ones, like vinaigrettes?

>> No.6608479

>What do i do?
Stop eating ranch

>Are there low fat dressings that taste like Ranch?

>> No.6608508

Well a lot of brands do carry a low-fat ranch, however they usually load them with a fuckton of sugar to make up for the shitty taste.

>> No.6608509

Just because something is a salad doesn't mean its automatically healthy. You're better off eating something else that has actual nutritional value, rather than salads to lose weight.

Roasted Vegetables- something lower in carbohydrates
Fresh fruits-find some high in antioxidants or fiber
(red grapes, apples, blueberries)
Protein-keeps you full longer
(hardboiled eggs, nuts, lean meats, beans)

>> No.6608514

Stop being a fucking manchild and just eat your vegetables.

>> No.6608542

Have a small vessel of ranch, dip your fork in it before you stab it in to the leaf.

>> No.6608552

>just learned is high in fat
I'm terrified about the rest of your diet

>> No.6608553

Ranch isn't bad because of the fat; ranch is bad because it's made of soy.
tl;dr you got bitch tits cuz soyyy lmaoo

>> No.6609121

Agree. Especially if your salad just consists of iceberg, romaine, cabbage, or some shit like that, it's really not that healthy. If you MUST eat salad, try going for darker greens like spinach and kale. But you really should be trying to eat a rainbow of colors when it comes to fruits and veggies.

There really aren't any alternatives to ranch, but here's a pretty standard and healthy dressing recipe:
-2/3 olive oil
-1/3 balsamic vinegar
-tsp honey
-1/4 tsp salt
-1/2 tsp dijon mustard
(can change ratio based on taste)

>> No.6609312

The solution is to not eat lettuce. There are so many better vegetables. Actually, literally every vegetable is better than lettuce.

>> No.6609323

>Are there low fat dressings that taste like Ranch?

just give up already fattie.

>> No.6609839

I was also going to suggest OP makes their own salad dressing. I was shocked at how easy it is. Just get a mug, throw in Extra Virgin Olive Oil and balsamic/wine/cider vinegar in roughly the right proportions, add flavours, whatever you want, and mix it furiously with a fork right before you spoon it onto your salad (if you let it sit for too long the oil and vinegar will separate, making it blotchy).

Honey and mustard is probably my fave. Other ingredients you can use include garlic, lemon/lime juice, chili, all kinds of herbs, salt and pepper... Alternatively, find a recipe online. There are probably thousands.

>> No.6609841

you don't lose weight by cutting out a food group, just don't drown your salad in it.

and if you eat a serving of food that's already high in fat, just use vinegar on your salad. it'll actually taste good together.

>> No.6609846


You can eat ranch and lose weight. Just exercise and eat more veggies. Also try making ranch yourself, with the seasoning packet, instead of getting bottled shit. If you make it yourself, you can substitute 50% of the mayo it calls for with sour cream, and it'll be less fatty and taste awesome.

>> No.6609881

>Trying to lose weight
>Eating low fat

There are some carb/sugar free ranches availabe. Just look.

>> No.6609884

are you literally just eating lettuce and ranch? that's how you're going to lose weight?

>> No.6609892
File: 53 KB, 600x480, 1434666354530.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6609962
File: 42 KB, 500x500, ranchmix.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Hey OP.

What you can do is not buy bottled Ranch, you can buy pre mixed Ranch seasoning in bottles or bags, I suggest you buy this and sprinkle some on your salad with maybe a little oil or something, this way you can enjoy the same seasonings without the mayo base that makes it fattening.

>> No.6610120

Every faggot in this thread suggesting low carb or mentioning low fat is a fucking fat retard.

You want to loes weight OP? Stop being a faggot cunt nigger fuck and learn how to FUCKING RESEARCH GOD DAMMIT

>> No.6610129

Literally every alternative vegetable is less repulsive than lettuce. Try something that doesn't need dressing.

>> No.6610133

jesus christ, is this a joke or something?

>> No.6610818

this guy gets it

>> No.6610843
File: 44 KB, 264x679, bal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been using this quite a bit.. very good

>> No.6611031

I also get mildly upset because I see it way too much.

>> No.6611039

Ranch isn't your problem, sugar is, bruh.

>> No.6611082
File: 34 KB, 400x400, lranch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, it's called "lite" ranch.

>> No.6611096

Lettuce is neither filling nor particularly nutritious, so don't worry about making the lettuce taste good. Just drop it. It's mostly used in salads as cheap filler to make them look larger.

You might find roast vegetables more satisfying.

>> No.6611547
File: 517 KB, 147x162, 1429942656982.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy fuck this is a great idea why didnt i think of this earlier