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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6607455 No.6607455 [Reply] [Original]

My sister just bought 5.5 lbs of capsicum for $1.

She doesn't know what to do with it.

I don't know what to do with it.

What the fuck can you cook with so much goddamn capsicum?

>> No.6607458

Stuffed peppers

>> No.6607463

Pickle a bunch.

>> No.6607469

Forgot to mention, my sister is a vegetarian. Also a bit weird. I do like the idea of cooking them up with something in them, though. That might work better than the one time we tried frying whole onions.

That sounds disgusting.

>> No.6607481

make indian curries with lots of capsicum peppers in them

>> No.6607483

Slice and dice them. They go really well with mushrooms and a cream sauce. Add chicken, or if you're a veggienazi, don't. I'm an internet post, not a cop. Shit, add tomatoes and oil instead. Go italian or some shit. Do it all at the same time. Sky's the limit.

>> No.6607487

>sounds disgusting.
Good luck getting through that many if you're unwilling to try new things.

>> No.6607491

make Ratatouille.

Grill/sweat them and make a soup

put them in omelettes

>> No.6607495


>> No.6607512
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Roast @210°C for 45 min
Let cool
Peel, get rid of seeds and cut
Add salt, pepper, olive oil, thyme, rosemary...

>> No.6607520

That sounds pretty damn tasty, and batch cooking is something I like to do.

Curries are great, I'll try and find some with capsicum as a main ingredient I guess.

>> No.6607530

roast them really hard over open flame until the skins turn really black and blister, put in plastic bag, leave to cool, then pull of the skins. so damn tasty<3

>> No.6607564


My sister is vegetarian too, and she makes stuffed peppers filled with a rice-spice-veggie mix.

>> No.6607565

char them over a flame so the skins gets black and then cover with cling film. This will steam and soften the pepper. Peel skin and then chop.

Now you can either add this to a risotto, a salsa, burger, lamb, whatever.


>> No.6607570
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just call them fucking peppers

>> No.6607591

Split them, deseed/destem them, wash them allow them to dry on a rack for about an hour cut-side-down, then pack them in zip bags and freeze them.
I buy peppers/capsicums when I find them at very, very good prices, stocking up, and processing them as I describe to prep for freezing.

As for dishes: where I'm from, we make a bell pepper confit wherein they're cut into strips and cooked with garlic and olives in a mix of olive oil and lard until they're about a fifth their original size. We don't usually do this with red ones, mostly yellow or orange, but I'm sure it'll be fine.

Alternately, rather than freezing, roast them over open flame until rather blackened all over than place into a paper bag and fold said bag shut.
Allow to steam in the bag by their own residual heat for about 30 minutes, then wash them under running water to remove the char.
Remove stems and seeds.
Chop them up.
Purée with just enough water as sufficient for processing.
Use this pepper/capsicum purée in any application that calls for tomato purée up to and including tomato sauces. I make a pizza with a sauce made of the purée, topping it with slices of smoked cheese (either provola or scamorza), grilled leeks and shredded or sliced lamb. So. Fucking. Good.
Roasted pepper soup is also made with this purée and a little veg stock.
You can reduce or dehydrate the purée to make a paste that's nice seasoned and used to make a filling for stuffed pastas.

While not capsicum-heavy, I chop them up to add to bean burgers. One large one is enough for eight burgers for me.

Bell peppers and beef is a classic pan-Asian dish consisting of thinly sliced beef stir-fried with onion and red and green capsicums and finished with a sweet sauce which varies country to country. The most common are oyster and mushroom sauces followed by tare sauce thereafter.

They're easy to dry out for preservation.

Many plov/pilaf/polo/plau/pilau/etc dishes can be made with abundant capsicums.

>> No.6607708


there is so much stuff to do with paprika. fill them with ground meat &onions and boil them in spiced tomatoe-sauce. pickle them. make salad.

>> No.6607713

You're a massive faggot.

>> No.6607717


Why should anyone take advice on writing from someone who can't even bother to use proper capitalization or punctuation?

>> No.6607718

>everyone use my words for things

>> No.6607731

why are we helping this dirt bag...

>> No.6607744
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why are you so mad

>> No.6607760

why are jews

>> No.6608106

Personally I like putting them on pizza (although you can put basically anything on pizza), use them in stir fries (stir frys? muh english fails me), sometimes in casseroles. You can also fill them with all kinds of stuff, couscous is a good example.

>> No.6608127

>one time we tried frying whole onions

Please elaborate, this sounds pretty funny

>> No.6608158


Do you have a rice cooker?

>> No.6608159

I wouldn't want to fuck one, personally, but whatever floats your goat, bruh.

>> No.6608239
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>> No.6608244

Holy trinity
Peppers, onion cellery

Isn't chilli made out of peppers and beans?

>> No.6608247

freeze it. cook in stews or defrost in fridge needed.

>> No.6608264

>Calling peppers "capsicum"


Call them fucking peppers you retard. Stop trying to be special.

>> No.6608269


Same goes for the pedants that call eggplants aubergine and onions alliums.

>> No.6608278
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why don't you say that to my face not over the internet faggot

>> No.6608285
File: 112 KB, 648x486, i_support_this_post_by_daiguard78-d4ol7jh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Call them fucking peppers you retard. Stop trying to be special.

>> No.6608287

The America of these posts just gave me diabetes.

>> No.6608295

do europoors really call them capsicum?
let me guess you call tomato's solanum?

>> No.6608422

>i like to repeat things i've heard other people say without understanding to what it actually refers!
Trinity is made with /green/ peppers, not /red ones/ like OP has. Faggot.

>i like to suggest things that are entirely useless to people right after they've given me information that completely negates what my suggestion is!
OP's sis is a vegetarian. Faggot.

>> No.6608429

Capsicum doesn't have a peppery taste to it, so there's that.

>> No.6608444

The red/yellow/orange/green taste almost identical.

>> No.6608451

Green isn't sweet at all, red is somewhat sweet, yellow is mild and a little sweet.

>> No.6608475

We call them something that's cognate with "pepper" in our respective languages, such as paprika (literally "pepper-like thing") and peperone/poivron (literally "big pepper").

Aussies call them capsicums. Because they're weird.

>> No.6608532

Because OP thinks pickled peppers sounds disgusting, and we all know that the sound of pickling peppers, particularly piquant pickling peppers, is a thing pretty near perfection. Plus, picky eaters put mild amounts of anger, more properly put perturbed, but more perfectly to the point, an unwillingness to imposition myself by putting forth more proposals for potables when OP is prone to pertly passing them off.

>> No.6608951


1. Dice em up and sautee them with some olive oil
2. Take them off the heat
3. Add to blender
4. Season s+p
5. Cumin
6. Garlic
7. Onion
8. Tomato paste
9. Season again
10. Lemon juice
11. Chopped serano peppers or habanero or jalapeno, etc
12. Honey or a little sugar
13. Blitz like a mother fucker in a food processor
14. Take mixture and cook it on low heat for 5 mins
15. Bottle that shit up and put it on anything

>> No.6608954


Oh, even better if you can grill the peppers and get some char on that shit

>> No.6608966

This is harissa, no?

>> No.6608972


Barring a couple of ingredients, yeah, basically.

>> No.6608980

just make some tear gas op

>> No.6610190

>there is only one plant and associated flavor of "pepper"
>what ignorant retards think

>> No.6610199

Nothing in your post applies to the post to which you reply. Try harder, faggot.

>> No.6611901


Are you fucking serious?

>> No.6611918

make a gigantic batch of roasted red pepper hummus.

>buy canned garbanzos ( i don't know how much but eyeball it)
>roast red bell pepper (capsicum for fggot aussies)
>blend garbanzos, red bell pepper, garlic, onion, tahini and smoked paprika in food processor (might need to do in batches)
>eat with pita and/or chips.

eat dat shit

>> No.6611920

oh also remove the skins, forgot to mention that,

>> No.6611943

Shit, that sounds pretty good.

>> No.6611951

Dip 'em in shit.