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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6604753 No.6604753 [Reply] [Original]

>table of four
>one person orders well done
>table of two sits next to them five minutes later
>orders rare/ mid rare
>table of two gets their food first
>table of four complains

Why are customers so fucking stupid, /ck/?

>> No.6604757

>first come first serve

>> No.6604812

>fucking stupid
Yeah, except it's you who is "fucking stupid" though you're too stupid to realize it. You're just that stupid. Ok?

Now here's a clue for you:
Even assuming you have accurately portrayed that "table of two sits next to them five minutes later" and that it was actually "five minutes" and not significantly longer (you know, because you are clearly arguing the absurd to begin with and pushing for the conclusion you want (fucking stupid) and are likely the dimwit that caused all this problem to begin with), and even assuming all the orders were put in at the same time and the steaks were dropped at the same time (they weren't as per your "five minute" self-serving underexaggerated explanation as to the difference between the two) it does not take "five minutes" to go from "rare/mid-rare" to "well done". Rare is 60C, Medium Rare is 63C and Well is 77C. Assuming you don't work in a diner and actually have more than a flat top in the kitchen such that the heat of the grill/oven/etc. should be at least upwards of 500F, it should take literally 60 seconds to go from 60/63 to 70 on even the thickest cuts of beef bone-in and if you don't know that, you are even more of a "fucking stupid" poster.

Oh, and by the way, had you put the order in correctly and not have been the bumbling moron delusionally believing everyone else is the problem and you are the smart one, you would have the 4 top out at least 5 minutes in front of the deuce and NEVER would have served that deuce before the 4 top. You either fucked up on the floor, fucked up in putting the orders in out of order, fucked up in instructing the kitchen which goes first (how would they know), or fucked up in taking the orders out. You also seem to be clueless on customer service or the simplest of concepts in fairness, but want to come on the asshole of the internet to complain about problems you created when a PAYING customer has a legitimate issue with your incompetence.

>> No.6604971

You're a fucking idiot. Have you ever worked in a kitchen? Obviously not.
If that was the case, then people would be waiting an hour for their food.

>> No.6605059
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Haha holy fuck.

>> No.6605071



>> No.6605077

Someone's upset lel

>> No.6605097

If somebody ordered "well done" he had to wait... I am finishing 3 others tables before him...

>> No.6605175

anyone who orders their steak well done gets moved to the bottom of the queue.

>> No.6605278

I'm laughing so hard now. How are people still getting legit mad and writing full blown articles on ck? Why does anyone even post? Serious question, I stopped posting.

>> No.6605316

>I stopped posting
You obviously did not, son.

anyway it's the same reason anyone posts. This is entertainment. The vast majority of users are lurkers, and shit like this is golden. OP got REKT right off the bat on this one, and anyone can see that and feel great about putting down another idiot. People can learn a lot by watching others argue, and we see the differences in intelligence among people and their different values. . This site is a big social game that means different things to different people. It's entertainment primarily.

>> No.6605320
File: 124 KB, 1292x259, ck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/ck/ is really something

>> No.6605324

Jesus Christ this is like a /ck/ version of the navy seals pasta

>> No.6605333

See now, that's an idiot, and anyone with sense can see that post was made by an idiot or a copypasta troll. I think it's funny to see all the different social classes of people here because it's so easy to spot intelligent and rational people from the dimwits.

Don't compare that to this
This is rational and to the point. Your picture shows an asspained wannabe responding to what was probably good advice. It's easy for people to see through this shit unless they have shit for brains, which automatically means i don't really give a fuck about their opinion.

>> No.6605339


>the difference between rare and well done is only 60 seconds

>> No.6605348


Table of four sounds like baby boomers.

>> No.6605349

Depending on the thickness of the cut (thicker steaks will take proportionally longer to be well done, of course), the time difference should only be about 50% more between rare and well done. So if it takes 5 minutes to cook a particular steak to rare, it would only take about 8 minutes from start to finish to make it well done.

OP has either got to be trolling, or has some other issue going on and something against well-done steaks.

>> No.6605409

Depends what the table of 4 got, other than the well-done steak.

>> No.6605534

Have you ever cooked steak before? The difference is a lot longer than 60 fucking seconds, you dumb shit.

>> No.6605540

Reddit is for entertainment. This site is for epic insults and dubs and awful memes, you cock chocking dog monglering queen. Fuck and go to hell.

>> No.6605554

I've seen many a table get food faster than mine, and I don't care usually. Certainly wouldn't complain about it.

But, it only takes 1 person's special side order to slow down your whole table. If everyone orders baked potato, great. But if one guy is like onion rings! Wellll, that might slow it down. It can also happen that all 4 people getting mashed potatoes cleans out the pot and you all wait for batch #2.
Adding an appetizer can put your stuff into a longer queue as well, rightly so, because everyone hates when their salads are just delivered, and then bam, here is the entree with barely room on the table. Even a bar order can delay your waiter putting the stuff in or picking up the food.

>> No.6605563

People who don't work service don't understand expediting. And Americans always feel hard done by by default. You're dealing with shitty humans with an entitlement complex who are almost universally dumb. You might as well dip yourself in molecular acid.

>> No.6605634

this guys a faggot and i didn't even bother to read his post

>> No.6606245

>I've seen many a table get food faster than mine, and I don't care.
Your prerogative. Others may not agree. And they are paying for service and a decent dining experience or else they would've stayed home. A shred of common sense from a waiter is little to ask for and that you notice other people ever getting food faster than you sometimes shows you do care and that it does affect you negatively on some level no matter what. Also, watch op next bitch about muh tips.
>I don't care usually.
Exactly. Usually. But from this butthurt op waiter who thinks he knows something when all he is doing is undermining the restaurant owner's efforts to convey a favorable dining experience, the kitchen's backbreaking efforts to painstakingly sweat high level performance, it is little to nothing to ask a donkey to carry out the simplest job in the restaurant. Op bitching about anything just means he doesn't belong in customer service--period.

I also strongly suspect if op was enough of a douche to come here and bitch about it, he likely acts like an asshat all the time who is pissed off at the world with no sense of appreciation for the fact that he has a job and it is based entirely on customer service, making the customer happy, and otherwise getting out of the way and keeping his mouth shut.

Op belongs digging ditches, not waiting tables.

>> No.6606253

>implying you haven't been samefagging throughout this thread op
your butthurt from being publicly rekt is palpable but don't ask us to buy into your constant samefagging

>genius detected
bravo, sir

>> No.6606265
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/ck/'s autists are the best autists.

>> No.6606361


What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in The Culinary Institute of America, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on The French Laundry, and I have over 300 confirmed covers in one service. I am trained in macrolecular gastronomy and I’m the top fish cook in the entire Michelin starred restaurants network. You are nothing to me but just another Mexican line cook. I will cook you the fuck out with food artistry the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my network of James Beard award winning chefs across the world and your menu is being evaluated, so you better prepare for the storm, busboy. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your cooking. You’re fucking dead, yelper. I can work anywhere, anytime, and I can break down your carcass in over seven hundred different ways, and that’s just with a butter knife. Not only am I extensively trained in Japanese sushi preparation, but I have access to the entire kitchen of The Modernist Cuisine, and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little Guy Fieri. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you wouldn't have overcooked your fucking beef tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn ketchup eater. I will shit creme fraiche all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.

>> No.6607385

I could care less either way about this thread topic and just stumbled on it but I have to say this >>6604812
is easily one of the most well put and intelligent posts I've read on ck which quite frankly tends to be boring and full of lower iq plebs.
To label someone that intelligent an autist here >>6606265
shows an incredible amount of ignorance. Find a better word when you want to put someone down because you obviously don't understand that autism is predominantly a problem with communication center in the brain and this guy >>6604812
obviously has no problem communication but ironically, you >>6606265 do and sling words around that you don't even know the meaning of.

>> No.6607397
File: 245 KB, 480x360, Didn't_read_lol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6607413


I can not see how this isnt a troll, but whatever.

For starters your internal temps are way off.

Your times are way off. Its clear you've never worked in a kitchen, and judging by your statements possible never cooked a steak.

There is a huge difference between rare and WD, its not a matter of "literally 60 seconds)

Take for example a 350gm sirloin. I would estimate atleast a 15min difference between rare and WD. Bear in mind when cooking a thick piece of meat (or pretty much any restaurant cut) that you are going to have to finish the WD in an oven or else you are going to char the fuck out of it.

>> No.6607423
File: 161 KB, 656x425, 1414215964159.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fun posting at it's finest

>> No.6607433

Meh, Depends how fancy the place is.

A High level place would have a good maitre d' who'd know not to serve the table of two first since they are right next to each other, and get the kitchen to hold off on two and push out four. And the line chef would be able to do it because you don't really need to rest a well done steak as much as a mr or r cause it's not going to bleed everywhere anyway, so no cunt will ever know.

Cheaper price point kitchens would just send a docket when its ready, And at a good place they'd know that even though the people are being ignorant cunts, that restaurant image is everything and they'd send out some bread sticks or some shit that cost 10c in food cost but placate the bastards until the steak has had enough time to be ruined the way they ordered it.

>> No.6607448


"Fancy place" shouldn't have the option to order a steak well done lol.

>> No.6607468

I've got no horse in this race but your post is possibly the most idiotic on this thread now.

>I can not see how this isnt a troll
Trolling is an off-topic posting. The off-topic post doesn't contribute to the topic of the thread at all, is off-point, and is typically done to derail a thread through flaming.
Trolling does not equal someone disagreeing with someone else, no matter how strong that disagreement may be.
His post is dead on-topic, more so than perhaps anyone else's in this thread and certainly more than yours.

>For starters your internal temps are way off.
Wrong yet again. There is about as many opinions on what the temperature should be for degree of doneness as there are chefs and no real general consensus because there are way too many variables. However, his 60c rare to 63c mid rare is spot on. If you are going lower than this, you are either calling raw rare or using shit quality cuts not properly aged, butchered and trimmed and from tough old cows or thin meat to cut corner or save money and screw your customers. The overwhelming majority of high end chefs will put rare at exactly 60c. So he's dead on on his temps, but certainly not "way off". The 77c for well is a bit higher than I'd typically say, but again there are tons of variables and I'd put it at 73-75c as and because most customers who want it "well done" want the meat pretty well charred and you get as many "well" orders coming back for more cooking than even rares being over, I've seen plenty of chefs go up to 80c and cook the shit out of it as the "well" customer usually has a problem with texture and is squeamish about meat. Even on that 2-3c higher for well it actually works against his point as it would require even more cooking time.
Your comment here of him being "way off" only speaks to your inexperience or that you have learned from a book. Do a test of a few dozen different cuts of beef at diff'n temps and you'll see how ignorant your post is.

>> No.6607490
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k. didn't read

>> No.6607504
File: 37 KB, 280x280, dumb chef is dumb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There is a huge difference between rare and WD
My cooking instructor hammered into our skulls the exact opposite of what you are saying and I can hear him and my entire class laughing at you while he says, "watch it closely, the difference between rare and well done is seconds and you just ruined one of the most expensive products in the kitchen". There's a reason the best chef in a kitchen is put on the meat station and there's a reason it's its own station despite it often being the least work. You can't walk away from meats like you can for other stations for more than a quick jump BECAUSE once you've got the sear and the meat warms up, it literally takes seconds to go from any increment whether it is mid rare to medium or medium well to well.
If you aren't a pleb home cook then you should turn in your culinary badge and be demoted to dish washer for that level of dumbass comment.

epic post is epic and puts waiter back where he belongs
anybody who sticks up for this >>6604753
imbecile deserves to have their restaurant ruined and knows little about the industry or who pays your salary
he'd be fired immediately where I work for bitching like that, fucking the whole thing up which he obviously did himself, and then posting shit on the internet about it like a crying bitch who got ass raped when he is just asswad central walking fucking plates in and out

>> No.6607518

> want to illustrate subtle differences in nuance
> use contre-jour photo
it's like you're literally retarded

>> No.6607526

Because they're american and want their steak tendies to be cooked to special snowflake.

>> No.6607531

It can take upwards of 15 minutes to do a well-done steak on the grill where I work. We definitely don't put the rest of the kitchen on standby when such an order comes in, because that would piss absolutely everyone in the building off. If a ticket comes in afterwards and can be sent out before the steak ticket, then we send it out. My main worry on a busy night is pushing food out in a timely manner so that the line doesn't get buried in shit.

>> No.6607534


Oh you've been to culinary school? Incredible.

How fucking thin are the steak you faggots cooking that it takes mere seconds to change. The claims in this thread are ridiculous.


I didnt post it for the differences. I posted it to prove the interal temp of a rare steak a fair bit below 60c

>> No.6607537

>difference between rare and well done is seconds

microwaves bruh

>> No.6607541

how is some shitty photo on the internet labeled by some random faggot proof of anything?

>> No.6607545

that's pic is from a home cook who tested the same cut and thickness for SOUS VIDE
we aren't even talking about sous vide and that is a completely different topic and temperature
go look up conduction versus convection, come back and apologize once you lrn2physics
and did you not get the part about variables
post another dumbass pic you cherry-picked from some home cook's site about sous vide and tell us another "didn't read" comment which is pretty much the mark of an idiot on 4chan

if you didn't read it, what the fuck are you responding to?
do you go up to a group of people who are all talking about some topic at length like global warming and just cover your ears and ignore the speaker you claim to be responding to and shout out "I like donkeys!"
the "didn't read" and it's variants of tl;dr comments by kids in the shallow end of the gene pool trying to act like adults but who are 10 years too late behind current slang is about as old and gay as it gets
it never made sense 10 years ago and doesn't now
it is simply a comment a retard makes to signal they are retarded and probably have trouble reading at all then proceed to rattle off complete nonsense themselves that shows they in fact DID READ
hurr-durr, i like speshul pickles but didn't read your post about how to build a burger properly cuz pickles best and good cuz me say so, hurr-durr, me post speshul pic of pickles

post another pic of sous vide of the same exact cuts from some home chefs blog and tell us how you didn't read anything
in fact, maybe go read the part about variables from this anon >>6607468
there are more pics about temps on steaks that disagree on the internet than perhaps anything else so make sure you find one that makes your point and ignore that this >>6604812 anon had it all right to begin with

>> No.6607548


You guys are getting so mad.

Show me rare steak at 60c pls.

>> No.6607557

i am perfectly copacetic. your shit pic is still not proof of anything though

>> No.6607558

The samefagging in this OP is strong.
How many times is OP going to post in his same thread the same thing, most often by responding to someone half a dozen times now about how he didn't read the post he is responding to before vomiting all over himself and showing how truly ignorant he is.
Then he posts this >>6607490 ???
Conversation over.
OP is literally too dumb for anyone to even have a conversation with and should have gotten up more often to take the short bus into school so maybe he wouldn't be stuck being some bitter loser of a waiter who can't even do that right in life.

What a pathetic piece of human scum. Now he samefags all over his own thread, posts shit like this >>6607490 showing he's completely retarded and thinks the more he posts, the more people will think he's not a fuck-up from the beginning when he was publicly rekt by this >>6604812 lauded chap?

What a fagnugget loser this OP is.

>> No.6607561


Enjoy your medium steaks

>> No.6607573
File: 38 KB, 1343x427, samefag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You spend to much time replying bro.

Show me what meat at 60c looks like. Anyone who thinks that a steak cooked to that is rare is an idiot. Simple

>> No.6607578

>show me rare steak at 60c
if you are using non-aged steak from the supermarket, it is 55c
if you are using thinner cuts as opposed to restaurant thicker cuts, it is 55c
if you are using typical dry (and even wet) aged beef that is typical in any semi-decent restaurant, which also happens to typically be a thicker cut, it is 60c
also depends on the bone and where the meat is from on the cow, and don't forget you've got much hotter equipment in a restaurant and different cooking techniques, but 60c is a good number for rare
another problem is in the past 20 years is the trend to eat rarer and rarer beef which has made rare into nearly raw and merely warmed on the inside
lots of variables and pointless to debate but the thread is not about arguing proper temps on an entirely uncited piece of meat to begin with so it's all speculating
the thread is about a fuckup waiter who thinks everybody else is wrong and has no concept of how to wait more than one table at a time or the customer service skills to even be an acceptable waiter
he literally came on the internet and posted this thread bitching about the paying customers giving him and his establishment their hard earned money while he has his head up his ass fucking up the dining experience and is delusional about who's responsibility it is to make sure what happened giving rise the customer's issue rests squarely on his shoulders and is his fucking job rather than just carrying plates back and forth like a dodo based on which comes out first

go back to your

>> No.6607588

Yeah, but you're so dumb you don't realize that makes my point. The fact that the last two posts show it is (You) proves you are samefagging. Also, just because you cleared your cache from last night and the other handful aren't showing up now, only proves you are a lying faggot too.

Run along kid, your mom's calling you for Summer school to make up that basket-weaving class you failed. Oh wait, that was 10 years ago and your a waiter now. Good job, kid. Mommy is proud of your accomplishments, especially the one where you created a thread on the internet bitching about customers who paid you to ruin their dining experience because you can't seem to comprehend the concept of fairness and why a customer has every right to wonder why a table sat at least 5 minutes after them got their food quicker and they missed the first act at the theater on those expensive tickets they bought.

>> No.6607595


Internal temp is internal temp.
60c is way to far, even for a rare roast.
Hotter restaurant equipment should be a reason to cook it less, as the outer section of the meat is going to be cooked more, as opposed to a gentler method of heat (oven, sous vide) etc. If the centre of a piece of meat is at 60c the outside is going to be so off rare its not funny.

OP complained that customers were complaining because people where getting served before them even though the ordered first. Its not a hard concept to grasp that some shit takes longer to cook than others, it seems not even yourself can get your head around that with steaks miraculously changing cooking points in seconds.

Steak doneness is some what a matter of opinion and also is some what dependent on the method used, however your claims are stupid. Im out

>> No.6607596

um, if a customer wants their steak well done and cooked an extra minute or two, why is that a problem for anyone?
they are paying for it, right?
it's theirs, not yours, right?

the only issue here is a fuck up waiter
nothing more
temps are all over the place based on tons of factors like everybody knows but its not 5 minutes of difference between rare/mid rare to well and anyone arguing otherwise about temps is misdirecting

>> No.6607611

Actually, beef has little flavor when it is rare and I've never understood the snobby nose up attitude about it needs to be no more than mid rare. Actually eat a well aged piece of meat at rare and at north of medium to (yes) into well and I can almost guarantee you that the flavors you will get from beef at higher temps where you get serious Maillard going on. You get next to none of this in a bland piece of rare beef and in my opinion waste it. Sure, for garbage you get from the supermarket, you need to cook it less, but we are talking restaurant temps here for high end beef and the temps need to be higher than what the food channel tells you home cooks.

I'd call 60 not far off for rare for a good piece of restaurant quality beef.

If you don't understand why, you need to actually work with better product or for longer before you puke food channel temps and home cook pics from the internet on ck to the actual handful of experienced (not just working) chefs who occasionally frequent this board.

>> No.6607630

Let me make this simple since some idiot latched onto one little thing here >>6604812 in that brilliant post in a transparent attempt to apply the illogic that because they argue that one minor ancillary detail in a post may be incorrect (it isn't by the way) then therefore the whole post is incorrect. Pretty pathetic attempt by op or whomever to try to wipe away their public shame by attacking the poster rather than the truth of what he said, which is plainly evident.

This is simple:
1. If the waiter puts the order in correctly (does his job), the table of 4 should have been called out at the pass to the kitchen as a "table". This is one ticket people. Get that straight. It's not 4 different tables. It's one table, one ticket and is called out as such so that the table is served completely.
2. Tables called out go in order. That is the rule. The only exception is when someone at a table order something that takes longer to prepare such as a chicken vs. a subsequently placed order for a table full of orders of fish. Even then, it is the waiters responsibility to tell the ordering party that it will take longer in the kitchen to roast that chicken and give them an estimate. That is standard waiting and frankly, many restaurants put that longer cooking time on their menu these days. But none of that happened here. These tables (both the 4 and the 2) were all steaks and the table of 4 would always come out before a table of 2, especially with adjacent tables ordering the same dishes and any customer that sees that has a right to complain. No question about that.
3. Once the 4 was called at the pass by the expediter, the first thing that happens is the meats are dropped and the meat station would have immediately heard the "well" and timed that first, knowing that the well will take an extra minute or two to get there before dropping the other 3 less cooked steaks. That is simple.

>> No.6607643

4. The other stations always take their lead on timing from meat so there is no problem or delays there. Once the meat goes up to the pass, the garnish, etc., follows. That table of 4 should have been up for service at least 5 minutes before the table of 2, which only should have been called out 5 minutes later (if op is telling the truth about it only being 5 minutes, which is doubtful given his samefagging here showing he is not truthful about anything).
5. Certainly, no one who has spent 1 day in any professional kitchen anywhere doesn't know all of the above and would religiously do their job just this way.
6. The ONLY way this all gets fucked up is if the waiter put it in wrong or more likely, was dragging ass in the front of the house and failed to put the table of 4 in before he took the table of 2's order.

CONCLUSION: This waiter must be a fuckup. A lazy fuckup. A lazy, lying fuckup. A lazy, lying, bitching fuckup. A lazy, lying, bitching fuckup coming to 4chan to dupe the ignorant.

>> No.6607661
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Spectrum as fuck tbh

>> No.6607667

whats up with all the autism itt?

>> No.6607670

I don't know, but I can't stop laughing at it along with the samefagging.

>> No.6607680

more samefagging
still haven't learned how obvious it is?

>> No.6607685
File: 57 KB, 516x339, 1426520927563.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he thinks only 1 person is watching this thread.

>> No.6607686

i dont "learn" anything on 4chan tbh

>> No.6607689

someone is smarter than me therefore i'll call them autistic
calling names, ad hominems, the furthest one can get from form logic
also childish quite frankly

>> No.6607695



>> No.6607696
File: 59 KB, 679x516, Argument_Pyramid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

samgefag much op?
keep posting sous vide pics
keep saying "didn't read" then respond
keep calling everyone autists
keep waiting tables
then complain on interwebs with epic butthurt and get destroyed there too

>> No.6607698

nobody is smarter than you, sweetie :*

>> No.6607699
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>thinks being called names is a sign of lesser intelligence
>being so narcissistic that he literally thinks hes better

yeah, stay mad, faggot.

>> No.6607705
File: 30 KB, 494x358, butthurt waiter op samefagging.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>6604753 (OP)
samefag op

>> No.6607706

i love that you think only one person is laughing at your spergy monologues.

>> No.6607715

Actually, he doesn't sound mad. You do. If you don't like waiting tables just find another job op because your samefagging is becoming tiresome. Why not tell us more about other bad customers you hate on the interent for ordering what they want and giving you money?

>> No.6607720

This >>6607705
jeezus dude >>6607699, give it a rest
you got the shit kicked out of you
it happens
go home and stop whining and calling names like an immature teen and calling everyone autist

you're only embarrassing yourself further at this point

>> No.6607721

>Trying this hard to think I'm the OP.

You definitely get a gold star today, anon.

>> No.6607722
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>> No.6607725
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>> No.6607732
File: 72 KB, 500x421, butthurt is hurting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

r u just retarded then?
but derfinertly buthrt, amirite?

>> No.6607733

>now going to google images for butthurt
>claiming to be not totally anally anguished

Maybe you should check yourself, matey. You might qualify:


>Preoccupation with certain topics. For example, older children and adults may be fascinated by video games, trading cards, or license plates.

>> No.6607969

>accuses OP of samefagging
>proceeds to samefag